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Sunday 22 October 2017

The Politician

The political class may have served some benefit, if any at all, in the early days of this nation's formation by creating a constitution albeit by borrowing from multiple sources. Since then the class has been largely useless to society and nature thriving on feeding off the nation's resources to fatten itself. Over time it has become more and more harmful and dangerous to society and the freedom of the individual.

Some of the harmful actions of the political class include:

  • dividing society on the basis of religion, economic status, culture so as to further the goals of the party and its leaders. 
  • using the police, army, intelligence units and other organizations to carryout vendetta and silence opponents 
  • bribing, coercing people, manipulating technology and media and horsetrading to win elections. 

Yet we the people cannot think of a way out of this. The mass herd mentality is our current only way of thinking. We need a ruler aka public servant to give us a feeling of security, that things are in control and that we have appointed worthy individuals to safeguard our freedom. Are these individuals really doing so or blindly driving society to its doom, time will tell. No one will be more to blame than us the voters, for the blind, naive way in which we have relinquished our freedoms to individuals and organizations who care for nothing more than fattening their own bellies. 

Will this nation one day be mature enough to dare to experiment with a 5 or 10 year period without politicians (political holiday) just to see what happens or are we addicted to them? I suspect that just like a home with fewer servants makes each individual within more responsible, self reliant and healthier, a nation with fewer public servants (who once elected don the mantle of modern rulers) will be more self reliant, responsible and healthier. Not to mention the vast amounts of money saved in terms of running and maintaining the election machinery, reduced conflicts and agitations due to party affiliations and reduced corruption. A general redirection of energy from the obsession with politics to self improvement and self governance through removing this redundant, and increasingly harmful, layer may simplify things vastly and bring about a better new balance in the Indian human society and individual is my current thinking. 

Departments and institutions have evolved and exist for all conceivable facets of our lives today with their policies, rules of functioning, checks and balances. Do we need ministries on top of that with individuals having little or no expertise coming in to manage them for short periods of time?  Putting our heads together and deciding what are the key institutions that need to exist at the national level for the long term well being of the nation is sufficient. After 70 years of existence as a nation, I am sure that we can figure out what is essential and what is not. Education, health, sports, arts, agriculture, environment are some of the essential institutions i would say. Ensuring that the right individuals run and work in these institutions and departments will anyway be critical for the self interest and long term survival of these bodies. 

Knowledge of the constitution and the rights of a citizen is adequate knowledge for each Indian citizen to self govern oneself, make the right decisions and understand where one's boundaries lie and to build and live in an intelligent, harmonious, just and peace loving society. Education that emphasizes this should build a society daring enough to take up the experiment. If the experiment fails, then we can bring back the politician and all of us will be aware of the pros and cons when we go to vote the next time. The way to a stable and intelligent society of the future lies somewhere along these lines I believe..

Below, in italics, are some thoughts  I put down during one of our frequent, humongous and meaningless elections of politicians to represent us:

The politician has a very long way to go before he gets to represent me. First he needs to show me objectives and results in the following key performance areas (not in any particular order) before I even consider making him my representative
  •  disarmament
  •  ganja legalization
  •  environment
  •  sustainable economics
  •  harmony and peace with all neighbours
  •  simplicity and honesty in personal life
  •  legal reforms
  •  equality and right of freedom of the individual
  •  political reforms and accountability
  •  10% budget allocation each to
    •  education
    •  health
    •  sports
    •  arts
Considering the above areas and where we stand now, I don't expect to be exercising my right to vote and electing any representative for myself any time soon  

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