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Cannabis Usage in 19th Century India: Social Usage, Gender and Age Demographics

Opening Quotes

'It is much more agreeable in company. I have watched them sitting round a fire when the bhang, ganja and charas, etc., were in process of preparation, the hooka circulating, all kinds of stories being told, songs sung and the sircar and respectable people generally abused in anticipation of the general debauch. This is confirmed generally by the following translation usually sung on these occasions:— "Chillum is the loved of God. Every one must honour it. It goes round in company. As Krishna amongst the milkmaids."' - Brigade-Surgeon-Lieutenent-Colonel J. F. Keith, Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum, Hyderabad, Sind.

'Ganja is smoked in company as a rule, the pipe passing from mouth to mouth like the pipe of peace amongst North American Indians.' - Rev. H. F. LaFlamme, Canadian Baptist Mission, Yellamanchili, Vizagapatnam

Questions on the subject by the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission 1895

30. (a) To what extent is the consumption of each of these three drugs practised in solitude or in company? (b) Is it mainly confined to the male sex or to any time of life? (c) Is it usual for children to consume any of these drugs?

My thoughts on the subject

The social use of cannabis- whether it was used in solitude or company; whether women used cannabis; whether children used cannabis; and the period of time in one's life when one consumed cannabis - were all subjects that were examined in detail by the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission of 1895, through evidence collected in response to the Question 30 listed at the beginning of this article.

Let us study the question and the responses a little more closely. My thoughts, with regard to Question 30 from the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1895, are as follows.

Consumption is in solitude or in company?

Examining question 30. (a) - "To what extent is the consumption of each of these three drugs practised in solitude or in company?" the following thoughts come to mind. Regarding the question itself, it appears to me ridiculous that one should investigate whether a herb is consumed in solitude or company - a herb widely prevalent in India for thousands of years, a herb that all classes of people consumed. It is as absurd as investigating whether tea, coffee, water or beer is consumed in solitude or company. Consuming a herb, that offers so many benefits - besides intoxication - was not something that anybody in India was ever ashamed of, until the 19th century that is, when the propaganda machine started rolling and extensive attempts were made to show that the consumption of cannabis - especially ganja or charas - as a distasteful, despicable, criminal and evil thing to do. Once the propaganda took root - mainly among the rich upper classes and castes - all those who earlier never gave a thought as to whether they smoked ganja in public or private, now started smoking ganja and charas discretely and in private, like as if it was an act unsuitable in public - equivalent to masturbating, defecating or taking a bath. For the majority of Indians - those who belonged to the working classes, the lower classes and lower castes - ganja or charas consumption was still just as acceptable a social act as drinking a beverage or eating in public. But this was not to remain so for long, as the rich upper classes and castes pressurized the people, stepping up the anti-ganja propaganda in the name of modern education as espoused by the British colonists.

Despite the absurdity of the question as to whether cannabis was consumed in solitude or in company, witnesses, belonging by and large to the ruling class elites, gave their dutiful answers to the question posed by their masters. We find all kinds of responses, including: the high castes and classes smoke in solitude whereas the lower classes smoke in company; religious mendicants smoke in solitude whereas other people smoke in company; x percent smoked in solitude while y percent smoked in company; etc. As examples we can see the following evidence. Babu Mathura Mohan Sirkar, Inspector of Police, Jhenida, District Jessore, states that "Men of some respectability and sons of gentlemen consume these drugs in solitude, but the habitual consumers of higher class of people form a company and smoke in solitude too, but others consume it publicly and do not care for society." Mr. Tara Dass Banerji, President, District Council, Raipur, says "People of the better sort invariably smoke ganja in solitude; bhang is drunk as "thandai" more openly, but not in company in the sense that wine is drunk by Europeans in company except it be on festive occasions where young men drink it together in garden houses or "baithak khanas. The lower classes do smoke ganja in company, I believe, more for economy than for talk."

In reality, a person smoked his ganja whenever he chose and wherever he chose, irrespective of whether he was alone or had company. It might start with a smoke in the morning, in solitude, smoking with friends later in the day, and finally end with a smoke after dinner, again in solitude, before going to bed. Babu Jagat Kishor Acharjea Chauduri, Brahmin, Zamindar, Muktagacha, District Mymensingh, says "The consumption of each of these drugs is mostly practised in solitude, though often habitual ganja-smokers who are neighbours, come to meet in certain parts of the day to pass their lazy hours in pleasant talks, refreshing and exhilarating themselves on the fumes of ganja." This is much like the western man, who smokes his tobacco or drinks his beer or tea, in a similar pattern. The question appears, to me, as an attempt to create a moral angle around ganja smoking by trying to establish that people were ashamed of smoking ganja and so they hid and committed the offense. This was, perhaps, the case with the ruling elites who wanted to suck up to the British and project themselves as superior human beings to the lower classes and castes. One of the few sane responses from a witness, on this subject, is that of Surgeon-Captain D. Prain, Curator of the Herbarium, and Librarian, Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta. He says "I have not given attention to this point, but I have seen so few cases of excessive use of the drugs that its importance did not occur to me. So far as moderate use of ganja is concerned, the point is of no importance; the substance is smoked when required, whether the smoker be alone or in company. The moderate use of bhang is essentially a 'social' act."

I believe that a man often had chillums of various sizes, much like the collection of smoking pipes that the western man possesses, suitable for the demands of the occasion. A small chillum might suffice for a smoke in solitude, while a gathering of two or more persons warranted a larger size chillum. Chillums of large size, that could be passed around by even a dozen men, would have been common in those days, given that they are abundantly available even today. The individual smoker, in solitude, may have also rolled his smokes into beedis or cheroots, using a mixture of ganja or charas, and hemp leaves, as tobacco was almost non-existent in India, for thousands of years, till the Europeans introduced it in the 17th century. The typical social consumption area - when ganja was available in plenty without any restrictions - would have been under the shade of a large tree located in the fields where people worked, or in places in the village where the community gathered for rest and social interactions - such as public squares, temples, courtyards, etc. The Hemp Commission Report speaks about how people often pooled in money (when ganja started becoming expensive and scarce due to government regulation) to buy their daily ganja, and then shared the chillum by passing it around so that each person could take a few drags. Rev. H. F. LaFlammeE, Canadian Baptist Mission, Yellamanchili, Vizagapatnam says " Ganja is smoked in company as a rule, the pipe passing from mouth to mouth like the pipe of peace amongst North American Indians." These social consumption areas were an essential part of village and town culture, very much like the pubs in European villages and towns that are an integral part of social life. People from all walks of life gathered in these places to relax, have a smoke and spend time together. This was not much appreciated by the ruling elites and upper classes, who viewed these social gatherings with suspicion, imagining that the lower classes were shirking their work, and discussing crime, revolt and rebellion against the elites. The evidence of Babu Hari Krishna Mazumdar, Baidya, Zamindar, Islampur, District Murshidabad, provides a view of this dislike and distrust among the elites when he states that "In most cases the consumption of each of these three drugs [ganja, charas, bhang] is practised in company. Generally some men assemble together in a place for the purpose of smoking ganja, which is called "ganjar adda". Here they talk on various subjects and concoct plans for the fulfilment of their evil intentions. Bad characters generally assemble in such an adda." Imagine a bigoted alcohol prohibitionist from the elites in Europe speaking about banning pubs, stating that they are gathering places for criminals and the dregs of society. Social consumption areas for ganja were, indeed, a place where people got together and discussed all matters relevant to society. It was a liberal space, where people debated various subjects, including the tyranny of the ruling classes. The free nature of these spaces would surely have troubled the ruling classes, who feared that their hold on society would be compromised by the continued existence of these spaces. Brigade-Surgeon-Lieutenent-Colonel J. F. Keith, Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum, Hyderabad, Sind, gives a good description of these spaces. He says "It is much more agreeable in company. I have watched them sitting round a fire when the bhang, ganja and charas, etc., were in process of preparation, the hooka circulating, all kinds of stories being told, songs sung and the sircar and respectable people generally abused in anticipation of the general debauch. This is confirmed generally by the following translation usually sung on these occasions:— 'Chillum is the loved of God. Every one must honour it. It goes round in company. As Krishna amongst the milkmaids.'"

In the west, where ganja is increasingly becoming legal, one of the main policy-making decisions involves the creation of social consumption areas where people can sit down and enjoy their smokes either in solitude or in company. The rules have been tweaked, where ganja has been legalized, so that any place where an individual can smoke tobacco is also a place where ganja or charas can be smoked. In many places - such as in Spain, Netherlands and Malta - smoking clubs exist. Club members are allowed to grow and share their cannabis among themselves. The physical location of the club provides a social consumption area for its members. These clubs are generally restricted to natives of the region and, I believe, quite exclusive. I believe that many such clubs existed in India in the past, the so-called "ganja-addas." According to Ramchandra Krishna Kothavale, Brahmin, Inamdur, Taluka Wai, in Satara District "There are shops, or say houses, where ganja is smoked and in company of other men of the same vice. These places are strictly private."

Gradually, with ever increasing ganja regulation by the British administration, including harassment from police and informers, as well as the constant propaganda that ganja was evil, these common public social consumption areas gradually reduced and became restricted to the retail outlets where ganja or charas was sold. The evidence of Babu Madhava Chandra Chatterjee, Brahmin, Pleader, District Court, Dinajpur, corroborates this fact. He says that " As regards ganja, the shops where it is sold are almost always used by several people at a time for the purpose of smoking. Indeed, they are places where the largest number of people necessarily meet together, and whatever be the object of their going there, if they are smokers, they join, and are taken in by the company that might be already sitting from before. Except by habitual drinkers, bhang is always drunk in company, and even habitual drinkers like to have companions if they can get." Today, with ganja having been criminalized, most smoking is in solitude, and even if practiced by groups, it is hidden from public view for fear of police and social harassment. Some of these smoking clubs still exist in India today, but they are discrete and hidden from the general public for fear of informants and police harassment, in the case of the lower classes. In the case of the rich and powerful, who enjoy complete immunity from police action, these smoking clubs are quite exclusive.

The chillum is rarely used, except by seasoned smokers or religious mendicants. Most people mix tobacco with ganja and roll them into joints or beedis or fill them into existing pre-made cigarettes. Stringent laws, such as the COPTA, have been formulated to prevent public smoking. Even though COPTA aims to control tobacco usage that has become rampant in the absence of cannabis, it is applied to even ganja smokers who face the additional burden on increased police harassment when it is discovered that they are smoking ganja, and not tobacco. What is a simple fine, in the case of public tobacco smoking, gets escalated to an extortion of huge sums of money by the police, when it comes to ganja or charas. Often the smoker is grilled to reveal the sources from whom he procured the ganja or charas, made to appear in court, and in the case of the poor, jailed for long periods of time pending trial. In the case of the rich, highly influential persons are not even questioned or fined, while the next rung of elites - those whom the police do not consider as their masters - readily part with large sums of money and agree to join a drug rehabilitation center, another of the entities that have become rich in the name of ganja prohibition.

I suspect that a large proportion of the fines collected by law enforcement in India, in the name of COPTA violations, is illegal and unlawful. Law enforcement goes about fining smokers that they find on the streets and standing around shops, saying that they have violated the COPTA. It shows the ignorance of the public when it comes to COPTA rules, and the blatant harassment by law enforcement of the common man. Law enforcement officials go about performing this exercise - driven not by any zeal for public health - but rather by the need to meet their collection targets, in order to pay their cuts to their seniors and political masters, in return postings in lucrative places, and other such favours. The public, on the other hand, is blind to the rules of COPTA and end up paying the alleged fines blindly. Smokers in India were, in the first place, given the worst possible deal when the ganja, charas and bhang that they used to smoke before were prohibited and replaced with tobacco that kills millions each year. As if this is not bad enough, they are treated like criminals and harassed by the same lawmakers and law enforcers who earn hundreds of crores every year through tobacco production, sale and fines. COPTA prohibits smoking in public places, and what constitutes a public place is given through examples in the COPTA, places that are essentially enclosed where the public gather - public buildings, libraries, railway stations, public transport, etc. This definition of a public space is given in section 3(l) of the COPTA 2003, which states that "'public place' means any place which the public have access, whether as of right or not, and includes auditorium, hospital buildings, railway waiting room, amusement centers, restaurants, public offices, court buildings, educational institutions, libraries, public conveyances and the like which are visited by general public but does not include any open space." The street is an open space not a public place. The open space is outside the jurisdiction of law enforcement when it comes to enforcing COPTA related to an individual smoker. For that matter, no shop has any business to put up a No Smoking sign on the street outside it. The authority of the shop is limited to the inside of the establishment and not the open space outside. To combat the evils of tobacco in society, legalization of ganja and charas, and reintroduction of hemp cigarettes is the way to go, not harassing smokers. This is a problem, I am sure, all over the world. It is only in one instance that I have seen an attempt to correct this unlawful act, and that was a memo issued by the NYPD to its officers, asking them to desist from targeting smokers on the street.

Do women use cannabis?

Examining part of question 30(b) - "Is it mainly confined to the male sex..?" - we get to see some of the following points.

From the majority of witnesses responses to the Hemp Commission, we get the impression that it was predominantly males in society who consumed cannabis drugs - especially ganja or charas. The witnesses who gave this evidence were essentially ruling and upper class males. There was not a single female witness in the Hemp Commission's list of more than a thousand witnesses. One can safely say that the viewpoints, thus expressed, have an overwhelmingly male bias, in addition to an overwhelming upper class and upper caste bias. Mind you, India was, in the 19th century, a very male-dominated patriarchal society, much more so than today when it is still quite bad. Laws like sati, dowry, child marriages, widow remarriage bans, widow outcasts, etc. were extensively followed in society. It was firmly believed that a woman's station in life was to serve her husband and she was subservient to males in society. Even among the lower classes and castes, a woman was expected to treat the man as master. John Lennon's scathing social commentary - "Woman is the nigger of the world...Woman is the slave to the slave" - was very much applicable to 19th century Indian society. Smoking in general, was regarded as a male trait. A woman who smoked was looked upon as someone who was arrogant, disrespectful to males, of a loose character, and someone attempting to infringe on male authority. The majority of the ruling upper classes and castes barely tolerated a lower class or caste man smoking ganja in their presence, considering it a despicable habit and an affront to their own class and caste superiority. How much more intolerable would have been the sight of a woman smoking, even one of their own class or caste, let alone a woman from the lower classes and castes? The linking of ganja smoking to the prostitutes was one way in which male society tried to ensure that women did not smoke ganja or charas.  An example is the evidence of Babu Madhava Chandra Chatterjee, Brahmin, Pleader, District Court, Dinajpur, who says "Except prostitutes, females do not use them." Mr. Tara Dass Banerji, President, District Council, Raipur, says "Women, except the most degraded, seldom smoke ganja." The Hemp Commission report is replete with such evidence statements by numerous witnesses creating associations between prostitutes, whom they regarded as the worst class in society, and ganja smoking.

However, despite the attempts to paint the image that the only women who smoked ganja were the prostitutes and that women rarely if ever consumed cannabis, we find - in the overall evidence to question 30 (b) - the emergence of more and more classes of women who appear to have smoked ganja or consumed cannabis in other forms. We see that in certain religious sects it was common for women to smoke ganja. Maulavi Abdus Samad, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Purulia, Manbhum, states that "Females have been known to consume ganja, especially Bowri women and female companions of Baisnab mendicants who assume Bhek. Bhang is also taken by female Baisnabs and women of light reputation generally." Rev. H. F. LaFlamme, Canadian Baptist Mission, Yellamanchili, Vizagapatnam says "A class of women called matagulu, who correspond to the bairagulu, are said to use it. They live a homeless, wandering life." We see that widows, who lived together in socially ostracized communities, were smokers of ganja. Babu Nobin Chandra Kar, Excise Deputy Collector, Bhagalpur, says "Females who have become widows when very young have been known to smoke ganja as a means to lead a pure life. Their idea is that by smoking ganja they would overcome their animal passions."  Colonel H. S. Elton, Commandant, 16th Regiment, Madras Infantry, Bellary, says "Men and women (in Jabalpur many women take it)."   Mr. T. G. Foard, Superintendent of Police, Cambay, says "Females of the lower classes only, such as machis, mawchas, maynas, pomlas, dheds, and bhangis drink bhang." Uttamram Jeewanram Itchapooria, Audesh, Brahmin, Native Doctor (Vaidya), Bombay and Surat, says "The jewellers give bhang, when specially prepared, to their children and women. In Navasari and in other parts of Gujarat and Central Provinces women on seldom occasions drink bhang." Surgeon-Major H. W. B. Boyd, Superintendent, Colaba Lunatic Asylum, Bombay, says "The use of these drugs is mainly confined to male sex ; although it is also used to considerable extent among the lower class of females, such as Chamars and Dheds." Babu Hari Krishna Mazumdar, says "Some women of low caste, such as bagdi and bania, and some women of ill fame use it." Mr. G. Bennett, Abkari Inspector, Ajmere, says "Drugs are used, both private and public, by both sexes throughout life." Babu Kedar Nath, Head Clerk of the Political Agent, Kalat, says "Fakirs' women sometimes smoke." Muhammad Yusf, Hospital Assistant, New Chaman, states "They say that in Sukkur, Rori, Multan, and Dera Ghazi Khan bhang is used by women as well as by men."

Earlier, in response to the questions 20, 24 and 27, regarding the classes of people who consumed cannabis, the responses almost entirely listed only prostitutes as women who smoked ganja. The additional categories of women who now find mention,  through responses to question 30(b), convinces me that there were, in fact, many more women who consumed ganja, bhang and charas than was reported or claimed by the ruling and upper classes. For one thing, given the social stigma associated with women smokers in public, it is very likely that women may have consumed ganja through other methods. Eating ganja was, and still is, a very discrete method of consuming ganja without detection. It is comical to see how many people think that the only way to consume ganja is by smoking it. In the 19th century India - prior to the tightening of ganja regulation and prohibition - many houses had ganja plants growing in their compounds. It would have been the easiest thing in the world for a woman to pluck some ganja flowers and chew it, or add it to her cooking, or make a beverage out of it, or create an oil or paste to apply on her body. In fact, all these are the preferred methods of ganja consumption by women in the world, today, in places where ganja has been legalized. Cannabis-infused food, beverages and wellness products are the most popular ways in which women averse to smoking it, consume ganja today. Even in the past, in 19th century India, it was common for women to drink bhang without any social inhibition. Babu Akshay Kumar Maitra, Secretary, Rajshahi Association, Pleader, Judge's Court, Member, Rajshahi District Board, Commissioner, Rampur Boalia Municipality, says "Bhang is used indiscriminately by the males as well as by the females, and its use is not looked upon as a social vice, nor does its use expose the votary to any considerable degree of censure." Mr. Tara Dass Banerji, President, District Council, Raipur, says "a little of "thandai," I am inclined to think, does not come amiss to young married women amongst the Marwaris, provided it does not become known." Mr. F. Levy, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Salt and Abkari, Southern Division, says "The general opinion seems to be that it is consumed in company, and as a rule by adults only of both sexes." Surgeon-Major W. G. King, Acting Sanitary Commissioner, Nadia, says "In large populations, but few will be found who indulge to an extent to secure the full effects. These resort to ganja dens, where both men and women are found." Surgeon-Major K. C. Sanjana, Parsi, District Surgeon, Tinnevelly, says "Male and female both take it." Hospital Assistant I. Parthasarathy Chetty, Penukonda, Anantapur District, says "As for bhang it cannot be said so, for males, females and children are found using it (bhang) under the popular name of ramarasam." K. Subbarayadu Puntalu, Brahmin, Chairman of the Adoni Municipal Council, Bellary District, says "Ganja is used generally by males. Both males and females drink bhang." Nannu Mian B. Shaikh, Municipal Secretary, Surat, says "In Sind drinking of bhang is confined to both males and females, and in the ten days of Muharram pots of bhang sweetened with sugar or jagri are kept in the bazar for use by the masses of all ages, males and females, except Hindus who have their own bhang pots." Surgeon-Captain D. Prain, Curator of the Herbarium, and Librarian, Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, states "The use of ganja is confined, I am told, mainly to the male sex, and is fairly general among grown men. The use of bhang is so much concealed, even when the use is moderate, that I cannot give an opinion as to whether it is used by women in Bengal." Rao Bahadur Alumal Trikamdas Bhojwani, Deputy Educational Inspector, Karachi, says "Bhang is in the  main drunk by the male sex; but women, too, in the hotter parts of the district have taken to the drinking of bhang as a cooling draught." Surgeon-Major R. B. Roe, Civil Surgeon, Amraoti, says "Consumption is mostly practised in company ; it is mainly confined to the male sex ; but women of low character as well as Sunthins or Hindu nuns do use the drug."

We also see that women frequently consumed cannabis as medicine in the 19th century, to treat illnesses of the digestive system and for bowel complaints. As described by the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, elsewhere in its report, Cannabis Indica was one of the most important medicines in the Indian medicine cabinet. Even though this is understated in all the witness evidence, and also in the overall report - which projects ganja as a primarily male drug, and bhang as occasionally used by women - the medical fact cannot be denied that women suffered many of the same ailments that afflicted men for which cannabis was medicine. Pain, fatigue, stress, sleeplessness, indigestion, fevers, infectious diseases, loss of appetite, etc. affect women just as much as men. In addition, as described in the article of the medical uses of cannabis in 19th century India, there were a whole set of ailments specific to women for which cannabis was beneficial - ailments such as painful or irregular menstruation, etc. Assistant Surgeon Chooney Lall Dass, Teacher of Medical Jurisprudence and Therapeutics, Medical School, Dacca, states that "Some women take bhang for chronic bowel complaints." It is interesting to see here that pregnant women took bhang as medicine, in 19th century India. Mr. C. E. S. Stafford Steele, Officiating Deputy Commissioner, Thar and Parkar District, says "Respectable women, however, take bhang in moderate quantities, chiefly when pregnant, as a narcotic." This runs contrary to the current heated debate in the west, where physicians warn pregnant women to stay away from cannabis, and anti-legalization prohibitionists cite the use of cannabis by pregnant women as one of the reasons why cannabis must remain prohibited. Another witness who speaks about bhang use by pregnant women is Dr. S. M. Kaka, Medical Officer of Health, Karachi. He says "Females in the interesting condition and children are given bhang by their relations to induce sleep." And it is not loose morals and dubious character that made prostitutes consume ganja, as the masochistic, patriarchal male ruling and upper classes have sought to portray. Prostitutes took ganja mainly to combat sexually transmitted diseases, relieve pain and fatigue, and to increase their stamina - like much of the other working classes.

It also appears that as women grew older, they shed their inhibitions towards cannabis, and increasingly took to consuming it more openly. The physical and mental changes that a woman undergoes as she reaches middle age make cannabis a useful aid for advancing age. Mr. R. Giles, Collector, Shikarpur, says "Women never drink it until they are growing old". The evidence of Khan Bahadur Kadirdad Gul Khan, C.I.E., Deputy Collector, Naushahro Sub-division, further corroborates the evidence of Mr. Giles. Mr. Gul Khan states that "Bhang is used by females generally after they attain the age of thirty or forty years, but the proportion of female drinkers as compared with male drinkers is very small, say one woman after every five men." Assistant Surgeon Edward Mackenzie, Manora, Karachi, Sind, says "To a very considerable extent, both in solitude and in company, equally by both sexes in Sind : in women the elderly, in men the young adults, in the former from acquired habit, in the latter for immoral purposes. I do not think the female sex partake of it to anything like the same extent in other parts of India." Rev. A. E. Ball, Missionary, Church Missionary Society, Karachi, says "It is mainly confined to the male sex, though a fair number of the older women drink bhang." This fact, that the consumption of cannabis increases with age, is in line with the findings from U.S. states where cannabis has been legalized recreationally and/or medically. In these places, the fastest growing demographic of cannabis users are the elderly, including women, who find various benefits from cannabis usage. Cannabis consumption provides the elderly with pain relief, better sleep, a more active life, improved digestion, reduced nausea, etc,. The elderly are increasingly switching over to cannabis, after years of expensive, harmful synthetic pharmaceutical drugs, besides alcohol and tobacco, with numerous dangerous side effects.

Cannabis use by children and age demographics of ganja consumption.

The second part of Question 30 (b) "Is it confined to...any time in life?" is, I believe, linked to question 30 (c) "Is it usual for children to consume any of these drugs?" In response to these questions, we find that it was usually only after a certain age that people started consuming ganja. Witness responses vary, in terms of the starting age of regular ganja consumption. The responses vary the starting age between 15 to 20 years in many cases, with some even stating that 30 or 40 years was a starting age. The late starting age appears to be especially true for women. The number of cases of persons below 15 consuming ganja are extremely rare, and even in those cases it appears to be non-regular occasional consumption at the behest of community elders especially in religious sects. Maulavi Abdus Samad, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Purulia, Manbhum, states that "Ganja is ordinarily consumed by people above thirty years of age. Bhang is begun earlier in life. Ganja is consumed by children, especially those that attend upon mahantas and jogis as intending disciples." Rev. H. F. LaFlamme, Canadian Baptist Mission, Yellamanchili, Vizagapatnam says "Ganja. — Boys attached to the mats or monasteries of the religious mendicants or friars will use it from eight or ten years of age onward, but I hear of no others. I cannot speak of bhang."

For many, irrespective of their ages, the first encounter with ganja leaves them with a very unpleasant experience that they wish to never repeat again, maintaining a lifelong abstinence from ganja, and, as we have seen in some cases, even developing an intolerance toward ganja smokers. I suspect that a number of persons from the ruling and upper classes may fall into this category of persons who try ganja once, find it unpleasant and then become lifelong haters of ganja and ganja smokers. The availability of alternatives to ganja, such as opium and alcohol among the elites, makes it easier for them to transition to another drug, a luxury not available to the poor, who often persist with ganja despite any initial unpleasantness. Given the luxuries that the children of the elites were exposed to, it was not at all surprising that they may have come in contact with ganja early as a part of their childhood explorations. Kailas Chundra Bose, Kayasth, Medical Practitioner, Calcutta, says that "Children of tender years, say, ten or twelve, are known to drink bhang very greatly and they belong to the rich class of Marwaris or Johuris. I have seen a grandfather pouring a teaspoonful of prepared siddhi into the mouth of his infant grandchild who was barely twelve months old." Mr. Tara Dass Banerji, President, District Council, Raipur, says "A little "thandai" is given to boys sometimes during the hot weather months, especially in families of which the headman is a devout believer in its efficacy, but here also the cases are very few and seldom habitual." Having said that, ganja, as a forbidden temptation for the non-adult, is no different from any other freely available, typically adult, pursuit that children are generally forbidden from using  - like alcohol, tobacco, gambling, pornography or sex. The more curious and bolder children are likely to experiment with all of these, given the opportunity, but that does not mean that all who come in contact are doomed. Maybe a few will go on to become lifelong consumers of ganja, but that would be similar to the number of those who eventually drink alcohol or smoke tobacco or watch pornography or become sex addicts lifelong.

When it comes to consuming cannabis in the form of bhang, it appears that there were less restrictions or stigma attached when it came to children consuming it, as is evidenced from the wide use of bhang by all ages during India's major festivals and during weddings. Hospital Assistant I. Parthasarathy Chetty, Penukonda, Anantapur District, says "As for bhang it cannot be said so, for males, females and children are found using it (bhang) under the popular name of ramarasam." Rao Bahadur Alumal Trikamdas Bhojwani, Deputy Educational Inspector, Karachi, says "It is not unusual now for children in Karachi town to drink bhang during the chalhio or autumn, when it is publicly placed out in large earthen pitchers and offered for drink to whosoever asks for it by people who think it a charitable act to do so." This leads me to think that it was not the consumption of the cannabis herb by children that worried elders in society, but the manner in which it was consumed. Smoking, in the case of children, is widely acknowledged to be damaging to the young lungs. This is the reason for the modern tobacco ban for persons below 18 years in most places. The same concern for a child's health is what society, both children and adults, understood implicitly even when there were no formal rules restricting the smoking age. In places where cannabis has been legalized, sale is permitted only to individuals above the age of 18 (or 21 in some cases).

Children and infants were given ganja or bhang - chiefly as medicine - to cure indigestion, treat dysentery, treat colic, calm restlessness and enable them to sleep. This was usually in the form of sweet confectionery - such as majum - or as beverages in the form of bhang. As supporting evidence we see the following statements: Mr. F. Levy, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Salt and Abkari, Southern Division, says "Majum is, however, said to be given to children to make them sleep"; Hospital Assistant M . V. Ramanagulu Naidu, Peddapur, Godavari District, says "As a rule, mothers give ganja to children as a medicine to cure indigestion";  Hospital Assistant Chinny Sreenivasa Rau, Prapanna Komity, L. F. Hospital, Bobbili Vizagapatam District, states that "A confection called kutimajuma is given to children for producing sound sleep, good appetite, and as a remedy in dysentery"; Surgeon-Major H. W. B. Boyd, Superintendent, Colaba Lunatic Asylum, Bombay, says "It is not usual to give
these drugs to children, but in exceptional cases bhang is used in the form of bala golee, viz., pills mixed with aromatics, for colic in infants, and also as a sedative in restlessness of new-born infants"
; Mr. Purbhuram Jeewanram, Nagar Brahmin, Native Doctor (Vaidya), Bombay, says "Women and children are allowed to use bhang according to their suitabilities. Ganja is not used by women and children. Bhang is not very commonly used by children ; but it may be given to them as a medicine in proper doses to their great benefit"; S. Baijnath, Medical Officer, Mady Hospital, Badnera, says "very rarely it is given to children, excepting in cases of sickness, such as sore-eyes, when it is given to allay pain and excite appetite. Bhang is used for this purpose"; Kazi Imamuddin, Extra Assistant Commissioner, Pishin, says "Bhang is also given to Muhammadan children at time of their circumcision in place of chloroform."  Mohammad Akbar Ali Khan, Senior Hospital Assistant, Quetta, says "A preparation of sweetmeat called majum is sold in the bazar. It contains bhang ; it is chiefly used in cases of children, particularly for small boys when they are to be circumcised, and in girls when their ears or nose are to be pierced, the object being to render the little ones fearless to the operation." Surgeon-Major G. T. Thomas, Civil Surgeon, Moulmein, says "Children in Upper India are given these drugs to induce sleep." In places in the U.S. and Europe, where cannabis has been legalized for medical purposes, it is used to treat autism and extreme forms of epilepsy in children, as well as to provide relief for young children suffering from terminal cancer. This is especially so when all other forms of treatment have failed to improve the condition of the children, some of whom are tiny infants.

Extensive evidence, from the US states that have legalized recreational cannabis, clearly show that legalization does not lead to children becoming slaves to ganja. In fact, the rates of teenage consumption have actually dropped in places where cannabis has been legalized for recreational use. This is not a flash in the pan but trends spread over more than ten years, in places like Colorado and Washington that were the first states to legalize recreational cannabis use. The urge for a child to try ganja quite often comes from the forbidden nature of the herb, increasing the curiosity of a child who sees adults around him or her using it, while he or she is forbidden to do the same. The overwhelmingly irrefutable proof that legal ganja does not turn children into dope fiends is the fact that ganja was completely legal and free for tens of thousands of years, until the British arrived and decided to ban it in the 19th century, so that they could peddle their preferred drugs - opium, alcohol and tobacco. During the entire multi-thousand year period of ganja being freely available in India, the consumption by children was negligible, unless used as medicine or given to them by adults. Anti-ganja prohibitionists extensively use the argument that legalizing ganja will affect children adversely, failing to see, in their ignorance, that it is the prohibition of ganja that is causing more harm to the children. In the absence of ganja, children are accessing and forming the habit of consuming much more dangerous drugs - like alcohol, tobacco, smack, cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin, besides a whole plethora of extremely dangerous and easily available synthetic pharmaceutical drugs.

In response to the remaining part of question 30(b) - as to whether hemp drug consumption is confined to any particular time in life - we see that, much like the habits of tea, coffee and beer drinking, or tobacco smoking, the typical cannabis consumer continues moderate consumption through life once the habit is picked up,. The majority of cannabis consumers have always been moderate consumers, and they sustain this habit through their lives. Even the so-called "excessive" consumers, who form a very small percent of overall consumers, generally sustain their habit through their lives, as evidence from usage by religious mendicants show. Today, both the moderate and "excessive" consumer find it very difficult to maintain a regular habit due to global ganja prohibition, and the associated high costs and non-availability of the herb.

In a fully legal environment, the normal time span for a cannabis consumer to pursue the habit would be starting at around the age of eighteen and continuing through life. Many may start much later, such as in their 30s or 40s, and continue with it for the rest of their lives. In my case, speaking from a personal point of view, I started smoking ganja at around the age of eighteen, and have continued to do so for the past thirty years. It is only the non-availability of ganja and the high costs involved with securing the herb from the black market that keeps me from consuming it daily on a regular basis. I foresee myself as continuing the consumption of ganja or charas till I die. I may give up tobacco and alcohol, but ganja is something I prefer to continue with, given its benefits and safe profile compared to alcohol, tobacco and prescription synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. I enjoy smoking ganja in solitude as well as in company. Ganja smoking makes itself...pleasant.


In summary, we see from the findings of the Hemp Commission that social, gender and age demographics of cannabis consumers display the same characteristics as that of any other freely available commodity, typically used by adults. Ganja, charas and bhang were consumed in company as well as in solitude. With increasing anti-ganja propaganda among the ruling and upper classes in the 19th century, we find that more people were starting to consume ganja or charas in solitude. This was especially true for the elites, who always felt that ganja and charas were the drugs of the lowest classes and castes. The ever-increasing social stigma associated with smoking ganja or charas, along with increased regulation and police action, saw the number of social consumption areas, for ganja and charas users, especially for the lower classes and castes, declining rapidly. At the time of the report, most social consumption was already restricted to the retail outlets. With bhang, however, it was different since bhang enjoyed the stamp of approval of the upper classes and castes. Bhang drinking continued socially as before, as well as in solitude. The fact that bhang, ganja and charas were essentially the same plant did not deter the elites from their irrational behavior. Ganja and charas smoking was predominantly a male pursuit. This I attribute to the stigma associated with women smoking in India. There were however sections of women, such as the religious mendicants and prostitutes, who smoked ganja and charas. Most women consumed cannabis as bhang. We find, from the replies to question 30, that there were many sections of women who consumed cannabis drugs, not just the prostitutes, as we were led to believe by witnesses in replies to other questions. Women used cannabis as medicine as well as for pleasure. We find that women took to cannabis consumption as they got older, possibly as they became more independent with age, unlike men who start cannabis consumption earlier in life. We see that the consumption of cannabis by children was negligible, despite cannabis being widely prevalent before regulation started. Most children were given cannabis, as medicine, by adults to treat various conditions as described in the above sections.

In a fully legal environment - where prejudices, stigma and propaganda have been removed - the consumption of ganja will display the same trends and characteristics as that of alcohol, tobacco and sex. Humans, in general, in a fully legal environment, are fully capable of responsibly regulating their use of ganja or charas, using it based on their needs, rather than abusing it. Even for the relatively few who choose to abuse ganja or charas, the harms that it will bring down upon them, and on society in general, are far less than the harms that are likely to occur from the abuse of tobacco, alcohol and synthetic drugs. This is a fact clearly evident from the thousands of years of ganja and charas usage in the India of the past, and a fact reinforced by the evidence emerging from today's legal cannabis societies - such as Canada, Uruguay, and the cannabis-legalized U.S. states. All the arguments that anti-ganja prohibitionists use to keep it prohibited only make society a more dangerous place, harming all classes of society, irrespective of age - be it men, women or children. The legalization of ganja, once again, will provide humans with the wonderful herb, to use any way they choose - either in solitude or in company, either as medicine or for recreation - enabling humans to get back some of the joy in this world, the joy that has been taken away by the rich in their relentless pursuit of material wealth and power. Many humans will once again be able to rise above the hellish life that has been offered to them now, and be able to live in appreciation of nature and the magical life that exists in this world in reality.

Individual witness responses.

Following are individual witness responses(not exhaustive) to Question 30, regarding the social use of cannabis, and the gender and age demographics involved.

30. Both in solitude and company, chiefly the latter. It is most used by males. I have not come across any consumption by children - Evidence of the HON'BLE MR. D. R. LYALL, C.S.I., Member, Board of Revenue, Calcutta.

30. (a) I should say the habit was just that of native tobacco-smokers. (b) Males over forty. (c) Most unusual. I should call such an instance extraordinary. -  Evidence of MR. E. V. WESTMACOTT, Commissioner, Presidency Division; late Commissioner of Excise, Bengal

30. In solitude and in company. All drugs are used mainly by the male sex, and chiefly by the middle-aged and old. I believe it to be unknown for children to take any form of the drug - Evidence of MR. H. G. COOKE, Officiating Commissioner, Orissa Division

30. Ganja is generally smoked in company, because a chillum-full is too big a smoke for one smoker. A chillum-full suffices for 3 or 4 smokers. It would be expensive for one smoker to have a chillum-full of ganja all to himself. It burns or affects the throat; so that he could only inhale 7 or 8 whiffs, and then have to lay the chillum aside; the ganja would in the meantime all burn away. Adult males alone smoke ganja, except a few of the lowest order of prostitutes. Children do not smoke, though I have heard of native boys having a smoke of ganja on the sly, much in the same way as an English school-boy will indulge in a clandestine smoke.  - Evidence of MR. J. C. PRICE, Magistrate and Collector, Rajshahi.

30. Ganja is smoked both in company and in solitude. Bhang and charas are used in solitude. The use of ganja is mainly confined to the male sex, of the grihasta class; among women, the majority of prostitutes smoke it. The use of bhang is also chiefly confined to the male sex both for the sake of pleasure and for medicinal purposes. There are also some women who use it for medicinal purposes only. The use of charas, as observed elsewhere, is very limited in this district, and those who use it belong to the Bhadralok or respectable class. Ganja, charas and bhang are seldom used by the people before they are 20 or 25 years of age. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of MR. F. H. BARROW, Magistrate and Collector of Bankura.

30. Bhang and ganja are both consumed in company, but consumers of the upper class prefer solitude. The consumption of ganja is principally confined to males, with whom the habit begins at maturity. Young widows smoke ganja as a means of killing the passions.  - Evidence of MR. F. H. B. SKRINE, Magistrate and Collector of Bhagalpur.

30. Ganja is consumed generally in company, and bhang in solitude. They are used by adults and old men. They are mainly confined to the male sex. Children never consume any of these drugs, except for medicinal purposes.  - Evidence of MR. A. C. TUTE, Magistrate and Collector of Dinajpur.

30. (a) Ganja and charas are smoked generally in company. No privacy is observed in case of drinking siddhi. (b) It is mainly confined to the male sex and not to any special time of life. (c) No. - Evidence of the HON'BLE F. R. S. COLLIER, Magistrate and Collector, 24-Parganas.

30. Generally in company. Confined to the male sex, but not to any time of life. None consumed by children.  - Evidence of MR, C. R. MARINDIN, Magistrate and Collector of Shahabad.

30. Ganja and bhang are generally consumed in solitude, except on festive occasions. It is not, however, unusual for two or three persons to sit down together to smoke ganja. The same remark applies to charas. The use of these narcotics is confined to the male sex (the exceptions being very few indeed—women who have renounced all worldly ties and also the lowest class of prostitutes), and is most common during middle life. Children seldom consume ganja or charas, but on ceremonial occasions they are often allowed to taste bhang.  -  Evidence of MR. K. G. GUPTA, Commissioner of Excise, Bengal

30. Ganja and charas are sometimes indulged in singly and sometimes in company. Bhang is generally used in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex in youth and old age. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. On rare occasions females use bhang. In some eastern districts females use ganja. - Evidence of MR. L. HARE, Magistrate and Collector of Muzaffarpur.

30. Bhang. The extent of its consumption is the same in solitude as in company. it is confined to the male sex. Children do not use it. Ganja. In company ganja is consumed considerably more than in solitude. Yes; it is mainly confined to the male sex above the age of 15.  - Evidence of MR. G. E. MANISTY, Magistrate and Collector of Saran

30. Consumed more in solitude than in company. Mainly confined to the male sex. Children rarely take it. - Evidence of MR. J. KENNEDY, Magistrate and Collector of Murshidabad

30. Ganja and charas are usually smoked in company. Bhang is taken both in solitude and in company. Habitual moderate consumers of the bhadra loke class and many cultivators take ganja in solitude. The consumption of ganja and charas is mainly confined to the male sex and not to any particular period of life. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. Bhang is used by both males and females. The latter take it mostly as a medicine.  - Evidence of MR. T. L. JENKINS, Magistrate and Collector of Dacca

30. I think it is generally practised in solitude, chiefly by males and not by children. I have seen ganja-smokers of any age from 20 upwards.  - Evidence of MR. H. F. T. MAGUIRE, Magistrate and Collector of Khulna

30. Ganja is usually smoked alone, but bhang is consumed in company. The males exa re the most usual consumers. It is not usual for children to use either of these drugs, but I have no doubt some do so.  - Evidence of MR. W. R. BRIGHT, Deputy Commissioner of Palámau

30. As a rule neither ganja nor bhang is consumed in company, nor is solitude particularly sought for. It is mainly confined to the male sex and to ages ranging from 25 to 60 years. Children are never known to use any of these drug - Evidence of MR. N. K. BOSE, Officiating Magistrate and Collector of Noakhali.

30. Ganja and charas are consumed both in solitude and in company by adult males and public and low class women. Children do not consume it. - Evidence of MR. L. P. SHIRRES, Magistrate and Collector of Midnapur

30. The three drugs are chiefly consumed by males, and more by the old than by young men. As far as I can ascertain children never consume them.  - Evidence of MR. E. H. C. WALSH,* Officiating Magistrate and Collector of Cuttack

30. They are generally taken in company, and seldom used in solitude. Females take siddhi, but only males take siddhi, charas and ganja. Their use is not confined to any time of life. In youth, people learn to use them. Children do not use any of them. - Evidence of MR. J. H. BERNARD, Offg. Magistrate and Collector, Nadia

30. Both bhang and ganja are ordinarily con¬ sumed in company, but confirmed ganja smokers also consume it in solitude. Prostitutes use these drugs, but otherwise the consumption is almost entirely confined to the male sex. It is not usual for children to consume these drugs - Evidence of MR. A. E. HARWARD, Offg. Magistrate and Collector, Bogra

30. Ganja is used both in solitude and in com¬ pany and siddhi is generally used in solitude. It is mainly confined to the male sex, but not to any time of life. It is not usual for children to con¬ sume any of these drugs - Evidence of COLONEL C. H. GARBETT, Deputy Commissioner of Hazaribagh

30. As a rule these drugs are used, I believe, in company. The habit is mainly confined to the male sex, but a small proportion of females also use ganja. As a rule, the children do not acquire the habit. It is impossible to say to what extent the consumption is practised in solitude - Evidence of Mr. C. A. S. BEDFORD,* Deputy Commissioner of Manbhum

30. As regards first part of the question I have no knowledge. Ganja and bhang are partaken of by both males and females. Childrend on to consume any of these drugs - Evidence of Mr. R. H. RENNY, Deputy Commissioner of Singbhum

30. Ganja is generally used in company. Bhang is generally used in solitude - Evidence of RAI NANDAKISORE DAS, BAHADUR,* District Officer of Angul, Cuttack

30. It is generally practised in company. It is confined to the male sex and to prostitutes. Children never use these drug - Evidence of MR. W. MAXWELL, Sub-Divisional Officer, Jhenidah, District Jessore

30. Ganja and bhang are consumed both in company and in private, and the consumption of ganja is mainly confined to the male sex. Wo¬ men occasionally take bhang as a cooling and digestive draught. It is not usual for children to take either ganja or bhang except when prescribed medicinally.  - Evidence of MR. W.C .T AYLOR, Special Deputy Collector, Land Acquisition, East Coast Railway, and Pensioned Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Khurda, Orissa

30. Ganja is often smoked in company. Bhang is generally drunk in solitude. I cannot say about charas, the smoking of which I have not much witnessed, Ganja smoking, like bhang drinking, is, according to my experience, mainly confined to the male sex and to manhood. Children seldom use ganja and bhang. -  Evidence of CHUNDER NARAIN SINGH, Kayasth, Deputy Collector, at present employed as Personal Assistant to the Commissioner of the Bhagalpur Division

30. Generally in company. Even sanyasis and fakirs who lead a life of solitude prefer the use in company. The use is confined to the male sex. I have seen rare instances of the use of ganja and bhang by females of the mendicant class. Among family women no instances have come to my notice except for medicinal purposes in rare cases. Children have never been observed to consume these articles.  - Evidence of BABU RAM CHARAN BOSE, Kayasth, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Alipur, 24-Parganas.

30. Ganja is mostly used in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex. It is not usual for children to smoke it, though some are known to take to it. Generally the sons of habitual ganja smokers begin the practice early. Otherwise it is not consumed till the age of twenty is passed. - Evidence of MR. E. MCL. SMITH, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Sonthal Parganas

30. In solitude, one pice or half anna worth; in company, one anna worth. Both male and female low classes; children rarely - Evidence of BABU GOPAL CHUNDER MOOKERJEE, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Diamond Harbour

30. All the three drugs are generally taken in company. Females very seldom use them; children do not use them. These drugs are used after the sixteenth or seventeenth year. - Evidence of BABU NAVIN KRISHNA BANERJI, Brahman, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Purulia, District Manbhum

30. All these three drugs are generally taken by the great body of the consumers in company, but the better classes smoke ganja in solitude, as it is considered unbecoming for men of better means to smoke it. Bhang is taken by better classes in company. I have no knowledge of charas consumers. Ganja is consumed almost exclusively by the men. It is only women of ill-fame and women of the lower classes, such as mehtars, who take it. Bhang is taken even by women, but very little. It is not usual for children to take any of these drugs.  - Evidence of BABU PRAN KUMAR DAS, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector and Personal Assistant to the Commissioner of Burdwan.

30. Ganja is consumed 25 per cent. in solitude and 75 per cent. in company of at least two persons. Bhang is consumed in solitude. It is mostly confined to the male sex. People of middle age mostly consume ganja. Habitual consumers also smoke ganja, when old. Low-class women, Baishnabis and unfortunates, also consume ganja. Bhang is consumed also by old men. Children do not consume these drugs. Boys below 16, who are tobacco smokers, also smoke ganja in Trinath Mela, a religious gathering among low people.  - Evidence of BABU GOBIND CHANDRA BASAK, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Brahmanbaria, Tippera District.

30. Generally in company. It is mainly con¬ fined to the male sex. Some low-class public women smoke ganja also. Ganja, siddhi, and charas are generally taken by adults. No; children do not use any of these drugs.  - Evidence of BABU DINA NATH DÉ, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Nadia.

I have no experience about " bhang massala." 30. Generally ganja is smoked in company ordinarily consisting of two. Those who are depen¬ dents only seek solitude in order to conceal their habits from their betters. Ganja is chiefly con¬ sumed by the male sex. Some of the women of ill-fame are known to smoke ganja. Those women again belong to the lowest order of the unfortunate class. Generally young people are seen to smoke ganja between the age of 16 to 45. It is not usual for children to consume ganja. - Evidence of BABU GANENDRA NATH PAL, Kayasth, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Naogaon

30. Ganja is smoked mostly in company. Bhang, which is not much used here, is consumed mostly in solitude. Ganja and bhang are mainly confined to the male sex. The habit is contracted in the prime of life and is seldom given up. It is not usual for children to use either of these drugs.  - Evidence of BABU GANGANATH ROY, Kayasth, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Chittagong.

30. Thirty per cent, of the consumers of ganja smoke in solitude, and the rest in company. Charas and bhang are in most cases used in com¬ pany. The use of these drugs is mainly confined to male sex generally, from youth. In very rare cases they are used by children.  - Evidence of BABU BHAIRAB NATH PALIT, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Birbhum

30. Ganja is smoked sometimes in solitude and sometimes in company as the opportunity occurs. It is mainly confined to the male sex. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of BABU JOGENDRO NATH BANDYOPADHYA, Brahmin, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Jalpaiguri

30. Ganja is often smoked in company. Bhang also during the Durga Puja. It is confined to the male sex. But prostitutes in East Bengal do smoke ganja, and children very rarely.  - Evidence of BABU JAGA MOHAN BHATTACHARJYA, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector and Personal Assistant to Commissioner, Chittagong

30. Bhang or ganja taken sometimes alone, but generally in company. The bhang is drunk both by children and adults; ganja smoked chiefly by adults. Both confined to males only. - Evidence of BABU MANMOHAN CHAKRAVARTI, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Jajpur, Cuttack, Orissa.

30. In about 75 instances out of 100 I believe ganja is smoked in company and in 25 instances in solitude. But even those companies of smokers are too careful to expose themselves to public view. Bhang is drunk in solitude by habitual consumers and in company by occasional drinkers. There is no shame in drinking bhang before those who do not drink the same, but the contrary is the case in respect of ganja. Both ganja and bhang are mainly confined to the male, but to no particular time of life. It is not usual for children to consume any of the three drugs.  - Evidence of BABU NAVAKUMAR CHAKRAVARTI, Brahmin, Deputy Magis¬ trate and Deputy Collector, Jangipur, Murshidabad.

30. Ganja is ordinarily smoked in company and seldom (when no company is available) in solitude. Bhang when taken for purposes of amusement is drunk in company, otherwise in solitude. Females have been known to consume ganja, especially Bowri women and female companions of Baisnab mendicants who assume Bhek. Bhang is also taken by female Baisnabs and women of light re¬ putation generally. Ganja is ordinarily consum¬ ed by people above thirty years of age. Bhang is begun earlier in life. Ganja is consumed by children, especially those that attend upon mahantas and jogis as intending disciples. Question 30. [oral evidence] — I have seen boys as young as eight years old taking ganja. I can remember one in the Manbhum district, who was nine years of age. No others.  - Evidence of MAULAVI ABDUS SAMAD, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Purulia, Manbhum.

30. (a) Ganja and charas are smoked generally in company. No privacy is observed in case of drinking siddhi. (b) It is mainly confined to the male sex and not to any special time of life. (c) No. - Evidence of BABU GUNGADHAR GHOSE, Excise Deputy Collector, 24-Parganas

30. Excepting the habitual excessive consum¬ ers of ganja, all the other consumers of ganja or bhang use the drugs alone. The use is confined mainly to the male sex, but not to any time of life. Children sometimes use ganja, but not bhang. - Evidence of BABU PROKASH CHUNDER ROY, Excise Deputy Collector, Patna.

30. Smoking ganja is mainly confined to the male sex. It is not usual for children to consume ganja.  - Evidence of BABU PRAKASH CHANDRA SINGHA, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Chandpur, Tippera

30. Ganja and bhang consumed generally in company. Females of Sadhu class consume, but rarely other females; except for medicinal pur¬ poses. Children don't use it.  - Evidence of BABU SURENDRANATH MOZOOMDAR, Brahmin, Special Excise Deputy Collector, Monghyr.

30. Charas and siddhi almost wholly in soli¬ tude; ganja in company. No; ganja is used amongst the bairagies by males and females alike, but in any other classes it is confined to males. It is not confined to any time of life. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of BABU A. K. RAY, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Bangaon, Jessore District.

30. Both ganja and patti are consumed in com¬ pany. When no company is obtained, they are consumed in solitude. Mainly, persons of the male sex are consumers of both ganja and patti. Generally, persons advanced in years consume them; but the lower classes, e.g., fishermen, begin the practice from their youth. Children never consume these unless prescribed as medicine - Evidence of BABU KANTI BHUSHAN SEN, Baidya, Special Excise Deputy Collector of Cuttack.

30. Ganja.—Not like madak or chandu, but consumers prefer smoking in company of one or two persons in villages. Ganja-consumption is generally confined to the male sex as well as to old females of the lower classes—Bedias, prosti¬ tutes, baishnavis, old fish-women, chandal women, etc. Extent of consumption in solitude 20 per cent. (at night before going to bed generally consumed in solitude). Low class poor people and well-todo people (habitual moderate consumers) smoke in solitude. Extent of consumption in company, 80 per cent. In towns ganja is consumed in company generally by the male sex, and by young men of twenty to twenty-two. They commence smoking when they are between twenty to thirty, and they cannot give up their habit; on the contrary, they have to increase their dose. As in other intoxicants it commences with the young people, and increases with age if they can afford to pay for it. In old age it decreases. Habitual consumption is general¬ ly steady, and does not increase to a great extent. Bhang.—Consumed daily in solitude and on festive occasions; it is drunk in company. It is confined to male sex generally. Few women drink bhang. There is no fixed time of life. People learn to drink generally from twenty-five to thirty. The quantity increases with age. Charas is not smoked in solitude, but is smoked in company. The consumption is confined to the male sex and prostitutes. It is not usual for children to consume ganja, bhang or charas. Exceptions— (1) Abdul, an orphan, and one of the shop boys in the Nasirabad ganja shop, com¬ menced smoking ganja at the age of eight or nine, and is now eighteen or nineteen. He can smoke a large quantity of ganja, and can stand its effect. He is of robust constitution, healthy, of good temper, of lively spi¬ rits, can work very hard, is willing and obedient, and is always cheerful. (2) Among lower classes and among jatrawalas (music party) children of eight or ten years sometimes learn to smoke from their fathers and elders, who themselves smoke ganja. The father smokes the ganja, and the child gives one or two pulls when the chillum is kept aside. Among lower classes (mistri, carpenter, coolie, etc.), father, son, and grandson smoke tobacco together. Children learn to smoke tobacco when very young. Chandra Nath Mistri of Akna, near Nasirabad, smokes ganja with his sons. - Evidence of BABU ABHILAS CHANDRA MUKERJEE, Brahmin, Deputy Magis¬ trate and Deputy Collector, on deputation as 2nd Inspector of Excise, Bengal

30. Speaking only about ganja, I think the drug is rarely consumed in solitude. In excep¬ tional cases, such as in the course of a journey, a habitual consumer may be compelled to take the drug alone, but ordinarily one never smokes ganja without his chosen company. Several ganja smokers with whom I discussed this question were surprised at my enquiries as if it was absurd to even suppose that a man can smoke ganja in soli¬ tude. One ganja smoker who spends 4 annas per diem for the drug assures me that he would not be able to consume a pice worth of ganja if he had not his two or three chosen companions to smoke with. The same men assure me that the number of persons who pay for the ganja is at most half of the number consuming the drug, so that the quantity of the drug one purchases often represents the requirements of two or three persons. Except prostitutes and Baisnavis, no other females consume ganja. Children below 14 rarely take to this drug. - Evidence of BABU GOBIND CHANDRA DAS, Baidya, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Malda.

30. Excessive smokers prefer solitude to smoke ganja. They will not suffer their chillum to go round. Moderate ganja smokers prefer to smoke in company. Ganja smoking is mainly confined to the male sex. Youth is the more proper time for it. Children of 14 or 15 have been found to smoke ganja. The habit is hardly given up so long as the lips are quick. - Evidence of BABU BRAJA DURLABH HAZARA, Kayasth, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Howrah.

30. Bhang is consumed in company, and so is ganja also. People of the gentlemen class who consume ganja do it in solitude. The consumption of ganja is principally confined to males, with whom the habit begins when adults. Females have also been known to smoke ganja. Females who have become widows when very young have been known to smoke ganja as a means to lead a pure life. Their idea is that by smoking ganja they would overcome their animal passions. -  Evidence of BABU NOBIN CHANDRA KAR, Excise Deputy Collector, Bhagalpur.

30. Ganja is generally consumed in company. It is consumed by the females to a very small extent. The consumption of the drug is almost confined to adults. Ganja is seldom, if ever, consumed by children. The prostitutes begin to indulge in the drug when they are advanced in years. Bhang is generally consumed in company. Its consumption is almost confined to adult males. Bhang is very rarely administered to children as medicine.  - Evidence of BABU RAJANI PRASAD NEOGY, Excise Deputy Collector, Mymensingh.

30. Generally these drugs are used in company. In solitude only when the consumer does not like to be exposed. Smoking of ganja is confined to the male sex only. Females sometimes take bhang. Children do not use any of these drugs.  - Evidence of GHULAM LILLAHI, Excise Deputy Collector, Ranchi, District Lohardaga.

30. Ganja is generally used in company and siddhi in solitude; charas is also used both in company and solitude. It is confined to the male sex between the ages of twenty and sixty. Women of ill fame in rare instances resort to these drugs. Children never use these drugs, but young men of the age of sixteen or eighteen sometimes use it. Children sometimes use bhang as a medicine for indigestion or bowel complaints.  - Evidence of BABU SURESH CHUNDRA BAL, Baidya, Special Excise Deputy Collector, Howrah.

30. Bhang is consumed in solitude 12/16 Bhang is consumed in company 4/16 Ganja smoked in solitude 6/16  Ganja smoked in company 10/16 The use of bhang and ganja is mainly confined to the male sex. Children are not allowed to contract the habit of consuming the drugs, especially ganja - Evidence of BABU ROY BRAHMA DUTT, * Kayasth, Excise Deputy Collector, Darbhanga.

30. No; children do not appear to consume these drugs. Ganja is generally consumed by the male sex at or after their youth, but females also, though to a less extent (generally prostitutes of a depraved class and mehtérs) consume this drug. - Evidence of BABU BANKU BEHARI DUTT, Excise Deputy Collector, Backergunge

30. Ganja to a great extent in company. Bhang is used more in solitude. Charas is not consumed very much. Confined mainly to the male sex and the youths. Children scarcely use them.  - Evidence of BABU WOOMA CHARAN BOSE, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector; Manager, Raj Banaili, District Bhagalpur.

30. Ganja is generally smoked in company. Bhang is taken both in solitude and in company. They are mainly confined to the male sex, but low class prostitutes also generally smoke ganja. They are scarcely taken by the children.  - Evidence of BABU RASIK LAL GHOSE, Court of Wards' Manager, Dinajpur.

30. Ganja and charas are smoked either in solitude or in the company of associate smokers, but bhang is taken openly. The first two drugs are chiefly confined to males, though occasionally we see low class women and "unfortunates" indulging in the use of the drugs. We have rarely seen children under twelve or fourteen years of age smoking ganja or charas; but those who begin at an early age cannot shake off the habit at any time of their lives. Bhang is taken by even children of nine or ten years of age.  - Evidence of BABU GOUR DAS BYSACK, Retired Deputy Collector, Calcutta.

30. A ganja-smoker generally likes to have his friends around him, who are also ganja-smokers. I have not heard of women or children smoking ganja.  - Evidence of MR. W. SARSON, retired Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, formerly Abkari Superintendent, Chittagong.

30. The consumption of hemp drugs is generally confined to adult males. Children and women are seldom found to take these drugs. - Evidence of BABU HEM CHUNDER KERR, Kayasth, Retired Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Sub-Registrar of Sealdah

30. Unlike liquor and madak, ganja, charas and siddhi are generally consumed in solitude, though there are occasional cases of consumption in company. Ganja and charas are confined to the male sex, and siddhi occasionally extends to the other sex, though such cases are rare. These drugs are, however, generally consumed both by the young and the old. I know only one case in which a Brahmin boy of fourteen years of age used to smoke ganja.  - Evidence of BABU KALI DAS MUKERJI, Sub-Deputy Collector and Superintendent of Distillery, Serampore, Hughli.

30. The drugs are mostly used in company and seldom in solitude. Females seldom use it. Children do not use it except in rare cases. - Evidence of BABU JOGENDRA NATH MOZUMDAR, Brahmin, Deputy Inspector of Excise, Darjeeling

30. (a) Ganja and charas are smoked generally in company, ordinarily consisting of two. They are practised by very few in solitude. I think the percentage of. consumers who practise in company is. not less than 90. No privacy is observed in case of drinking siddhi. (b) It is mainly confined to male sex and not to any special time of life. (c) No.  - Evidence of BABU DIGENDRA NATH PAL, Kayasth, Deputy Inspector of Excise, 24-Parganas.

30. Eighty-five per cent. of the smokers smoke ganja in company of two or three persons, and 15 per cent. in solitude. It is mainly confined to the male sex; but women of ill-fame of the lowest classes use it too. It is generally smoked by young men of the age of eighteen to forty-five. It is not usual for children to consume it.  - Evidence of BABU SIR CHUNDER SOOR, Satgope, 1st Assistant Supervisor of Ganja Cultivation, Naogaon, Rajshahi.

30. It is estimated that three-fourths of the consumers take it in company, and one-fourth in solitude. It is chiefly used by males, but nearly all prostitutes use it. Children do not.  - Evidence of MR. W. C. FASSON, District Superintendent of Police, Bogra

30. Ganja and charas are smoked in company, whilst bhang is drunk in solitude. Mainly confined to the male sex. Bhang is mostly drunk at declining age when men become susceptible to attacks of diarrhÅ“a. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of MR. F. H. TUCKER, District Superintendent of Police, Dinajpur

30. I have already said I have no knowledge of charas. It is the habit of the ganja smokers to take it in company. But people of the upper and middle classes generally take it in solitude. Females of ill-fame almost all smoke ganja in moderation. It is not restricted to any time of life. Boys below ten or twelve scarcely ever take a drug like ganja. But among the ascetics this is not uncommon. It is not at all usual for children to consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of MR. R. L. WARD, District Superintendent of Police, Rajshahi.

30. Men of some respectability and sons of gentlemen consume these drugs in solitude, but the habitual consumers of higher class of people form a company and smoke in solitude too, but others consume it publicly and do not care for society. - Evidence of BABU MATHURA MOHAN SIRKAR, Inspector of Police, Jhenida, District Jessore.

30. Practised in solitude as well as in company. Quite exceptional for women to smoke ganja or drink bhang, but youths, boys of fifteen or sixteen, take to it, and these become the confirmed ganja smokers.  -  Evidence of MR. H. P. WYLLY,* Government Agent at Keonjhar, Orissa.

30. About 75 per cent. of the ganja-consumers prefer company, and 75 per cent. of the bhangconsumers prefer solitude. The consumption of these drugs is mainly confined to the male sex and prostitutes. Children very rarely smoke ganja, and bhang is never used by them.  - Evidence of Mr. W. R. RICKETTS,* Manager, Nilgiri State, Tributary Mahals, Orissa.

30. Ganja is generally used in company. Bhang is generally used in solitude. Both are mainly confined to adult males.  - Evidence of BABU JADUB CHANDRA CHUCKERBUTTY, Brahmin, Civil and Sessions Judge, Kuch Behar.

30. In solitude comparatively less according to the habits of the consumers, while in company more, because the habits are generally as a matter of course overruled. Yes; it is confined to the male sex. It is not at all usual for children to consume any except in rare cases, in the unhealthy parts of Bengal. - Evidence of BABU SREENATH CHATTERJEE, Brahmin, Cashier, Public Works Department, Darjeeling Division.

30. Ganja and bhang are generally taken in solitude and rarely in company. Ganja is taken by both sexes; but I have not seen any female take bhang. Ganja and bhang are generally taken by adults and old men. It is not usual for children to take ganja or bhang.  - Evidence of BABU HARA GOPAL DUTTA, Kayasth, Retired Excise Daroga, Mymensingh.

30. Habitual moderate consumers generally do not seek company, for with them the drug is a matter of necessity and every-day occurrence. It is the pleasure-seekers only who long for society. The consumption is mainly confined to the male sex. Children of the habitual moderate consumers are generally initiated by their parents.  - Evidence of BABU PRATAPCHANDRA GHOSHA, Registrar of Calcutta.

30. All these drugs are sometimes used in company and sometimes in solitude, according to the circumstance; the greater number in company. It is generally confined to the male sex and seldom to the female sex. There is no limit of age. Rare cases are seen amongst children to use any of these drugs - Evidence of RAI KAMALAPATI GHOSAL BAHADUR, Brahmin, Pensioner, SubRegistrar and Zamindar, 24-Parganas.

30. A convivial party is not a necessity for the consumption of either ganja or bhang; they are both taken in solitude. The practice is mainly confined to the male sex and seldom indulged in by children, though I have met instances of young boys smoking ganja.  - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL W. FLOOD MURRAY, Civil Surgeon, Shahabad

30. Mostly in company. Mainly confined to males; never children.  - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL A. CROMBIE, M.D., SurgeonSuperintendent, General Hospital, Calcutta.

30. Ganja.—Usually in company, the pipe being passed round. Bhang.—In company, on festivals—see question 26 (c), Male sex. No, children do not usually consume - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL E. G. RUSSELL, Civil Surgeon, Darjeeling.

 30. Beginners smoke ganja or charas in solitude, often with one or two boon-companions. Confirmed habituals generally resort to shops where they find company. Rich people consume it at home with a few of their companions. Siddhi is seldom used habitually by Bengalis. It is used habitually by Hindustanis, especially the Darwan class. The use of these drugs is very limited in Bengal. A few of the lower classes use it. I have seldom seen children consume them, except in cases where the parents are habitual consumers. Men use the drugs, and not infrequently women of loose morals. Young men between the ages of 15 to 20 begin its use; seldom grown-up adults. - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL RUSSICK LALL DUTT,* Officiating Civil Surgeon, 24-Parganas.

30. All are consumed, if possible, in company, otherwise in solitude. It is mainly confined to the male sex. It is not usual for children below ten or twelve years to consume any of these drugs - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL G. PRICE, Civil Surgeon, Burdwan

30. As a rule, bhang and ganja are taken in company; but persons of respectability conceal the fact of taking ganja. A son will not take ganja before his father, or an inferior before a superior. The use appears to be principally confined to the male sex, except in the cases of female devotees and prostitutes. Children seldom take these drugs. A little bhang may sometimes be given them to drink.  - Evidence* of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL E. BOVILL, Officiating Civil Surgeon of Patna and Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum.

30. The consumption of these drugs is usually practised in company and mainly confined to the male sex, except in the case of prostitutes. They are generally used in middle and advanced life. About 70 per cent. of persons addicted to these drugs are middle-aged or old. It is not usual for children to consume them; but from enquiry among the shop-keepers here I find about 8 per cent. of these customers are young people from 12 to 16 years old - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR R. COBB, Civil Surgeon and Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum, Dacca

30. (a) I have not given attention to this point, but I have seen so few cases of excessive
use of the drugs that its importance did not occur to me. So far as moderate use of ganja is concerned, the point is of no importance; the substance is smoked when required, whether the smoker be alone or in company. The moderate use of bhang is essentially a "social" act. (b) The use of ganja is confined, I am told, mainly to the male sex, and is fairly general among grown men. The use of bhang is so much concealed, even when the use is moderate, that I cannot give an opinion as to whether it is used by women in Bengal. (c) It is not usual for children to smoke ganja or drink bhang, or even to eat majum.  - Evidence of SURGEON-CAPTAIN D. PRAIN, Curator of the Herbarium, and Librarian, Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta.

30. I have never seen a female or a child as a consumer of ganja or bhang.  - Evidence of DR. S. J MANOOK, Civil Medical Officer, Singhbhum.

30. Smoking of ganja and charas is usually carried on in company. Siddhi may or may not be so taken. The use of the drugs is chiefly confined to the male sex. Children rarely use them unless when they are very depraved.  - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon RAI TARAPROSANNA RAI BAHADUR, Baidya, Chemical Examiner to the Government of Bengal, Calcutta.

30. It is a remarkable fact that in this country at least the votaries of ganja, as a rule, always smoke the drug in company and seldom singly. People sit in a ring and pass the huka round,
nobody taking more than one or two long-sustained puffs. Women and children seldom smoke ganja and charas in Lower Bengal. Women suffering from bowel complaints have recourse to bhang, other remedies failing. - Evidence of RAI BAHADUR KANNY LOLL DEY, C.I.E., late Chemical Examiner to the Government of Bengal, Calcutta.

30. Ganja and bhang are generally preferred to be taken in company. Males are more addicted. Females, chiefly prostitutes, and Haries also use it. It is used principally in youth and old age. Children are not free from ganja-smoking, the boys of the singing party generally smoke ganja. - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON BOSONTO KUMAR SEN, in Civil Medical Charge, Bogra

30. People generally consume ganja in solitude. Its use is chiefly confined to male sex and generally from adult age. It is not used by the children here. - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON NORENDRA NATH GUPTA, Baidya, in Civil Medical charge, Rangpur.

30. The consumption of ganja and charas is generally practised in company and that of bhang in solitude. It is not particularly confined to any time of life. Excepting the prostitutes and Bairagis the consumption of charas, ganja and bhang is mainly confined to the male sex. Some women take bhang for chronic bowel complaints. It is unusual for children to consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon CHOONEY LALL DASS, Teacher of Medical Jurisprudence and Therapeutics, Medical School, Dacca.

30. Ganja and charas mostly in company. Bhang alone as well as in company. Mainly confined to the male sex to middle and old age. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON PREONATH BOSE, Teacher of Materia Medica and Practical Pharmacy, Dacca.

30. Bhang, as a rule, is consumed in solitude. On occasions sanctioned by custom, it will be  used in company. Ganja and charas often in company. As a rule males smoke ganja. Baisnavas in Lower Bengal, who earn their livelihood by begging and singing songs, both male and female, smoke ganja. I have seen children whose parents habitually drink bhang take a few sips from their father's cup. Girls do not drink it.  - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON DEVENDRANATH ROY, Brahmin, Teacher of Medical Jurisprudence, Campbell Medical School, Calcutta.

30. If the consumption of each of these three drugs is practised in solitude small quantities are used; but in company large quantities are consumed. It is mainly confined to the male sex. Females, but very few, perhaps only 5 per cent. use these in some disease. Men in youth use these more than at any other time of life. It is not usual for children to consume these drugs. - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON AKBAR KHAN, Teacher, Temple Medical School, Patna.

30. Ganja and charas are generally used in company; bhang generally in solitude, or at times in company. The use of these drugs is mostly confined to the males; females rarely use them. Children of low castes may use ganja.  - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon SOORJEE NARAIN SINGH, Kayasth, Bankipur.

30. Bhang is generally drunk in solitude, and ganja smoked in company. Excepting female sanyasis (mendicants), I have not seen any female ganja-smoker or bhang-drinker. No; so far as I know I don't think it usual for children to consume any of these drugs, though a few low class boys, specially those whose fathers or guardians are addicted to the drugs, learn to use them while yet in their teens.  - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon NEMAI CHURN CHATTERJI, Brahmin, Bhagalpur.

30. In company to a greater extent. Children seldom consume these drugs.  - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon BEHARI LAL PAL, Sadgop, Krishnagar, Nadia.

30. The consumption of siddhi is practised in company on occasions; the habitual consumers take it by themselves but not for privacy. Ganja is smoked in solitude as a rule, or in select and private company. Adult males and prostitutes use ganja and siddhi.  - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon HARI MOHAN SEN, Baidya, Chittagong

30. Ganja and bhang are not confined to the male sex, and even children become habituated to these drugs, though not very common.  - Evidence of Civil Hospital Assistant TRAILAKYANATH BANERJI, 24-Parganas.

30. In solitude bhang or ganja is practised in the ordinary way, but in company it generally comes to an excess to some extent. Bhang or ganja is generally confined to the male sex, but females sometimes use bhang and not ganja. Children are seldom found to use any of these two drugs except when it is given them in the shape of medicines by kabirajes.  - Evidence of Civil Hospital Assistant MEER KOOMAR ALLY, Municipal Dispensary, Cuttack.

30. People generally smoke ganja in solitude. Its use is chiefly confined to the male sex. It is not used by the children here.  - Evidence of BABU DURGA DASS LAHIRI, Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Rangpur.

30. Always in company, unless the man has means. It is too expensive to smoke alone. A smoker to get a satisfactory whiff must use more than he can take; and if he can't take it all, the remainder is lost, so when two or three are together they have satisfaction and economy. I was more than surprised to find that even boys from 10 to 15 years club together and buy ganja to smoke. Boys carrying bricks and mortar for brick-layers I found doing so.  - Evidence of REV. D. MORISON, M.B., C.M., M.D., Medical Missionary, Rampur Boalia.

30. These drugs are generally preferred to be taken in company. Sanyasis take them with Uttar Sadhaks, or disciples. Some smoke in solitude for devotion. Females of lowest classes, prostitutes and abandoned women, smoke it also. Children of ganja-smokers, of singing parties, those in bad company smoke ganja. Bhang is also taken by them with their elders. - Evidence of PYARI SANKAR DASS GUPTA, Baidya, Medical Practitioner, Secretary, Bogra Medical Society, Bogra

30. Amongst the people of Rajputana and North-Western Provinces bhang is publicly used, whilst ganja and charas are, by the majority of people, practised in solitude. Children of tender years, say, ten or twelve, are known to drink bhang very greatly and they belong to the rich class of Marwaris or Johuris. I have seen a grandfather pouring a teaspoonful of prepared siddhi into the mouth of his infant grandchild who was barely twelve months old.  - Evidence of KAILAS CHUNDRA BOSE, Kayasth, Medical Practitioner, Calcutta.

30. With rare exceptions bhang is generally consumed in solitude, but the contrary is often the case with ganja and charas. Excepting prostitutes, females rarely make use of any of these drugs, and such also is the case with children. I do not know of their use being confined to any particular time of life. - Evidence of MOHIM CHUNDER, ROY, BRAHMIN, Medical Practitioner, Nator, Rajshahi.

30. Ganja is generally smoked in solitude; ganja-smokers are looked down in society and hence the desire to smoke it privately. As a rule no invitation is made to join in smoking, but should one or more persons happen to come at the time, they sit together and smoke. Novices, who care more for privacy, select a solitary place where they meet at an appointed hour and smoke. Well-to-do ganja-smokers generally have some hangers-on who smoke with them. I have also known poor ganja-smokers doing sundry gratuitous services to a rich consumer for being allowed to smoke with him. Sometimes bhang is drunk in company. Generally the habit is confined to the male sex, but very many women of ill-fame do smoke. Ganja-smoking is scarcely taken to before arriving at the age of 20 years or so.  - Evidence of KEDARESWAR ACHARJYA, Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Rampur Boalia.

30. As far as is known to me, the habitual smokers would like better if they get companions to join them in the smoke. The male sex from manhood upwards are generally addicted to the habit, but females are not exceptions. It is not usual for children to contract the habit. - Evidence of MOHES CHUNDER GHOSE, G.M.C.B., Kayasth, Medical Practitioner, Ramnagar, 24-Parganas.

30. I have no knowledge of the extent of the consumption of such drugs; but they are largely used in company. They are confined to the male sex only. Now and then little grown-up boys are also allowed to drink bhang.  - Evidence of DR. MOHAMMAD SADRUL HAQ, Medical Practitioner, Patna City.

30. Ganja is generally used in company. Bhang is used sometimes in company. Ganja, so far as is known to me, is not wholly confined to males. Public women are known in many cases to smoke ganja. Exceptional cases are seen of boys using both ganja and bhang; although as a general rule men, when they are young, acquire it as a habit and continue it till late in their lives. - Evidence of TRAILOKYA NATH MAJUMDAR,* Baidya, Medical Practitioner, Bankipur.

30. The consumption of ganja and charas is practised usually in company. Bhang is drunk both alone as well as in company. The consumption of these drugs is confined mainly to the male sex, to adolescence and old age. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs - Evidence of PRASAD DAS MALLIK, Subarnabanik, Medical Practitioner, Hughli

30. Ganja is generally taken in company, scarcely in solitude. It is not confined only to male sex; females also take it. The majority are the prostitutes. Children do not take.  - Evidence of NIMAI CHARAN DAS,* Vaidya, Medical Practitioner, Chittagong

30. Bhang is very extensively used by the people of Behar and North-Western Provinces. This district has for its residents a very large number of big zamindars. Lots of up-country men are retained by them as their personal attendants, porters, and for other manifold services. They are perhaps, without a single exception, found to consume bhang daily. This drug is generally used in solitude and exceptionally used in company, but ganja is exceptionally used in solitude and generally in company. Use of each of these drugs is of course mainly confined to the male sex, but there are some village women among the low-class people who contract these evil habits from the male members of the family. Among the higher class of people I know of no member of the fair sex using any of these drugs. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs, but I know of one or two instances in which among the lower class of people, children consume ganja. Ganja is very extensively consumed by the low class of prostitutes. - Evidence of TARA NATH BAL, Kayasth, Medical Practitioner, Mymensingh

30. Bhang is used by a smaller number of people than the ganja. It is used by the males generally in all ages above five years. Bhang or ganja is used more in company than in solitude.  - Evidence of NOCOOR CHANDER BANERJI, Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Bhagalpur.

30. The average consumption of ganja in solitude is half a tola and in company is three or four tolas. It is chiefly used by the male sex, but occasionally used by women of lower castes and prostitutes. There is no necessity of smoking ganja at any time of life. Children are not accustomed to, nor feel necessity for it.  - Evidence of LUCKHMY NARAIN NAIK, Mahanyak, Medical Practitioner, Cuttack.

30. Ganja and charas are consumed in solitude. Males generally use them; children never take them. - Evidence of BASSUNTO KUMAR ROY, Zamindar and Medical Practitioner, 24-Parganas.

30. The consumption of these drugs is practised generally in company and seldom in solitude. It is mainly confined to the male sex and to all stages of life. Yes, children of bad character consume these drugs.  - Evidence of GURU CHARAN GHOSH, Medical Practitioner, Monghyr.

30. (b) Mainly confined to the male. (c) Very rare. - Evidence of ANNADA PRASANNA GHATAK, M.B., Private Medical Practitioner, Arrah.

30. Ganja and bhang are generally used by the male sex only. I have seen some ten women to smoke ganja habitually. I know many children to smoke ganja. Use of bhang is restricted here only among adults and old people. Few children take them.  - Evidence of DURGA NATH CHAKRAVARTI, Brahmin, in charge of Tangail Dispensary, Mymensingh

30. About 50 per cent. of the consumption of each of these articles is practised in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex between the age of 20 and 50. It is not consumed by children. - Evidence of BIJOYA RATNA SEN*, Kaviranjan, Kabiraj, Calcutta.

30. Ganja, charas and siddhi are practised to a greater extent in company than in solitude. They are mainly confined to the male sex, but not to any particular time of life. Children do not usually consume them.  - Evidence of GOPEZE MOHUN ROY, Baidya, Kabiraj, Calcutta.

30. As a rule, each of these three drugs are generally taken in solitude, but they are sometimes also taken in company. It is mostly confined to the male sex and after infancy in some cases, but it is generally taken by adults. Women of the better class never take to the use of these drugs. But I have heard that women of low class, and some low class prostitutes, are addicted to taking these drugs. Some children, say over 10 or 12 years of age, also do take these drugs, but their number is not large. - Evidence of PIYARI MOHAN KAVIRAJ, Vaidya, Native Physician, Calcutta.

30. The consumption of siddhi is generally practised in solitude. The consumption of ganja and charas is generally practised in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex. It is not confined to any particular time of life. Only grown-up men use these drugs. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. Prostitutes and Vaisnavis occasionally use these drugs. - Evidence of BINOD LAL SEN,† Baidya, Kaviraj, Calcutta.

30. Regarding charas I know nothing. Ganja and bhang according to circumstances are consumed in solitude or in company, but to what extent is not known. Males generally use these two drugs. Among females, prostitutes probably use them. There is no limit of age for the use of these drugs, but most of the young and old men use them. They are not consumed by children - Evidence* of RAM CHANDER GOOPTA, Kabiraj, Barisal, Backergunge District.

30. The answer to the first part of this question is to be found in what I have stated with reference to question No. 28. Generally the use of these drugs is with the male sex. There may be women of loose character who may be in the habit of using these drugs. The use of these drugs is not confined to any time of life, but generally children are not allowed to get addicted to it. There may be, and there are, children uncared for, or having none to take care of who have caught the contagion by moving into bad societies.  - Evidence of BRAHAM DEO NARAIN MISRA, Vaid, Arrah.

30. The consumption of these drugs rarely, if at all, is practised in solitude. Females also very freely take to these drugs. The use is not confined to any time of life, neither is it usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of MADHAB K. DAS, Kayasth, Private Practitioner, Calcutta.

30. In Lower Bengal ganja and charas are rarely smoked by women or children. Women suffering from chronic bowel complaints have recourse to the use of bhang or opium when other remedies prove ineffectual.  - Evidence of RAJA PEARY MOHUN MUKERJI, C.S.I., Zamindar, Uttarpara, Hughli.

30 and 31. Habit is not easily formed, but when once formed, it cannot be easily broken off without the risk of injury to health. Smoking ganja moderately, if habitual, has a tendency to develop into the excessive. But such is not the case with the occasional smokers. The consumption of these drugs is confined to the male sex only who generally take them in company. Children do not consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of MAHARAJA GIRIJANATH ROY BAHADUR, Kayasth, Zamindar, Dinajpur.

30. These three drugs are generally practised in company. Their use is mainly confined to male sex. It is not usual for the children to use any of these drugs; but many of the children of the sanyasis use ganja.  - Evidence of RAJA MAHIMA RANJAN ROY CHOWDHRY, Zamindar, Kakina, Rangpur.

30. The use of ganja and bhang is mainly confined to the male sex, and they are used by adults and old men. Children do not use the drugs - Evidence of RAI RADHA GOVINDA RAI, SAHIB BAHADUR, Kayasth, Zamindar, Dinajpur.

30. Ganja is practised generally in company; bhang sometimes in company and sometimes in solitude. It is mainly confined to the male sex, about 20. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of RAI BAHADUR RADHA BALLAV CHOWDHURI, BAIDYA, Honorary Magistrate and Zamindar, Sherpur Town, Mymensingh District.

30. In most cases the consumption of each of these three drugs is practised in company. Generally some men assemble together in a place for the purpose of smoking ganja, which is called "ganjar adda". Here they talk on various subjects and concoct plans for the fulfilment of their evil intentions, Bad characters generally assemble in such an adda. It is confined to the male sex, though not mainly. Some women of low caste, such as bagdi and bania, and some women of ill fame use it. It is not confined to any time of life, but generally children do not consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of BABU HARI KRISHNA MAZUMDAR, Baidya, Zamindar, Islampur, District Murshidabad.

30. Ganja is generally smoked in company; but as regards bhang, it cannot be said either in company or solitude, which is consumed mostly once in a day, and rarely twice a day. Ganja and bhang consumption is mainly confined to the male sex, and children do not usually consume them.  - Evidence of BABU RAGHUNANDAN PRASAD SINHA, Brahman, Zamindar, District Muzaffarpur.

30. The consumption of these drugs is generally practised in company; only those who use any of these for medicinal purposes take it in solitude. The profligates also generally use it in solitude. I cannot say that these drugs are solely confined to the male sex, although the overwhelming majority of consumers come of this sex alone. None of these drugs is confined to any particular time of life, although the youths generally take to these things; but in the cases of excessive drunkards, they having given up the use of alcohol, use ganja or bhang excessively even at an advanced age. It is not usual in children to use any of these drugs.  - Evidence of BABU SURENDRA NATH PAL CHOWDHURY, Zamindar, Ranaghat, District Nadia

30. Bhang is generally used in solitude. Male sex of mature age, not children - Evidence of BABU GIRJAPAT SAHAI, Kayasth, Zamindar, Patna.

30. Children do not use these drugs. Yes; it is confined to the male sex chiefly - Evidence of BABU RADHIKA CHURN SEN, Kayasth, Zamindar, Berhampur.

30. The consumption of hemp drugs is practised both in solitude and in company. Those who are habitual moderate consumers would generally prefer solitude. Occasional excessive consumers almost generally indulge in company. There is no particular time of life to which the use of the drugs is confined; they are used from adolescence to extreme old age. Women and children generally and as a rule do not indulge in hemp drugs. A few women of the town may be found to indulge in bhang, but probably none in ganja or charas. - Evidence of BABU RUGHU NANDAN PRASADHA, Zamindar, Patna.

30. In Lower Bengal ganja and charas are rarely smoked by women or children. The use of all the three drugs is mainly confined to the male sex.  - Evidence of BABU NUNDO LAL GOSSAIN, Brahmin, Zamindar, Serampore.

30. These drugs are consumed both in solitude and in company, but their extent is not known. Yes, it is mainly confined to the male sex. The practice is not limited to any time of life. It is not usual for children. - Evidence of GOSSAIN MOHENDRA GIR, Sanyasi, Zamindar, English Bazar, Malda.

30. To a great extent these drugs are used in company, and to some extent these drugs are also used in solitude. No, lower class of prostitutes are in the habit of using these drugs. No; as far as I am aware it is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of BABU KALIKISTO SARKAR, Kayasth, Talukdar, Kasundi, Jessore

30. The consumption of each of these drugs is mostly practised in solitude, though often habitual ganja-smokers who are neighbours, come to meet in certain parts of the day to pass their lazy hours in pleasant talks, refreshing and exhilarating themselves on the fumes of ganja. It is the male sex that usually consume it, and except some public women of the bazar no one of the other sex indulges in ganja. The few children that addict to ganjasmoking are considered lost children.  - Evidence of BABU JAGAT KISHOR ACHARJEA CHAUDHURI, Brahmin, Zamindar, Muktagacha, District Mymensingh.

30. These drugs are generally consumed in company. The consumption is mainly confined to the male sex, and is practised in young age. Children do not consume them.  - Evidence of BABU KAMALESWARI PERSAD, Zamindar, Monghyr.

30. Consumption of bhang and ganja is generally practised in solitude, but on some occasions it takes place in company. In rare cases ganjasmokers assemble in the house of one of their members, who may happen to be comparatively a well-to-do man in the village, and there smoke every night at his cost. Females of bad repute smoke in some cases. It is not usual for children to smoke ganja or drink bhang. I am not prepared to say that ganja smoking is confined to any particular time of life. It is more generally used by male than female sex. Amongst the Hindus of all classes, there is a custom in Lower Bengal to use bhang, almost universally, on the evening of the last day of the Durga Puja, i.e., on the Navami day, when prepared bhang powders mixed with sugar are offered to god and goddess Mahadev and Parvati and then used by all. The powder is used in such small quantity that it never produces any intoxication. Even children of ten or twelve years take little bhang on this occasion. - Evidence of BABU KRISHNA CHANDRA RAI, Baidya, Government Pensioner and Zamindar, District Dacca.

30. Ganja is consumed 25 per cent. in solitude and 75 per cent. in company of at least of two persons. Bhang is consumed in solitude. It is mostly confined to the male sex. People of middle age consume ganja. Habitual consumers also smoke ganja when old. Low class women, bairagi among Hindus, also consume ganja. Bhang is also taken by old women of Hindu sect, bairagi. Children never use any of these drugs. - Evidence of M. KAZI RAYAZ-UD-DIN MAHAMED, Zamindar, Commilla, Tippera.

30. People use ganja and bhang generally in company. They feel greater pleasure and enjoyment in consuming them in company. Sometimes people use them in solitude too. Without any distinction to sex, male and female use ganja or bhang. But the number of male consumers is greater than the females. Women of unchaste character use these drugs. Good housewives generally do not use them. - Evidence of SYAD ABDUL JABBAR, Zamindar, Commilla, Tippera.

30. To smoke ganja is degrading to a respectable man, and hence to him solitude is convenient. Ganja, as a rule, is not known to be used in company, except in low brothels. Children, as a rule, do not use any intoxicating drug. Those of the low class people, however, are often seen to smoke tobacco. - Evidence of BABU JOGENDRA KISHORE RAI CHAUDHURI, Zamindar, Ramgopalpur, District Mymensingh.

30. We cannot answer the extent to which ganja and bhang are used in solitude or in company; naturally the use in company is greater. It is confined to male sex only. Generally the majors use; their children never use. - Evidence of BABU KALI PRASAD SINGH, Rajput, Zamindar, District Bhagalpur.

30. Bhang is only used by the male. - Evidence of BABU GOPAL SINGH, Zamindar, Kumarsar, Bhagalpur.

30. Chiefly in company, and is confined to the male sex of all ages above 10 or 12 years. - Evidence of MR. L. H. MYLNE, Zamindar and Indigo-planter, Justice of the Peace, President of Independent Bench of Honorary Magistrates, Chairman of Jugdispur Municipality, District Shahabad.

30. It is consumed in company, and is mainly confined to the male sex. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of MR. F. G. GIBSON, Indigo Planter, Jessore.

30. Men mostly use these drugs. I never heard of children taking them.  - Evidence of MR. JOHN D. GWILT, Tea Planter, Longview Company, Limited, Darjeeling.

30. Mainly, I believe, to the male sex. - Evidence, of MR. JNO. RUDD RAINEY, Proprietor of "Khulna Estate," Khulna.

30. Ganja is used in company, especially among the poorer class, and in solitude by the higher class and by the male. Not known of children. Bhang drink is seldom taken in company, as so few take it, and by only men. Not women or children.  -  Evidence of Mr. A. G. M. WODSCHOW, Assistant Manager, Indigo and Zamindari, Dumur Factory, Purnea.

30. Ganja is generally smoked by the lower class of people in company; but those that have some status in society indulge in it in solitude. It is generally smoked by the male sex; but prostitutes of a very low order are sometimes found addicted to this drug. The smoking of ganja has no concern with any particular time of life. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of BABU SASI BHUSAN ROY, Manager, Dubalhati Raj Estate, Rajshahi District.

30. In solitude one-fourth, in company threefourths; it is not confined to the male sex; prostitutes also indulge in it. I have not seen children consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of Mr. H. M. WEATHERALL, Manager, Nawab's Estate, Tippera

30. Each man consumes about a pice or two of ganja or charas or bhang in solitude daily; he consumes more than two pice of ganja or charas when in company. The rule for bhang is the same either in solitude or in company. Male sex usually smoke ganja or charas after the age of 30. Few prostitutes smoke them; upcountry people both young and old drink bhang, children rarely.  - Evidence of BABU AGHORE NATH BANERJI,* Vice-Chairman, Serampore Municipality, District Hughli.

30. People generally smoke ganja in company with two or three others; bhang with their families. I have seen men and women take bhang and smoke ganja. Children take bhang generally with the inmates of their house; some boys even smoke ganja. At the time of the Sivratri and the Holi festivals the Hindus induce, if not force, their children, specially boys, to take bhang.  - Evidence of the REV. PREM CHAND, Missionary, B. M. S., Gaya.

30. Largely in company. It is more economical to smoke ganja in company, for the effect is so speedy that intoxication comes on before a man has got half through his pipe, and it continues from 1 1/2 to 4 hours. Bhang is also usually taken in company. Intoxication folows in from 5 to 10 minutes. Some women smoke ganja, but not nearly so many as take opium. Many boys begin the habit. Question 30. [oral evidence] — I have never seen any one become intoxicated from smoking. My answer is based on what I have heard from those who smoke. I have never seen smoking. I believe the English
word "intoxication" has the same meaning as the Indian word "nasha." I have recently been conducting enquiries for Mr. Wilson, and the general opinion is that "nasha" and "intoxication" are equivalent. When a man speaks about "nasha", I generally understand "intoxication" to be meant. By intoxication in regard to alcohol, I mean that a man must be a little tipsy at least, though he may not be in the gutter. I would not apply the word to the exhilaration following on a glass of sherry or a peg. I think that the word "nasha" does not apply to such exhilaration. I do not know the vernacular word for exhilaration. I do not know the word "behosh" or "madhosh." I know the word "matwala," which means a man given to getting drunk. I have used the word "intoxication" in answers 30, 36 and 44 to describe something beyond exhilaration. - Evidence of the REVD. W. B. PHILLIPS, Missionary, London Missionary Society, Calcutta.

30. Only a few take ganja in solitude, many in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex. Generally taken at youth. Children seldom take ganja. Bhang is taken both in solitude and in company by men, and at all ages.  - Evidence of the REVD. G. C. DUTT, Missionary, Khulna.

30. The consumption of bhang is practised in solitude; that of ganja and charas in company. It is confined mainly to the male sex. Females rarely, if ever, use ganja and charas. They sometimes use bhang. Children do not consume either ganja or charas. But they sometimes consume bhang.  - Evidence of BABU PURNENDU NARAYAN SINHA, Kayasth, Pleader and Zamindar, Bankipur, District Patna.

30. Except under medical advice, the women and children do not take bhang. Charas is the favourite form of the drug indulged in chiefly by the women of the town and the men who resort to their places, particularly the younger men. Ganja and charas are generally smoked in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of BABU MAHENDRA CHANDRA MITRA, Kayasth, Pleader, Honorary Magistrate, and Municipal Chairman, Naihati, 24-Parganas.

30. Usually these three drugs are consumed in solitude, but in localities where more people addicted to the drugs are available, the consumers prefer to, and they do generally, form groups and companies in order to enjoy themselves better. As regards ganja, the shops where it is sold are almost always used by several people at a time for the purpose of smoking. Indeed, they are places where the largest number of people necessarily meet together, and whatever be the object of their going there, if they are smokers, they join, and are taken in by the company that might be already sitting from before. Except by habitual drinkers, bhang is always drunk in company, and even habitual drinkers like to have companions if they can get. Children, do not usually consume these drugs. Excepting this, it is not confined to any time of life. Except prostitutes, females do not use them.  - Evidence of BABU MADHAVA CHANDRA CHATTERJEE, Brahmin, Pleader, District Court, Dinajpur.

30. (a) Not known. (b) It is confined to the male sex and adults mainly. It is not usual with children.  - Evidence of BABU PARAMESHWAR DAN, Kshetrya, Pleader, Judge's Court, Vice- Chairman, District Board, Dinajpur.

30. I have seen five or seven persons smoke ganja in company.  - Evidence* of BABU UMA KANTA GHATAK, Brahmin, Government Pleader, Bogra

30. They are almost always practised in company, and, when among rishis and fakirs, two to four kachas of ganja are consumed, and otherwise one or half anna weight. Bhang, four chatacks, when in company, and, in solitude, one pice worth, in weight one tola. The use of charas is not so prevalent here. The children amongst low classes scarcely use ganja or charas; but sometimes bhang is used for medicinal purposes among all classes.  - Evidence of PUNDIT RAKHAL CHUNDER TEWARY, Brahmin, Pleader and Honorary Magistrate, Diamond Harbour, 24-Parganas.

30. To a large extent, the practice begins in company, but is afterwards indulged in solitude. Ganja is mainly confined to the male sex. Bhang is sometimes taken also by public women. I certainly think that the practice is very rare in women in this part of the country. Children sometimes take bhang. In this answer I have excluded charas from consideration; for it is not practised to any appreciable extent.  - Evidence of BABU SASADHAR ROY, Brahmin, Pleader and Honorary Magistrate, Rajshahi,

30. Ganja and charas are consumed in smoking usually in company. Not so is the case with bhang. Habitual consumers generally smoke in company. The consumption is mainly confined to male adults. Women known as Bhairabis generally smoke ganja or charas. It is not usual for children to consume any of the three drugs. The boys of boatmen, fishermen and the young mendicants are often seen smoking ganja.  - Evidence of BABU JADUNATH KANJILAL, Brahmin, Pleader, Judge's Court, Hughli.

30. Children do not smoke ganja. The greatest smoker won't allow it. Very few women smoke ganja; those that do are invariably prostitutes. Ganja smokers always prefer to smoke in company. Bhang is not much used by females, though some respectable women, specially Muhammadan, do take it; children seldom. The same is the case with charas. Charas and bhangare ordinarily used in company, though bhang is not unoften taken in solitude. - Evidence of BABU BEPRODAS BANERJEE,* Brahman, Pleader, Newspaper Editor, and Chairman, Baraset Municipality.

30. These drugs are practised in solitude as well as in company. As wine is taken in company, this is not the case with these drugs. The male sex generally use them, but some prostitutes and Bhairabis are seen to smoke ganja. This vice begins with a man in his youth. But once commenced, it continues up to the old age. Those who use ganja, and know its use to be beneficial, try to have their children accustomed in ganjasmoking. The adult members in a family using ganja, the children thereof acquire and learn and inherit the habit.  - Evidence of BABU NOBO GOPAL BOSE RAI CHOWDHOORY, Kayasth, Talukdar and Judge's Court Pleader (late Munsiff of Nator), Memari, Burdwan District.

30. Siddhi is generally drunk in company, but ganja and charas are not often smoked in this way. Sanyasis are in the habit of smoking ganja in company. The consumption of each of these three drugs is mainly confined to the male sex, but not to any time of life. Children of the lower classes have been known to drink siddhi and smoke ganja; but it is not usual with them - Evidence of BABU ABINAS CHANDRA DASS, M. A., B. L., Pleader, Judge's Court, Bankura.

30. Ganja is used or smoked in company and not in solitude. Ganja is used by male persons after they become majors. - Evidence of BABU ANANGO MOHAN NAHA, Kayasth, Judge's Court Pleader, Comilla, Tippera District.

30. Generally ganja is smoked in solitude, except in Trinath mela, where the smokers assemble at a place at night. It is generally confined to the male sex, but females and children occasionally smoke ganja. Females of the singing class generally use it.  - Evidence of BABU KAILAS CHANDRA DUTTA, Baidya, Vakil, Judge's Court, Comilla, Tippera District.

30. As a rule the consumption of both ganja and bhang is practised in solitude. The use of both these drugs is mainly confined to the male sex, but not to any particular time of life. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs - Evidence of BABU MOHINI MOHAN BURDHAN, Kayasth, District Government Pleader of Tippera.

30. Ganja is generally smoked in company by the male sex. Prostitutes now and then use it. Bhang in solitude only, generally for medicinal purposes by the male sex. Children never use these drugs, excepting bhang for illness; and that also scarcely.  - Evidence of BABU TARA NATH CHUCKERBUTTY, Brahmin, Government Pleader, Faridpur.

30. Three-fourths of the people smoking ganja do so in company, and the rest in solitude. The consumption of bhang I consider to be in inverse proportion. The use of both the drugs I consider to be confined to the male sex. It is not usual for children to consume either of these drugs.  - Evidence of BABU AMVIKA CHARAN MAZUMDAR,* Vaidya, Pleader and Zamindar, Faridpur.

30. The consumption of ganja is ordinarily practised in solitude and sometimes in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex and to the adults and old men. It is not usual for children to consume it. Bhang is used more in company than in solitude. It is also mainly confined to the male sex. Children also sometimes use it, though not to the same extent as the adults and the old men. - Evidence of BABU BHUVAN MOHUN SANYAL, Brahmin, Government Pleader, Purnea.

30. Women, except prostitutes, and children never use to take any of these drugs. - Evidence of BABU PARES NATH CHATTERJEE, Brahmin, Pleader, Satkhira, Khulna District.

30. Alone as well as in company by males, females (prostitutes); not by children. - Evidence of BABU JADUBANS SSHAI, Pleader and Vice-Chairman, Arrah Municipality.

30. Only ganja is smoked in company by male adults; children do not consume any drug.  - Evidence of BABU GOWREE SUNKER ROY,* Kayasth, Secretary, Cuttack Printing Company, Cuttack.

30. One-fourth of ganja-smokers practise in solitude and three-fourths in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex. It is not usual for children to consume ganja or bhang.  - Evidence of BABU GURUDAYAL SINHA,* Kayasth, Honorary Magistrate, Municipal Commissioner and Secretary, Total Abstinence Society, Comilla, Tippera

30. In Lower Bengal ganja and charas are rarely smoked by women or children. Women suffering from chronic bowel complaints have recourse to the use of bhang or opium when other remedies prove ineffectual - Evidence of RAI BAHADUR RAJ KUMAR SARVADHIKARI, Secretary, British Indian Association, Calcutta.

30. The consumption of bhang and ganja is chiefly confined to the male sex. Children sometimes take bhang for medicinal purposes - Evidence of UMAGATI RAT, Brahmin, Pleader, and Secretary to the Jalpaiguri Branch, Indian Association.

30. The consumption of ganja is generally practised in company. A smoker, instead of finishing one chillum (a pipeful) all by himself, prefers to share it with his associates. He takes a few whiffs first, then passes it on to another to take rest, and then smokes again, and when it is over, enjoys a pipe of tobacco with his associates. Bhang or siddhi is, however, taken in solitude as well as in company. A curious case of ganja smoking in company came to my notice in connection with a criminal prosecution in the Court of the Sub-Divisional Magistrate of Nator some years ago. There is a Kali-bari at Baksor near Nator, where people annually gather in large number for bathing purposes on the Baruni gangasnan day in Choitra. An old, ill-tempered Bengali sanyasi, who called himself Gosain RupGiri, used to reside in the Kali-bari as its high priest. In the evening previous to the Baruni snan day, he, in company with several others, some of whom belonged to the respectable classes, and two of whom were boys aged from fifteen to eighteen years, was indulging in ganja freely. There was a young prostitute of seventeen or eighteen years of age who was seated in the centre, and the votaries were sitting in a circle round her while smoking on freely. Sometime after the votaries fell fighting with each other with the iron tongs of the sanyasi and with the walking sticks of his visitors; in course of the fight the sanyasi lost two of his foreteeth, got an arm fractured, and received several other injuries. In course of his deposition before the Court, the sanyasi, who was the complainant in the case, called this smoking in a circle a siddhi chakra, meaning thereby smoking of ganja and bhang in that peculiar way. The man was an excessive smoker of ganja beyond doubt and was ugly, rough looking, irritative and half crazy, and wicked. The habit of smoking ganja is not confined to males or to adults alone. Sometimes young boys and low prostitutes are also found addicted to it. Bhang is used indiscriminately by the males as well as by the females, and its use is not looked upon as a social vice, nor does its use expose the votary to any considerable degree of censure. Unlike ganja, bhang is taken in solitude as well as in company. But bhang does not count so many habitual votaries as does ganja. The last clause of this question, namely, "Is it usual for children to consume any of these drugs ?" seems to me rather misleading. As the question stands it must be answered in the negative, but still it is not very unusual to find children addicted to, or occasionally indulging in, ganja or bhang.  - Evidence of BABU AKSHAY KUMAR MAITRA,* Secretary, Rajshahi Association, Pleader, Judge's Court, Member, Rajshahi District Board, Commissioner, Rampur Boalia Municipality.

30. Ascetics consume in solitude. Bhang is used in solitude; ganja is used in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. Adults and old people use the drugs.  - Evidence of BABU KAMALA KANTA SEN, Kayasth, Zamindar and Pleader, President of the Chittagong Association.

30. As far as I am informed, the habitual consumers take their daily quantity, but like company, and when gathered they practise more and want to extend the circle of smokers. Females and children do not use the drugs. - Evidence of BABU NITYA NANDA ROY, Teli, Merchant and Zamindar, Chittagong.

30. Ganja is generally used in company by men and sometimes by prostitutes and baistabs, after attaining the age of 20 up to old age. It is not known whether ever children of under age smoke ganja.  - Evidence of BABU NOBIN CAHNDRA SARKAR, Kayasth, Wholesale and retail vendor of ganja and bhang, Barisal.

30. In most cases ganja is consumed in company. Bhang is generally consumed in solitude. No experience about charas.  - Evidence of BABU DHANI RAM SAHA, Excise Vendor, Mymensingh.

30. Ganja is ordinarily consumed in solitude. The prostitutes are the only females who consume ganja. Ganja is not ordinarily consumed by children. No information about bhang and charas. - Evidence of BABU RAM NIDHI SHAHA, Excise Vendor, Mymensingh

30. Ganja and charas are generally smoked in company, and bhang is almost used in solitude and sometimes in company during festivals, such as Bijoya Dasami day.  -  Evidence of BABU MAHENDRA NATH ROY, of Santa, Jessore

30. Generally in company. Principally—nay, exclusively—confined to male sex (adult). No, it is not usual for children to consume.  - Evidence of the DISTRICT BOARD, 24-Parganas (Sub-Committee)

30. The moderate consumers usually take these drugs either in solitude or in selected company. The others use it without any privacy whatever. As a rule, these are used in company. It is not confined to sex. Females use bhang, but number must be considerably less. Ganja is seldom used by females. There is no restriction of age. It is usually taken at the age of 15, and in exceptional cases at a lower age. Children seldom use any of these drugs.  - Evidence of the DISTRICT BOARD, Patna.

30. As a rule ganja and bhang are practised in company and seldom in solitude. Children never consume these drugs.  - Evidence of the DISTRICT BOARD, Mymensingh (Sub-Committee).

30. Smokers use ganja more in company. But these drugs are used both in solitude and in company. Mostly males, but females also, chiefly prostitutes and sanyasi women, not children. Smokers usually begin at the age of 15, much as European children begin the use of tobacco.  - Evidence of the DISTRICT BOARD, Monghyr (Sub-Committee)

30. Generally in company, confined to the male sex, but not to any time of life. None consumed by children. - Evidence of the DISTRICT BOARD, Arrah

30. Generally in company the chillum is passed round, as the huka is in the case of tobaccosmoking. - Evidence of MR. G. GODFREY, Commissioner, Assam Valley Districts

30. Invariably in company and only by the male sex. Children do not use these drugs.  - Evidence of MR. J. J. S. DRIBERG, Commissioner of Excise and Inspector General of Police and Jails.

30. The drug is usually consumed in company. It is much more usually consumed by men than women. I have never heard of children using it - Evidence of MR. J. D. ANDERSON, Deputy Commissioner; Officiating Commissioner of Excise.

30. I should say that the consumption of all hemp drugs is almost entirely confined to the male sex, ganja and charas being taken by adults and bhang (as a drink) by adolescents.  -  Evidence of MR. E. A. GAIT, Director of Land Records and Agriculture, Assam.

30. Smoking ganja is ordinarily practised in solitude but often in company. Smokers sometimes have a sort of partnership in their ganja and smoke together from the same pipe. It is mainly confined to the male sex. Children do not smoke.  - Evidence of MR. C. W. E. PITTAR, Officiating Deputy Commissioner of Kamrup

30. The tendency is to smoke ganja in company rather than in solitude. Yes; it is confined to the male sex, not to any particular time of life; but children do not, as a rule, smoke ganja.  - Evidence of ISHAN CHANDRA PATRANAVISH, Bengali, Brahmin, Extra Assistant Commissioner, Sylhet.

30. Ganja is enjoyed most in company. Habitual takers of bhang take it in solitude, or in company if they get it. The use of all the hemp products is confined to men almost entirely. Women rarely take bhang, and children never take either bhang or ganja. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR J. W. U. MACNAMARA, Civil Surgeon and Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum, Tezpur.

30. Ganja is generally consumed in company and bhang drunk in solitude. They are mainly confined to the male sex irrespective of any particular time of life. Children do not usually consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR H. C. BANERJI, Civil Surgeon, Sylhet.

30. Bhang is generally used in solitude; ganja and charas in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex. Children don't usually consume any of these drugs, but learn to smoke by imitation.  - Evidence of DR. H. A. MACLEOD, Civil Medical Officer, Garo Hills.

30. As the excise ganja only is imported, it is  used. The use of the drug is not very prevalent; mainly confined to the male sex, principally adults. Not given to children. - Evidence of DR. J. MCNAUGHT, Civil Medical Officer, Nowgong.

30. Siddhi or bhang is usually consumed in solitude, but ganja is enjoyed much more in company than in solitude. I have no knowledge as to the consumption of charas. It—I mean consumption of bhang and ganja—is mainly confined to
the male sex and to the grown-up people, children scarcely consuming any of these drugs.  - Evidence of ATUL CHANDRA ROY,* Bengali Vaidya, Assistant Surgeon, Emigration Department, Tezpur.

30. The ganja-smokers seem to take special delight in smoking the drug in company. But they do not refrain from consuming when no other smoker is at hand. Yes, it is mainly confined to the male sex. But the females are not free from it. No, it is not usual for children to consume these drugs. The women of the cooli and mehtar class and the prostitutes do smoke ganja.  - Evidence of BAIKUNTHA KUMAR NANDI, Hindu Kayasth, Assistant Surgeon, Nayasarak, Sylhet.

30. In case of solitude ganja is used about half a tola, and in company one tola; siddhi or bhang about half a tola and one tola in company. Charas is not used in Assam. The above are used by both sexes to any time of life. Females use less than males, and children below 12 years never use any.  - Evidence of AZHER HOSSEIN, Hospital Assistant, Gauhati.

30. (a) One easily gets addicted to these drugs by frequenting the company of consumers. (b) Yes. (c) Like all other intoxicating drugs, it is likely. Very rare.  - Evidence of LATCHMAN PERSHAD, Kayasth, Hospital Assistant, Manipur State.

30. Ganja is generally smoked in company. In rare cases females (generally prostitutes) are found addicted to ganja smoking, otherwise it is confined to the male sex. It is not confined to any limit of time in age. Tea garden coolie children sometimes smoke ganja, but that is not an usual practice.  - Evidence of PROSUNNO KOOMAR DAS, Baidya, Medical Practitioner, Silchar, Cachar.

30. Habitual moderate consumers of ganja and siddhi practise in solitude. Excessive habitual consumers practise in company. The number of the former is greater than the latter. No prostitutes use ganja. Siddhi and ganja are indulged in from youth to any time of life. The habit is contracted in youth. Children do not consume. - Evidence of KRISHNA CHANDRA SANYAL,* Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Sylhet

30. Generally they are used by young men; children scarcely use them.  - Evidence of MOULVI ABDUL KADIR, Honorary Magistrate and Zamindar, Sylhet.

30. In company. Males and a few females take it. Have never heard of children taking it.  - Evidence of MR. F. C. MORAN, Tea Planter, Khoniker, Lakhimpur

30. In company. Five or six will smoke together. Males principally take it. Females very little. Children under ten do not smoke.  - Evidence of Mr. ALFRED SPICER,† Tea Planter, Pathecherra, Cachar

30. Mostly in company. From the age of 15 upwards. Children very seldom - Evidence of MASDAR ALI, Pleader, Sylhet.

30. As a general rule ganja is smoked in company. Ganja-smoking is mainly confined to the male sex. Our women are remarkably free from it. It is quite uncommon among children.  - Evidence of BABU ABANTINATH DATTA, Kayastha, Pleader, Judge's Court, Cachar

30. The consumption of ganja and bhang is freely practised in company. It is mainly con fined to the males. Females, old and degraded, are occasionally seen to indulge in ganja-smoking. Children rarely consume these drugs.  - Evidence of BISHUN CHANDRA CHATTOPADHAY, Pleader, Dhubri.  

30. Ganja is seldom smoked by one person. It is smoked in company. It is not confined to the male sex, but females who use it are generally prostitutes. It is not usual, but in some instances,. which are unfortunately multiplying, children also take to it. - Evidence of KAMINI KUMAR CHANDRA, Kayastha, Bengali, Pleader, Silchar.

30. For the most part the consumption of these drugs is practised in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex. No time of life can particularly be fixed after 12 years of age. Children (such as spoiled students) are the general consumers of the ganja drug.  - Evidence of GANGADHAR SORMAH, Brahmin, Pleader, Jorhat

30. Ganja is used by the generality of men when at their work, and it is a matter of indifference to them whether they are alone or in company. Bhang (or a preparation of bhang) is chiefly used in company. It is very rarely that children take to ganja. - Evidence of REVD. J. P. JONES,* Missionary, Sylhet

30. Generally both smoking and drinking are used in company, and occasionally in solitude. It is confined to the male sex, without any fixed time of life. Children do not use.  - Evidence of HARIBILASH AGARWALA, Merchant, Tezpur.

30. 95 per cent. of the consumers smoke ganja in company. It is confined to the male sex, but not to any time of life. It is practised from 16 years upwards. - Evidence of LAKSMIKANTA BARKAGATI, Brahma, Secretary to the Tezpur Raiyats' Association, Tezpur, Darrang.

30. Ganja is practised in solitude by young beginners. There is nothing to prevent children to consume bhang when in bad company - Evidence of RADHA NATH CHANGKAKOTI, Brahmin, Proprietor, "Radha Nath" Printing Press; Municipal Commissioner; Member of Local Board; Secretary to the Upper Assam Association; and Secretary to the Government Girls'  School, Dibrugarh

30. Practice is more in company than in solitude. It is confined to male only, to whole time of his life. It is scarcely usual amongst the Assamese children to consume these drugs.  - Evidence of JADU RAM BOROOAH, Assamese Kayasth, Local Board Member; Pensioned Overseer, Public Works Department, Dibrugarh

30. Both bhang and ganja are generally consumed by the people in their own houses, and I am not aware that company is sought for in the consumption of either. Bhang as " thandai" is, I believe, used by females also, but I have never heard that females smoke ganja. It is not usual for children to consume either bhang or ganja.  - Evidence of COLONEL M. M. BOWIE, Commissioner, Nerbudda Division.

30. Two or three generally join company over a pipe of ganja. Ganja smoking is confined, so far as I know, to the male sex. I have never heard of children consuming any of these drugs - Evidence of MR. F. C. ANDERSON, Officiating Commissioner, Nagpur.

30. Consumption is practised both in company and in solitude, and is not confined to the male sex or to any time of life. Children are some-time given bhang by their elders as a treat. - Evidence of MR. A. C. DUFF, Deputy Commissioner, Jubbulpore.

30. Ganja smokers certainly prefer to smoke in company. The use of ganja is mainly confined to the male sex, but women, and especially prostitutes, occasionally consume the drug. Children do not smoke ganja. The habit is acquired, much' like tobacco smoking, when the youth wishes to be considered a man.  - Evidence of MR. B. ROBERTSON, Deputy Commissioner, Nimar.

30. Of the main classes of consumers mentioned in the answer to question 26, mendicants and devotees and well-to-do persons may prefer to smoke in solitude, but there is no necessity for being alone. Labourers nearly always smoke in company, a "chilam" being passed round to each of 3 or 4 persons who take their puff or two in turn; four would find a chilam charged with half a tola of ganja and quarter of a tola of tobacco sufficient for a smoke in this way. With the exception of some prostitutes, women do not smoke ganja at all; nor do children. The habit is contracted by males about the age of 19 years. Bhang may be said to be, among the comparatively few who consume it, the social drink corresponding to the Anglo-Indian "peg:" women and children do not drink it. - Evidence of MR. H. V. DRAKE-BROCKMAN, Officiating  Commissioner of Excise, Central Provinces.

30. Habitual moderate consumers of ganja smoke alone, but habitual excessive consumers (fakirs and mendicants) and other occasional smokers of ganja smoke it in company ; bhang drinkers generally drink it in company. Males generally use these drugs, but females and children of the mendicant class who follow them sometimes partake of the drug. Question 30. [oral evidence] — Bhang is drunk in company at festivals. Habitual bhang drinking is confined to foreigners from Benares and the North-Western Provinces.  - Evidence of BHARGOW LAXMON GADGIT, Brahmin, Extra Assistant Commissioner, Nagpur.

30. Ganja smokers are not generally liked by people. So this drug is taken in the beginning in solitude or in a society of consumers. As for bhang it is taken in company. People don't seem to dislike it. They are taken mainly by men, There are some public women and those of ascetic classes who use these drugs, but their number must be very small. - Evidence of TRIMBAK RAO SATHE, Extra Assistant Commissioner, and Diwan of the Sonepur State.

30. The use of ganja is confined to adult males only. It is not usual for females or children to use ganja. The lower classes of people smoke ganja openly in companies ; but the higher classes of people use it in small companies of their own, but secretly, as ganja smoking is looked down as a vice. Bhang is used openly in companies. Adult males generally use it. It is in exceptional cases that bhang is used by children or females.  - Evidence of RAGHUNATH RAO, Extra Assistant Commissioner, Damoh.

30. Ganja is for the most part smoked in solitude. It is seldom used in company. The use of ganja is mainly confined to the male sex; only some female mendicants, called " abdhootni," do so; children do not smoke. The consumption of bhang is generally practised in company; women and children do not drink bhang. Maras is not in use in these provinces, but in Oudh it is smoked in company in the shops kept by the women called " Sakins." Charas is also smoked by low class prostitutes. - Evidence of SYED MOHAMED HUSAIN, Extra Assistant Commissioner ; Diwan, Khairagarh State.

30. Ganja — It is smoked both in company and solitude. Respectable people smoke in solitude, as it is looked upon as a vice. Bhang - Generally in company, and is not looked upon as a vice to the extent of ganja smoking. Both the drugs are confined to male adults ; they are never used by children.
 - Evidence of RAM KRISHNA RAO, Brahmin, Extra Assistant Commissioner, Bhandara.

30. The ganja is generally smoked in company, and sometimes alone. But bhang on certain occasions is drunk in company, but generally alone in solitude or at home. On such occasions as Holi and Shivaratri and Mesh San krant, in the month of Baisakh of each year, the children also drink bhang.  - Evidence of BATUK BHARTHY, Superintendent of Kalahandi State.

30. The consumption of ganja is practised in solitude. It is mainly confined to the male sex. The children do not consume it.  - Evidence of ALAM CHAND, Superintendent, Bastar State.

30. It depends upon the number of persons composing the company. Boys above fifteen years commence smoking ganja, and children drink bhang and do not smoke ganja. Females never smoke ganja, except among bairagis.  - Evidence of T. GOONDIAH, Tahsildar, Janjgir, Bilaspur District.

30. Chiefly in company. Women and children do not use it.  - Evidence* of MUNSHI THAKHT SINGH, pensioned Tahsildar, Bata, District Damoh.

30. The consumption of ganja either in smok-ing or drinking, is chiefly practised by the male sex and at any time of life, excepting childhood. Children generally do not consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of CHINTAMANI NAND VIDYÂ BHUSHANA, Uria Brahmin, late Tahsildar, Sonepur, Sambalpur.

30. (a) in question 27 generally consume it in solitude : (b) and (c) in company. It is confined to males. Public girls who do not keep the profession of singing occasionally smoke ganja. Children never smoke, nor are they permitted to associate with ganja smokers, but occasionally they are given a little bhang even by their elders if any happens to be present at the preparation. Bhang is generally drunk in company of other friends unless there be no one to join him.  - Evidence of VINAYAK BALKRISHNA. KHARE, Brahmin, Excise Daroga, Nagpur.

30. All the abovementioned drugs, charas, bhang and ganja are smoked in company. They do not appear good in solitude. It is confined to males only. The average of the female consumers is nil .Charas is not smoked in the provinces. But in Oudh, and specially in Lucknow, women also smoke it. There they are known by the name of Sakin, that is, the providers of tobacco and charas. Ganja produces a very strong intoxication. The women cannot bear the puffs of its smoking, therefore they do not smoke it. But no doubt they, to a small extent., drink Chang as thandai in Holi festival. But they do not drink it always. Their boys consume these drugs—bhang or majum —in Holi festival. All the abovementioned drugs are commenced from the beginning of the age of puberty, and when they have become slaves to them, they are obliged to continue them till their old age. Some persons leave them also. Nobody begins their use in old age because they are injurious in that age. They no doubt generally begin to use opium in the old age.  - Evidence of ANANDI PERSHAD, Excise Daroga, Hoshangabad.

30. Both drugs are consumed both publicly and in solitude. I cannot say in what proportions they are used in company and in solitude. Men only use them. From 16 to 35 years is the usual time of life. They generally stop by 35 if they find it injuring their health, but not otherwise. Children do not consume these drugs.  - Evidence of BRIJMOHUN PATNAIK, Mahanti, Treasurer, Sambalpur.

30. The consumption is almost solely practised in company, and only in the case of about 5 per cent. of the smokers in solitude. It is confined to the male sex only, and from the age of 20 and upwards. No, it is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.
 - Evidence of MR. A. E. LOWRIE, Officiating Deputy Conservator of Forests, Chanda.

30. Bhang and ganja are consumed much less in company than in solitude, because the habitual consumers prefer, for the sake of economy, the use of the drug in both eases at their own houses. There are rare instances in which the consumption of the above drugs is practised by females or children.  - Evidence of MUNSHI MAHOMED GHOUSE, Extra Assistant Conservator of Forests, Raipur.

30. Moderate consumers make no secret of its use that I am aware of. I have seen small paper packets of broken ganja carried in the folds of a puggri.  - Evidence of COLONEL H. HUGHES HALLET, Officiating Inspector-General of Police and Prisons, Central Provinces.

30. Ganja smoking is often a solitary practice, for people are often ashamed of the habit, but either cannot or do not care to leave it off. It is chiefly confined to the male sex. It is never consumed by children.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR H. K. MCKAY, Civil Surgeon, Nagpur.

30. The consumption of these drugs is generally practised in company, rarely in solitude. It is mainly confined to the male sex. Respectable women very rarely use it. The consumption of the drug among women is confined to prostitutes. Children never use it. Among the Marwaris boys above 10 or 12 are occasionally given Chang during the Holi festival and in the hot weather as a thandai ; also the women of this caste now and again take bhang during the Holi festival.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR W. A. QUAYLE, Civil Surgeon, Nimar.

30. The extent of consumption is very small in company, and occasional, but most in solitude. It is chiefly confined to the male sex, and not used by the children. - Evidence of HONY. SURGEON-MAJOR J. E. HARRISON, Retired List, and Civil Surgeon, Kalahundi

30 Ganja—generally in company but by rich alone. Bhang, i.e., chur ganja, for internal use, generally in company or in presence of others. Almost entirely confined to male sex and to adults.  - Evidence of APOTHECARY J. PRENTIE, Civil Surgeon, Bhandara.

30. Ganja smoking is generally carried out in company. Very moderate, habitual smokers occasionally consume the drug in private to prevent their weakness from being publicly known. Bhang draughts are prepared laboriously, hence its consumption is more usually accomplished in private, or amongst family members. Both habits are confined to males, women and children not being allowed to partake. Boys working with boatmen, or in coolie gangs, are sometimes included in ganja smoking bouts and become habituals.  - Evidence of APOTHECARY GEORGE MURPHY , Civil Surgeon, Mandla.

30. Ganja and bhang are, I believe, as much used in solitude as in company. Their use is exclusively confined to the male sex. It is unusual for children to consume these drugs. - Evidence of DOORGA DAS SEN, Baidya, Assistant Surgeon, Warora

30. Bhang is chiefly consumed as sherbet in company. Ganja alone or in company is smoked. Yes, chiefly confined to male sex. Children do not consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of MUHAMMAD HABIBULLA, 1st grade Hospital Assistant, Seoni.

30. The consumption of ganja and charas is practised more in company than in solitude. The habitual, moderate consumption of bhang is practised more in solitude. But the excessive, occasional consumption of bhang is practised often in company. These things are mainly confined to males of riper age. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of MIR ZAMIN ALI, Pensioned Hospital Assistant, Jabalpur

30. The drugs are sometimes consumed in solitude, but the consumers prefer to congregate together. It is confined to men. Boys do not smoke till after 15 or 16, when they continue all their lives. If a man begins he never leaves off. Children are never given the drug.  - Evidence of KHUSHALI RAM, Honorary Magistrate, Chhindwara.

30. Gosains, bairagis and labourers generally use it in company. Only middle-class men, who get addicted to it through want of self-control or through their association with classes of persons above-mentioned, generally use it in solitude. Females never use it excepting those abandoned characters who generally follow some of these bairagis and other wandering tribes as their concubines. Children seldom use it but only those of the above class of population who find it within their easy reach and who take it from the example of their fathers. - Evidence of GANGADHARRAO MADHO CHITNAVIS , Honorary Magistrate, Nagpur.

30. Ganja smoking chiefly in company but by habituals at all times. Women use it very little. Children (boys) not till they are fifteen or more. No one wishes his children to learn the practice ; even a confirmed ganja smoker will beat his child if he discovers him doing it. Bhang is drunk by women and also by children. Is not thought disgraceful. Does produce little intoxication. Relieves fatigue, cools the blood and induces sleep. - Evidence* of MIR IMDAD ALI, Honorary Magistrate, Damoh .

30. Ganja is generally consumed in private. It is confined to men and to prostitutes among females. It is not give to children. About 75 per cent. of consumers smoke it in private. Bbang is generally drunk in company. Females occasionally drink it and also children; but it is principally drunk by men. It is not confined to any period of life. - Evidence of SETH BACHRAJ, Honorary Magistrate, Wardha.

30. Generally these drugs are consumed by people in company of their friends, but the habituals are excepted. Young men use these drugs. Bhang is sometimes given to children also. - Evidence of MODAN MOHAN SET H, Honorary Magistrate, Jubbulpore.

30. Generally ganja smokers assemble in parties of four or five. Habitual bhang-drinkers drink alone. Excessive bhang-drinkers drink in company. Very few women (5 per cent.) smoke ganja and drink bhang. Children never smoke ganja and very rarely indeed drink bhang.  - Evidence of KAPUR CHAND, Honorary Magistrate and Gumasta, Raipur.

30. Generally in company, two or three or more. In the villages I have generally noticed that all the smokers of ganja of a muhalla get together. Bhang is drunk either in solitude or in company according to circumstances. No women smoke ganja except gosain women and prostitutes. Very few children smoke it. The same with bhang. - Evidence of RAGHOBA MAHADIK, Malguzar and Honorary Magistrate, Rajim.

30. It is used in large quantities in company and at conspicuous places. It is confined both to the male sex and to the grown up persons. It is not used by the children.  - Evidence of HARI HAR SINGH, Zamindar and Honorary Magistrate, Sambalpur District.

30. As a rule the consumption of ganja is prac -tised in solitude, and ganja about two mashas and bhang three to six mashas in weight are used at a time. If there be one or two companions, ganja three or four mashas and bhang at the rate of three mashas for every person, and in the case of excessive drinkers six mashas are used. The use of ganja and bhang is specially confined to the male sex. No children consume them. On com -ing of age, however, they begin to use them at any time of their life they please.  - Evidence of RAI BAHADUR SETH TIKA RAM, Brahmin, Money-lender and Malguzar, Narsinghpur.

30. Habitual consumers take the drugs in solitude. The ordinary smoker prefers to take it in society. Children never take these drugs. They are never consumed before maturity.  - Evidence of DIWAN PREM SINGH, Zamindar, Bilaspur District.

30. Bhang is used at festivals. Sadhus smoke in solitude. Ganja smokers invariably smoke in company, if possible. The practice is never commenced before sixteen. His father and mother smack a boy who tries to smoke before this. Female sadhus smoke. Female coolies do not smoke ganja. No respectable women smoke ganja, but now and then they drink bhang. This would be in solitude. Opium, but not these drugs, is given to children. - Evidence of LALL UMED SINGH, Zamindar, Bilaspur District.

30. The majority smoke in solitude. The males alone smoke ganja. No children smoke ganja.  - Evidence of LALL NROOPRAJ SINGH, Chatriya, Zamindar of Barpali, District Sambalpur

30. They smoke ganja in the presence of persons who are addicted to its use and avoid the presence of those who do not smoke it. Those who drink bhang do not take any such precaution; rather they take delight in drinking it in com -pany. Generally its consumption is confined to the male sex and children are not allowed to use it. - Evidence * of PANDIT NARAYAN RAO GOBIND, Brahmin, Zamindar, Hurda

30. Bhang is generally eaten in solitude, but ganja is smoked in company. Their consumption is generally confined to the male sex. It is generally begun in youth, but once begun is continued to old age. Children do not consume either ganja or bhang.  - Evidence of CHANDI PERSHAD, Brahmin, Malguzar, and President, Municipal Committee, Chanda

30. Bhang is openly consumed; ganja is more or less always consumed in solitude. It is mainly confined to the male sex. Adults are generally addicted to these drugs. No; it is not usual for children to consume these drugs. - Evidence of THAKUR MAHARAJ SINGH, RAI BAHADUR,* Malguzar, Saugor.

30. Ganja and bhang are sometimes used in company. The use of ganja and bhang is confined to the male sex. I have never heard of children being addicted to the use of these drugs.  - Evidence of RAO VENKAT RAO, Brahmin, Malguzar, and Political Pensioner, Saugor

30. The consumption of both ganja and bhang is practised in limited company to a greater extent. It is confined to the male sex excepting a few of the prostitutes, but it is not confined to any time of life. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. Some ill-behaved lads, moving in bad company, begin to use it about the time they are 15 or 16 years old. - Evidence of RAO SAHIB BALWANTRAO GOVINDRAO BHUSKUTE, Brahmin, Jagirdar of Timborni, Barhanpar, Nimar District.

30. Both smoking ganja and drinking bhang are done in solitude. The habits are confined to men. No women do so. 18 to 30 is the common age. Most give up the habit after 30. Children do not use the drugs. Question 30. [oral evidence] — It is true that some people do abandon the drugs after 30 years of age. Confirmed consumers are however the majority, and do not give up the habit - Evidence * of DAMODHAR DASS, Brahmin, Mafidar, Bargarh, Sambalpur District

30. The majority of ganja smokers smoke it in company. Those who smoke 4½ pies worth of ganja smoke it in solitude, if they have nobody at hand to join them. Generally, the male sex are addicted to this vice, but the wives of bairagis and gosains also smoke it. It is also to some extent smoked by kaikadines and prostitutes. Ganja smoking is generally commenced in the prime of life, say, at 20. Children are generally given the beverage called bhang. The sweet called majum is sometimes used by them, as also ganja, which is used by them in a preparation called "chivda." But the latter is done very occasionally.  - Evidence of the REV. I. JACOB, Church of England Missionary, Chairman, District Council, etc., Chanda.

30. Ganja is smoked about here in the same way as tobacco is, and only by male adults. It is not usual for children to use it. It is used more by middle-aged men than by others.  - Evidence of the REV. O. LOHR,* Medical Missionary, Bisrampur, Raipur District

30. Ganja or bhang are generally used in company. One always notices a few dambhais associate smokers clustered round a devotee; and during the hot months it is quite a common practice for a few friends to get together and go out to a garden for a pic-nic or on the banks of a river, when each man gets his share of a lota of the aromatic bhang, which is prepared on the spot. Not necessarily confined to male sex, but women of any respectability have nothing to do with either, even on festive occasions. I have not seen many children use ganja or bhang as a rule, but on certain occasions persons of tender years do drink bhang. Boys attached to devotees, however, learn to smoke and drink as soon as they become members of the fraternity.  - Evidence of ADHAR SINGH GOUR, Kshattri, Barrister-at-law, Hoshangabad.

30. People of the better sort invariably smoke ganja in solitude; bhang is drunk as "thandai" more openly, but not in company in the sense that wine is drunk by Europeans in company except it be on festive occasions where young men drink it together in garden houses or "baithak khanas." The lower classes do smoke ganja in company, I believe, more for economy than for talk. Women, except the most degraded, seldom smoke ganja; a little of "thandai," I am inclin -ed to think, does not come amiss to young married women amongst the Marwaris, provided it does not become known. Such cases are not many, and the practice is never habitual. Children I have never known to smoke ganja or charas. A little "thandai" is given to boys sometimes during the hot weather months, espe -cially in families of which the headman is a devout believer in its efficacy, but here also the cases are very few and seldom habitual.  - Evidence of MR. TARA DASS BANERJI, President, District Council, Raipur.

30. Ganja and bhang are more frequently used in company than in solitude. It is mainly confined to the male sex above the age of 15 years in the case of ganja, and above the age of 5 in the case of bhang. It is not usual for children' either to smoke ganja or to drink bhang. - Evidence of BABU KALIDAS CHOWDHRY, Brahmin, Pleader, Hoshangabad.

30.The private smokers of ganja are about 25 per cent. It is more consumed in company. Females do not smoke ganja. Children do not smoke ganja. They follow the example of their parents or others afterwards, when they attain age of discretion. Generally this habit is formed when a person can earn for himself, and kept up until old age. - Evidence of RAO SAHIB RANGRAO HARRY KHISTY, Pleader, Bhandara

30. Nearly 80 per cent. of smokers practise smoking in company. Only excessive smokers smoke in solitude and consume as much as 1/2 a tola ; but they also seek company in smoking. Bhang is used in solitude by those who take it for medicinal purposes. Habitual consumers are male adults. The habit is easily formed and compara-tively easy to break off.  - Evidence of Mr. J. A. MAUGHAN, Manager, Central Provinces Collieries, Umaria, Jubbulpore District.

30. We have a place set apart for smokers, who are allowed to smoke at certain times of the day only. Men smoking ganja are seldom found there. - Evidence of BAZONJI DADABHOY, Parsi, Manager of the Empress Mills, Nagpur.

30. The consumption of bhang and ganja is invariably practised in solitude and in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex, especially to mendicants. The female sex make use of these drugs, but very sparingly ; but not the children.  - Evidence of RAI BAHADUR KUSTOORCHAND DAGA, Bania, Banker, Kamptee, Nagpur District.

30. To a great extent the consumption is prac -tised in company. Yes; it is mainly confined to the male sex and to adults.  - Evidence of LALA NIINDKESFIORE, * Agartcal, Merchant, Banker, Contractor, Malgoozar, Honorary Magistrate, Secretary, Municipal Committee, and Member, District Council, Saugor

30. Not more than 5 per cent. of ganja consumers smoke in solitude. Ganja smoking is essentially a sociable custom. The pipe is passed round to neighbours for a whiff. The usual number to share one pipe is three. In a party of three fellow-workers, one will provide the pipeful on one occasion, another on the next occasion, and so on. Ganja smoking is confined chiefly to the male sex. Not more than 5 per cent of ganja smokers are women. Ganja smoking is not peculiar to any special age. Boys begin from 12 to 15, following the example of their fathers and elders. Question 30.[oral evidence] — A few women do smoke ganja. They are women of lower classes, the same as would smoke madak. I do not know that they are prostitutes who indulge in this habit.  - Evidence* of GIRDHARI LAL, Oswal Bania, Merchant and Banker, Seoni-Chapara.

30. About 20 per cent. of the ganja smokers smoke in private, and 80 per cent. in company. Out of every 100 consumers, about 10 per cent. are women, 20 per cent. are boys, 70 per cent. are men. Boys of the labouring and ganja smoking classes begin to smoke ganja from 12 years old and upwards: result of example, because they think it manly. - Evidence* of ONKAR DAS, Agarwalla Bania, Mahajan, Seoni-Chapara

30. Ganja smoking is a sociable custom. As a general rule, the man who fills a pipe of ganja (with tobacco) for a smoke, passes the pipe round to three or four companions. This is the general custom. Only about 5 per cent. of the consumers will smoke out a pipe by himself. Ganja smoking is confined mainly to the male sex. Only about 5 per cent. of the consumers are women, and those are only women of loose character. The women-folk of ganja smoking Gonds do not smoke ganja. It is considered very disreputable in a woman. Ganja is not smoked with any idea of increasing sexual vigour ; the ganja smoker smokes to put himself to sleep, or to refresh himself when fatigued and enable him to work on. Boys, the sons of smokers, begin to smoke ganja  when they go out to work with their fathers or caste-fellows. Ganja smoking is not special to any age. - Evidence* of HUSEN KHAN,† Pathan, Abkari Contractor, Seoni-Chapara

30. To the greatest extent ganja and bhang are used in company. Ganja is generally consumed by the male, and in few eases by the women of bad repute. Bhang is also generally consumed by male and by well-to-do ladies on special occasions and in company, and sometimes children are allowed to partake the same.  - Evidence of COWASJEE MEHERWANJEE HATTY-DAROO, Parsi, Merchant and Abkari Contractor, Seoni-Chapara.

30. The labouring and upper middle classes generally smoke in solitude. The mendicant classes in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex: not to any particular time of life. Children occasionally drink bhang. Prostitutes frequently smoke ganja : those who don't sing.  - Evidence of BIJRAJ, Marwari, Wholesale ganja vendor, Kamptee, Nagpur District.

30. In company ganja, bhang or charas can be used double the amount of what is used in solitude. These are confined to male sex only. Children use them rarely.  - Evidence of LALA RAMSAHI AND LALA SITARAM,  Abkari Contractors, Nagpur.

30. Smoking is done generally in company. Bhang is generally taken in solitude. It is con-fined only to the male sex as a rule and only to adults. Majum alone is at times adminis tered to children as a medicine.  - Evidence of MR. J. STURROCK, Collector, Coimbatore.

30. Smoking and drinking ganja is done in company and eating in solitude. The consumption is mainly confined to the male sex. Purunathi for children is administered to children.  - Evidence of MR. E. TURNER, Collector of Madura.

30. Apparently mostly confined to the male sex.. I have never met with or heard of a female consumer of these drugs - Evidence of MR. R. SEWELL, Collector of Bellary

30. No rule can be affirmed. Bairagis smoke in company. The practice is almost exclusively confined to adult males. Some bairagi women smoke ganja. Purnâdhi is largely used as a medicine, and is given to children in minute quantities as a soothing draught, a stomachic and tonic. If the ingredients are mixed in proper proportions, and cautiously administered, it must obviously be an excellent medicine for ordinary bowel complaints. The dose for a small child is said to be a pill as large as a grain of dhal.  - Eviclence of MR. H. M. WINTERBOTHAM, Collector of Tanjore

30. Smoking usually takes place in company. The consumption of other forms follows no fixed rule. The male sex are generally the sole con-sumers, but they take to it at any time of life, Some preparations are given to children, but only as medicine.  - Evidence of MR. W. A. WILLOCK, Collector, Vizagapatam.

30. Ganja smoking is practised in company, generally in matams, etc., where the fanatics or the mendicants assemble while halting during their pilgrimage. Bhang, when consumed by habitual consumers, is done in their households in solitude generally, except on occasions of festivities ; such as the last day of Dhasara, the Rajputs make a treat of it to their friends and relatives. Charas not used. Chiefl y confined to the male sex and to adults. The confections of ganja are, however, administered as medicine to females and to children.  - Evidence of MR. J. THOMSON, Collector of Chingleput.

30. Ganja smoking mostly is practised in company. Bhang is taken in solitude. The practice is confined to the male sex and above the middle period of life. It is administered to children to soothe pain, especially when Muhammadan children are circumcised.  - Evidence of MR. G. STOKES, Collector of Salem,.

30. Ganja is generally smoked in company. The preparations made from it, " purnadi" and bhang, are consumed generally in solitude, mainly by men Sometimes purnadi is administered medicinally in small doses to children in cases of i ndigestion.  - Evidence of MR. G. S. FORBES, Collector of Tinnevelly.

30. Ganja seems to be generally consumed in company, and almost entirely by males.  - Evidence of MR. S. H. WYNNE, Collector, Godavari District.

30. Neither females nor children resort to the drug. - Evidence of MR. M. HAMMICK, Acting Collector of South Arcot.

30. The invariable practice is to consume in company. It is confined to the male sex; not generally begun before early manhood; but one smoker I saw declared he began when ten years old. Children do not use the drug. - Evidence of MR. C. H. MOUNSEY, Acting Collector of Cuddapah.

30. Smoking only is practised in company. Males only. Ganja is given medicinally to children.  - Evidence of MR. F. D'A. O. WOLFE-MURRAY, Acting Collector of the Nilgiris.

30. Ganja is usually consumed in solitude at home, but if a consumer receives a visit from another they smoke together. Its use is generally confined to men of all ages. Beggars and fakirs commence taking it at a very early age and continue through life. Other classes do not usually become habitual consumers till middle age, though they take it at all ages medicinally. Ganja is boiled with ghee, and a sweet preparation is made for children as a preventive of diarrhÅ“a and dysentery.  - Evidence of MR. L. C. MILLER, .Acting Collector of Trichinopoly.

30. The consumption is generally in company and confined to the male sex without regard to limit of age after boyhood. It is occasionally given to infants to induce sleep. - Evidence of MR. K. C. MANAVEDAN RAJA, Collector, Anantapur.

30. No rule that I can ascertain. It is mainly confined to the male sex. Children do not usually consume the drug.  - Evidence of MR. C. J. WEIR,* Acting Collector, District Magistrate, and Agent to Govr., Ganjam.

30. Though these are for the most part used by adult males, very small quantities may be used by females. - Evidence  of  MR. J. G. D. PARTRIDGE,  Assistant collector, Ganjam.

30. The consumption of ganja and bhang is practised in company; oftener in the case of the former than in that of the latter. Majum and other strong intoxicants are generally consumed in solitude or in the company of the habitual con-sumers. Children do not use these drugs. - Evidence of MR. H. CAMPBELL, Acting Sub-Collector, Guntoor.

30. Ganja is consumed both in solitude and in company. Information as to extent not available. It is mainly confined to the male sex. Lahiam is given to children to induce them to sleep and as a preventive of diarrhÅ“a. No smoking dens are set apart. The mendicants smoke in mantapams and other unfrequented places.  - Evidence of MR. E. L. VAUGHAN, Acting Sub-Collector, Dindigul.

30. Smoking parties are the custom, one man being the host and finding the ganja, etc. Quite confined to male sex. Confined to no particular time of life, except that children are not allowed it.  - Evidence of MR. W. FRANCIS, Acting Head Assistant Collector, Ramnad.

30. Respectable people consume them in secret. They are very rarely used by respectable people. Majum-ghee and ganja. These are fried together and nutmegs, almonds, cinnamon and cardamoms are added. This preparation is sometimes given to children to help digestion and to induce sleep. It is also eaten by adults. It is not con -fined to any time of life. It is mainly, if not entirely, confined to the male sex,  - Evidence of MR. R. E. GRIMLEY, Acting Head Assistant Collector, North Arcot.

30. The consumption of these drugs is confined to adult males. Children never consume them. -  Evidence of Mr. H. F. W. GILLMAN, Acting Head Assistant Collector, Nilgiris.

30. (a) Can't say. (b) Chiefly males, 20 to 40. (c) Very rarely, except as medicine.  - Evidence of MR. J. H. MERRIMAN, Deputy Commissioner of Salt and Abkari, Central Division

30. The general opinion seems to be that it is consumed in company, and as a rule by adults only of both sexes. Majum is, however, said to be given to children to make them sleep.  - Evidence of MR. F. LEVY, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Salt and Abkari, Southern Division

30. The consumption of the drugs is practised generally in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex and in middle age. Children do not consume any of the drugs. - Evidence of P. PUNDARIKAKSHUDU, Brahmin, Deputy Collector, Venukunda, Kistna District

30. Used in company by low mendicants. Never used by females. Confection of ganja known as majum is given rarely to infants to induce sleep at nights.  - Evidence of  D. JAGANNADHARAO PANTALU, Brahmin,Deputy Collector, Anantapur.

30. Cannot be said, mainly consumed by male sex , never used by females and children.  - Evidence of W . VENKATAPPIAH PAN TULU GARU, Brahmin, Deputy Collector, Chatrapur, Ganjam

30. Ganja is smoked publicly in bairagi mattams and such other places. Company is preferred to solitude. At home it is smoked stealthily, but even there company has its fascination. It is confined exclusively to the male sex. Females never use it. Bhang is always drunk in company; males only drink it and females seldom do so.  - Evidence of M. R. R. DEWAN BAHADUR S. VENKATA RAMADAS NAIDU, Deputy Collector, Godavari.

30. Ganja is smoked both in solitude and in company. It is not confined to the male sex or any time of life. Children take ganja in the form of majun.  - Evidence of DEWAN BAHADUR K. V. LAKSHAMANA Row GARU, .Brahmin, Deputy Collector, North Arcot.

30. The consumption of bhang and ganja is practised generally in company, and is confined to male sex. Children of fakirs and bairagis of about seven or eight years of age also smoke ganja.  - Evidence of M. AZIZUDDEEN, SAHIB BAHADUR, Deputy Collector, North Arcot.

30. In the majority of cases, ganja is smoked in company and majum and bhang in solitude. The use of these drugs is mainly confined to males after twenty years, and the habit grows with age. Majum pills in mild form are medically administered to children, but not otherwise.  -  Evidence of B. NARAYANAMURTY, Brahmin, Deputy Collector, Ganjam.

30. These drugs are generally consumed in company. Children and women are generally not known to consume them.  - Evidence of K. NARAYANA IYER, Brahmin, Deputy Collector, Gooty.

30. Bhang is generally used in company by occasional moderate smokers. Regular smokers will smoke in solitude when left to themselves. Habitual excessive smokers prefer solitude to com-pany for the purpose. Its use is confined to the male sex. In rare cases children learn the' habit from their fathers or guardians, who get the preparation made by them.  - Evidence of MR. J. H. GWYNNE , Deputy Collector, Wynaad, Malabar District.

30. The consumption is practised in company. A few females also use bhang and ganja. Children do not generally use it.  - Evidence of M. R. RY. P. VEERASWAMI NAIDU, Deputy Collector, Masulipatam

30. Smoking is usually practised in company. Usually males contract the habit; children never
take to it. It is not confined to any particular time of life among adults.  - Evidence of M R. W. E. GANAPATHY, Retired Deputy Collector, Palamcottah, Tinnevelly

30. The secret consumers alone use it in solitude, but it is best enjoyed in company. Bairagis enjoy it most in this way. Women also use it just like men, but the children do not seem to be allowed its use, until they grow up into men.  - Evidence of A. KRISHNAMACHARULU, Tahsildar, Bapatla, Kistna District.

30. Smoking is done in company and eating in solitude. On marriage occasions, among the Mahrattis, Rajputs, and Guzeratis, drinking is done in company. I don't know if females indulge in ganja. I am not aware of children consuming ganja.  - Evidence of P. S. SINGARAVELU PILLAI, Tahsildar of Erode.

30. The consumers generally practise the drug in company.  - Evidence of S. VASUDEVA. RAO, Tahsildar, Tadpatri.

30. Ganja smoking is usually practised in company. It is not confined to the male sex. It is practised by adults. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of ADAKI JAGANNADHA RAO, Brahmin, Acting Tahsildar, Hindupur, Anantapur District.

30. Ganja and bhang are more used in company than in solitude. It is confined to the male sex. It is not given to children at all - Evidence of G. JAGANNAYAKULU, Acting Tahsildar, Gooty

30. About 75 per cent. of the consumers prefer company, 5 per cent. seek solitude, and the rest are indifferent. It is not confined to any time of life. Drinking and eating are partaken by low class of females also, while smoking is not. Children above ten years begin to contract the habit.
 - Evidence of A. KATCHAPESWARA. IYER, Brahmin, Stationary Sub-Magistrate, Cuddapah Taluk

30. Mostly confined to adult males or youths. They use in company in Matams, or Choultries. -  Evidence of M. SESHACHALA NAIDU, Baliya, Pensioned Tahsildar, Vellore.

30. Ganja smoking is openly carried on by males in company generally. Ganja preparation is given to children as a medicine to check indigestion and diarrhœa. - Evidence of N. SOONDRAMIAH , Brahmin, Deputy Tahsildar, Ootacamund.

30. Ganja smoking is practised in solitude or in company. Bhang is said to be consumed in company. They are said to be consumed generally by Muhammadans at the age of about forty years till the end of their lives. Females do not use them. Children do not use them - Evidence of R. SAMINATHA IYER, Brahmin, Acting Deputy Tahsildar, coono or.

30. I am told that even females use it. It is consumed in company as well as in solitude. - Evidence of R. C. RAMA IYENGOR, Brahmin, Village Magistrate, Berangy, Mudanapulee Taluk, Cuddapah District.

30. Generally the consumption of these drugs is practised in solitude, except by Bairagis and
fakirs who do it in company. It is mainly confined to males, Females very seldom use it. Some peevish and puny children are given the preparation called majum to sharpen appetite and make them more buoyant.  - Evidence of K. NARAINASWAMY NAIDU, Velama, Huzoor Sheristadar, Masulipatam.

30. The smoking of ganja is openly practised and in company. It is confined to men. I have never known women or children smoke it. Raj put boys of 10 or 12 years of age smoke ganja without their parents’ knowledge. - Evidence of MR. R. W. MORGAN, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Ootacamund, Nilgiris.

30. (a) Mostly practised in company and rarely in solitude. (b) Yes.  - Evidence of Mr. G. HADFIELD, Deputy Conservator of Forests, South Malabar.

30. Generally in company, occasionally alone. Man and women (in Jabalpur many women take it). From manhood to death. Children never take them.  - Evidence of COLONEL II. S. ELTON, Commandant, 16th _Regiment, Madras Infantry, Bellary.

30. Children do not consume the drug.  - Evidence of CAPTAIN F. L. JONES, Commandant, 3rd Madras Lancers, Bellary.

30. Chiefly confined to male sex. Hindu prostitutes also use it - Evidence of SUBADAR MAJOR MAHAMMAD MURTUZA, 1st Madras Pioneers, Trichinopoly.

30. It is usually practised in company. A group of men will pass round the special pipe en which with gourak a small quantity of ganja decoction has been mixed. The smoking is on these occasions not carried to an extent to cause more than slight exaltation. In large populations, but few will be found who indulge to an extent to secure the full effects. These resort to ganja dens, where both men and women are found.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR W. G. KING, Acting Sanitary Commissioner, Nadias.

30. Confined to male sex. It is given to children at time of circumcision.  - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL II. HYDE, District Surgeon, Trichinopoly.

30. Generally in company, confined to male sex. They are given as medicine to children. -  Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL A.H. LEAPING-WELL, District Surgeon, Vizagapatam.

30. They are either smoked or drunk in solitude or in the company of those who use them. Adult males only use them. Children sometimes get hold of a pipe. I did once as a child, and was sick for some hours afterwards.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR CHATTERJIE, Medical Officer in charge 13th Madras Infantry, Cannanore.

30. In company chiefly. It is chiefly confined to the male sex. Prostitutes sometimes use it - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR JOHN LANCASTER, District Surgeon, North Arcot.

30. Male and female both take it.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR K. C. SANJANA, Parsi, District Surgeon, Tinnevelly.

30. Bhang is usually drunk in company.; ganja is smoked alone or in company ; its use is restricted to the male sex; children are not known to indulge in hemp preparations. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR W. O ' HARA, District Medical and Sanitary Officer and Superintendent of Jail, Bellary.

29. The lower class Muhammadans mix ganja with 18 different spices, and work it up into a ball with jaggery; in this form they eat it as an aid to appetite and digestion. 30. A ball similar to the above is also given to Muhammadan children for a similar purpose. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR G. L. WALKER, Civil Surgeon, Ootacamund.

30. (a) I do not know. (b) Principally to the male sex. Women are not entirely free from the habit. I have noticed the habit prevailing more amongst elderly men than amongst the young. (c) I do not know.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR S. C. SARKIES, District Surgeon, Nellore.

30. Ganja is practised in solitude, whereas bhang is practised in company. These habits are mainly confined to the male sex, chiefly by those over 30 years of age. In some cases, younger people, and even children, drink a mixture of bhang. Prostitutes also occasionally take bhang for sexual excitement. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR W. F THOMAS, Acting District Medical and Sanitary Officer, Chingleput.

30. (a) Ganja is used in company. Only confined to male adults. (c) No. - Evidence of SURGEON-CAPTAIN C. F. FEARNSIDE, Acting District Surgeon, Ganjam.

30. The drug, as in the case of other intoxicat -ing drugs, is used both in company and solitude. It is principally confined to the male sex. It is not usual for children to use it.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR R. PEMBERTON, Civil Surgeon, Cochin.

30. Generally alone, but a pipe is often passed 'from one to another. Parties are occasionally given for the smoking of ganja. Almost entirely con-fined to the male sex. Majum is given to children for_diarrhÅ“a,and when they are going to he It is a sweetmeat which contains ganjaor bhang.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR A. J. STURMER, District and Sanitary Officer, Masulipatam, Kistna District.

30. (b) The use of ganja is mainly confined to the male sex and to grown up people of that sex. (c) No.  - Evidence of Civil Apothecary T. M. CHERIYAN, Manantoddy.

30. Male sex smoke in company, but eat it in private. Neither females nor children resort to it. - Evidence of Apothecary G. A. W. VELLONES, Chetambaram, South Arcot.

30. (a) In company more. (b) Adult males. (c) No.  - Evidence of Apothecary N. H. DANIEL, In charge Police Hospital, Koraput, Vizagapatam District.

30. (a) Seldom in solitude, but frequently in company. (b) Very seldom indeed by the female. Usually from the eighteenth year or the age of adolesence. (c) No.  - Evidence of Apothecary MUHAMMAD ASADULLA, Ellore, Godavary District.

30. Not known. The use of these drugs is not confined to the male sex alone. Females and even children are known to consume some preparations, such as halwa, etc. As a rule, adults after middle age become habitually used to these drugs.  - Evidence of DR. ARTHUR WELLS, Medical Officer, Chicacole, Ganjam District.

30. More in solitude than in company. Smoking confined only to the male sex. Prostitutes <br/>eat and drink preparations of bhang. Children do not use them.  - Evidence of K. JAGANNADHAM NAIDU,* Medical Officer, Parlakimedi, Ganjam District.

30. Ganja-smoking seems to be practised mostly in company ; but bhang eating in solitude, if at all. Confined to the male sex, and, as a rule, above middle period of life : At any rate the practice appears by no means common among young men. Children don't consume the drug in any shape usually ; but there seems to be a practice among Muhammadans, though not, perhaps, universal, of drugging the male children with a small quantity of bhang shortly before circumcision, with the object of rendering the operation painless.  - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon SALDANHA, Salem.

30. In solitude less, company extensively. It is mainly confined to the male sex. Children never consume these drugs.  - Evidence of Hospital Assistant T. RANGANAYA KULU NAID00, Rajahmundry, Godavari District

30. Whatever may be the nature of the hemp plant, it is practised generally in company with others; a few others also in solitude. As a rule the male members are predominant; but in a country like Bengal, I had known several in -stances where both the females and children resort to the practice, more especially of the bhang variety. - Evidence of Hospital Assistant M. IYASWAMY PILLAY, Saint Thomas' Mount, Madras.

30. As a rule, mothers give ganja to children as a medicine to cure indigestion. Bhang and ganja are used more in company of two or three than in solitude. - Evidence of Hospital Assistant M . V. RAMANUGULU NAIDU, Peddapur, Godavari District.

30. It is equally practised in solitude and in company to a large extent. Very few among females. Some prostitutes make use of the drink and  confections prepared by ganja. When the habit is once contracted, it is continued lifelong. A confection called kutimajuma is given to chil -dren for producing sound. sleep, good appetite, and as a remedy in dysentery.  - Evidence of Hospital Assistant CHINNY SREENIVASA RAU, Prapanna Komity, L. F. Hospital, Bobbili Vizagapatam District

30. As far as my knowledge goes, the drugs are consumed in company. T he consumption is mainly confined to the male sex, but to no particular time of life. It is unusual for children to consume any of them.  - Evidence of Hospital Assistant P. NARRAINSWAMY TELEGA, Parvatipur Vizagapatam District.

30. Amongst the consumers, 75 per cent. practise in company and 25 per cent. in solitude. It is mostly confined to the male sex ; but in very few cases, females, too, practise in them. As the children do not consume them, it could be safely said that it is confined to the time of life above 12 years of age. As for charas, I do not know - Evidence of Hospital Assistant JAGANNATII PANDIT, Uriya, Russellkonda, Ganjam District

30. Not known. Here it is confined to male sex, and it is not used for children. - Evidence of Hospital Assistant C. M. APPATHORAI MUDALIAR, Vellala, Chairman, Union Panchayat, Hindupur, Anantapur District.

30. Ordinarily ganja is smoked by people in company. Yes, it is mainly used by males; there are rare instances of females using ganja. As for bhang it cannot be said so, for males, females and children are found using it (bhang) under the popular name of ramarasam.  - Evidence of Hospital Assistant I. PARTHASARATHY CHETTY, P enukonda, Anantapur District

30. Only one  drug of ganja is consumed either in solitude or in company, not more than three an-nas weight a time, and is confined to the male sex; and it is not consumed by children.  - Evidence of MIRZA DAVOOD BEG, Pensioned Hospital Assistant,

30. It is taken in solitude as well as in company. Here smoking may be said to be confined to the adults of the male sex. - Evidence of P. S. MOOTOOSAMY MODELLIAR, Retired Native Surgeon, Tanjore.

30.Consumption of ganja is generally practised in company and by a very few people in solitude, In this district it is mainly confined to the male sex. I have not seen children smoke ganja.  - Evidence of H. S. A. M. MUNJUMIAH, Native Medical Practitioner, Cuddapah.

30. Ganja and bhang is used publicly in com-mon bhangar khanas and as well as privately in one's own place. The exact number of consumers has not as yet been ascertained. Persons of all ages commencing from 11 or 12 years use ganja and bhang in this place.  - Evidence* of SAIYID MAHMUD alias H AKEEM NHANNAY MIAN, Medical Prac titioner, Cuddapah.

30. So far as I know, the eating of bhang or ganja (whatever that may exactly be), is no characteristic feature of convivial or other gatherings, and it is confined mainly to the male sex - Evidence of the RAJA OF RAMNAD,* Madura District.

30. Ganja is smoked largely, and there are ganja smoking dens in different parts of the town, where the smokers meet and smoke in company. Male sex, middle and old aged people. No ; children do not consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of M. ETHERAGULU PILLAY, Land-owner, Bezwada, Kistna District.

30. One or two tolas in solitude, and a seer or a seer and half in company. It is restricted to the male sex and is used. in any time of life. No - Evidence of AZIZ-UD-DIN ALI KHAN, SAHIB BAHADUR, Jagirdar, Cherlopalle, Gurramkanda, District Cuddapah.

30. It is largely done in solitude in this part of the country. Men not of a respectable character use it in public company. Only males of all ages use it. Children do not use it. - Evidence of SAGI RAMA SASTRY, Brahmin, Inamdar and Native Doctor, Rajahmundry, Godavari District.

30. The purnathi above specified is consumed in solitude. Ganja is smoked generally in company, and it is confined to the wale sex. Even old people continue to use the drug. Children do not consume the drug.  - Evidence of M.R. RY. V. VENKATARO YER, Brahman, Managar, Ettayapuram Estate, Tinnevelly District.

30. Used both in solitude and in company. Ganja is used generally by males. Both males and females drink bhang. Children are not allowed to use either. - Evidence of K. SUBBARAYADU PUNTALU, Brahmin, Chairman of the Adoni Municipal Council, Bellary District.

30. Very few people practise it in solitude. It is generally confined to the male sex. It is not confined to any time of life. If once practised, the consumer is constrained to use it till the end of his life. It is not usual to make use of it with children, but they are sometimes mixed with country medicines in case of dysentery, etc.  - Evidence of E. SUBRAMANA IYER, Brahmin, Chairman, Municipal Council, Con jevaram, Chingleput District.

30. There is very little solitude about a Hindu's practice of anything. He smokes his ganja anywhere and at any time. Its use by children and females is unknown. Generally speaking, the middle-aged and old use it most.  - Evidence of the REV. H. J. GOFFIN,*Missionary, Kadiri, Cuddapah District.

30. It is mainly confined to the male sex. No, children are not given these stuffs for fear of being poisoned, except when it is very carefully prepared by experienced physicians.  - Evidence of the REV. J, DESIGACHART, Missionary , Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, Badvel, Cuddapah District.

30. Generally in company. There is a sort of freemasonry among ganja smokers, and they usually club together to purchase the drug and consume it in company. I have never heard of a woman using these drugs, but lads sometimes begin to use them at the age of 15 or 16 - Evidence of the REV. W. H. CAMPBELL, Missionary, London Missionary Society, Cuddapah.

30. Ganja smoking seems commonly to be performed in company. (The eating of electuaries generally in solitude.) The pipe is passed from mouth to mouth. Smoking is almost solely con fined to the male sex— see answers 20 and 27. It .is confined to that "time of life" which a smoker has left to him. I saw no old ganja smoker. One man told me that if a smoker had in the ordinary course of nature twenty years to live, he would live ten. As to age of smokers see answer 27. - Evidence of the REV. S. J. LONG, Missionary, Coimbatore.

30. Most of  the smoking and drinking seems to be done in solitude, but there are public places of resort where the drugs are consumed in company. The drugs are used here only by men of middle age. But the habit is frequently begun early in life. The lungs must be strong to stand the drug.  - Evidence of the REV. W. V. HIGGINS,* Missionary, Parlakimedi, Ganjam District.

30. Both in solitude and in company, ganja electuary is given to children. Boys also take it in sport for the intoxication.  - Evidence of the REV. JOHN S. CHANDLER, Missionay Madura.

30. (a) Ganja is smoked in company as a rule, the pipe passing from mouth to mouth like the pipe of peace amongst North American Indians. Excessive consumers smoke at all times and use the drug mixed with tobacco, the same as others use tobacco, Bhang is generally taken in solitude. (b) Ganja mostly confined to males from 15 years up. A class of women called matagulu, who correspond to the bairagulu, are said to use it. They live a homeless, wandering life. (c) Ganja.—Boys attached to the mats or monas -teries of the religious mendicants or friars will use it from eight or ten years of age onward, but I hear of no others. I cannot speak of bhang.  - Evidence of the REV. H. F. LAFLAMME, Canadian Baptist Mission, Yellamanchili, Vizagapatam

30. The consumption of the three drugs is practised both in solitude and in company. Oftener the latter consumption is restricted to full grown males and more especially to worn-out and invalid persons. Neither children nor females use them habitually. - Evidence of the REV. J. HEINRICHS, Missionary, Vinukunda, Kistna District.

30. A small quantity in solitude or a large quantity in company. In these parts, males alone generally use it. Females and children rarely use it.  - Evidence of S. P. NARASIMMALU NAYUDU, Editor of the " Crescent," Coimbatore .

30. In solitude the drug is used in limited quantities, perhaps about the value of 6 pies; but in company more—not less than one anna worth ganja.  - Evidence of N. KOTHUNDARAMAYYA, Brahmin, Editor of "Suneeti" Rajahmundry, Godavari District

30. A number of idlers consume more in company than in solitude. It is generally confined to the adult male sex generally above sixteen years of age. - 164. Evidence of K. VEMATASOOBIAH, Veishya, Trader and Pleader, District Munsiff's Court, Cuddapah.

30. The consumption of the drug is generally practised in solitude. It is entirely confined to the male sex. Once a person gets into the habit, it is difficult for him to give it up at any time of life, and it becomes a life-long habit. It is unusual for children to make use of any of these drugs - Evidence of GANJAM VENCATARATNAM, Brahmin, 1st Grade Pleader, Coconada, Godavery District.

30. Majum is consumed in solitude. Panakum is taken in company. Females also use the drug, but very rarely. Children under twelve years do not use it. Old people ordinarily take three times a day. People in manhood take more often - Evidence of P. C. ANUNTHACHARLU, Brahmin, Chairman, Municipal Council, and Government Pleader, Bellary.

30. It is practised to a large extent in company rather than in solitude. It is mainly confined to the male sex during middle age. It is not usual for children to consume these drugs.  - Evidence of V. SIVA YOGI, Brahmin, 1st Grade Pleader and .Municipal Chairman, Vellore.

30. I don't think children in the district ever consume the drug. - Evidence of C. SRINIVAS RAO, Brahmin, Government Pleader, and Chairman, Municipal Council, Cuddalore.

30. As a rule, they smoke in company. Only males use it; children do not smoke it.  - Evidence of P. KESAVA PILLAI, Karnam, Pleater, and Honorary Secretary of the Gooty People's Association.

30. When a man smokes ganja, he usually hands the chillum to the one next to him. They smoke or drink in company. Smoking in solitude is rare. Females and children also smoke ganja, but not to a large extent in this presidency. - Evidence of the HON'BLE A. SABAPATHY MOODELLIAR, RAI BAHADUR,* Merchant, Bellary.

30. These three drugs are used mostly in company. In respectable classes, females never use these drugs; but, females of lower orders, such as jugglers, etc., use it. This practice is prevalent in Northern India. Children never use these drugs. Old people generally use it because it nerves the body of a man. - Evidence of CHODISETTY VENKATARATNUM, Merchant, Coconada, Godavari District

30. Women are said to eat it at Puri in Orissa, but they do not do so in this district; children do not eat it.  - Evidence of APPALA NARASSIAH CHETTY, Vaisya, Merchant, Berhampore.

30. The bairagis as a rule use it when they are young, say about 14 to 15 years of age. Males as well as females use the drug mostly in smoking. - Evidence of MR. D . MANECKJI, Parsi, Merchant and Contractor, Calicut.

30. (a) Very few in solitude ; the rest enjoy the smoke of ganja (round) in company. (f ) It is mainly confined to the male sex. The use of it is confined to persons between manhood and old age. (c) Very rarely it is used for the use of children.  - Evidence of ABDUL KHADER, Agent of the Ganja Shopkeeper,—Rajahmundry

30. (a) Some use it in solitude, some in com -pany. Some who do not care for the public, use it openly. (b) Males only use it. (c) Children do not generally smoke ganja.  - Evidence of MULAGULA KONDIAH, Goldsmith, Rajahmundry.

30. Smoking ganja is always invariably practised in company. Ganja eating is generally practised in solitude. Gaut smoking and eating are generally confined to the male sex. But there are a few women also who, I know, do both with ganja. In its poornathi form it is given to children to cure them of mantham or indigestion occasionally, but never daily - Evidence of ANGAPPA GONUDEN, Blacksmith, Salem.

30. Beverages can be taken in company. Smoking is practised in solitude. Males only generally consume. Children do not generally consume these drugs. - Evidence of SAMDASU BAVAJI, Brahmin, Priest in the Matt of Sri Jagannadha Swamy, Rajahmundry.

30. Bairagis, gosains, sanyasis, etc., use it publicly and in company ; also ordinary gentlemen consume it privately. It is confined to the male sex only. The female sex use it very rarely.  - Evidence of BALDEVDAS, Brahmin, Priest of Hanuman Math, Rajahmundry.

30. As to smoking, the ordinary smoker would prefer to smoke alone, unless there happened to be other smokers to pass the pipe to. The preparation of the pipe is a messy business, the practice is not considered nice, and the effects, except upon habitues, are not conducive to sociality. The practice is chiefly confined to the male sex, is often acquired at the age of 15 and carried on through life. Ghota drinking is more of a social custom. Children only get the drug medicinally. - Evidence of MR. E. J. EBDEN, Collector, Ahmednagar.

30. In solitude by classes other than bairagis. Chiefly confined to males. It is not usual for children to take these drugs in this district. - Evidence of MR. F. L. CHARLES, Collector, Belgaum.

30. Women are scarcely known to consume either drug ; but five to ten Hindu women in Surat City are known to. Children do not, as a rule, take them ; but some parents sometimes give a little bhang water to make them sleep. - Evidence of MR. F. S. P. LELY, Collector of Surat

30. The consumption, I am informed, is gene -rally in company, and, except as regards a few prostitutes, is confined to the male sex. Persons under 20 are seldom addicted to the drugs.  - Evidence of MR. J. MONTEATH, Collector and District Magistrate, _Bijapur

30. Bhang and ganja are usually taken in company, though some incorrigibles prefer ganja smoking by themselves. The habit is mainly confined to the male sex, who contract it at any time of life. Children seldom consume any of these drugs, though they may be allowed a sip of bhang-water as ours are of wine as a treat on special occasions.  - Evidence of MR. H. WOODWARD, Collector, Kaira, Gujarat.

30. Ganja is apparently smoked in solitude, but there does not seem to be any concealment in it. Neither women nor children smoke it. - Evidence of MR. A. CUMINE, Acting Collector, Dhulia, Khandesh.

30. It is much more usual to take it in com pany than alone. Women and children never take it otherwise than as medicine, except prostitutes. - Evidence of MR. W. W. DREW, Acting Collector, Ratnagiri.

30. Generally in solitude. There is (or was) a kind of private ganja-smoking club in Pen. Mainly confined to male sex and to adult life. Children do not usually consume it.  - Evidence of MR. R. A. LAMB, Acting Collector, Kolaba.

30. Among the upper classes, such as Brahmins, these drugs, when consumed at all, are generally consumed in solitude. The largest class of con sumers, however, i.e., fakirs, gosains, etc., gen erally consume them in company. Ganja is more likely to be consumed in solitude than bhang. The use is chiefly confined to the male sex and to men well on in years. Women, how ever, at times take akhoti. Old men take akhoti and majum. Children seldom, if ever, smoke ganja; they frequently take bhang in the form of gota. - Evidence of MR. C. G. DODGSON, Assistant Magistrate and Collector, Khandesh

30.The extent cannot be precisely stated, but I learn that ganja and bhang are consumed more in company than in solitude except in the case of gosains and ascetics practising religious austerities, who habitually smoke ganja. The consumption is mostly confined to the male sex. The habit is said to be usually contracted in adult age. Women and children are not found to use the drugs. Prostitutes are said, however, to use them occasionally. - Evidence  of  MR. A. H. PLUNKETT, City Magistrate, Poona.

30. An habitual drinker of bhang drinks it at home, either alone or in company of friends, if any should join him. A man leaves off bhang generally in old age ; but a ganja smoker continues to smoke it till death. Females and children are not known to use the drugs to any great number.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR LALLUBHAI GORDHANDAS, Vania, Huzur Deputy Collector, Nasik.

30. Consumers of these drugs are very fond of company. They will indulge alone when they cannot afford the expense or cannot get company. It is said larger the circle, greater the enjoyment. The consumers are very obliging to each other in this respect. This vice is confined to the male sex, and is generally acquired after the age of 20. The bairagis are said to initiate their children at the age of 12 to 14, and women are free, except bairagis of abandoned character.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR NARAYAN GANESII DESHPANDE, Brahmin, Deputy Collector, Belgaum.

30. Bhang is drunk openly; no dishonor is attached to it; occasional drinkers do not drink in solitude. Moderate and excessive habitual consumers drink singly, if there is no company. Mendicants smoke ganja publicly, though shame
is attached to it. A few prostitutes and low caste women drink bhang.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR BHIMBHAI KIRPA RAM, Brahmin, Huzur Deputy Collector of Surat.

30. Respectable persons use it in solitude. Their proportion is about 6 per cent. 30 per cent. use it in company. It is particularly confined to male sex. Some prostitutes do smoke, but their number is too small. Hardly any child uses it except for medicinal purposes. - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR VYANKATESH BAPUJI WADEKAR, Deputy Collector, Ahmednagar.

30. Consumers of bhang and ganja generally prefer to be in company of at least one or two persons, except those who indulge in ganja smok ing secretly. Generally speaking, ganja smoking is confined to the male sex, and adult persons of all ages smoke it. After very minute enquiries I was able to ascertain that three females smoke ganja in the town of Kaira. One acknowledged to me that she smoked before, but gave it up about four or five years ago. The other two denied that they are ganja smokers. Bhang beverage is partaken by females and children sometimes; but ganja, almost as a rule, is not given to children to smoke.  - Evidence of KHAN BAHADUR DADABHAI DEENSHAH, Parsi, Huzur Deputy Collector and Magistrate,1st Class, Kaira

30. Bhang is generally prepared and drunk privately, either singly, or in company of friends and relations. Ganja smokers form a company in several places. The use is mainly confined to the male sex and to adults. The drugs are not used by children.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR BHASKAR RAO RAMCHANDRA HEBLIKAR, Brahmin, Deputy Collector, Sholapur

30. Bhang and ganja is consumed chiefly by gosavis, bairagis, fakirs, and other religious men -dicant classes. It is consumed to a considerable extent by banias, Marwaris, and pardeshis. Now and then a Kunbi or Brahmin may be seen smok -ing ganja or drinking bhang; but the practice is not common. Among the Brahmins and the higher classes it is carried on in solitude, as it is considered a vice. Both these drugs are taken in solitude and in company. Its consumption is confined chiefly to the male sex. It is very seldom that a man below the age of 25 takes to these habits; but when once the habit is formed, it generally does not leave them till death. I have not heard of children consuming any of these drugs.
Charas in unknown in these parts; so that there is nothing to say about its consumption - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR SITARAM DAMODAR, H uzur Deputy Collector, Khandesh.

30. Ganja is mostly consumed in company, and only the high caste classes consume it in solitude for avoiding public censure. The consumption of ganja is mostly confined to the male sex, and in a few cases women too consume it. Children, on the contrary, never consume ganja. There is no restriction of age observed in the consumption of ganja  - Evidence of KHAN BHADUR RATANJI ERDALJI KANGA, Parsi, Deputy Collector and Magistrate, Dharwar.

30. The consumption of these drugs is, as a rule, practised in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex, not to women or children.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR BAPUJI MAHIPAT KHARKAR, Kayasth, Huzur Deputy Collector and Magistrate, 1st Class, Satara.

30. The higher classes of the people use the drugs in solitude or in company; but bairagis, gosávis, fakirs and other lower classes of the people do not care much for privacy while using the drugs. The consumption of the drugs is mainly confined to the male sex and to adults only. Children do not consume any of these drugs in the Southern Mahratta country.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR RANGO RAMCHANDRA BHARDI, Deputy Collector and Native Assistant to the Commissioner, Poona, Central Division.

30. It is mainly used by the male sex, but also to a very small extent by low prostitutes. If once addicted to the habit, a person finds it very difficult to give it up. It is not usual for children to consume any of the drugs, but when attacked by dysentery children are given bhang to drink.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR RUDRAGOWDA CHANVIRGOWDA ARTAL, Lengayet, Deputy Collector, Bijapur.

30. Of the total number of consumers three-fourths smoke ganja in com -pany which sing songs* ad -dressed to ganja ; the rest use it in solitude. The consumption of ganja is not confined to the male sex alone. Women of low character are met with who smoke ganja generally in solitude. The consumption of ganja is not confined to any time of life. It is not usual for children of tender years (under 14 years) to smoke ganja. - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR RAMCHANDRA RAJARAM MULÉ, Deshastha Brahmin, Administrator of Jath, in Southern Mahratta Country.

30. Ganja smoking and bhang drinking is practised to a greater extent in company than in solitude. It is rarely that a consumer smokes or drinks alone. Generally his neighbouring brothersmokers gather together at his house for the purpose.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR V. H. SHIKHRE, Brahmin, Huzur Deputy Collector, Alibagh, Kolaba District.

30. As far as my information goes, bhang is used generally company. It is mainly confined to the male sex, and used without reference to period of life. Children may sometimes come in for a small share—in cases where they are spoilt by their parents—if they happen to be with them when they (the latter) indulge in it.  - Evidence of MR. J. F. FERNANDEZ, R etired Deputy Collector and City Magistrate, Ahmedabad.

30. It is not habitual for children to consume any of these drugs, and as it is not honourable for adults to use them also they are used privately, but in small companies. The use is mostly confined to the male sex, prostitutes, and women of loose character. - Evidence of NARAYAN RAO BHIKHAJ1 JOGALEKAR, Brahmin, Pensioned Deputy Collector ; now Karbhari of the Aundh Stale.

30. I learn that the consumption of ganja, bhang, garda and charas is practised chiefly in company. The habitual consumer does also smoke ganja or drink bhang alone in his house. The consumption of hemp drugs in Bombay is mainly confined to the male sex. Occasionally females may be seen smoking ganja or drinking bhang or garda; but the use of these drugs by females is exceptional. The females that use these drugs are usually prostitutes. The use of these drugs is confined to adults. It is, I believe, very unusual for children to consume these drugs.  - Evidence of MR. W. ALMON, Assistant Collector, Abkari Department, Bombay.

30. Ganja-smoking is practised more in company, especially among mendicants, etc., than in solitude. Majum, yakuti, etc., are, on the other hand, consumed more in solitude than in company. Yes, the use of these drugs is mainly confined to the male sex and to the mature age. No, childdren are not found to indulge in these drugs.  -  Evidence of R AO SAHEB GANESH PANDURANG THAKAR, Deshastha Brahmin, Mamlatdar, Pandharpur, Sholapur District, at present auditing the jamabandi accounts of the Poona  District, Poona.

30. It seems necessary to specify here the classes consuming the drug in solitude and those consuming it in company. Ascetics and bairagis wishing to secure concentration of mind to devotion and those wishing to keep their vice out of knowledge to others use the drug in solitude. These classes do not generally associate with society. Labouring classes, who have ordinarily to come into contact with their fellow-labourers, use it in company to a moderate extent; and some of them use it also in solitude in their own houses to an extent sufficient to satisfy their cravings. The proportion of consumers in solitude is very small. The consumption is mainly confined to male sex. Females generally do not smoke it. The addiction occurs at an age later than eighteen.  - Evidence of RAO SAHEB SHESHO KRISNA MUDKAVI, Mamlatdar of Taluka Bijapur, Bijapur

30. The consumption of these drugs is practised in company. It is generally confined to the male sex to any time of life except childhood, Child-ren are not the consumers of these drugs.  - Evidence of RAO SAHIB KRISHNAJI BALLAL DEVAL, Chitpavan, Brahmin, Mamlatdar and Magistrate, 1st Class, Chiplon.

30. Ganja is smoked in this part of the country generally in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex. It is generally the period of man -hood when one gets addicted to the habit of smoking ganja.  Children are never seen to smoke ganja.  - Evidence of BALKRISHNA NARAYAN VAIDYA, Parbhu, State Karbhari of Sangli.

 30. The consumption of these drugs is practised tised in solitude by the higher and rich classes to the extent of 1 per cent. and in company by the lower classes, as, for instance, labourers, bairagis, sadhus, fakirs, etc., to the extent of 6 per cent. It is mainly confined to the male sex. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs, but as medicine it is sometimes given to them in particular diseases. - Evidence of DADABHAI BURJORJEE GUZDER, Parsi, District Abkari Inspector, Ahmednagar.

30. A smoker of ganja would prefer to smoke in company if a smoker friend or two happen to be near him. If not, he will smoke in solitude. Ghota and dudhia are drinks which would mostly be consumed in company. By previous appoint-ment there would be a company of friends at a particular place, when the ghota or dudhia would be prepared and drunk. Ganja is generally smok -ed by persons over the age of twenty-five up to any time in advanced life. Similarly ghota and dudhia are drunk by males of like age. Children do not consume any of these drugs.  -  Evidence of KHAN SAHIB NASARVANJI EDALJI SETHNA, Parsi, Abkari Inspector , Satara.

30. The consumption of these drugs is practised both in solidude and in company. The well-to-do and the respectable, who value public opinion, generally use these drugs in private. But they will not object to take a few sips of bhang in company of friends, or with a religious devotee of some reputation. The poor and the idle generally meet at a temple or some other public place and indulge in these drugs. Sometimes they meet at the house of a well-to-do smoker or drinker who can afford to stand treat and does not object to their company. Such places of meeting are called " ganjacha akhada " or " bhangecha akhada" as the case may be, and the ganja smoker is called a ' ganjekas ' or ' ganjad ' and the bhang drinker ' bhangya 'or ' bhangad '. The use of these drugs is chiefly confined to the male sex, only a few women, always those of loose character, using ganja and behang. Boys are not known to indulge in these drugs. The use of ganja sweatmeats is more general ; but even these are not eaten by children. - Evidence of YASHVANT NILKANTH, Patana P rabhu, Superintendent, Office of Survey Commissioner, and Director of Land Records and Agriculture, Bombay

30. Generally consumed in company, except by gosavis. Not consumed by women and children.  - Evidence of MR. G. P. MILLET, Divisional Forest Officer, West Thana, Thana

30. Children never indulge ; women rarely except the prostitute class. Ganja smoking chiefly confined to prostitutes and the lower classes, both in solitude and in company. bhang drinking common to all classes. Marwadi women sometimes drink bhang. Respectable women take neither bhang nor ganja. - Evidence of MR. H. KENNEDY, District Superintendent of Police, Ahmednagar

30. It is not usual for children to consume these drugs.  - Evidence of MR. J. E. DOWN, Districts Superintendent of Police, Satara

30. The consumption of these drugs is chiefly confined to the male sex.  - Evidence of MAJOR T. R. M. MACPHERSON, District Superintendent of Police, Poona.

30. Among the lower classes who are addicted to smoking ganja or drinking bhang, both are generally practised in company, and while among the better classes the smoking of ganja is consider ed disreputable, the drinking of bhang among one's friends is not so regarded. Both practices are almost altogether confined to the male sex, and it is very unusual, indeed, for children to be allowed to indulge in either of these drugs.  - Evidence of MR. F. T. V. AUSTIN, District Superintendent of Police, Surat.

30. In company and between the years of twenty and forty. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of Mr. DHANJISHA DADABHOY, Parsi, District Superintendent of Police, Thana.

30. Ganja is rarely smoked in solitude unless surreptitiously. Smokers of the drug invariably prefer company. The pipe or chillum is handed round to each person who takes two or three inhalations and passes it on to the next person, and when the pipe is exhausted, it is refilled and passed round until all are satisfied. There are some people who do smoke the drug in solitude, but very few. No respectable female members of society smoke ganja or charas. The wives of fakirs sometimes smoke ganja or charas, and also some depraved members of society smoke it. The habit of smoking ganja, when once acquired, is usually continued till death. There are exceptional cases in which people have broken off the habit. Children are never allowed to smoke the drug in any form here. When they have attained the age of ten years, they are allowed to drink bhang occasionally in small quantities during the hot season and on festive occasions. Females of the lower classes only, such as machis, mawchas, maynas, pomlas, dheds, and bhangis drink bhang.  - Evidence of MR. T. G. FOARD, Superintendent of Police, Cambay.

30. Consumers of bhang and ganja generally prefer to be in company of one or more persons, except those who indulge in smoking ganja secretly. Generally ganja-smoking is confined to the male sex, and persons of all ages smoke it. Some of the females, wives, and other relatives of sadhus and bairagis who wander about the country also smoke ganja. Bhang beverage is sometimes partaken of by females and children, but very seldom ; but ganja is not given to children to smoke.  - Evidence of KHAN BAH ADUR NANABHOY COWASJI, P arsi, City Police Inspector, Surat.

30. Children never smoke ganja, but boys of and above fifteen years of age do smoke rarely. As for bhang, children of five years and upwards take it in exceptional cases. It is not usual for children to use these drugs. - Evidence of RAO SAHIB PRANSHANKAR, Brahmin, Inspector of Police, Detective Branch, Bombay.

30. I believe that these drugs are chiefly used by men. I have not seen them used by children. - Evidence of BRIGADE-SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL J. ARNOTT, M.D., Physician in charge, St. George's Hospital, Bombay

30. Bhang is chiefly used in company ; ganja and charas are also used in company. These drugs are also consumed in solitude, but to a limited extent. The use of these drugs is mainly confined to male sex ; although it is also used to considerable extent among the lower class of females, such as Chamars and Dheds. It is not usual to give these drugs to children, but in exceptional cases bhang is used in the form of bala golee, viz., pills mixed with aromatics, for colic in infants, and also as a sedative in restlessness of new-born infants.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR H. W. B. BOYD, Superintendent, Colaba Lunatic Asylum, Bombay

30. Ganja is mostly used in this district, I believe, and is mainly confined to the male sex. Children never use it.  - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL M. L. BARTHOLOMEUSZ, M.B.,* Civil Surgeon, and Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum, Ahmedabad.

30. The consumption of these drugs is practised both in solitude and company ; but, it is said, to a greater extent in company. It is chiefly confined to the male sex. The habit is generally contracted after puberty. Women and children do not, as a rule, use these drugs. Some prostitutes are known to use bhang and ganja.  - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL W. MCCONAGHY, Civil Surgeon, and Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum, Poona

30. Appears to be smoked indifferently in company or in solitude. Mainly confined to the male sex, and to no particular time of adult life. I know of no instance in which ganja has been consumed by children.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR D. C. DAVIDSON, Acting Civil Surgeon, and Superintendent of the Jail and Lunatic Asylum, Dharwar.

30. In solitude a man may smoke a quarter of a tola of ganja all by himself and be none the worse for it. He may, after his smoke, follow his usual avocations without inconvenience. In the case of confirmed yet moderate smokers, a man is decidedly all the better for his smoke. He feels refreshed, if not enlivened, and works with all the more energy. He would be certainly miserable without it. In company a larger quantity of ganja is required than that given above. The quantity under such circumstances depends on the number of persons, as also their respective smoking capacity. When in company, the chillum goes round from mouth to mouth in the manner of the " loving-cup " of wine drinkers. Moderate smokers, when by themselves or in a company of three or four, seldom exceed a couple of chillums. With regard to bhang, the man who drinks it in solitude must be looked upon as "given to it." In company bhang is drunk solely for pleasure and for the lively talk that follows such potions. Such persons seldom exceed half a tola per head. Drinking bhang and smoking ganja, so far as I can judge from personal knowledge of the better classes of people, are absolutely confined to the male sex. It would be a gross breach of good manners were such a drink or smoke ever offered to the female sex. It is never allowed to children. Bhang preparations are, however, allowed to children medicinally in appropriate doses, and in such cases are doubtless productive of good. Boys in former days, so far back as thirty years,—such of them at any rate as had the misfortune to fall into bad company,—were known to me, who played the truant at school, and occasionally indulged in a clandestine drink or smoke ; but the number of such truants has always been very small. Such boys have always been looked down upon, and in my experience have always turned out bad men in after-life.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR K. R. KIRTIKAR, Civil Surgeon, Thana, and Medical Officer, Thana Depot and District Jail

30. The consumption of each of these drugs is generally practised in solitude except in the case of charas, which is invariably smoked in shops and in the company of habitual comrades. The consumption of these articles is mainly confined to the male sex, except in the case of bhang, which is used in the form of drink by some low caste females, and generally by prostitutes.  - Evidence of KHAN BAHADUR DOSSABROY PESTONJEE, Parsi, Assistant Surgeon, Parakh Dispensary, Surat, and Honorary Assistant Surgeon to His Excellency the Viceroy.

30. Bhang (preparation) is usually drunk in quantities. either in solitude or in company of others. Ganja smoking is better enjoyed in company than in solitude. Bhang drinking is confined both to the males as well as females. Males only smoke. Children under 13 or 14 years of age are not found smoking. ganja.  - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON ANNA MORESHWAR KUNTE, J. J. Hospital, Bombay.

30. Ganja is generally, though not invariably, smoked in company ; bhang is indulged in solitude as well as in company. Ganja is smoked by males as well as females of the lower order ; children under 14 never smoke ganja. It is not confined to any time of life. Bhang is indulged in by all classes of people. Both males and females indulge in it, but the latter form the minority. Children as a rule do not indulge in bhang, but occasionally they are initiated by their parents and relatives.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR THAKORDAS KIKABHAI, Bania, Assistant Surgeon, Wadhwan Civil Station, Kathiawar.

30. None of these drugs, especially ganja, is taken in solitude. Ganja is smoked in company and is used here by adult males, and neither by females or children.  - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON ABDUL GHANI, Hakim, in charge of Gadag Dispensary, Gadag, Dharwar District.

30. Though it is often smoked in solitude, it may with truth be said that the votaries of ganja as a rule smoke the drug in company and seldom singly. Ganja smoking is usually practised by the males, adults, middle-aged, and the old. So far as I am aware, it is not at all usual for children to consume any one of these drugs.  - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON B. H. NANAVATTY, Parsi, and Teacher of Surgery and Midwifery, Medical School, Ahmedabad.

30. Habitual consumers of bhang and ganja use them alone or in company, as it best suits them. But those who occasionally, and especially in the hot season, take bhang, generally take it in company. It is only confined to the male sex, and to persons above the age of 20. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs, as far as I know, in this district.  - Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT BHAU SACCARAM, Brahmin, Raipur Dispensary, Ahmedabad.

30. No fixed quantity can be stated for company; but a single man will consume a quarter of a tola per day. Among gosavis, they use the articles throughout the whole life. For elderly children bhang is given. - Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT RAJANA LOKAJEE, Máli Telgu, Thana.

30. These three drugs are consumed to a greater extent in company than in solitude. Yes, it is mainly confined to male sex in Guzerat than female. But in Sind, and mostly in upper country, bhang is equally used by both sexes when of age. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT JAMIATRAM JEYASHUNKER, Nagar Brahmin, West Hospital, Rajkot, Kattiawar.

30. The consumption is not to a large extent but in a small company, and it is mainly confined to the male sex in youth and old age, and not in infancy. Bhang is occasionally used by gentry in hot season, and ganja is smoked extensively by low caste people or labourers, as well as saints and fakirs extensively at all times of the seasons Charas is not used in this part of the country It is seldom used for children in sickness to mak e them drowsy or sleepy (only bhang). - Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT SUDASHIO WAMON, Brahmin, Mansa, Mahikantha

30. Moderate and excessive consumers both smoke or drink in company as much as in solitude. The extent of consumption varies in each ease according to the constitution and length of the habit. Half a pint of bhang water may be enough for some, whereas others may require two to three bottles a day. In the same way, to some an inhalation of ganja may prove enough to satisfy his craving, to others it may require ten chillums to bring about the same effect. It is strictly confined to the male sex, and chiefly to adult age. Children are never allowed to indulge in these drugs, but some foolish parents on some great festivals allow their children a gulp or two of bhang water. - Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT PHIROZSILAW D. COOPER, Parsi, in charge Dispensary, Ilao.

30. It is said that habitual moderate smokers of ganja will require the same quantity, as stated in answer to No. 28, either in solitude or in company. Ganja and bhang are also used by female sex. It is unusual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT SHAIK SURFRAZ HAKIM, Nasik.

30. Ganja and charas are smoked to a great extent in solitude, and moderately in company. Bhang is much drunk in company, and moderately in solitude. Ganja is chiefly used by males; but I have seen a few females smoke charas, as is smoked by males only. Bhang is drunk by males, females, and children. The custom is much prevalent in Sind and Punjab. In Sind I have seen it administered to infants also.  -  Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT PURSON SINGH CHATTRY, Sholapur.

30. To a greater extent in company than in so itude. Yes, mainly confined to the male sex and adult life. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. But bhang is occasionally given to children in Northern India.  - Evidence of GANESH KRISHNA GARDE, * Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Poona City.

30. I have seen the bhang and ganja consumed both in solitude and in company only among adults of both sexes. I am not aware of children consuming it.  - Evidence of J. GERSON DA. CUNHA, Medical Practitioner, Esplanade, Bombay.

30. Only the male sex uses them. It is not usual for childern to consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of EDALJI NASHIRVANJI, Parsi, Medical Practitioner, Bombay.

30. I believe it is practised in solitude to about 25 per cent., and in company to about 50 per cent. It is not strictly confined to the male sex. No fixed age or time of life can be fixed. Lower class children to a small extent use these drugs.  - Evidence of BHALCHANDRA KRISHNA BHATAVADEKAR, Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Bombay.

30. Ganja and bhang are generally used in company, but it is only used in solitude, if one wants to avoid detection. Children soon get into the habit of taking bhang, if they only use it for a few times.  - Evidence of ISMAIL JAN MOHOMED, Khoja, Physician, Bombay.

30. The bhang drink was used in company, and it was only by the male sex. Never given by the Parsis to children.  - Evidence of ARDESIR DADABHOY MODY, Parsi, J.P., Member, Municipal Corporation, Medical Practitioner, Bombay.

30. The consumption of these drugs is practised in solitude as well as in company. The use of these drugs is mainly confined to the male sex. Few of the women of sadhus and bawas use ganja. It is generally practised after 16 years of age. In childhood it is not practised. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. The jewellers give bhang, when specially prepared, to their children and women. In Navasari and in other parts of Gujarat and Central Provinces women on seldom occasions drink bhang.  - Evidence of UTTAMRAM JEEWANRAM, ITCHAPOORIA, Audesh, Brahmin, Native Doctor (Vaidya), Bombay and Surat.

30. The use of these drugs is practised in solitude, but chiefly it is practised in company. The use is mainly confined to the male sex, although few of the women on seldom occasion partake bhang. There is no fixed time of life when it should be practised ; it is taken at any time of life. The indulging parents sometimes give bhang to their children, who thereby acquire habit. Jewellers give bhang to their children when they are five or six years old.  - Evidence of KESHOWRAM HARIDAT, Chcepooria, Audesh Brahmin, Native Doctor (Vaidya) , Render, Surat and Bombay.

30. The habitual consumer of bhang and ganja uses these drugs when in company and also when alone. As regards bhang, it is generally drunk in the company of friends, and its use is not restricted to any sex or age. Women and children are allowed to use bhang according to their suitabilities. Ganja is not used by women and children. Bhang is not very commonly used by children ; but it may be given to them as a medicine in proper doses to their great benefit. - Evidence of MR. PURBHURAM JEEWANRAM, Nagar Brahmin, Native Doctor (Vaidya), Bombay.

30. Ganja, charas and bhang are usually consumed in company with friends. It is unusual to consume these drugs in solitude. The consumption of these drugs is mainly confined to the male sex, and to persons aged from 20 to 40 years. Young people and old people are infrequent consumers of these drugs. It is most unusual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence Of VITHALDAS PRANJIWANDASS, Bhunksali Landlord and Trader, late Intoxicating Drugs Farmer, Bombay.

30. Respectable persons make at home and drink bhang; so they smoke ganja also. But there are shops where anybody can get readymade massala bhang to drink. The poor generally reduce the number of ingredients in the massala to reduce the cost and drink it merely with water, black pepper and aniseed. There are shops, or say houses, where ganja is smoked and in company of other men of the same vice. These places are strictly private. These are generally used by males in adult life and not in old age—I mean bhang with massala. But ganja is smoked till death by people who are once given to it. It is not used by children except medically admixtured by hakims. Question 30. [oral evidence] — There are no shops licensed for consumption on the premises in the district of Satara. The places where people meet to smoke, drink or gamble are called " akhadas," and the word has a somewhat disreputable meaning, If places were licensed for smoking and drinking of hemp drugs, they would not be frequented, and, if they were frequented, it would be worse than the present state of things for the morals of the people, because consumers would cease to feel shame, and the use of the drugs would be increased,    There are no shops in my district where ready-made massala can be bought. I mentioned them because I had seen them in Benares. - Evidence of RAMCHANDRA KRISHNA. KOTIIAVALE, Brahmin, Inamdur, Taluka Wai, in Satara District.

30. The use of all these three drugs is the result of company, and it always takes place in company, It is hardly practised in solitude, except in the case of sadhus and other people who are habitual excessive consumers ; but in their case also now and then a company of smokers gathers together. In Gujarat I know of no females who use ganja or charas in any form. Charas being hardly in use here, it is only ganja which is also totally confined to the male sex. It is above the age of fifteen that among common people ganja smokers are to be found. Among sadhus, young men below this age might be found smoking ganja. Female sadhus and bairagis sometimes smoke gauja. Bhang as a drink is sometimes given to children above seven when in company of their male relations or friends. But that is rare and in very small quantity. Female sometimes take bhang as a drink during the hot season when offered by their male relations, but seldom of their own accord. The majam of bhang is sometimes used by uncared for or vagabond children above the age of ten, and perhaps by females; but that is very rare, Except the use of bhang before dinner parties and in the hot season, and by sanyasis, zaveris, shastris, and a few habitual consumers, the use of the other two drugs cannot be said to be prevalent in Gujarat to a considerable extent, except among the sadhus, etc., at centres of pilgrimages, and in their places and resorts wherever they be.  - Evidence of DESAIBHAI KALIDAS, Brahmin (Khedaval), Government Pleader and Public Prosecutor, Kaira.

30. The consumption of these drugs is practised more in company than in solitude. It is mainly confined to the male sex above the age of 25 or 30. It is not at all usual for children on this side of any classes to consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR GOVINDRAO RAMCHANDRA GARUD, Pleader Dhulia, Khandesh.

30. Extent of consumption in solitude or in company cannot be ascertained. It is consumed by the male sex above twelve years of age at any stage of life. But the female sex also in lower classes, for instance, bowas and bairagis, use the drug.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR HUCHRAO ACHUT HARIHAR, Deshast Brahmin, Pleader, District Court, Belgaum.

30. The consumption of ganja and bhang is generally practised in company. Respectable and great men, if they have got this habit, practise it in solitude. It is mainly confined to the male sex. The children do not consume it in this district. It is not confined to any time of life.  - Evidence of NARO DHAKADEO, Brahmin, Pleader, Jalgaon, District Khandesh.

30. I have already mentioned that ganja is smoked more often in solitude than in company. It is solely the drinks which are always used in company ; so far as can be observed on this side, it is the male sex which consumes the drug. A few exceptions will be found in the class of courtesans. Even there they are few and far between. No children are ever found using any of these drugs - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR VISHWANATH KESHAWA JOGLEKAR, Brahmin, Sowkar, Karajgi in Dharwar District.

30. To a very small extent ganja is consumed in solitude, but to a great extent it is consumed in company. It is not usual. - Evidence of DINANATH SHIWSHANKER, Druggist and Chemist.

30. Bhang is generally drunk in company. The drinking is confined to the male sex. Men commence to drink when they are 20 years of age, and they continue doing so to old age. It is not customary for children to drink bhang. - Evidence* of NAWALCHAND HEERACHAND, Jeweller, Bombay.

30. The extent of the consumption of bhang and ganja in solitude or in company cannot be ascertained without reliable statistics ; however, their consumption is mainly confined to the male sex, but not to any time of life. It is not usual for children to consume bhang or ganja. The consumption of charas is practically unknown in Gujarat.  - Evidence of JAMSEDJEE NASSERWANJEE GINWALLA,* Shenshai Parsi, Abkari and Opium Farmer, and proprietor of cotton-ginning factories, Ankleswar.

30. I have not known women using these drugs. - Evidence of KISAN DULICHAND, Licensed Vendor of Ganja, Nasik .

30. As to the extent of consumption of each of these drugs in solitude see my reply in paragraph 28. In company more or about one-third more is used by each consumer. In Sind drinking of bhang is confined to both males and females, and in the ten days of Muharram pots of bhang sweetened with sugar or jagri are kept in the bazar for use by the masses of all ages, males and females, except Hindus who have their own bhang pots. Ganja is smoked also by sadhus' children, and there is no limit of age when they commence smoking.  - Evidence of NANNU MIAN B.SHAIKH, Municipal Secretary, Surat.

30. Ganja is generally smoked in company except in the case of respectable people, who smoke it stealthily in solitude. Women are seldom known to smoke ganja or drink bhang. Majum is sometimes used by them. Children are not addicted to any of these. The habit of smoking begins with youth and grows to its utmost in old age. - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR VENKAT RANGO KATTI, Pensioner, Dharwar.

30. The drugs are consumed by a few only in solitude and by most in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex above the age of 15 years. Females do not generally consume it. There may be two or three females consuming it in the whole town of Dharwar. Boys below 15 years do not use these drugs.  - Evidence of GURAPPA RACHAPPA, Lengayet, Office of Shetti (Revenue and Police), Dharwar.

30. Ganja is usually smoked in company ; bhang is also drunk in company. Both ganja and bhang are, however, used by individuals when alone. Ganja is usually smoked by males and the same may be said with reference to bhang. In the course of my experience I have seen only about three females smoking ganja and drinking bhang ; and these women were not of good character. The consumption of ganja and bhang is seldom begun before the age of sixteen, and the use is continued to all ages. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of LALDAS LAXMONJI, Kshatriya, Solicitor's Clerk, Bombay.

30. Bhang is generally drunk in company, and especially at social meetings, those who drink it in solitude usually doing so in order to escape the notice of their relatives or others who disapprove of the habit. Women never drink it until they are growing old; nor do children as rule. Young men acquire the habit, but as a rule the consumption increases with age.  - Evidence of MR. R. GILES, Collector, Shikarpur.

30. These drugs are consumed in solitude and in company, and to a greater extent in company. The consumption is mainly confined to the male sex. Respectaple women, however, take bhang in moderate quantities, chiefly when pregnant, as a narcotic. These drugs are not administered to children.  - Evidence of Mr. C. E. S. STAFFORD STEELE, Officiating Deputy Commissioner, Thar and Parkar District.

30. Those who use the drugs take it in solitude as well as in company, but naturally a man takes a little more in company than what he does in solitude. Children never smoke charas or ganja; but women of very low caste, such as prostitutes, do smoke it. Bhang is used by females generally after they attain the age of thirty or forty years, but the proportion of female drinkers as compared with male drinkers is very small, say one woman after every five men.  - Evidence of KHAN BAHADUR KADIRDAD KHAN GUL KHAN, C.I.E., Deputy Collector, Naushahro Sub-division.

30. Amongst Hindus the consumption of bhang is not practised in solitude. But amongst Mussal mans about 10 per cent. of those who use it drink it in solitude to avoid scandal and exposure. The consumption of charas is practised in solitude, by about 10 per cent. of Hindus and 15 per cent. of Mussalmans who consume it. The use of bhang is not confined to male sex ; prostitutes and other females of low principles commonly use it. Its use is mainly commenced after adult age, but in hot season the " sukho " or "abo" is given to boys and girls also. The use of charas is confined to male sex, but many prostitutes and women of ill-repute also use it. Children do not use charas.  - Evidence of S. SADIK ALI SHERALI, Deputy Collector and First Class Magistrate, Frontier District of Upper Sind.

30. Generally in company and is confined to the male sex and not to any time of life, but it is hardly given to children.   - Evidence of WADHUMAL CHANDIRAM, Pensioner, late Huzur Deputy Collector. Karachi.

30. One tola at the most for a moderate consumer, quarter of a seer for an excessive consumer. In company sometimes half a seer and sometimes a seer. Its use is confined mostly to the male sex. Sometimes boys also fall into the habit in a short time.  - Evidence of RAHMATALA KHAN, Police Inspector, Shikarpur.

30. I cannot say. Persons of all ages, young or old men or women. Boys above ten years of age are in the habit of using them.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR LAKSHMANSING MATTHRAJI , Police Inspector, Hyderabad, Sind

30. Both in solitude and in company, and by the female sex as well. It is not usually given to children except in the case of the preparation above referred to. - Evidence of MR. GEO. JUDD, Head Preventive Officer, Karachi.

30. Bhang consumed much in company, but sometimes alone. Ganja consumed much in com-pany, but sometimes alone. Charas mostly in company, especially by habitual excessive consumers. Consumption mainly confined to male sex. Although sometimes females consume bhang, not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of MR. GEO. J. BARKER, Abkari Inspector, Karachi.

30. Bhang is in the  main drunk by the male sex; but women, too, in the hotter parts of the district have taken to the drinking of bhang as a cooling draught. It is not unusual now for children in Karachi town to drink bhang during the chalhio or autumn, when it is publicly placed out in large earthen pitchers and offered for drink to whosoever asks for it by people who think it a charitable act to do so.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR ALUMAL TRIKAMDAS BHOJWANI, Deputy Educational Inspector, Karachi

30. Bhang is openly drunk by many people, especially in hot weather and by labourers. It is reported as cooling and slightly stimulant when taken in a weak infusion. It is mainly used by men; and I do not know of its consumption by women or children. The other drugs are used in more or less solitude and secrecy. - Evidence of BRIGADE-SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL G. BAINBRIDGE, Civil Surgeon, Karachi.

30. Reliable statistics cannot be obtained of the extent of consumption of any of these drugs either in solitude or company. But, speaking generally, it is much more or principally practised in company ; and this for two special reasons : (1) it is more economic in company than in solitude; for instance, the waste in the preparation of bhang would be almost as much for one as for a dozen. This also holds good with ganja and charas ; for in smoking the chillum a person can take only one or two long inhalations at a time ; when he is recovering his breath, the chillum circulates amongst the others instead of burning away in the meantime. (2) It is much more agreeable in company. I have watched them sitting round a fire when the bhang, ganja and charas, etc., were in process of preparation, the hooka circulating, all kinds of stories being told, songs sung and the sircar and respectable people generally abused in anticipation of the general debauch. This is confirmed generally by the following translation usually sung on. these occasions :— "Chillum is the loved of God. Every one must honour it. It goes round in company As Krishna amongst the milkmaids." It is confined generally to the male sex. Very few respectable persons indulge in ganja and charas, or the excessive use of bhang; and I think it is not far from the truth to state that few or no respectable Sindhis, women or children, indulge in any of these drugs. The period the moderate use of bhang is commenced is amongst men after 40.  - Evidence of BRIGADE-SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL J. F. KEITH, Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum, Hyderabad, Sind.

30. Charas and ganja are always indulged in in company, as a pice worth will sometimes serve two or more persons. Bhang is also, as a rule, drunk in company ; very seldom is it drunk in solitude. Respectable women sometimes drink bhang, but not charas or ganja. Prostitutes, besides drinking bhang, smoke charas. Children do not smoke or drink any of these drugs.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR W. A. CORKERY, Civil Surgeon, Sukkur.

30. To a very considerable extent, both in solitude and in company, equally by both sexes in
Sind : in women the elderly, in men the young adults, in the former from acquired habit, in the latter for immoral purposes. I do not think the female sex partake of it to anything like the same extent in other parts of India. Hemp is not given to children. - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon, EDWARD MACKENZIE, Manora, Karachi, Sind.

30. The consumption of these drugs is, as a rule, practised in company, in a very few instan -ces in solitude. It is mainly confined to male sex, and the habit seems to be acquired about the time of puberty. It is not usual for children to con -sume any of these drugs. It is possible that children seeing their fathers taking subzi, ask for some, and the fathers just to satisfy their curiosity, give them a little - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon, G. M. DIXON, Medical Officer and Superintendent, Nara Jail.

30. As a rule, in solitude a larger quantity of bhang is consumed by each individual than in company. I should think, to judge from my cases, on an average, about double the quantity. Generally "ghata bhang," i.e., a strong mixture, is used in private, while "panga," i.e., a weak and dilute mixture, is distributed in company, e.g., daily in the tikhanas or places of workship, at the various bhang shops, and at home gatherings. Both males and females (adults) partake of the potation ; males in the majority by far. Young men over 18 sometimes, young women under 25 never. It is not usual for children to consume either of the three drugs. Ganja is used in larger quantities in solitude than in company ; its use is generally confined to adult males, with the exception of prostitutes and the wives of certain classes of fakirs. Charas is more largely consumed in company than in solitude, and is almost entirely limited to the male sex.  - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon, J. E. BOCARRO,Lecturer, Medical School, Hyderabad (Sind).

30. Bhang is used both in company and in solitude, but mostly in company. Its consumption is mainly confined to the male sex, and is used mostly by the young and middle-aged men. Charas and ganja are almost always used in company by young and middle-aged men. They are not used by females. I have never seen or heard of children using any of these drugs. Bhang is more used in summer, charas in winter, and ganja to an equal extent in both the seasons.  - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon, MULCHAND GANGARAM, in charge Larkana Dispensary.

30. Is most commonly used in company. Yes, it is chiefly confined to male sex and up to life. No, it is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of ELIJAH BENJAMIN, Jew, First Class Hospital Assistant, Shikarpur

30. To an equal extent. It is chiefly taken by the male sex, mostly adults, and it is not usual for children to consume these drugs. - Evidence of SHAIK ALI, First Class Hospital Assistant, Jacobabad.

30. The drugs are chiefly consumed in company. Bhang may be drunk in solitude ; but charas and ganja are mainly if not invariably, smoked in company. The drugs are chiefly consumed by males. The proportion of consumers appear to be greatest between the ages of 16 and 30 than at other ages. Females and children do not usually indulge in them. Prostitutes may use the drugs in one form or another. Females in the interesting condition and children are given bhang by their relations to induce sleep. I have seen a few children 7 and 8 years old and boys from 10 to 14 smoking charas and ganja. Question 30. [oral evidence] — It is rare for such young children to use the drugs; but I have seen it. They are generally poor low Muhammadans. The debauchee parent gives the drug to the child - Evidence of DR. S. M. KAKA, Medical Officer of Health, Karachi

30. All details about the consumption of these drugs are given in question 28. The sukho drink, which is made from bhang, is used by all Hindus— men, women, and boys, young and old; but on all those occasions which are mentioned in question 32, and under other circumstances also, pounded bhang is drunk by old men in moderate quantities, less by youth, and still less by boys and women—in fact, very rarely by women. All classes drink it, and it is used as a sleeping dose in the case of infants.
 - Evidence of SETH VISHINDAS NIHALCHAND, Zamindar, Merchant, and Contractor, Manjoo, Karachi.

30. Mostly in company. Ganja and charas are nearly always, if not always, smoked in company, as the pipe is handed from one to another. In the Hindu tikarnos (a kind of mixed dharmsala and temple) a great deal of bhang drinking is carried on every evening. This is also true of the abodes of Muhammadan fakirs. It is mainly confined to the male sex, though a fair number of the older women drink bhang. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of the REV. A. E. BALL, Missionary, Church Missionary Society, Karachi.

30. I cannot say what quantities are consumed in solitude and what in company. The use of it is chiefly confined to the male sex. I cannot say in what time of life it is used. Some boys and women, too, consume bhang, &c. - Evidence of MAHOMED LAIK, Mukhtarkar of Hyderabad.

30. (a) Same in either case. (b) Generally the male sex. Old females also use bhang. Charas and ganja generally by males and some prostitutes (c) No, not as a rule. - Evidence of PRIBHDAS SHEWAKRAM ADVANI Secretary, Band of Hope, Hyderabad, Sind

30. Bhang is drunk by the male sex mixed with other ingredients. But it is often drunk by women and children in the hot weather in towns and villages as a cooling beverage, and it is customary both in towns and villages to keep vessels full of bhang to be distributed in charity. Bhang and charas and ganja are used by people in larger quantities when in company than when alone.  - Evidence of TIRITHDAS HASRAJMAL, Member of the firm of Denmal Sachanond, Karachi.

30. On an average less quantity of bhang is used in company than in solitude. Charas and ganja are used in less quantity in solitude than in company. The use of the three drugs is mainly confined to the male sex. Men of all ages drink bhang ; charas and ganja are smoked by middle-aged men. Boys also use bhang, but very rarely ganja and charas. -  Evidence of PESUMAL NARUMAL. Farmer and Merchant, Hyderabad.

30. The bhang is mainly drunk by the male sex, but in some parts the female sex also drinks it as a cooling beverage ; but it is not taken by children. People in Karachi keep vessels full of bhang handy in the hot weather and distribute it by way of charity to any one who wants it.  - Evidence of MANGHANMAL ALUMAL, Bhang, Ganja and Charas, and Opium farmer, Karachi.

30. One person can consume ten tolas of bhang one tola, charas and one tola, ganja singly or in company. The habit of using these drugs prevails among men and boys and occasionally among women.  - Evidence of DAYARAM KISHUNCHAND, Bhang, Charas and Ganja, and Opium Farmer, Hyderabad

30. Some persons consume 1 tola, some i tola, some 5 tolas, and some 2½ tolas. If it is drunk in company, the quantity sufficient to meet the wants of all is ordered. It is used both by men and women. In Sind boys are also in the habit of drinking bhang, but in a less quantity than men. - Evidence of DIN MAHOMED, Contractor, Shikarpur.

30. Ganja is smoked in company, and so also is bhang drunk. It is generally used by the male class. In Hindustan children are given bhang in the form of a beverage. Those above ten years generally use the drug. - Evidence of C. SHAM RAO, Attachè to the Resident at Hyderabad, now at Pusad, Basim District.

30. The two drugs, viz., ganja and bhang, are generally consumed in solitude. Very few instances will be noticed in which the drug is consumed in company. The drug is mainly used by the male sex, although some few prostitutes may sometimes be found using the drug. The drug is never used by children.  - Evidence of KRISHNARA0 HARI, Officiatiny Extra Assistant Commissioner, Buldana

30.Not consumed in solitude. It is almost wholly confined to the male sex, but not to any time of life. Children, however, do not take the drug.  - Evidence of MR. A. ARDAGH, Deputy Superintendent of Excise, Ellichpur.

30. No knowledge of solitude; taken in company. Yes, it is mainly confined to males ; not confined to certain limit of life. It is not usual for children.  - Evidence of MR. J. C. WATCHA, Excise Inspector, Ellichpur

30. Bairagis, fakirs, etc., use any of these drugs in company consisting of four or five members. The labourers smoke ganja at their own houses. The people think that ganja smoking is one of the mean acts. Those who are addicted to ganja smoking smoke at each other's houses. Bhang is also not prepared by one and drunk : it also requires a company of five or ten men. If any gentleman wishes to take bhang, he prepares it at home and drinks. It is mainly confined to the male sex of 20 years of age and above. Children never consume any of these drugs if they are under control; very scarcely any of the children take to these drugs. In Muharram alone it is said that bhang is drunk by all, i. e.,from youths down to elderly persons.  - Evidence of WAMAN GANESH, Tahsildar, Wun.

30.For the consumption of any of these drugs in solitude one pays from his own pocket, but in company they collect subscription. It is mainly confined to the males of over 20 years of age. Children never consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of VICKOOJI NARAIN, Tahsildar, Kathapur.

30. The consumption of each of the these drugs is practised by males of 20 years of age and above in solitude or in company. Children never consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of VINAYAK APPAJI KAUR, Brahmin, Officiating Tahsildar, Darwa, Wun District.

30. To a great extent the consumption of each of these drugs is practised generally in solitude and occasionally in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex attaining minority. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs (bhang and ganja).  - Evidence of LAXMAN GOPAL DESHPANDE, Brahmin, Naib Tahsildar, Mangrul Taluk, District Basim.

30. Ganja is not smoked in solitude, but in company. Bhang is also used in company and not in solitude. Bhang and ganja are almost entirely used by men, except in few cases by prostitutes, but never used by children - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR C. L. SWAINE, Officiating Sanitary Commissioner, and Inspector- General of Dispensaries.

30. Consumption is mostly practised in company ; it is mainly confined to the male sex ; but women of low character as well as Sunthins or Hindu nuns do use the drug. It is not used by children under 12 years of age. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR R. B. ROE, Civil Surgeon, Amraoti.

30. Ganja is generally smoked in company. Its use is confined to the male sex. Children do not consume any of these drugs. Bhang is also usually drunk in company. Both sexes are accustomed to its use. Children do not consume it. - Evidence of SURGEON-CAPTAIN E. W. REILLY, Civil Surgeon and Superintendent, Central Jail, Akola.

30. Ganja is both smoked in solitude and in company. Bhang is not used for smoking, but is converted into a drink by pulverisation of its leaves and its maceration in cold spring water. It is usually drunk in company. Ganja and bhang are chiefly used by the male sex and by adults. No, it is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. But there is a confection called majum, which is made up of ganja, sugar, ghee, and other condiments. This confection is sometimes given to children ; but chiefly to girls about attaining maturity with the object of producing intoxication before using such girls for immoral purposes. Majum is largely consumed by all classes who take part in the Muharram festival.  - Evidence of DR. O. W. JONES, Civil Surgeon, Basim.

30. No experience. Mainly confined to the male sex. Not usual for children to consume any.  - Evidence of DR. J. MORRISON, Civil Surgeon, Yeotmal

30. The ganja smoker does not, as a rule, admit that he is addicted to the habit. It is often smoked in company, generally in the evenings. In fact, ganja smokers form a separate clan and are always thick friends. It is mainly confined to the male sex and to middle and old age. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.  -  Evidence of DR. W. J.. MONTGOMERY, Civil Surgeon, Buldana.

30. Drinking of bhang is practised in company as well as in solitude ; smoking of ganja generally in company and occasionally in solitude ; and the use of charas mostly in solitude and rarely in company of friends. Generally it is smoked by the male sex, but often by females also (prostitutes and female sadhus). They mostly take to it in adult life, and very rarely it is given to chidren, excepting in cases of sickness, such as sore-eyes, when it is given to allay pain and excite appetite. Bhang is used. for this purpose.  - Evidence of S. BAIJNATH, Medical Officer, Mady Hospital, Badnera.

30. Charas is not used at all. Ganja smokers about 1 per cent. Bhang drinkers „ 2 „ Mainly Hindus, Muhammadans scarcely who prefer opium and its preparations. It is mainly confined to male adults. Women and children do not usually consume these drugs, but women occasionally sip the bhang sherbet described above when prepared by the male members of their family, and these are exclusively Marwaris. - Evidence of DR. S. G. STEINHOFF, Medical Officer in charge, Charitable Dispensary, Khamgaon.

30. The consumption of these drugs is practised partly in solitude and mostly in company, but it is very limited. The drug is mainly used by male sex, and in a few cases it is used by very low prostitutes. It is, however, never used by children.  - Evidence of MR. DINNER NARAYEN, District Superintendent of Vaccination, Buldana.

30. In my opinion it is practised equally in solitude and in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex and to the period of early manhood. It is never used by respectable women. Certainly, it is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs.   - Evidence of M. DOORGIAH PILLAY, 1st Class Hospital Assistant, in medical charge, AKola Dispensary.

30. That the consumption of these three drugs is more excessively used in company than in solitude. The habit is mainly confined to the male sex, and they give to the children in the form of majum when they choose to give them. - Evidence of M. POONAMBALAM MOODELIAR, First Class Hospital Assistant, Shegoon.

30. Ganja, is smoked in solitude, but bhang is drunk in company generally. No; it is not confined to the male sex only. Many Muhammadan prostitutes and other low caste women can be found smoking ganja. Children never consume any of these drugs, although exceptions may be found of children drinking bhang only.  - Evidence of R. N. MUDHOLKAR, L.M.S., Private Medical Practitioner, Amraoti.

30. Ganja smoking is practised in company by the low when practicable and. available. By the respectable it is usually practised in solitude. Bhang is generally drunk in company by the respectable. Ganja is smoked by a few low females. Bhang is used by some low females; respectable females do not use either. Bhang is occasionally drunk by children. - Evidence of G. V. KOT, Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Amraoti.

30. It is a social vice and is generally indulged in company. It is confined to males. Children never consume it in these parts. - Evidence of G. S. KHAPERDE, Brahmin, Pleader, Amraoli.

30. With the exception of charas, the drugs are consumed mostly in company, rarely in solitude. Except the preparations for eating as described elsewhere (reply No. 15), ganja is confined chiefly to the male sex. A few prostitutes take ganja. The practice is not confined to any time of life ; but with regard to bhang, women and children in Upper India partake of it generally, but very rarely in this province, where the males are the principal consumers. Ganja is generally consumed from the time of youth.  - Evidence of YESHWANT VAMAN DIGHE, Pleader, Basim.

30. The consumers of ganja in solitude would be about 80 per cent. and in company would be 20 per cent., and vice versa with regard to bhang. Yes ; it is mainly confined to the male sex and not to any time of life. Children don't consume these drugs.  - Evidence of NIAMAT KHAN BILAN KHAN, Merchant, Balapur, Akola District.

30. The consumption of ganja or bhang is practised in company to a slight extent, but in solitude to a considerable extent. It is mainly confined to adult males. It is not usual for children to consume ganja or bhang.  - Evidence of LAKSHMAN ATMARAM MAHAJAN, Merchant, Manjrul Pir.

30. The use of these drugs is practised more in company. It is mainly confined to the male sex, young and old. However, females of bairagis and gosais also use them. Children never consume any of these drugs.  - Evidence of KHAJA ABDUL BAKI, Money-lender, Mehkar, Buldana District.

30. Drugs are used, both private and public, by both sexes throughout life. - Evidence of MR. G. BENNETT, Abkari Inspector, Ajmere.

30. Males mostly take the drugs; women and children seldom. - Evidence of MR. G. W. GAYER, District Superintendent of Police, Ajmere

30. These drugs are sometimes used in loneliness, but generally in company. Nearly 80 per cent. of the consumers use them in company. Males of all ages use them. Such of the females as prostitutes and those that keep drug shops do sometimes use them in the company of male consumers. Other women do sometimes, but rarely drink bhang and eat yakuti or majum on Holi or marriage occasions. But females, except the wives of sadhus and sakins, never smoke ganja or charas. Boys of ten or twelve years of age do sometimes drink bhang on Holi. In dancing parties on Hob and marriage occasions people sometimes distribute majum.  - Evidence of KHAN BAHADUR DR SHEIKH ELAHI BUX, Government Pensioner and Honorary Mgistrate, Ajmere

30. The man who uses bhang for medicinal purposes uses it in solitude, and men who use it for indulgence use it in society, and laugh and joke with each other in its intoxication. Such is the case with charas and ganja, and it is mainly confined to the male sex ; for I do not know any female using any of these thugs for indulgence except the prostitutes. It is not usual for children to consume any of these drugs. - Evidence of ASGHUR ALI KHAN, Hospital Assistant, Ajmere Dispensary.

30. In this part of the country Hindus are ad -dicted to the consumption of bhang. Females very seldom use it. Hindus use it in solitude as well as in company feastings. Lower class people and fakirs generally use charas. The use of these drugs is not limited. to any particular period of one's age.  It is not usual for children to consume them.  - Evidence of ABDUL KAYUM, Hakim, Ajmere

30. Some people take this drug secretly, some daily and some in company with their friends and. in marriage-feasting parties with their caste-fellows. I do not know to what extent they are used. They are confined to males only. I have neither seen nor heard females smoking ganja and charas. In some countries females drink bhang or take it in yakuti (a kind of confection) and gulkand (rose flower confection). It is not usual for children to consume these drugs. In old age some people use bhang with some cathartics.  - Evidence of JATI AMAR HANSA, Baid, Ajmere

30. Confined to male sex. It is not used by children. - Evidence of MR. A. BOPPANNA, Planter, Bepunaad, Green Hills, Coorg.

30. Only adults (men) smoke it. -  Evidence of MUKKATI IYAPPA, Cultivator, Davanagiri, Coorg

30. Bhang is used in solitude. Ganja and charas are generally used in company. It is not usual for children to consume these drugs.  - Evidence of MAJOR G. GAISFORD, Deputy Commissioner, Quetta, Baluchistan

30. Only male sex. Bhang is also given to Muhammadan children at time of their circumcision in place of chloroform - Evidence of KAZI IMAMUDDIN, Extra Assistant Commissioner, Pishin.

30. Consumed more in company than solitude. Children never smoke. Fakirs' women sometimes smoke - Evidence of BABU KEDAR NATH, Head Clerk of the Political Agent, Kalat.

30. Bhang half or one chittak ( 1 oz. or 2 oz. ) in solitude, and half a seer or one pound in company of eight or ten men. Chains 3 mashas or 45 grains in solitude ; sometimes in habitual excessive use it is smoked up 2 tolas or 6 drachms. They say that in Sukkur, Rori, Multan, and Dera Ghazi Khan bhang is used by women as well as by men ; and it is usual in Sind for mothers to give somewhat to their children also. - Evidence of MUHAMMAD YUSUF, Hospital Assistant, New Chaman.

30. Consumption of each three drugs is ordinarily used in company of about 5 men about 4 chittaks bhang, 3 tolas charas, 6 tolas ganja. Most of the consumers of these drugs are men and prostitutes. - Evidence of WARYAM SINGH, Hospital Assistant, Pishin.

30. Extends to female sex also, but to a small extent. A preparation of sweetmeat called majum is sold in the bazar. It contains bhang ; it is chiefly used in cases of children, particularly for small boys when they are to be circumcised, and in girls when their ears or nose are to be pierced, the object being to render the little ones fearless to the operation.  - Evidence of MOHAMMAD AKBAR ALI KHAN, Senior Hospital Assistant, Quetta.

30. In solitude to a small extent. Male sex only, but almost all prostitutes and women of illfame use it, but until 20 years of age generally - Evidence of BHUGWAN DASS, Khattri, Hospital Assistant, Quetta.

30. In solitude generally. By males chiefly. - Evidence of MR. H. G. BATTEN,* Deputy Commissioner, Mergui.

30. As ganja is prohibited in the province, its consumption is practised in solitude. Mainly confined to the male sex and not given to children. - Evidence of MR. J. S. D. FRASER, Deputy Commissioner, Pegu.

30. Bhang is frequently taken in solitude, but ganja and charas are generally smoked in company. The use of these drugs is mainly confined to the male sex. I have never seen them given to children.  - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL P. N. MOOKERJEE, Civil Surgeon, Sagaing, Upper Burma.

30. These drugs are not used by all classes of people, but those who do use, are in the following proportion :—Bhang about 50 per cent., ganja about 25 per cent. and charas about 10 per cent. All of these are generally practised in company, rarely in solitude. Generally confined to male sex and after about 35 years of age, but bhang, is at times used by females and the young, but not ganja or charas.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR S. H. DANTRA, Civil Surgeon, Mandalay.

30. The consumption of ganja is, I believe, chiefly practised in solitude and principally by males, but female prostitutes are addicted to the habit - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR P. W. DALZELL, Civil Surgeon and Superintendent, Central Prison, Bassein.

30. Smoking in company; eaten in private; chiefly confined to males. Prostitutes are the only females who indulge in it. Children in Upper India are given these drugs to induce sleep. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR G. T. THOMAS, Civil Surgeon, Moulmein.

30. The consumption of these drugs mostly practised in company, and. chiefly confined to male adults. The female sex occasionally partake of bhang ; children seldom consuming any of these drugs.  - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON O. L. MOONSHI, Civil Surgeon and Superintendent of Jail, Maubin, Thongwa District.

30. Ganja and charas smoking is considered degrading in the Bengal society, and consequently they are not smoked in public ; but when smokers meet they smoke together, and generally there is a place where they meet and smoke. Bhang is consumed in public, as sanctioned in the social custom mentioned under paragraph 32 ; but it must be mentioned that a son using anything intoxicating (even smoking common tobacco) before his father or men of that position is not sanctioned by good manners. I have not seen ganja or charas used by females or males in their minority, nor have I seen bhang being used by minor males. Females seldom use bhang during the above-mentioned social custom.  - Evidence of MAHENDRA NATH ROY, Resident Medical Officer, General Hospital, Rangoon.

29. The drugs are  generally confined to the male sex, with the exception of some bad women. I have never known children to consume these drugs - Evidence of SONA MULL, Brahmin, First Grade Hospital Assistant, in medical charge of Dispensary and Jail, Myanaung

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