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Saturday 20 April 2019

Cannabis Accessories

The traditional cannabis user, in places like India, always had a set of accessories which formed an essential part of the person. They included one or more chillums, made from clay, metal or stone, of different sizes, depending on the occasion and number of persons involved. This was similar to the set of pipes that the tobacco smoker carried or possessed. The chillum set contained tools to clean the chillums, as well as filter the smoke, if required. Besides this, there were pouches to carry the cannabis, and sometimes tobacco as well, if it was mixed with the cannabis. The more sophisticated smokers sometimes carried grinders to grind the cannabis into a finer form or bongs in the place of chillums, though bongs are generally a home or social consumption accessory. Jamaicans are known to use the chalice, a kind of hookah made out of coconut shells. In fact, every traditional cannabis smoking culture has its distinctive cannabis smoking implements. The more indigenous peoples of the world probably pursue innovative, sustainable and highly interesting methods of cannabis ingestion through their innovative accessories. Creative cannabis smokers used to, and still do, craft cannabis pipes or chillums using vegetables, fruit, palm fronds, etc. These form great natural materials that make the smoking experience even more pleasurable, enhancing the flavor of the smoke. They are completely biodegradable and can be disposed easily after one time use.

As Western influences on cannabis smoking crept in, along with the influence of tobacco smokers, chillums slowly started getting replaced with rolling papers and pipes. Changes were also influenced by the fact that community smoking of cannabis using chillums decreased with increasing prohibition and crack down by authorities. Most smokers smoked alone in the confines of their private spaces. Along with rolling papers came the ready made filters or roaches, though the more creative smokers used scissors or nail cutters to grind the cannabis, rolled their smokes in brown paper and used whatever material they could find to make the roaches, that is, if they were not smoking a blunt. Chillums are still found among seasoned cannabis smokers, religious mendicants and rural folk. The modern urban cannabis smoker relies mostly on rolling paper, ready made filters, pipes and bongs.

With growing legalization and the opening of cannabis retail outlets, we now have grinders, vaporizers, pipes, bongs, rolling papers, hookahs, cannabis storage devices, apparel, ashtrays, lighters, etc. of all shapes and sizes. From hand made exquisitely crafted accessories to industrially manufactured units in large numbers, the consumer is spoiled for choice. There are probably still people who craft their own smoking implements from fruits, vegetables and plant material, like in the past, but an increasing number of people are now walking into retail stores to buy their cannabis accessories. Some of these outlets cater to high end clientele, willing to pay huge sums of money, for their cannabis accessories. These accessories are not hidden away in a dark corner at home, like a sex toy, as the stigma around cannabis changes to widespread acceptance, but are making up central parts of the decor in living rooms and living spaces in full public view. Cannabis accessories are becoming statements of hipness in many homes and a growing number of commercial establishments. The cannabis accessory market is one of the new emerging markets, as an ancillary to the booming legal and illegal cannabis industry worldwide. This has offered many artisans an additional means of livelihood, and cannabis consumers more pleasurable ways to consume their cannabis. 
The emerging of expensive, sophisticated and branded cannabis accessories have also meant that the counterfeit accessory market has also emerged. There are counterfeits for everything, including famous branded vaporizers, rolling papers and concentrates. In fact the counterfeit vaporizer cartridge industry is believed to have been the cause of the recent EVALI crisis among persons who use vaporizers. The culprit was found to be the adulterants in the counterfeit vaporizer cartridge, such as vitamin E acetate, oleamide and Colophony, among others. This led to a rash of bans on vaporizers. Even after the cause of the health crisis was identified and measures taken to reduce counterfeit vaporizers and cartridges, these accessories are very widely available still. Many governments continue to ban vaporizers as a result of this. Along with the high end accessories found in posh retail stores, nearly every city has a number of small shops located in the by-lanes that cater to the accessory needs of most smokers.

Cannabis is emerging as the new cool, displacing a number of its competitors such as alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceutical drugs and sugar based beverages. The cannabis accessory market has bloomed into a colorful entity in a number of US states that have legalized recreational cannabis use (23 as of writing) and medical cannabis use (38 at the time of writing). Besides these places, the cannabis world is seeing a resurgence, officially, in the countries Canada, Malta, Luxembourg and Uruguay and, unofficially, in traditional places like the Netherlands and Denmark. Consumption has been thriving discretely in a host of other countries worldwide. The cannabis accessory market waits to take off along with the global legalization of cannabis.

Related articles

Listed below are a set of articles related to the branding and advertising aspects of cannabis picked up from various media sources. Words in italics are thoughts and comments of yours truly at the time of reading these articles.  
'Investigators reported: “[T]his study … has … shown that commercially available electronic cannabis devices (ECD) are a potential source for inhalation exposure to metals. … [C]hromium, copper, nickel, as well as smaller amounts of lead, manganese, and tin migrate into the cannabis oil and inhaled vapor phase, resulting in a possible acute intake of an amount of inhaled metals above the regulatory standard of multiple governmental bodies. … It was shown that leaching after periods of time at ambient or elevated temperatures was responsible for the migration of metals from the ECD into the liquid. … The metal content of vaping aerosols decreased with the addition of terpenes to the cartridge liquid. At this time, the mechanism by which the addition of terpenes reduces these metal emissions is unknown, but future research is being undertaken to establish if this is a phenomenon unique to terpenes or if it is a general trait of less viscous liquids.”

Prior analyses of unregulated vapor pen products containing THC have similarly identified the presence of heavy metals and other adulterants. Separate analyses of the aerosol produced by nicotine-filled e-cigarette devices have also detected metal emissions. Metal exposure over time has been linked to a variety of serious health concerns, including lung disease, brain damage, and cardiovascular disease'

'I’m no JUUL apologist. I’m a well-documented critic of Big Tobacco, and my think tank Parabola Center has written specific language to disqualify corporations who harm public health and lie about it from participating in the national marijuana industry. My concerns are based on evidence. When leaders disregard evidence and take advantage of emergencies for their own political purposes, they hurt more than their own credibility. They harm public health. They hurt real people.

Maybe there were good reasons to pass a ban on the sale of flavored nicotine. If so, we never heard them. Instead, evidence continues to demonstrate that our foolish ban led to bankrupt businesses, more illnesses, and unnecessary deaths'

'“States in the highest EVALI-quintile tended to either ban all marijuana use or have [medical cannabis] laws prohibiting home cultivation,” the researchers wrote. Most states with adult-use laws, meanwhile, “fell into the lower two quintiles for EVALI prevalence,” the study says.

The findings support what legalization advocates have long argued: that access to safe, legal cannabis is far preferable from a public health standpoint than sales on the illegal market, where products are unregulated and rarely tested for safety.

“Simply put,” the study says, “if the public can obtain products legally from reputable sources, there is less demand for illicit products.”'

 'They were dimly and fitfully lit and unpleasant in a number of respects, the most obvious of which was the colourful arrangement of parts of the ship's late lamented navigation officer over the floor, walls, and ceiling, and especially over the lower half of his, Zaphod's, suit. The effect of this was so astoundingly nasty that we shall not be referring to it again at any point in this narrative - other than to record briefly the fact that it caused Zaphod to throw up inside his suit, which he therefore removed and swapped, after suitable headgear modifications, with the empty one. Unfortunately the stench of the fetid air in the ship, followed by the sight of his own suit walking around casually draped in rotting intestines, was enough to make him throw up in the other suit as well, which was a problem that he and the suit would simply have to live with.'

- Young Zaphod Plays It Safe, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams

'If you’re looking to go pro-level customize and child-proof your mason jars with Re:Stash sleeves and tops. I use Canlok jars when I want to save a particular flavor for special occasions. I have some Purple Candy Cane from last year (or maybe 2019 – maybe 500 years ago, time is weird like that) in a jar in a desk drawer and it is still delicious and invigorating.

Keep in mind—pipe resin, already vaped bud, and bong water stinks; ash trays, too. So seal the AVB, trash the ash, clean your glass, and change the bong water. Take pride in your hobby, man.

And if you wanna be extra fancy, get a mini-fridge and use it as a weed-cellar. You can keep cannabis for months or even years if you store it correctly. Hope I helped you save your weed, and almost as important, your marriage. '

 'It is a curious fact, and one to which no one knows quite how much importance to attach, that something like 85 per cent of all known worlds in the Galaxy. be they primitive or highly advanced, have invented a drink called jynnan tonnyx, or gee-N'N-T'N-ix, or jinond-o-nicks, or any one of a thousand or more variations on the same phonetic theme. The drinks themselves are not the same, and vary between the Sivolvian 'chinanto/mnigs', which is ordinary water served at slightly above room temperature, and the Gagrakackan 'tzjin-anthonyks', which kills cows at a hundred paces, and in fact the one common factor between all of them, beyond the fact that the names sound the same, is that they were all invented and named before the worlds concerned made contact with any other worlds'

- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams

'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has a few things to say on the subject of towels.
A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value - you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta, you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santranginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kafrakoon; use it to sail a mini-raft down the slow heavy river Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a brush, but very very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.
More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitchhiker) discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet-weather gear, space suit, etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have 'lost'. What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the Galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still know where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with.'

- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams

'Have you ever been stuck without a pipe or papers? If you’ve got cannabis and a lighter but no way to smoke it, you should try the time-honored art of creating a homemade bowl from an apple.

The apple pipe is a simple solution and a better, more natural alternative than using an aluminum can or another makeshift device.

There are endless ways to create functional pipes from any variety of fruits and vegetables. To help you get by next time you’re in a pinch (or if you just like to MacGyver your paraphernalia), here are five quick steps to turn an apple into a smoking pipe.'

'If you’re a frequent cannabis consumer, odds are you’ve found yourself fiending for some flower but sans a smoking device. Cue the homemade pipes or bongs.

The most famous of this breed include the apple pipe and water bottle gravity bong, but the scope of what’s possible is limited only by imagination – and luckily, cannabis consumers are creative folks. Some devices are artistic masterworks and can rival marijuana pipes on the market, while others barely get the job done, but in the sage words of one Leafly follower on Facebook, “If it works, it ain’t stupid.”'

'Dry herb flower vaping is probably the safest. That process gently toasts the flower and releases the plant’s resin; you burn nothing.

Vaping, because it involves a mix of oils in a sealed cartridge, comes with a higher risk because that mixture of oils may contain chemicals that are harmful to human lungs when vaporized and inhaled. We learned that the hard way in 2019 when vitamin E acetate killed more than 60 illicit market consumers and hospitalized hundreds of others.

The bottom line: Vaping can be a cleaner, healthier cannabis modality. But right now we’re in a period where inventors and vape cartridge makers are miles ahead of state health regulators. And the profit motive is a powerful one.

Robert Strongin put it this way: Vaping, in general, is safer than smoking. But it’s far more harmful when mystery additives like phytol are added to the mix. “We can make vaping more unsafe than smoking with this crazy stuff,” he said.'

'At the US market-leading PAX Labs in San Francisco, sales of their PAX Era pod systems took a VAPI hit, only to recover and surge, said Dominic O’Brien, chief revenue officer at PAX Labs.

“Many of our retail partners have noticed a significant shift toward brands like PAX and others that prioritize transparency, and health and safety.”

“We found that once consumers understood that the vape-related illnesses of last year were the result of the illicit market—not the regulated one—we saw the category start to rebound quickly, due to consumer preferences for portability, ease of use and as an alternative to smoking.”'

'That’s the new mantra for cannabis brands: it’s no longer necessary to hide your marijuana use behind closed doors. Just as, say, an elegant bar looks at home in a mod living room, current fashion-minded homemakers are free to display their favorite plant and its associated utensils right out in the open. Delivery of cannabis products is also an aspect of marijuana tech that’s vastly changed over the past decade. Where home-delivered smoking implements were once cast in a poor light as some forbidden, distasteful act, today there are hordes of services online that deliver products to your doorstep. You can now, in many states, freely order items ranging from a bag of weed to a variety of new cannabis supplies, many of which you won’t find in your neighborhood smoke shop. Companies like the Daily High Club, which began as a monthly subscription-box service delivering every manner of weed gadgets to subscribers — including rolling papers, pipes and smell-proof bags — has expanded into an online store selling marijuana-related goods including apparel, artistic bongs and just about any cannabis accessory you can imagine.'

'The shop will also sell rolling papers, glass water pipes and other accessories, including a sterling silver marijuana grinder that will retail for $1,475.

In addition, The High End will offer a variety of CBD-infused beauty and scented products from brands such as Saint Jane, Foria and Lab to Beauty, among others.'

'If high is highbrow, then cannabis can be consumed tastefully and stylishly, like cupcakes or wine.'
'The ABV Cannabis Co. launched Wednesday with a line of disposable vaporizer pens filled with CO2-extracted cannabis oil derived from greenhouse-grown cannabis, according to a news release.'

'If you don't think attaching glassware to electronic vaporizers can look good, think again. Winners from the last Puffco Glass Open pulled off some pretty jaw-dropping stuff, with pieces ranging from glass balloon animals to Looney Tunes characters.' 

'"Unregulated illicit market cannabis products, like products in an unregulated marketplace, are of variable quality and may put some consumers at risk," Armentano said. "These incidents linked to the use of unregulated, illicit market vapor cartridges reinforce the need for greater market regulation, standardization, and oversight — principles which NORML has consistently called for in the cannabis space. Consumers must also be aware that not all products are created equal; quality control testing is critical and only exists in the legally regulated marketplace."'

'“These data reveal a predominant use of prefilled THC cartridges sold through informal and unregulated markets, although the origin of these products further back in the production and distribution chain is unknown,” the report states.

The report goes on to say that it’s unclear if the cause of the illness is THC or “a substance associated with prefilled THC cartridges, such as a cutting agent or adulterant.”'

'CannaSafe also tested 10 of the unregulated cartridges for pesticides. All 10 tested positive.

The products all contained myclobutanil, a fungicide that can transform into hydrogen cyanide when burned.'

'"Unregulated illicit market cannabis products, like products in an unregulated marketplace, are of variable quality and may put some consumers at risk," Armentano said. "These incidents linked to the use of unregulated, illicit market vapor cartridges reinforce the need for greater market regulation, standardization, and oversight — principles which NORML has consistently called for in the cannabis space. Consumers must also be aware that not all products are created equal; quality control testing is critical and only exists in the legally regulated marketplace."'

'Researchers affiliated with Portland State University's Department of Chemistry analyzed a pair of unidentified adulterants provided by a cannabis cartridge vaporizer manufacturer.

 The first adulterant was identified to be pure vitamin E acetate. Vitamin E acetate has previously been identified as a common adulterant in illicitly produced vapor cartridges. Last November, the US Center for Disease Control identified it as a "very strong culprit of concern" in the 2019 EVALI outbreak, which led to an estimated 3,000 hospitalizations.

The second sample tested positive for both oleamide – a psychoactive compound typically found in so-called synthetic marijuana products like Spice and K2 – and resin acids consistent with colophony. Colophony is typically used in surface coatings, lubricants, and adhesives, among other products. '

'New Jersey’s once heavily restricted medical marijuana market continues to open up: MMJ businesses will now be able to sell vape cartridges filled with concentrates, a move that could boost dispensary sales and open new opportunities for makers of vaporizers and concentrates.'

'Currently, the site includes cannabis-related news, articles on the culture of smoking up, a glossary, and a small shop. The flagship product is a “420 Box” with imported rolling paper, roaches, a lighter, organic hemp wick, a tray and a doob tube. There’s also a pre-rolled cone made of edible 24k gold leaf, reminiscent of a high-end shaadi-paan. There are some videos in the pipeline, and a “Dankmaster” program to create and train weed ambassadors around the country.

“The plan is to make dankmasters in every city, and feed information from them,” Alam said. “Like I’m getting information from Bangalore, from Manipal, Las Vegas and Toronto right now.” At launch, the Dankville HQ in Delhi consisted of Alam, his girlfriend and three designers.

Besides managing Dankville's Instagram and Facebook pages, they also ran a more mainstream social media company to support the business.'

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