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Tuesday 24 January 2023

Cannabis Usage in 19th Century India: The Asceticism - Eroticism Paradox of Ganja

Opening Quotes

"A Bengali metrical proverb, published by Dr. Morison, of Rajshahi, is to the following effect:— The ganja-smoker cherishes his wife. The opium-eater's wife is a widow. The drunkard is a Brahmini bull (i.e., brutal and uncontrollable)" - Evidence of Surgeon -Lieutenant-Colonel A. Crombie, M.D., Surgeon Superintendent, General Hospital, Calcutta before the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-95

'O'Shaughnessy observes: "The result of several trials was that in as small doses as 1/4 of a grain the pulse was increased in fulness and frequency; the surface of the body glowed; the appetite became extraordinary; vivid ideas crowded the brain; unusual loquacity occurred; and, with scarcely any exception, great aphrodisia was experienced."' - Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-95

'There has been a lot said about the aphrodisiac effect of weed. For some reason, scientists dislike to admit that there is such a thing as as aphrodisiac, so most pharmacologists say there is "no evidence to support the popular idea that weed possesses aphrodisiac properties." I can say definitely that weed is an aphrodisiac and that sex is more enjoyable under the influence of weed than without it. Anyone who has used good weed will verify this statement.' - Junk, William S Burroughs, 1953

It is only fair that the highest and most illustrious human joys, those in which existence celebrates its own transfiguration, should come only to the incomparable and the best constituted, although only after they and their ancestors have, unbeknownst to themselves, spent their lives in preparation for them. It is then that a superabundance of the most diverse forces and at the same time a swift power of 'free' decision and magisterial decree can amicably coexist in the same man, for then the intellect is just as much at home in the senses as the senses are at home in the intellect; and all that takes place in the one also awakens a refined and exceptionally felicitous play in the other. And conversely! Take a moment to consider this converse process in Hafez; even Goethe gives us an inkling of this process, albeit in an attenuated form. It is probable that in such perfectly well-constituted men, enjoyments of a wholly sensual nature are ultimately transformed into allegorical reveries of the highest intellectuality; they experience in themselves a kind of deification of the body and are at the greatest remove from that ascetic philosophy which is expressed in the proposition 'God is a spirit': which only goes to show that the ascetic is the 'ill-constituted man', the man who merely takes something intrinsic to him and especially that in him which judges and condemns and calls it good - calls it 'God'. By contrast, the Greeks knew of a whole vast spectrum of happiness, from that height of joy where man thoroughly feels himself to be a deified form and self-justification of nature, all the way down to the joy of robust peasants and robust half-human animals. In the face of this, they quivered with the gratitude of the initiate and gave it, with much circumspection and pious reticence, the divine name of Dionysus. What then do the modern men, the children of a frail, often ailing and unlikely mother, know of the extent of the Greeks' happiness? What could they know about it! What could possibly entitle the slaves of 'modern ideas' to participate in Dionysian revels!                                                                     

 - Dionysus, The Will to Power, Friedrich Nietzsche 

Questions on the subject.

Following are the questions on the subject by the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission 1894-95

49. (a) Is the moderate use of any of these drugs practised as an aphrodisiac? (b) Is it so used by prostitutes? (c) Is the use for this purpose more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic, and, if so, how? (d) Does the use of hemp tend to produce impotence?

50. Discuss the same question in regard to the excessive use of any of these drugs

My thoughts on the subject.

The eternal Spirit, or Self, or God, existing for eternity as infinity and formless void, beyond the questions of time and space, such as where it came from and when, and where it goes to and when, occasionally, like an orphan child all alone but never lonely, projects itself into form, creating form, space and time to observe itself, experience itself, and know itself. One of the aspects of form and observing, experiencing and knowing itself is the observing, experiencing and knowing of pleasure. In its human form, and in its form as some other animals, this pleasure takes the form of sexual pleasure. Though sex as a form of procreation is a relatively new phenomenon among living beings, and is only utilized by a small fraction of living beings, sex for pleasure is practiced by an even smaller fraction of living beings. We know for certain that among humans sex exists as one of the paramount pleasures of existence, probably among primates and dolphins as well, though how much it is a source of pleasure for other living things that employ sex for procreation is still very much a mystery.

The Indian god Siva, is worshiped as the erect phallus. The aspects of Siva, for which he is worshiped - as the god of medicine, as the god of asceticism, as the god of eroticism and fertility, as the god of intoxication - find intriguing parallels with the properties of his beloved herb, ganja. Ganja is one of the foremost of natural medicines, the foremost of intoxicants, the foremost of entheogens, and also one of the greatest of aphrodisiacs.

One of the apparent paradox's of Siva's nature is the conflict of his attribute as the supreme ascetic with that of his attribute as the erotic god. This is particularly highlighted in the incident of Siva in the Daruvana. In The Book of Shiva, by Namita Gokhale, she writes - 'It is important to emphasize that the basic doctrine of the Kapalika code, mirrored in the secret (Rahasya) mystic practices of other similar cults, is that of divine madness, of a contrarian doctrine of both surrender and resistance. This religious thinking, if at all it may be called that, does not partake of an ethical, moral or qualified worldview. It is a doctrine of absolute bliss and terror, an experiential and existential understanding, the purpose of which is to foster detachment. The seeming contradictions and paradoxes in the erotic-ascetic conflict are to be understood in this context and framework of understanding.'

The apparent paradox of Siva's aspects with regard to eroticism and asceticism is mirrored in the same paradox with regard to ganja's properties. On the one hand, we have numerous individuals who vouch for the aphrodisiac qualities of ganja. On the other hand, we have the ascetics who claim that ganja takes their minds off eroticism, enabling them to focus on the eternal spirit and dwell in its nameless aspects. While the aspects of ganja as an aid to asceticism and as an aphrodisiac appear to be contradictory, we find that ganja, with its unparalleled ability to produce concentration and to 'sharpen the intellect' as many expert witnesses to the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission reported, may not be such a paradox after all. What we see numerous witnesses state is that ganja, taken in relatively smaller quantities on relatively fewer occasions, appears to produce aphrodisia, whereas ganja taken in relatively larger quantities on a more frequent basis, appears to aid in asceticism. When we consider that all these terms - smaller and larger quantities, fewer and frequent occasions - are entirely subjective, it appears to me that it all depends on what is foremost in one's mind. The one thing that is common is both aspects, eroticism or asceticism, which ganja greatly enables is the fostering of a sense of detachment. If the seeking of erotic pleasure occupies a significant part of one's mind, then the aphrodisiac qualities come into play. If the pursuit of asceticism occupies the foremost part of one's mind then the entheogenic aspects of ganja come into play. Mind you, it would be entirely false to state that either erotic or aphrodisiac qualities are not qualities of the spirit. That is just the interpretation of some who would like to narrow down the infinite aspects of the spirit and put it into a box that they can try and comprehend. Asceticism is the eternal spirit as observer watching the play of form, whereas eroticism is the eternal spirit as form enjoying its pleasures. There is no conflict. Some choose to play the role of ascetics, taking it to the extremes of completely shunning eroticism, while others choose to play the role of erotics, taking it to extremes and completely shunning asceticism. That is the choice of each individual - to follow the path of their desire. But the aspects of Siva as erotic and ascetic, and the role that ganja plays in aiding one to follow either, highlights the entire spectrum of spirit as form and as void, and the importance of knowing and experiencing both, while inculcating a sense of detachment to both. The balance of the two is what I would call a better understanding of the nature of the spirit. Ultimately, ganja enables one to achieve the perfect balance between eroticism and asceticism, where the state of sat-chit-anandam, or the state of mind known as Siva, exists. That is the essence of true holy communion and realizing that one is the same as the eternal spirit. When some people, out of ignorance, start believing that only one of these paths is the right way, and that the other path is wrong, that is when problems arise. The ignorant ascetic starts believing that all things that do with bodily pleasures are a sin, whereas the ignorant erotic starts to believe that all things to do with the spirit are madness. People of both these flawed types of thinking then start exhorting others to give up the path of complete understanding, and to choose their paths of partial understanding and ignorance. We see the manifestations of this ignorance in the puritan who punishes the persons who seek pleasure, commanding that one give up all aspects of pleasure and punish one's body to follow the spirit. We also see these manifestations in the seekers of total pleasure, who ridicule and torment the persons who seek to follow the path of sense-deprivation. As a result of both these flawed ways of thinking, we find that asceticism has been replaced with meaningless ritualism, and eroticism has been replaced with obsessive perversion.

What is far worse, today, is that the dominant class of people who run the world - the elites, upper classes and so-called upper castes -  have distorted even these basic aspects of the spirit. Practicing the most absurd aspect of asceticism i.e. mindless ritualism, or the most absurd aspect of eroticism i.e. obsessive sexual perversion, such as pedophilia, these rulers of the world neither follow the spiritual ascetic aspects of ganja, nor the erotic aspects of it. While putting on a pretense of rejecting one path in the pursuit of the other, they follow the path of accumulating material wealth and power at the cost of all else, deeming that it is the only worthwhile pursuit in this world, thus rejecting both the formless spirit and its manifestation in the form of ganja. They are the enemies of both ascetics and erotics, and ultimately of ganja and the eternal spirit, training their thoughts and actions on the destruction and elimination of ganja, and through it the denial of the fundamental aspects of Siva, or the eternal spirit.

We see that, generally, asceticism is essentially a male pursuit, with eroticism being more closely associated with the feminine aspect. Thus, patriarchal societies and thinkers - specifically the puritans, authoritarians and orthodoxy across religions - exhort that men shun women, and all aspects of pleasure associated with women, considering sexuality, especially female sexuality, as immoral and sinful. They also exhort society to shun intoxicants, stating that intoxication leads to immorality and succumbing to the pleasures of the flesh. This lies at the fundamental source of the desire to keep ganja prohibited, with the fear that, with access to ganja, female sexuality will unleash the forces of Shakti, and overturn the male patriarchal hold on this world. The seekers of material pleasure and wealth, the orthodoxy that views itself as upper class and upper caste, did not hesitate to try and malign both women and ganja in the questions and evidence provided to the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission. The question 49 (b) "Is it so used by prostitutes?" is an attempt to effectively state that women who used ganja were immoral and sinful women. To try and put focus on the subject that ganja was used by prostitutes, and that too those of the lower order who were to be found in 'mela and fairs', was an attempt to say that ganja consumption was a despicable practice of the supposedly worst classes of society. When we consider that most of the labouring classes who worked in demanding conditions, doing extremely strenuous work, consumed ganja to relieve their fatigue, rejuvenate themselves and also to gain stamina, and that all classes of society enjoyed ganja for whatever reasons, then what is the reason to single out one particular section of the working classes - prostitutes - in connection with the aphrodisiac qualities of ganja? The reasons why women who practiced prostitution consumed ganja were exactly the same reasons why other members of the working classes consumed ganja - to reduce pain and fatigue, to have staying power and to ward of diseases, especially sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and herpes. This maligning of women in association with ganja is one of the earliest evidences of what later became standard procedure globally, where women who consumed ganja were labelled as loose women, in the argument used by patriarchal societies and religious orthodoxy to strengthen ganja prohibition worldwide. It is interesting to note that in the entire Hemp Drugs Commission Report we see no other evidence of the consumption of ganja by women other than this particular instance. When it was estimated that nearly 30% of the Indian adult population in the 19th century consumed cannabis as ganja, charas or bhang, it is ridiculous to say that the only adult women in Indian society who consumed ganja, charas or bhang were the prostitutes. This is just another reflection of the male dominated nature of the entire distorted exercise of ganja prohibition that was carried out in 19th century India, where women had no voice and served as second class citizens - along with the lower castes and classes - to the upper classes and castes. It is also amusing to note that so many of the witnesses before the Commission, members of the ruling and elite classes, and the upper castes, seemed to have such an intimate understanding of the methods and habits of the prostitutes that they denounced as the lowest classes of society.

Overall, the questions 49 and 50 appear to have been framed, like the rest of the questions, by persons who had very little knowledge and personal experience of ganja. It was primarily the attempts of an alien outside race, the British, working in conjunction with the Indian elites - its religious orthodoxy, upper classes and castes who were essentially themselves relatively new to ancient Indian culture, having migrated from Central Asia with their religions and culture to India a few thousand years before the British arrived - to put an end to the intrinsic Indian custom of ganja consumption, a phenomenon that was alien and strange to both, as explicitly stated in the resolution passed to form the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission. The questions 49 and 50 are again examples of questions that should have been directed exclusively to medical experts. Instead, we have all and sundry, giving their personal opinions, with little or no actual experience of ganja, parroting what the questions lead them to say, no doubt to appear knowledgeable and compliant to their masters. A sample of the levels of ignorance among witnesses to the Commission can be seen in the evidence of Syed Riyaz Uddin Quazi, Pleader, Bogra. He states -  "I know not whether it is used as aphrodisiac. It is said to be used by the prostitutes during their menses to prevent conception, and so it may produce impotence." How much the British relied on the information provided by their equally ignorant employees from the Indian elites can be gauged from the following evidence of MR. W. R. Bright, Deputy Commissioner of Palámau - "I am informed by the Civil Medical Officer that it (ganja I believe) is so used by prostitutes. He says that owing to the effects which it produces, it overstrains the system, causes early debility and brings on temporary impotence. 50. The same authority informs me that it is not used excessively as an aphrodisiac, but that people who consume it excessively are usually impotent."  Army witness 255 says - "49. Yes, bhang is aphrodisiac, but charas and ganja are the reverse". Like many other witnesses, he shows his complete ignorance that bhang, charas and ganja are the leaves, flowers and resin of one plant, Cannabis Indica.

The complete conviction with which so many witnesses seem to state that excessive use of ganja causes impotence is laughable. For one, most witnesses hardly had direct contact with even moderate users, let alone excessive users. The Hemp Commission estimated that about 5% of all ganja consumers fell in the category of excessive users, and these were primarily the religious mendicants and ascetics. The witnesses to the Commission, belonging to the ruling elites, upper classes and castes had almost no direct experience of ganja consumption, as they themselves claim. Most of their knowledge of ganja and its users were drawn from persons who worked for them - such as the cart-pullers, dhobis, gardeners and coolies - that they employed. To think that these elites actually made contact with the reclusive wandering ascetics, and determined the state of their sexual potency, appears to be purely a figment of their imagination, as so much other evidence that these classes provided regarding excessive use, insanity, crime and the so-called other harms associated with ganja use. The few excessive users that they may have made contact with, directly or indirectly, may have been the broken humans found within the precincts of villages and towns, individuals who may have arrived at their physical states from any number of causes - poverty, excess use of alcohol, opium, admixtures - such as dathura, nux vomica, arsenic, etc - or any number of other causes.

The questions 49 and 50, like many of the other questions framed by the Commission, appear to be based on the European knowledge of alcohol and its harms with relation to insanity, impotence, crime and violence, and an attempt to juxtapose this onto ganja and to try and understand and project ganja through the lens of European usage of alcohol.

The use of various admixtures along with ganja to induce aphrodisia appears in numerous witness statements. Nux vomica, cantharides, dathura and opium appear to have been common additions used for this purpose. With regard to opium, it appears that one of the least talked about reasons for its great popularity, both in the past and at present, is that it apparently delays ejaculation. This might explain one of the reasons why many people start using it before eventually becoming hopelessly addicted to it. Babu Beprodas Banerjee, Brahman, Pleader, Newspaper Editor, and Chairman, Baraset Municipality, states in his evidence - "Opium enables the seed to hold on longer, and licentious men often use it for this effect. Prostitutes dread such people, and charge an opium taker and guli smoker higher." This probably explains the global popularity of opium and its derivatives such as heroin, and the love that the elites among the world have for it, and their reticence to legalize ganja, fearing that it will upset the global opium supply. Interestingly, it is once again Siva, the erotic ascetic, whose beloved herb is ganja, who appears to have expounded to the world the yoga of semen retention through the Vajroni mudra, as detailed in the Siva Samhita. It is mostly with men, especially the elites who live a decadent life of excesses, that problems of getting erections, maintaining them, and delaying ejaculation, arises. For the hard working simple folk who form the working and labouring classes, such problems are minimal due to the healthy lifestyles they enjoy. It is the same decadent elites who had more access to opium and alcohol, and finding that these appeared to give them the necessary hard-ons, it seems they were quite willing to do away with ganja, completely disregarding its vital importance to the vast majority of India's poor and working classes. For the elites, concepts such as ganja being the medicine, intoxicant and spiritual herb of the people, or even Siva, would have been trivial compared to their perverted needs to acquire material wealth and conquer women with their brute male force. All this is as relevant in today's patriarchy, orthodoxy, puritan and authoritarian driven world as it was then. Today, opium and alcohol rule the roost, along with new additions like cocaine and methamphetamine, and it is the rich who determine that these should be the preferred path to sexuality.

An overwhelming majority of witnesses, as well as medical experts like William O'Shaugnessey, are of the opinion that ganja is an aphrodisiac when taken in small to moderate quantities. Looking at ganja purely as an aphrodisiac, and looking at the world of aphrodisiacs today, it appears that purely on the basis of its aphrodisiac qualities, ganja should be completely legal and freely available all over the world. Look at what has happened in the world due to its global prohibition. The world craves for aphrodisiacs. Anything that is stated to have even the slightest aphrodisiac qualities is lapped up by a human society ever eager to constantly enhance its sexual pleasures. Dangerous illegal drugs such as opioids, cocaine and methamphetamine and are used as aphrodisiacs. While opioids are highly addictive and kill millions across the world each year through overdose, cocaine and methamphetamine cause heart failure. Then we have the most popular legal drug, alcohol, which is also used as an aphrodisiac by many. Alcohol is the number one cause of domestic violence, as reported by the UNODC in the recent past, contributing to as much as 90% of the domestic violence cases globally, besides being widely acknowledged as a cause for impotency. Pornography, as an aid to stimulating and enhancing sexual pleasure, is one of the leading obsessions and distractions of the world today. It easily ranks among the world's biggest addictions. Numerous people are addicted to pornography, drawn into the sex trade by criminals through pornography, and many young children fall prey to the bait of pornography that sexual predators use. All these are man-made drugs causing much harm to society. As if this was not bad enough, there is a thriving illegal global wildlife trade in whale ambrien, rhino horns, snake meat and tiger penises. These animals, many of whom are listed on global endangered lists, are slaughtered so as to apparently make some people's penises stand or delay their ejaculation, though how much this is scientifically proven is anybody's guess. Most often these so-called aphrodisiacs are sold to ignorant persons who believe the myths and pay large sums of money to procure them at any cost. The number of quacks who operate in the field of enhancement of sexual pleasure and the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, and the number of dangerous synthetic pharmaceutical drugs that are prescribed for these, forms an area of study by itself.

Ganja, a plant that can be grown anywhere, a plant that was once one of the world's most important agricultural crops, a plant that is used to treat more than two dozen medical conditions in the US today, a plant that is beneficial to man, animals and the environment, is banned while global governments and organizations, such as the UN, offer lip service to prevention of pornography, illegal drugs and illegal wildlife trade. In 19th century India, ganja was renown for the treatment of gonorrhea and herpes. Today, in the US, where recreational ganja is legal in about 18 states and medical ganja is legal in around 33 states, at the time of writing, one of the primary markets for legal ganja is its use as a mood regulator and wellness product, especially for women. Celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Halle Berry have launched product lines aimed at women's wellness and vaginal health.  

From a personal point of view, for me, sexual pleasure has been one of the dominating pleasures in my life. I developed a very early interest in the joys of pleasuring myself. I attribute this to the fact that about a dozen or so maids took care of me before the age of six, as my mother used to go to work leaving me with them. At least some of these women, I believe, were instrumental in bringing about the ear;y blossoming of my sexual awareness. With my acquaintance with ganja, around the age of eighteen, the act of pleasuring myself took on new dimensions and raised it to a whole new level of enjoyment. Since then, I have found that the aphrodisiac qualities of ganja are truly as effective as its entheogenic aspects. I have experienced both these aspects in equal measure. I must say that I have not yet had the luxury to test the theories of the witnesses to the Hemp Commission, where they state that used in small quantities, ganja is an aphrodisiac, whereas used in excess, in renders a person impotent. This is because I have mostly had only the opportunity to consume ganja in small quantities, and to thus experience its aphrodisiac and entheogenic qualities. I hope to one day have the opportunity to consume ganja in excessive quantities over long periods of time and test the theory that it will render a person impotent, an experiment I look forward to greatly.
For a person to experience aphrodisia, it is important that there be no stress, pain or anxiety. To have pleasurable sex, one needs to have the time and ability to focus on the subject. All these are factors that are increasingly difficult to achieve in today's world, where a person is buried in an avalanche of attention distracting factors, and where the acquiring of material wealth and possessions are the primary goals of humans. For a couple to find the time and mood for leisurely sex together is even harder today given that the body rhythms of each person now operates to an increasingly different beat, out of synchronicity with another. It has been found in a number of recent scientific studies that when either one or both partners consume ganja, the probability of a sexual encounter increase greatly. I have elaborated a bit further on this subject in my article Cannabis and Sex which also contains references to some of these scientific studies.

One can find some interesting recipes provided by witnesses to the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission for ganja based aphrodisiacs, in the form of sweetmeats and tonics, such as majum, purnadhi lehyam and madanakameswaram, in my earlier articles - 'Cannabis usage in 19th century India: Medical uses for humans and other animals' and 'Cannabis usage in 19th century India: The manner and forms in which cannabis was consumed'. This, I hope, will come in handy for those who are averse to smoking as a form of consumption and will aid many in their attempts to enjoy the pleasures of the sexual life to its fullest, through using the means provided by nature, rather than pursuing the dangerous prescriptions of quacks and the synthetic pharmaceutical industry, prescriptions that are bound to destroy body, mind and the planet...

At at time when India is set to overtake China as the most populous country in the world, and as the global population crosses the 8 billion threshold beyond which we need two earths to support humans, let us assume for a moment that what is said about the excessive use of ganja leading to impotence is true. If that were to be the case, is it not one of the best methods of population control in a world where the runaway global population is one of the major threats to life on the planet? When a number of people consume ganja excessively, rendering themselves sexually impotent willingly, choosing then to devote their attention to asceticism, is that not a much better population control method than forceful, and often badly executed, vasectomies and hysterectomies, or even worse, bigoted right-wing governments trying to eliminate certain sections of the population under the false belief that they contribute significantly to the population boom through large families? According to a witness, Rev. A. E. BALL, Missionary, Church Missionary Society, Karachi - "An English official of high standing and long service in Sind told me that he is quite convinced that the use of these drugs makes the increase of population less rapid than it otherwise would be." Impotence, if it is even possible to achieve that through excess use of ganja, would be what I term a lovely way to burn...using the path of bliss to travel from body and form to become once more the spirit and void, in the endless cycles that make up reality...The journey from form to void is inevitable and we choose to travel, whether in bliss or agony, is up to us...

Summary findings of the Commission.

Following are some of the references found in the Indian Hemp Commission Reports regarding ganja as an aphrodisiac or medicine to treat sexual and reproductive system disorders and diseases:

  • In Bhabishya Puran it is stated that "on the 13th moon of Chaitra (March and April) one who wishes to see the number of his sons and grandsons increased must worship Kama (Cupid) in the hemp plant, etc."
  • In the class of specific infectious diseases, hemp drugs are stated to be used in hydrophobia, ague, remittent fever, cholera,"to relieve burning symptoms in phthisis," dysentery, erysipelas, and gonorrhœa.
  • In diseases of the urinary organs hemp preparations are used in diabetes, impotency, stricture, spermatorrhœa, hydrocele, incontinence of urine, and swellings of the testicles. In orchitis a warm bhang poultice applied on a warm fig leaf is recommended to be bandaged over the testicles, and in hydrocele a similar poultice is spread on a castor-oil leaf. In impotency and nervous debility the drug is doubtless used on account of its supposed aphrodisiac power.
  • Cantharides and nux vomica are sometimes used in bhang. The object of this is apparently to produce aphrodisiac effects.
  • In the Dhurtasamagama, or "Rogues' Congress," A.D. 1500, the following passage occurs: "Ganja, which is soporific and corrects derangements of the humours, which produces a healthy appetite, sharpens the wits, and acts as an aphrodisiac.
  • Rumphius in the Herbarium Amboinense, A.D. 1695, states that the Muhammadans in his neighbourhood frequently sought for the male plant from his garden to give to persons afflicted with virulent gonorrhœa or with asthma.
  • The diuretic action of bhang is mentioned in connection with the treatment of gonorrhœa.
  • Among the ancient physicians the evil effects of the drug are thus referred to by the author of the Makhzan-el-Adwiya: "Afterwards the sedative effects begin to preside, the spirits sink, the vision darkens and weakens, and madness, melancholy, fearfulness, dropsy, and such like distempers are the sequel, while the seminal secretions dry up." Alluding to its popular use, the author dwells on the eventual evil consequences of the indulgence: "Weakness of the digestive organs first ensues, followed by flatulency, indigestion, swellings of the limbs and face, change of complexion, diminution of sexual vigour, loss of teeth, heaviness, cowardice, depraved and wicked ideas, etc."


466. The use of the drug in cases of impotency is, no doubt, based on its supposed aphrodisiac effects. The experiments of Prof. Wood indicate that the drug does not possess any aphrodisiac power; and Lauder Brunton remarks ("Text-book of Pharmacy, Therapeutics, and Pharmacology"): "Cannabis indica has been regarded as an aphrodisiac, but the trials of it made in this country seem to show that it does not, itself at least, have any such action, and merely induces a condition of partial delirium in which Easterns may possibly have visions of a sexual nature, and indeed they try to give a sexual direction to the mental disturbance which the Cannabis produces by mixing with it musk, ambergris, or cantharides." O'Shaughnessy, on the other hand, speaks of the drug acting on the "generative apparatus," and in experiments, which he tried on some of his pupils, he states that, "with scarcely any exception, great aphrodisia was experienced" from administration of the extract. Physiologically the active principle of hemp drugs has, so far as is known, no aphrodisiac power whatever; and, as a matter of fact, they are used by ascetics in this country with the ostensible object of destroying sexual appetite. But taken as a stimulant to assist in the execution of a specific purpose, its indirect effect is perfectly intelligible. Like alcohol it gives strength and free course to the predominant desires of the animal nature. This effect will be considered more fully later. Meanwhile it is enough to say that the alleged aphrodisiac action seems to be merely the indirect effect of the drug as a stimulant. This effect explains the use of these drugs in the houses of prostitutes, regarding which there is a good deal of evidence, just as alcohol in one form or another is used in similar houses in Europe.

482.  As a result of several experiments on pupils at the Medical College, Calcutta, O'Shaughnessy observes: "The result of several trials was that in as small doses as 1/4 of a grain the pulse was increased in fulness and frequency; the surface of the body glowed; the appetite became extraordinary; vivid ideas crowded the brain; unusual loquacity occurred; and, with scarcely any exception, great aphrodisia was experienced." Lauder Brunton states: "Its chief effect is on the brain, and is of a twofold nature; it excites a form of delirium and hallucinations, usually followed by deep sleep. Small doses give rise to delirium with hallucinations generally of a gay character causing much merriment, accompanied by a great inclination to muscular movement. The nature of the hallucinations depends greatly on the character of the individual, and people seem to be able to determine their nature as in the case of opium. The dreams produced by Indian hemp in inhabitants of Eastern countries are usually of a sexual character, but when taken by more civilized people of Western nations they are not sexual, and are often of a disagreeable nature."

485. Judging from the replies of several witnesses, the immediate effect of the moderate use of any of the hemp drugs on the habitual consumer is refreshing and stimulating, and alleviates fatigue, giving rise to pleasurable sensations all over the nervous system, so that the consumer is "at peace with everybody"—in a grand waking dream. He is able to concentrate his thoughts on one subject: it affords him pleasure, vigour, ready wit, capacity for hard work, and sharpness for business; it has a quieting effect on the nervous system, and removes restlessness and induces forgetfulness of mental troubles; all sorts of grotesque ideas rapidly pass through the mind, with a tendency to talk; it brightens the eyes, and, like a good cigar, gives content; the man feels jolly, sings songs, and tells good stories; it causes bravery in the brave and cowardice in the timid, and, like alcohol, brings out the real character of the man. In young men it may give rise to sensual thoughts, and aphrodisiac effects are mentioned.

Individual witness responses.

Following are some of the witness responses to questions 49 and 50 as put forward by the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission.

49. Ganja is certainly so used, also bhang, generally in the form of majum. It seems rather to strengthen existing desires than to be an active aphrodisiac, and for this purpose it is generally mixed with other drugs. A man who uses hemp for this purpose necessarily wears himself out more than he otherwise would do, and in this way it is more injurious. 50. I cannot say if hemp produces impotence.  - Evidence of the HON'BLE MR. D. R. LYALL, C.S.I., Member, Board of Revenue, Calcutta

49. I do not know. A man who smokes ganja with a woman is just as likely to drink a bottle of spirits—I can't say whether as an aphrodisiac or only as part of his spree. 50. He would probably have a head next morning, and would be more likely to smoke excessively than in moderation. - Evidence of MR. E. V. WESTMACOTT, Commissioner, Presidency Division; late Commissioner of Excise, Bengal

49. (a) I have heard so. (b) I have not heard of its use by prostitutes. - Evidence of MR. H. G. COOKE, Officiating Commissioner, Orissa Division

I have been told that a draught of bhang, by way of sherbet or perhaps a decoction, is sometimes used as an aphrodisiac. I have never heard about its effects leading to impotence.  - Evidence of MR. J. C. PRICE, Magistrate and Collector, Rajshahi

49 and 50. Yes, but the immoderate use generally causes impotency. I have heard many prostitutes use this drug as an aphrodisiac when they cannot procure alcohol, and in such cases it is liable to be used in excess occasionally. - Evidence of MR. F. H. BARROW, Magistrate and Collector of Bankura.

[45] Ganja is used as an aphrodisiac, and it certainly stimulates the sexual power if used in small doses. But then comes the inevitable reaction, and impotence with its attendant miseries follows. All these questions are for specialists in mental diseases. But my experience convinces me that consumers of ganja and bhang who are deficient in self-control develop into insanes. Such human weeds would, however, ruin themselves in other ways if the drug supply were stopped. 49. Not by prostitutes; but see above. 50. No. The excessive use of ganja has the tendency to check sexual passion.  - Evidence of MR. F. H. B. SKRINE, Magistrate and Collector of Bhagalpur.

49. (a) Yes. (b) It is used so by the lowest class of prostitutes who frequent mêlas or fairs. (c) I am not aware. (d) No. 50. Same as above - Evidence of the HON'BLE F. R. S. COLLIER, Magistrate and Collector, 24-Parganas.

49. Ganja and bhang are used as aphrodisiacs by prostitutes. The drugs tend to produce impotence. They are stimulant in the primary, and sedative in the secondary stage.  -  Evidence of MR, C. R. MARINDIN, Magistrate and Collector of Shahabad

49. (a) Not known. (b) Not here. (c) Not known. (d) Not directly. It is excessive debauchery which produces impotence. If used as suggested, the latter would certainly be present. 50. Not known.  - Evidence of MR. L. HARE, Magistrate and Collector of Muzaffarpur.

49. It is used in moderate doses as an aphrodisiac, and sometimes so used by prostitutes. When used as an aphrodisiac, it is not more injurious than when taken as a narcotic. Moderate use ultimately leads to impotence sometimes. 50. When used in excess it produces loss of sexual appetite, and is very injurious. - Evidence of MR. G. E. MANISTY, Magistrate and Collector of Saran

49. No. -  Evidence of MR. T. L. JENKINS, Magistrate and Collector of Dacca

49. I am informed by the Civil Medical Officer that it (ganja I believe) is so used by prostitutes. He says that owing to the effects which it produces, it overstrains the system, causes early debility and brings on temporary impotence. 50. The same authority informs me that it is not used excessively as an aphrodisiac, but that people who consume it excessively are usually impotent. - Evidence of MR. W. R. BRIGHT, Deputy Commissioner of Palámau

49 and 50. Ganja is smoked as an aphrodisiac by men. The aphrodisiac action of the drug lasts during the period of intoxication produced by it. Prostitutes are not known to use it as such. Excessive use of ganja tends to produce impotence.  - Evidence of MR. N. K. BOSE, Officiating Magistrate and Collector of Noakhali.

49. It is said to produce a stimulating sexual effect on beginners, but not to have this effect after its use becomes habitual. Used in this way it is doubtless injurious as leading to excess of sexual indulgence and consequent injury to the constitution. It is so consumed by males only, and not by prostitutes. The moderate use of ganja is not said to produce impotence. 50. The same answer applies as to No. 49 in a greater degree. The excessive use of ganja is said to produce impotence, but it does not appear that the same result is caused by the excessive use of siddhi.  - Evidence of MR. E. H. C. WALSH,* Officiating Magistrate and Collector of Cuttack

49. Yes, siddhi, bhang and ganja are used as aphrodisiacs, and such use is remotely followed by impotence. I cannot give any reliable infor¬ mation as to whether these drugs are used as aphrodisiacs by prostitutes. If information on this point is really required, I would suggest a reference to the two ladies who perambulated the bazaars of India last cold weather and who sub¬ sequently fell foul of Lord Roberts in connection with C. D. matters. Ample details will, no doubt, be forthcoming.  - Evidence of Mr. C. A. S. BEDFORD,* Deputy Commissioner of Manbhum

49. Yes. Bhang is so considered as aphro¬ disiac. It is not used by prostitutes. 50. I cannot say - Evidence of RAI NANDAKISORE DAS, BAHADUR,* District Officer of Angul, Cuttack

49. Ganja is so used by prostitutes. This use is more injurious than as a narcotic, because in this way the consumer uses the drug to excess. The habitually excessive use is said to produce impotence. 50. Answered in question No. 49.  - Evidence of MR. W. MAXWELL, Sub-Divisional Officer, Jhenidah, District Jessore

49 and 50. The hemp drugs are, I believe, used as aphrodisiacs. Excessive use is said to produce impotence. - Evidence of MR. W.C .T AYLOR, Special Deputy Collector, Land Acquisition, East Coast Railway, and Pensioned Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Khurda, Orissa

49. None that I have ever come to know. The effect is said to be the reverse, and has a ten¬ dency to bring on a disinclination for venereal intercourse. Ganja, and specially bhang, is said to induce impotency. 50. In the above the excessive use of the articles has been referred to.  - Evidence of BABU RAM CHARAN BOSE, Kayasth, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Alipur, 24-Parganas.

49. Not known. 50. It tends to produce impotence in the excessive smoker.  - Evidence of MR. E. MCL. SMITH, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Sonthal Parganas

49. (a) and (b) Yes. (d) Excessive use leads to impotence.  - Evidence of BABU GOPAL CHUNDER MOOKERJEE, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Diamond Harbour

49. I have heard of its being so used in soli¬ tary cases. A Hindu gentleman once facetiously said that after taking spirits and smoking madak he closed the evening with a pull at ganja, which he said was the whip. 50. Excessive use has, I was told, a tendency to produce impotence.  - Evidence of BABU PRAN KUMAR DAS, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector and Personal Assistant to the Commissioner of Burdwan.

49 and 50. Ganja is not used as an aphrodisiac. The use of ganja or siddhi does not produce im¬ potence. The excessive use of ganja produces impotence. - Evidence of BABU GOBIND CHANDRA BASAK, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Brahmanbaria, Tippera District.

49. The moderate use of ganja and bhang is practised as aphrodisiac by some. Some prosti¬ tutes do so use. I have no experience whether this form of use is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. I am not aware of ganja smoking producing impotence. 50. Answer same as above.  - Evidence of BABU GANENDRA NATH PAL, Kayasth, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Naogaon.

49 and 50. It is said by many that some ganjasmokers make moderate or excessive use of ganja as an aphrodisiac, and that it is so used by some prostitutes. The use for this purpose must be more injurious, inasmuch as there is in this case the loss of vital fluid in addition, and the desire being very ardent, the loss the more. The habi¬ tual excessive use of ganja tends to produce impotence. I do not know of the bhang being used as an aphrodisiac.  - Evidence of BABU GANGANATH ROY, Kayasth, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Chittagong.

49. I have no doubt that moderate use of these drugs serves as an aphrodisiac to both sexes, and lower classes of prostitutes in rare cases use ganja as ordinary narcotic, instead of spirituous liquor. I do not think the use of ganja or siddhi tends to produce impotence. 50. The excessive use of any of these drugs has no such tendency to produce impotence.  - Evidence of BABU BHAIRAB NATH PALIT, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Birbhum.

49. (a) Not that I know of. (b) Prostitutes use these as cheap intoxi¬ cants. (d) Opium is said to induce impotence, but not hemp. 50. Ditto. - Evidence of BABU JAGA MOHAN BHATTACHARJYA, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector and Personal Assistant to Commissioner, Chittagong

49. Yes; bhang-drinking. Native physicians use patti in pills, meant for use as aphrodisiacs - Evidence of BABU MANMOHAN CHAKRAVARTI, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Jajpur, Cuttack, Orissa.

49. The use of these drugs is sometimes resorted to as an aphrodisiac, but, when so used, it is gen¬ erally believed to bring on impotence. - Evidence of BABU HIRA LALL BANERJEE, Brahmin, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Monghyr.

49. Ganja and especially bhang are. 50. Consumed in the first instance as aphro¬ disiac. Most young men fall into the habit under that notion. Prostitutes use bhang with the same object. The use for this purpose is more in¬ jurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic, as the after-effects of exhaustion, etc., etc., are great. Habitual use of ganja in excess produces impo¬ tence too early.  - Evidence of MAULAVI ABDUS SAMAD, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Purulia, Manbhum.

49 and 50. (a) Yes. (b) It is used so by the lowest class of prosti¬ tutes who frequent melas or fairs. (c) I am not aware. (d) No.  - Evidence of BABU GUNGADHAR GHOSE, Excise Deputy Collector, 24-Parganas

49. I have never heard it practised as an aphrodisiac. On the contrary, all the fakirs that I have consulted have informed me that it is a pre¬ ventive of lust, or, in other words, ganja smoking diminishes the desire for sexual intercourse. I have never known a case of impotence specially caused by the use of ganja or bhang. 50. Excessive use may cause all the evils men¬ tioned above - Evidence of BABU PROKASH CHUNDER ROY, Excise Deputy Collector, Patna.

49 and 50. Ganja.—Sometimes used so, but rarely. Ganja and bhang.—The unanimous opinion is that they tend to produce impotence if excessively used. If moderately used, the tendency is coun¬ teracted by the substantial food which the con¬ sumers take. Both produce a craving for dense
boiled milk, sweets, and confections fried in butter.  - Evidence of BABU SURENDRANATH MOZOOMDAR, Brahmin, Special Excise Deputy Collector, Monghyr.

49. (a) Yes. (b) Yes, if Vaishnavis are so designated. (c) Can't say if use for this purpose is more njurious or not, but one would expect it to be so, seeing from analogy that whatever causes unnatural or abnormal excitement strikes at the very root of the energy that supplies natural power. (d) No; no impotence. 50. Yes; it does produce impotence of un¬ mistakable character. The other replies are the same as in 49. - Evidence of BABU A. K. RAY, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Bangaon, Jessore District.

49. Ganja-smoking is said to increase sexual appetite in the beginners of the habit, and is some¬ times indulged in as an aphrodisiac. It is, how¬ ever, not so used by prostitutes who generally do not smoke ganja, except to please their customers. Its use as an aphrodisiac is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic, inasmuch as it leads to excessive sexual indulgence, and thus indirectly affects the system. The excessive use of ganja tends to produce impotence. The above replies do not apply to the use of patti. In exceptional cases patti may be used as an aphrodisiac, with the consequent results. 50. Vide reply to 49 - Evidence of BABU KANTI BHUSHAN SEN, Baidya, Special Excise Deputy Collector of Cuttack

49. As an aphrodisiac — Ganja Yes. Bhang Yes. Charas Yes. (Ganja is used largely for the purpose; it is common to all intoxicating substance. Hemp drugs are cheap and the poor man's narcotic.) Use by prostitutes — Ganja Yes. Bhang No. Charas Yes. (It is so used by the poorer classes of prostitutes in East Bengal; it is said that they can carry on their abominable and degraded profession with several persons without fatigue or weakness.) Its use for this purpose— Not injurious. Not injurious. Not injurious. (In moderate dose): The use of hemp plant does not tend to produce impotence. 50. As an aphrodisiac— Ganja No. Bhang No. Charas No. Use by prostitutes— Ganja No. Bhang No. Charas No. (Sanyasis and bairagis smoke ganja to check animal passions and for concentration of thoughts to a fixed purpose. After a continued smoking for several years they lose all carnal appetite and their senses are deadened. Its use for this purpose— It is not used for this purpose. (In excessive dose): The senses are deadened, but it is difficult to say whether the excessive use produces impotence. - Evidence of BABU ABHILAS CHANDRA MUKERJEE, Brahmin, Deputy Magis¬ trate and Deputy Collector, on deputation as 2nd Inspector of Excise, Bengal

49. I am not aware of such practice, and cannot, therefore, speak of the effects of such a prac¬ tice. Like other stimulants, the use of ganja, bhang and charas is supposed to cause temporary excitment, followed by a corresponding depres¬ sion afterwards, and in the end to cause debility and loss of manhood, if not actual impotence. 50. The above remarks apply to this question also.  - Evidence of BABU GOBIND CHANDRA DAS, Baidya, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Malda.

49. No. Prostitutes do not use it for this purpose. 50. No. Excessive use of ganja has the tendency to check passion.  - Evidence of BABU NOBIN CHANDRA KAR, Excise Deputy Collector, Bhagalpur.

49. Yes, ganja is used as an aphrodisiac by prostitutes advanced in years. The moderate use for this purpose is not injurious. Bhang is not used for this purpose. 50. Excessive use of ganja as an aphrodisiac is more injurious than its use as a narcotic, as it produces great excitement for the time being, but causes dullness afterwards. I am not aware if the use of hemp produces impotence.  - Evidence of BABU RAJANI PRASAD NEOGY, Excise Deputy Collector, Mymensingh.

49 and 50. I have heard that persons who use the drugs habitually do not often get children. - Evidence of BABU SURESH CHUNDRA BAL, Baidya, Special Excise Deputy Collector, Howrah.

49. Yes. It is moderately used as an aphrodisiac. Big persons get a certain quantity of bhang boiled with a certain quantity of milk, or with water mixed with ghee and extract ghee from it. This ghee becomes narcotic and is used in several kinds of aphrodisiac. I think prostitutes drink tari or country spirit instead of bhang or ganja. In books on therapeutics in Persian it is stated that the plant, warming effect as it has, increases virility but ultimately brings on impotence. 50. Excessive use has a like effect in a greater degree.  - Evidence of BABU ROY BRAHMA DUTT, * Kayasth, Excise Deputy Collector, Darbhanga.

49 and 50. Yes, also by prostitutes of the lower order. Excessive use of ganja, if continued for any length of time, produces impotence.  - Evidence of BABU WOOMA CHARAN BOSE, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector; Manager, Raj Banaili, District Bhagalpur.

49. Yes; by young libertines; their mistresses use what their paramours do. It is injurious when carried to excess, but even in such cases the bodily injury or disease that they contract, if carefully scrutinized by medical men, would be found to have originated from other causes than the use of the drugs. Impotency is produced more by the excessive indulgence in alcohol than in drugs. -  Evidence of BABU GOUR DAS BYSACK, Retired Deputy Collector, Calcutta.

49. Majum, a preparation from bhang, is used as an aphrodisiac. Bhang is also mixed with a variety of stimulating spices and made into different kinds of congeries, which are reckoned to be highly aphrodisiacal. I do not know whether it is so used by prostitutes. As an ordinary narcotic the moderate doses of hemp drug are harmless, but when mixed with other stimulating drugs they become really injurious. 50. The excessive use of the hemp drugs is sure to produce the most pernicious effects and permanently impairs the constitution.  - Evidence of BABU HEM CHUNDER KERR, Kayasth, Retired Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Sub-Registrar of Sealdah.

49 and 50. Yes. It is generally used by the male sex for sustaining their manly powers. Sometimes used by prostitutes. Use of the drugs for this purpose is more injurious than as an ordinary narcotic, as under its influence the constitution is made to undergo greater exertions than nature would warrant. - Evidence of BABU JOGENDRA NATH MOZUMDAR, Brahmin, Deputy Inspector of Excise, Darjeeling.

49 and 50. (a) Yes. (b) It is used so by the lowest class of prostitutes, who frequent mêlas or fairs. (c) I am not aware of. (d) No.  - Evidence of BABU DIGENDRA NATH PAL, Kayasth, Deputy Inspector of Excise, 24-Parganas.

49. The moderate use of ganja is practised as an aphrodisiac. It is so used by some prostitutes. I think its use for this purpose is not more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. The use of hemp (ganja) does not tend to produce impotence. 50. The excessive use of ganja produces effects contrary to the above.  - Evidence of BABU SIR CHUNDER SOOR, Satgope, 1st Assistant Supervisor of Ganja Cultivation, Naogaon, Rajshahi.

49. Nearly all prostitutes keep either ganja or siddhi, both for their own consumption and for their visitors. It is not said to produce impotence. 50. Impotence is not reported as an effect of the drug at all, though sexual excitement is one of its first and prominent effects.  - Evidence of MR. W. C. FASSON, District Superintendent of Police, Bogra.

49. (a) Yes. (b) No. (c) I am unable to say. 50. None to discuss. -  Evidence of MR. F. H. TUCKER, District Superintendent of Police, Dinajpur.

49. I have heard that ganja is sometimes taken moderately by men indulging in debauchery as an aphrodisiac, and it is also so used by some prostitutes. I cannot say whether the use of ganja for this purpose is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. Hemp used in this way would tend to produce impotence. Generally those who are excessive smokers are not at all prone to debauchery, like those who indulge in drinking. 50. This is answered in the latter part of the above question.  - Evidence of MR. R. L. WARD, District Superintendent of Police, Rajshahi.

49. The moderate use of ganja is practised to excite venereal desire, and is known to be employed for this purpose by prostitutes. When so used, it is certainly more injurious than as an ordinary narcotic, as the injurious effect caused by the drug is more permanent. The use of hemp decidedly produces impotence. 50. Excessive use merely produces greater impotence, and is more injurious.  - Evidence of Mr. W. R. RICKETTS,* Manager, Nilgiri State, Tributary Mahals, Orissa.

49. Yes; it is used by some prostitutes. It produces impotence in the long run. 50. Produces the same injurious effects in a shorter time.  - Evidence of BABU SREENATH CHATTERJEE, Brahmin, Cashier, Public Works Department, Darjeeling Division.

49. I understand that it is used for this purpose, and is popularly believed to have this effect It is used by prostitutes, but I do not know if it is so used for this purpose. I am not aware that it leads to impotence. A Bengali metrical proverb, published by Dr. Morison, of Rajshahi, is to the following effect:— The ganja-smoker cherishes his wife. The opium-eater's wife is a widow. The drunkard is a Brahmini bull (i.e., brutal and uncontrollable). Question 49 [oral evidence].—I am not prepared to give any personal opinion on the subject of the aphrodisiac properties of the drug. - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL A. CROMBIE, M.D., SurgeonSuperintendent, General Hospital, Calcutta.

49. (a) Perhaps, of bhang, when used with admixtures of nux-vomica or cantharides. The same may be said of these two drugs if the bhang be omitted. (d) No. 50. (a) Ganja.—No. (b) Ganja.—No. Question 49. [oral evidence]—I believe that hemp has no aphrodisiac effect. Cantharides and some other admixtures have. But they would have the same effect without the hemp. I believe the latter has none. I have naturally paid attention to this in my investigations, because of the common allegation. But I have found no such effect. Nor have I found any evidence to show that it produces impotence. I have no reason to believe that it does. I believe that excesses of any kind, as of alcohol or even of physical exercise, might have a tendency to produce a state of nerves resulting in impotence; but I do not believe that hemp has intrinsically any such effect. I believe that there are persons who believe that the drug does produce aphrodisiac effects, but I believe prevailing opinion is against that, and I am of opinion that the facts are against it. I should say it may be possible that some have taken to the drug under this belief, but I believe that this is exceedingly rare. Dramatic and exaggerated statements have been too often based on such exceptional cases. Aphrodisiacs are in great demand. Any drug that has the repute of having aphrodisiac properties has, I understand from the chemists, a great run among the native population. - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL E. G. RUSSELL, Civil Surgeon, Darjeeling.

49. These drugs are feeble aphrodisiacs, and are often used by immoral men and women as well as the upper classes of Muhammadans and Hindus, who from abuse lose their sexual powers. Medicinally it is not injurious, and as such it is generally used. Excessive habitual use causes impotence. I have seen in more than a dozen instances. 50. The results of excessive use have been previously discussed. - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL RUSSICK LALL DUTT,* Officiating Civil Surgeon, 24-Parganas.

49. Not usually either by prostitutes or others. When ganja is smoked to excess, impotence results often in eight to ten years.  - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL G. PRICE, Civil Surgeon, Burdwan.

49. Ganja is used as an aphrodisiac, and I hear that prostitutes use it in this way. I cannot say that its use for this purpose is more injurious than when used as an ordinary narcotic. I am not aware that it produces impotence, though the habitual excessive use may produce this effect as a part of general weakness. - Evidence* of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL E. BOVILL, Officiating Civil Surgeon of Patna and Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum.

49. I have been informed by certain shop-keepers that ganja is sometimes used in moderate doses as an aphrodisiac. Prostitutes use it sometimes, but not as an aphrodisiac. 50. I have seen cases in which impotence has been supposed to have resulted from the excessive use of ganja. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR R. COBB, Civil Surgeon and Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum, Dacca.

49. Ganja is not used moderately as an aphrodisiac. Bhang sometimes is. I cannot say if it is used by prostitutes themselves. I think not. But it is given by prostitutes to their clients. This use is more injurious than the ordinary use, because, though the substance has not in itself any specific aphrodisiac effect, it undoubtedly tends to assist the subject in the abuse of the virile powers. This abuse, and not the drug directly, tends to produce impotence. 50. I have not met with any case where ganja has been smoked to excess as an aphrodisiac. I should doubt any statement to the effect that it ever is so used owing to the physical difficulties involved. The use of bhang and of majum in excess for this purpose is well known; but, as has been already said, the effect is indirect, and not really attributable to the drug - Evidence of SURGEON-CAPTAIN D. PRAIN, Curator of the Herbarium, and Librarian, Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta.

49. The first effect of the drugs, like that of most other narcotics, is to produce general excitement. They may, therefore, be sometimes employed to excite the passions. But habitual moderate ganja-smokers generally shun women. Prostitutes are not known to use the drugs as aphrodisiacs. The drug has no special power to produce impotence. When impotence follows the use of the drugs as aphrodisiacs, it would be difficult to determine how much of it is due to the influence of the drugs, and how much to excessive indulgence of the appetite under artificial stimuli. 50. Excessive use of the drugs may produce similar effects in an exaggerated degree - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon RAI TARAPROSANNA RAI BAHADUR, Baidya, Chemical Examiner to the Government of Bengal, Calcutta.

49. Yes; it is prescribed as an aphrodisiac by hakims and kabirajes. No; it is not more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic.  - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON UPENDRA NATH SEN, Officiating Civil Medical Officer, Malda.

49. Yes, ganja and bhang are used as aphrodisiac. I cannot say if they are so used by prostitutes. Excessive indulgence of the sexual organs produces eventually impotency; but whether hemp has any direct connection with impotency I cannot say. I think ganja is more injurious when it is used as narcotic than as an aphrodisiac, because in the former case the people generally become insane. 50. Answer to question 49 also applies here. Question 49. [oral evidence] — The experience that I have does not justify my statement as to people generally becoming insane. It is not based on experience, but from inference. I saw one hard ganja-smoker who became insane. Therefore I conclude that. this is more injurious to health. I cannot call ganja more injurious when used as an aphrodisiac, because when the man uses it as a narcotic he is useless; but when a man has an aphrodisiac he is good for something. The use of the word "generally" may not be correct. It is too strong. Few, at least, become insane. Since I entered Government service I have never had a case of dysentery, bronchitis, asthma or insanity due to ganja under my treatment, except in the Dullunda Asylum.  - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON BOSONTO KUMAR SEN, in Civil Medical Charge, Bogra.

49. Ganja is used as an aphrodisiac occasionally in moderate doses. It is not used as an aphrodisiac by the prostitutes. Not injurious for this aphrodisiac purpose. It does not produce impotence. 50. The excessive use of the ganja produces impotency and other injurious effects.  - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON NORENDRA NATH GUPTA, Baidya, in Civil Medical charge, Rangpur.

49. Yes, all the three drugs are occasionally used as aphrodisiacs. 50. Excessive use of these drugs sometimes produces impotence.  - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon CHOONEY LALL DASS, Teacher of Medical Jurisprudence and Therapeutics, Medical School, Dacca.

49. Yes, sometimes. It is not so used by prostitutes. 50. Excessive use will produce impotence in some cases. - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON PREONATH BOSE, Teacher of Materia Medica and Practical Pharmacy, Dacca.

49. In small doses used as aphrodisiac. I do not know whether prostitutes use it for such purposes, and my information goes to show that it is not much used by them for such purposes. Not more injurious than other narcotics. I do not think it tends to produce impotency.  - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON DEVENDRANATH ROY, Brahmin, Teacher of Medical Jurisprudence, Campbell Medical School, Calcutta.

49. The moderate use of ganja is sometimes practised as an aphrodisiac. Prostitutes use it for the same purpose. The use of the drug for this purpose is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic, because it forces only a temporary and slight excitement for the time, weakening the power of the nerves gradually if repeated. The use of hemp does not produce impotence. 50. The same as 49; the difference being that the excessive use of any of these drugs does not make any change in the sexual power.  - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON AKBAR KHAN, Teacher, Temple Medical School, Patna.

49. These drugs are often used by the dissipated and low class prostitutes as an aphrodisiac. Persons using these drugs for this purpose are tempted to gradually go into excess. After each excitement there is a corresponding depression and a gradual decrease of mental and sexual powers, a general deterioration of health. To make good this depression and disability increased doses are taken recourse to which again only magnifies the evil consequences and eventually results in impotence. 50. Excessive use of these drugs as an aphrodisiac produces more injurious effects than its use as an ordinary narcotic—first, because the sexual indulgences are carried to an excess; secondly, because other deleterious substances, such as dhatura, etc., are often mixed with these drugs.  - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon SOORJEE NARAIN SINGH, Kayasth, Bankipur.

49. I have reasons to believe that ganja and bhang are used as aphrodisiaes; but I have no further experience on the subject.  - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon NEMAI CHURN CHATTERJI, Brahmin, Bhagalpur.

49. (a) It is used as an aphrodisiac. (b), (c) and (d) Not known. 50. In excessive use, I think, it produces impotency.  - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon BEHARI LAL PAL, Sadgop, Krishnagar, Nadia.

49. Yes. It is so used by the prostitutes. Its use for this purpose is more injurious, or it has to be taken in less increasing doses to keep up the exciting effect till the excessive excitement ends in impotence as its just reaction. 50. The strong excitement due to the excessive use brings on the reaction sooner. With this view religious mendicants take to the use of the drug. They must need suppress their carnal desires. - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon HARI MOHAN SEN, Baidya, Chittagong.

49. The moderate use of ganja and bhang is sometimes practised by kabirajes or baidyas as an aphrodisiac. It is seldom used by prostitutes. Its use for this purpose is not more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic, as it is used in the way of medicine. Moderate use of the hemp does not tend to produce impotence. 50. The excessive use of ganja and bhang is not practised as an aphrodisiac. It tends to produce impotence. - Evidence of Civil Hospital Assistant MEER KOOMAR ALLY, Municipal Dispensary, Cuttack.

49. Ganja is used as an aphrodisiac occasionally in moderate doses. Not used by the prostitutes as an aphrodisiac. Not injurious for this aphrodisiac purpose. 50. The excessive use of the drug produces impotency and other injurious effects.  - Evidence of BABU DURGA DASS LAHIRI, Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Rangpur.

49. (a) It is by young men. (b) Yes; prostitutes take it, but drink or imported liquor is fast supplanting it in this respect. (c) It leads to over-stimulation of the sexual function. (d) It produces impotence in man as a natural result of over-stimulation. 50. In excess it ultimately obliterates the sexual desire, and makes the subject indifferent to every desire, mental or physical. To produce this condition is the object of the Hindu devotee when he indulges to excess. He becomes oblivious of all desire, set free from all worldly or temporal attractions, and all mental desires. The mind, they say, is thus put into the divine attitude of neutrality or equilibrium, poised between desire and non-desire.  - Evidence of REV. D. MORISON, M.B., C.M., M.D., Medical Missionary, Rampur Boalia.

49. Ganja is an aphrodisiac. It is also used by prostitutes and adulterers. It is more injurious when used in that capacity. It is generally seen that persons who use artificial aphrodisiacs are generally barren. It is generally the case with aphrodisiacs that they subsequently impair sexual power and produce impotence. The rule is not otherwise with ganja. 50. Persons using ganja as aphrodisiac subsequently increase the dose, and excessive smoking, in addition to its ordinary effects, injures the sexual powers also sooner and more effectually.  - Evidence of PYARI SANKAR DASS GUPTA, Baidya, Medical Practitioner, Secretary, Bogra Medical Society, Bogra.

49. Yes; men and women of questionable morality use it as an aphrodisiac. Its use is in no way more injurious than the use of the other drug. Hemp never produces impotence.  - Evidence of KAILAS CHUNDRA BOSE, Kayasth, Medical Practitioner, Calcutta.

49. Not unfrequently hemp drugs are used by men as aphrodisiacs. Prostitutes use them with a view to deaden their conscience and forget the miserable state of their existence. I cannot say when its use is more injurious—I mean whether as an aphrodisiac or narcotic. I have not seen moderate use leading to impotence. 50. Excessive use of hemp, it appears to me, is more a depressant than otherwise to the sexual organs. It is for its narcotic quality alone that it is so used. Sexual impotence invariably results from abuse of these drugs. By the word hemp I mean ganja, bhang and charas. - Evidence of MOHIM CHUNDER, ROY, BRAHMIN, Medical Practitioner, Nator, Rajshahi.

49 and 50. Ganja is popularly regarded as an aphrodisiac; beginners try to give a sexual direction to the mental disturbance; veteran excessive smokers, however, do not feel any enhancement of the carnal desire on account of the smoke. Indeed, the influence of ganja as an aphrodisiac is doubtful. Prostitutes do not use the drug for this purpose; they use probably to sustain them through their debauchery. The use of hemp, so far as I am aware, does not tend to produce impotence. I know many ganja-smokers who have got children. Habitual excessive use of the drug tends to impair sexual desire, although not to the extent of impotency. - Evidence of KEDARESWAR ACHARJYA, Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Rampur Boalia.

49. The preparations of hemp have some aphrodiasic properties, but I am not aware of their being so used either by males or depraved females. It is not, however, improbable that reprobate libertines and the lower class of unfortunates might resort to their use for their specific action on the sexual organs. 50. See answers to questions Nos. 45 and 46.  - Evidence of MOHES CHUNDER GHOSE, G.M.C.B., Kayasth, Medical Practitioner, Ramnagar, 24-Parganas.

49. (a) Yes, it is. (b) Yes. (c) It is more injurious when used as a narcotic, because as a narcotic it is taken in excess. (d) When taken in excess so as to affect the nervous system injuriously, it may cause impotence. - Evidence of TRAILOKYA NATH MAJUMDAR,* Baidya, Medical Practitioner, Bankipur.

49 (a) Yes. (b) Yes, by low-class prostitutes. (c) No. (d) Yes. 50. The excessive use of any of these drugs leads to impotence. - Evidence of PRASAD DAS MALLIK, Subarnabanik, Medical Practitioner, Hughli.

49. Yes; they are used by the prostitutes as an aphrodisiac. Hemp, if taken for a long time, produces impotence.  - Evidence of NIMAI CHARAN DAS,* Vaidya, Medical Practitioner, Chittagong

49. Moderate use of ganja or bhang is practised by many as an aphrodisiac. Yes, it is so used by low-class prostitutes. Hemp, when used habitually, is apt to produce impotence in the long run, as is the case with every other narcotic, such as alcohol, opium, etc., especially when used to excess. 50. What has been said under the head of continuous moderate use only appears in the aggravated form, and more rapidly in cases of excessive use. - Evidence of TARA NATH BAL, Kayasth, Medical Practitioner, Mymensingh.

49. Moderate use of bhang or smoking of ganja is practised as an aphrodisiac. Prostitutes do not use any of these drugs as an aphrodisiac. The use of any of these drugs as an aphrodisiac tends to more harm than its use as a narcotic, because the consumers in the former case are given up to debauchery. Habitual use of ganja (-smoking) tends to produce impotence. 50. The excessive use of ganja (-smoking) leads to impotence. - Evidence of NOCOOR CHANDER BANERJI, Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Bhagalpur.

49. The hemp is in some degree aphrodisiac. It is commonly used by male sex for the purposes mentioned in question 40, and I do not know whether women use for the same desire or not. It is an injurious aphrodisiac, because it tends to produce impotency, as it delays the discharge of semen at copulation, which causes nervous paralysis. - Evidence of LUCKHMY NARAIN NAIK, Mahanyak, Medical Practitioner, Cuttack.

49. (a) Yes, to a certain extent. (b) I have no experience. (c) No, not more injurious. (d) Yes; excessive use of hemp tends to produce impotence, and not the moderate use. 50. The excessive use of any of these drugs does not excite venereal desire.  - Evidence of GURU CHARAN GHOSH, Medical Practitioner, Monghyr.

49. Ganja and bhang are known to be used as aphrodisiacs.  - Evidence of ANNADA PRASANNA GHATAK, M.B., Private Medical Practitioner, Arrah.

49. (a) Yes. (b) Yes. (c) They suffer from the ill effects of indulging to an excess. (d) I know none.  - Evidence of DURGA NATH CHAKRAVARTI, Brahmin, in charge of Tangail Dispensary, Mymensingh

49. They are scarcely used as aphrodisiac, though they may be resorted to as such by infamous characters of the vulgar class. Liquor is the intoxicant in use among a great majority of respectable prostitutes; charas and ganja are consumed by lower classes of prostitutes who can ill afford to pay for liquor. Their (siddhi, ganja and charas) use as aphrodisiac is more injurious than their more common use as intoxicants. For, in cases of fatigue due to severe exertion, their effect is beneficial owing to their stimulating properties, but in a sound state their effect is unwholesome in consequence of the excitement of the entire system. - Evidence of BIJOYA RATNA SEN*, Kaviranjan, Kabiraj, Calcutta.

49. The moderate use of siddhi and ganja is occasionally practised as an aphrodisiac even by the prostitutes. These drugs, when used for such purposes, become more injurious than when used for ordinary purposes, inasmuch as by repeated and constant use of these stimulants for the said purpose, impotency is rather increased. The use of hemp does not necessarily produce impotency. 50. The answer to this question is the same in all its bearings, as stated in answer to question No. 49.  - Evidence of GOPEZE MOHUN ROY, Baidya, Kabiraj, Calcutta.

49. Yes; it is practised by some persons as an aphrodisiac. I am told some low class prostitutes use it as such. I do not think its use for this purpose is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. I do not think it tends to produce impotence. 50. The same answer as against question 49.  - Evidence of PIYARI MOHAN KAVIRAJ, Vaidya, Native Physician, Calcutta.

49. The moderate use of any of those drugs is occasionally practised as an aphrodisiac. It is so used occasionally by the prostitutes. 50. Various diseases and maladies spring up by the excessive use of these drugs.  - Evidence of BINOD LAL SEN,† Baidya, Kaviraj, Calcutta.

49. The use of any of these drugs to a little extent may act as an aphrodisiac. Many of the prostitutes use it. No power of causing impotence is found in it. 50 The faults of its excessive use have been described in answer to question No. 46.   - Evidence* of RAM CHANDER GOOPTA, Kabiraj, Barisal, Backergunge District.

49. There are persons who use these drugs as an aphrodisiac, and such people are of vicious habits and of bad morals. The habitual consumers do not use it for that purpose. Prostitutes often use it for that purpose. The use for that purpose is more injurious than ordinary use. The reason is clear. The semen becomes dry and heated, and by much exertion the principal nerves of the organ become loosened, and the person gradually becomes impotent. Besides such persons become devoid of energy and health very soon. 50. The difference between the excessive use and the moderate use from the standpoint of injury regarding the practice as an aphrodisiac is this, that the excessive use is at least five times more injurious than the moderate use.  - Evidence of BRAHAM DEO NARAIN MISRA, Vaid, Arrah.

49. The moderate use is practised as an aphrodisiac by prostitutes. The effects of ganja smoking are the same, whether used this way or the other. Long-standing habit may produce impotence. 50. The excessive use of any of these drugs produces comparatively worse results.  - Evidence of MADHAB K. DAS, Kayasth, Private Practitioner, Calcutta.

49. Both bhang and, ganja are used as aphrodisiacs. It is so used by men only, although prostitutes have been known to smoke ganja. The use of ganja and bhang as aphrodisiacs is not more injurious than their use as exhilarants. - Evidence of RAJA PEARY MOHUN MUKERJI, C.S.I., Zamindar, Uttarpara, Hughli.

49. Yes. Ganja is an antidote to impotency. - Evidence of MAHARAJA GIRIJANATH ROY BAHADUR, Kayasth, Zamindar, Dinajpur.

49. It is not practised as an aphrodisiac.  - Evidence of RAI RADHA GOVINDA RAI, SAHIB BAHADUR, Kayasth, Zamindar, Dinajpur.

49. No. 50. The excessive use of ganja and bhang tends to produce impotency. I am unable to answer other queries of the question.  - Evidence of RAI BAHADUR RADHA BALLAV CHOWDHURI, BAIDYA, Honorary Magistrate and Zamindar, Sherpur Town, Mymensingh District.

49. The moderate use of ganja and siddhi is practised, though not generally, as an aphrodisiac. I know of a good eminent kaviraj who advised a gentleman to drink siddhi for this purpose. Some prostitutes use ganja for this purpose. Some time ago a prostitute told a gentleman to smoke ganja to increase his venereal appetite. I do not think it more injurious. No; the use of hemp does not tend to produce impotence. 50. The case is quite the contrary when it is used in excess.  - Evidence of BABU HARI KRISHNA MAZUMDAR, Baidya, Zamindar, Islampur, District Murshidabad.

49. As regards bhang, no. - Evidence of BABU RAGHUNANDAN PRASAD SINHA, Brahman, Zamindar, District Muzaffarpur.

49 and 50. Yes, in some instances. The moderate use produces no injurious effects, but the excessive use of hemp tends to produce loss of power. - Evidence of BABU SURENDRA NATH PAL CHOWDHURY, Zamindar, Ranaghat, District Nadia.

49. I have no knowledge of the drug being used as an aphrodisiac. I think it has a tendency to produce impotency in some cases. - Evidence of BABU RADHIKA CHURN SEN, Kayasth, Zamindar, Berhampur.

49 and 50. Bhang in moderate quantities, and often mixed with other drugs, is used as an aphrodisiac, also by prostitutes; but to my knowledge it is not more injurious when used for this purpose than when used for its narcotic properties. Cases of loss of virile power, partial or temporary, following the excessive use of the drug as an aphrodisiac may be found - Evidence of BABU RUGHU NANDAN PRASADHA, Zamindar, Patna.

49. It is said that ganja, but not bhang, has aphrodisiac properties. 50. It is rather powerfully poisonous when used in excessive quantities.  - Evidence of BABU JAGAT KISHOR ACHARJEA CHAUDHURI, Brahmin, Zamindar, Muktagacha, District Mymensingh.

49. It is not used by prostitutes. If moderately used, it does not produce impotence. If taken excessively, very injurious results will follow, and may produce noxious effects, physical, mental, and moral.  - Evidence of BABU KAMALESWARI PERSAD, Zamindar, Monghyr.

49. The moderate use of both ganja and bhang is practised as an aphrodisiac. It is so used by prostitutes. The use is said to be less injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. No one whom I asked says that the use of hemp produces impotence, but they are not medical men. 50. The same remarks apply to excessive use. After such use for some years the ganja consumer naturally becomes weak, peevish, and is apt to get dysentery.  - Evidence of BABU KRISHNA CHANDRA RAI, Baidya, Government Pensioner and Zamindar, District Dacca.

49. The prostitutes use them as aphrodisiac. I do not know which is more injurious. Except bhang and charas, ganja produces impotence. 50. I cannot do so owing to my imperfect knowledge on the matter.  - Evidence of BABU BEPIN BEHARI BOSE, Kayasth, Zamindar, Sridhanpur in Jessore.

49. Ganja is not used as an aphrodisiac. The moderate use of ganja or siddhi does not produce impotence. 50. Ditto. The use of excessive ganja produces impotence.  - Evidence of M. KAZI RAYAZ-UD-DIN MAHAMED, Zamindar, Commilla, Tippera.

49. Yes, the prostitutes use the drugs, especially ganja, as an aphrodisiac. The use of the drug for that purpose is more injurious than the ordinary use as an ordinary narcotic: for when the drugs are consumed as stimulants of lust, people indulge in lust more by its assistance, and hence the injury is more. 50. There are examples of people becoming impotent by the use, especially the excessive use of these drugs. - Evidence of SYAD ABDUL JABBAR, Zamindar, Commilla, Tippera.

49 and 50. Yes; prostitutes in their earlier life may be supposed to have recourse to intoxication more for pleasure and jest than as an aphrodisiac, in the sense in which I understand its meaning. My idea is generally males are initiated in intoxication, at least in this country, for aphrodisiac purposes. This may not be the case with the low class people, in whom necessity may be supposed often to preponderate. I think these drugs, when used excessively for aphrodisiac purposes, do more harm by their tendency to produce impotence. I may add a class of religious mendicants, in Bengal at least. I mean the bairagis and baishnavas, the bouls and the kartabhajas, and such other sects are known to be habitually addicted to ganja smoking, probably for aphrodisiac purpose only. Love-making and sexual enterprise seem to me to be a part of the religious faith of these people. The tantriks and bhairabs and bhairabis belong to a different order, I think, and these are more addicted to wine than ganja or other drugs. There are some mysteries in all these religious sects and in their habit and mode of life, and ganja or wine, as the case may be, and their use, I think, is looked upon with some religious veneration. Any prohibition, therefore, may be construed to mean the violation of the principle of religious neutrality. And, as already said, the common order of sadhus and sanyasis being mostly addicted to ganja, who smoke it for purposes of spiritual advancement, may also resent any prohibition.  - Evidence of BABU JOGENDRA KISHORE RAI CHAUDHURI, Zamindar, Ramgopalpur, District Mymensingh.

49. and 50. Cannot say. If strong nourishing food is not provided, it produces impotence.  - Evidence of BABU KALI PRASAD SINGH, Rajput, Zamindar, District Bhagalpur.

50. Excessive use of bhang produces impotency.  - Evidence of BABU GOPAL SINGH, Zamindar, Kumarsar, Bhagalpur.

49 and 50. No; they are not used for this purpose by men nor by prostitutes. - Evidence of MR. L. H. MYLNE, Zamindar and Indigo-planter, Justice of the Peace, President of Independent Bench of Honorary Magistrates, Chairman of Jugdispur Municipality, District Shahabad.

49. Cannabis indica is a powerful aphrodisiac, and is given by native doctors. The excessive use of hemp is stated to produce impotence.  - Evidence of MR. JOHN D. GWILT, Tea Planter, Longview Company, Limited, Darjeeling.

49. I believe it is, but I do not know to what extent. Prostitutes are said to use it freely.  - Evidence, of MR. JNO. RUDD RAINEY, Proprietor of "Khulna Estate," Khulna.

49. These drugs are by some persons smoked for aphrodisiac purposes. I am told that prostitutes of the lowest grade are addicted to the habit for such purposes. As far as I can see through, the use of these drugs for aphrodisiac purposes is more injurious than ordinary smoking. The reasons are almost self-evident. The sexual appetite is abnormally increased, and gratification of passion at a time when nature does not require it, brings on a sort of sexual debility which ultimately may end in complete impotency. 50. When the use is excessive, the consequences, as shown above, are more sure, rapid and vehement. - Evidence of BABU SASI BHUSAN ROY, Manager, Dubalhati Raj Estate, Rajshahi District.

49. Yes, but it does not tend to produce impotence. 50. Excessive use must eventually ruin the constitution - Evidence of Mr. H. M. WEATHERALL, Manager, Nawab's Estate, Tippera.

49. I have heard that sanyasis practise ganjasmoking not only to curb their sexual appetite but for other purposes. It is not used by prostitutes. The excessive use of ganja has produced many cases of impotence. 50. See answers to 41 and 49.  - Evidence of BABU AGHORE NATH BANERJI,* Vice-Chairman, Serampore Municipality, District Hughli.

49. Yes, bhang is used as an aphrodisiac; but I have a serious doubt as to its possessing aphrodisiac powers. I have heard of its being used by mahants and sadhus to bring on a state of stupor on the intended victims of their lust to effect their purpose. It is also used by the prostitutes. It does cause impotence and imbecility in the long run - Evidence of the REV. PREM CHAND, Missionary, B. M. S., Gaya.

49. Yes, largely. More Hindus than Muhammadans take ganja as an aphrodisiac. In this use it is most injurious to the community. I believe it tends to produce impotence. On the use of ganja as an aphrodisiac I have very strong testimony. By one who was its victim for seven years and mixed largely with smokers very great stress is laid upon this as one of the chief causes of its use. It seems evident that many youths and young men and even boys are tempted into this evil habit of ganja smoking just to encourage themselves in the excessive indulgence of sexual vices, and no doubt a very large amount of impotence is the result. Question 49. [oral evidence]—The testimony of the aphrodisiac use of the drug is that of a Musalman who was for seven years a victim to the drugs. He is the man mentioned in this answer, and also in the last paragraph of answer 45. He spoke for himself, and also of what he knew. He did not become insane, and is now a Christian, and has given up the use of the drug. He told me that the aphrodisiac effects were those for which the drug was principally taken. He also described other effects, which I have mentioned in the last paragraph of answer 45, and his statement appears to me to be corroborated by the experiments of Dr. Wood, which are described in the pamphlet I present to the Commission. Dr. Wood's statements at the close of the paper is opposed to the aphrodisiac effects. - Evidence of the REVD. W. B. PHILLIPS, Missionary, London Missionary Society, Calcutta.

49 and 50. I have no personal knowledge in the matter. But I am told that ganja and charas are sometimes used as an aphrodisiac.  - Evidence of the REVD. G. C. DUTT, Missionary, Khulna.

49. The prostitutes use charas, and some young men.  - Evidence of BABU MAHENDRA CHANDRA MITRA, Kayasth, Pleader, Honorary Magistrate, and Municipal Chairman, Naihati, 24-Parganas.

49. (a) Yes. (b) Yes. (c) I should be inclined to think, yes, but cannot say how.  - Evidence of BABU MADHAVA CHANDRA CHATTERJEE, Brahmin, Pleader, District Court, Dinajpur.

49. I know not whether it is used as aphrodisiac. It is said to be used by the prostitutes during their menses to prevent conception, and so it may produce impotence.  - Evidence of SYED RIYAZ UDDIN QUAZI, Pleader, Bogra.

49. Yes, it is used by prostitutes. It does not tend to produce impotency, rather excites the passion. 50. Vide answer in question No. 45.  -  Evidence of PUNDIT RAKHAL CHUNDER TEWARY, Brahmin, Pleader and Honorary Magistrate, Diamond Harbour, 24-Parganas.

49 and 50. I know not whether it is so practised. Prostitutes who are ill-conditioned and who are visited by the low and vulgar class do some of them use the drugs for the purpose of intoxication, and not so much for any other. They cannot please their companions, unless they themselves practise the same habit as that of those who visit them. I do not think that the use of hemp produces impotence. - Evidence of BABU JADUNATH KANJILAL, Brahmin, Pleader, Judge's Court, Hughli.

49. Bhang is used as an aphrodisiac, as I have already observed. Opium enables the seed to hold on longer, and licentious men often use it for this effect. Prostitutes dread such people, and charge an opium taker and guli smoker higher. They themselves do not use it to carry on their professions. Ganja and bhang (liquid) are not used as such. As aphrodisiac, bhang is administered by physicians. The use of hemp does not tend to produce impotence, though, like alcohol, it would impair nerve power if taken to excess. 50. Opium smokers gradually lose the virile powers; but, as a rule, it does not produce total impotence. Ganja smoking has seldom this effect, so far my observations go. In this country many young men lose the power on account of drinking alcohol. Indian physicians prescribe a little opium and madak in such cases. A preparation of ganja in the form of sweetmeat (barfi) is also taken as an aphrodisiac. Majum is sometimes used as such, but mostly by up-country men, specially Lucknow Musalmans. - Evidence of BABU BEPRODAS BANERJEE,* Brahman, Pleader, Newspaper Editor, and Chairman, Baraset Municipality.

49. The moderate use of ganja is practised as an aphrodisiac. I am not aware of any instance in which the moderate use of hemp has produced impotency. 50. Excessive use of hemp produces impotency - Evidence of BABU ABINAS CHANDRA DASS, M. A., B. L., Pleader, Judge's Court, Bankura.

49. Yes, it is also used by prostitutes now and then.  - Evidence of BABU KAILAS CHANDRA DUTTA, Baidya, Vakil, Judge's Court, Comilla, Tippera District.

49. Prostitutes of lower order do sometimes smoke ganja, though for what purpose I cannot say. I do not know that the use of hemp tends to produce impotence.  - Evidence of BABU AMVIKA CHARAN MAZUMDAR,* Vaidya, Pleader and Zamindar, Faridpur

49. Ganja and charas are used by prostitutes. The moderate use of hemp does not tend to produce impotence. 50. The excessive use of hemp tends to produce impotence. - Evidence of BABU AMRITALAL RAHA, Kayasth, Pleader, Judge's Court and Talukdar, Khulna.

49 and 50. I believe that although long and habitual use of any drug in a very moderate quantity may not be very prejudicial, yet these drugs are not unfrequently used to enhance the power of sexual intercourse; and the temporary excitement induces a morbid habit and leads to excessive indulgence, and may in that way bring on impotency, if nutritious food is not taken to counteract the effects of the excess and sustain the power. It is used by prostitutes.  - Evidence of BABU JADUBANS SSHAI, Pleader and Vice-Chairman, Arrah Municipality.

49. I cannot say; but I know that several native medicines directed to that end contain bhang as one of the chief ingredients. Very few prostitutes use ganja or bhang. I have never heard of impotency being produced by use of hemp - Evidence of BABU GOWREE SUNKER ROY,* Kayasth, Secretary, Cuttack Printing Company, Cuttack

49. The use of ganja tends to produce impotence. - Evidence of BABU GURUDAYAL SINHA,* Kayasth, Honorary Magistrate, Municipal Commissioner and Secretary, Total Abstinence Society, Comilla, Tippera

49. Both bhang and ganja are used as aphrodisiacs. It is so used by men only, although prostitutes have been known to smoke ganja. The use of ganja and bhang as aphrodisiacs is not more injurious than their use as exhilarants. - Evidence of RAI BAHADUR RAJ KUMAR SARVADHIKARI, Secretary, British Indian Association, Calcutta.

49. Bhang and ganja are so used. Yes, it is used by prostitutes. Yes, as the consumer is apt to fall victim to excessive use, which in the long run produces the evil effects consequent thereto in the consumers, and brings about poverty and ruin on him. I have been told by some of the consumers of ganja that ganja has the tendency to produce, and it finally does produce, impotence in the case of excessive use.  -  Evidence of UMAGATI RAT, Brahmin, Pleader, and Secretary to the Jalpaiguri Branch, Indian Association.

49 and 50. I have no means of obtaining any information on this point, and people likely to supply such information are very unwilling to answer any interrogatories on this head. But I am told by some of the kavirajes that all medicines prescribed by them as aphrodisiac contain more or less a quantity of bhang. - Evidence of BABU AKSHAY KUMAR MAITRA,* Secretary, Rajshahi Association, Pleader, Judge's Court, Member, Rajshahi District Board, Commissioner, Rampur Boalia Municipality

49. I am told moderate use of ganja mostly when eaten gives excitement to the sexual desire. It is used by low prostitutes and libertines for the above purpose, because it has retentive properties to some extent as I am told. The use of it for the said purpose is indeed injurious, because it tells upon constitution by muddling the brain as well as by abnormal sexual intercourse. Continual excessive use of hemp by smoking tends to impotence, I believe, because after-effect of it is very sedative. 50. As I am told by a doctor friend of mine, I am of opinion excessive use of ganja drug cannot be practised as an aphrodisiac, because its sedative virtue appears soon after in the system, and all nervous actions and energies are benumbed under too much narcotic influence which paralyzes the active organ for the time being. Prostitutes apparently do not feel the want of function of their nerves or physical powers, for they are passive in their kind and capable of bearing. But actually the feeling, sense and desire are deadened in them by excessive use of the drug. They do not use it for the excitement of lust so much as for the sake of intoxication and forgetfulness of their misery. Ganja being cheaper intoxicating drug than alcoholic stimulant, low and poor persons and prostitutes have recourse to it. I have already shewn how the use of the drug for the sensual purpose is injurious. - Evidence of BABU NITYA NANDA ROY, Teli, Merchant and Zamindar, Chittagong.

49. (a) Yes. (b) No, but to keep up at night they do use charas. (c) No. 50. The excessive use of the drugs like all excesses relaxes one's nerves and renders the consumer useless. - Evidence of the DISTRICT BOARD, 24-Parganas (Sub-Committee)

49 and 50. Yes; by low class of prostitutes. Yes; it is. The popular belief is that in the long run those who use it as an aphrodisiac and carry it to excess suffer from impotency.  - Evidence of the DISTRICT BOARD, Patna.

49. It has an aphrodisiac effect. Excessive use may produce impotence. Its use by prostitutes not estimated.  - Evidence of the DISTRICT BOARD, Monghyr (Sub-Committee).

49. They are sometimes used as aphrodisiac -  Evidence of the DISTRICT BOARD, Arrah.

49. Ganja— (a) In some cases. (b) To some extent. (c) Not directly. (d) No; not when used moderately. 50. Ganja— Is frequently used in excess to cause impotence, for example the Hindu sanyasis and fakirs and Musalman pirs are inveterate ganja-smokers to repress sexual desires and to concentrate their minds to the worship of the Almighty.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR H. C. BANERJI, Civil Surgeon, Sylhet.

49. Bhang is used as an aphrodisiac, and is used by prostitutes.  - Evidence of DR. H. A. MACLEOD, Civil Medical Officer, Garo Hills.

49. Not as far as known, but undue stimulation by any drugs tends to produce a lessening of power eventually. I have found from experience that ganja-smokers are put under the influence of chloroform with much more difficulty than nonusers. 50. The same; but enhanced.  - Evidence of DR. J. MCNAUGHT, Civil Medical Officer, Nowgong

49. Bhang and ganja are said to be aphrodisiac, but I know of no instance in which any of these drugs has ever been used for this property. I cannot say if it is so used by prostitutes. 50. My answer with reference to the question, of moderate use does also apply to the question.  - Evidence of ATUL CHANDRA ROY,* Bengali Vaidya, Assistant Surgeon, Emigration Department, Tezpur.

49. Yes; ganja smoking is common among the prostitutes for its aphrodisiac action. Yes, the use of hemp tends to produce impotence.  - Evidence of BAIKUNTHA KUMAR NANDI, Hindu Kayasth, Assistant Surgeon, Nayasarak, Sylhet.

49. So the taker of drugs says that it gives pleasure (aphrodisiac). Yes; used by prostitutes. Yes; more injurious if it is taken always for the purpose than the ordinary narcotics. Yes, causes impotence by over use of the organ under the influence of the drug. 50. Excessive use rather produces the effect more rapidly.  - Evidence of AZHER HOSSEIN, Hospital Assistant, Gauhati.

49. Yes, by some. Yes; it affects the organs of generation. Yes; excessive indulgence in this drug brings about impotence. 50. The result of excessive use of these drugs is more deplorable than that recorded in answer to the foregoing question. - Evidence of LATCHMAN PERSHAD, Kayasth, Hospital Assistant, Manipur State.

49. The drugs are used more with the object of getting intoxication than for their aphrodisiac effects. The prostitutes also use for the same purpose. I do not know of hemp ever causing impotence. 50. Excessive use may cause impotence, but no such case has come to my notice.  - Evidence of PROSUNNO KOOMAR DAS, Baidya, Medical Practitioner, Silchar, Cachar.

49. I know of ganja practised so. Yes, it is used by prostitutes. It leads to excess and nerve paralysis. Yes, it produces impotence. 50. Excessive use of ganja brings on impotency and other evils sooner.  - Evidence of KRISHNA CHANDRA SANYAL,* Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Sylhet.

49. (a) From what I can gather, yes. (b) Not known. (d) Bhang smokers generally have fairly large families, say, four or five children.  - Evidence of MR. F. C. MORAN, Tea Planter, Khoniker, Lakhimpur.

49. Both ganja and bhang are moderately used for this purpose, but it is a mistake. The constant use of the ganja produces impotence.  - Evidence of BISHUN CHANDRA CHATTOPADHAY, Pleader, Dhubri.

49. I have not been able to learn whether prostitutes use ganja as an aphrodisiac, but they use it. I am told bhang is supposed to produce impotence.  - Evidence of KAMINI KUMAR CHANDRA, Kayastha, Bengali, Pleader, Silchar.

49 and 50. The moderate use of any of these drugs is never practised as an aphrodisiac except by prostitutes, night chowkidars, and so forth. The use of hemp tends to produce impotence. - Evidence of GANGADHAR SORMAH, Brahmin, Pleader, Jorhat.

49. Yes, it is used so by prostitutes. I think it must be more injurious. Several ganjaconsumers that I know are childless, so I gather that it produces impotency.  - Evidence of REVD. J. P. JONES,* Missionary, Sylhet.

49 and 50. Yes. Not used by prostitutes. Used as an aphrodisiac is more injurious. It produces impotence to excessive users generally, and sometimes to moderate users - Evidence of HARIBILASH AGARWALA, Merchant, Tezpur.

49. Said to be so practised, as well as used by the prostitutes. The use for this purpose is said to produce barrenness in case of women and impotence in case of men. 50. Discussion not necessary.  - Evidence of RADHANATH CHANGKAKOTI, Brahmin, Proprietor, "Radha Nath" Printing Press; Municipal Commissioner; Member of Local Board; Secretary to the Upper Assam Association; and Secretary to the Government Girls'  School, Dibrugarh.

49. Ganja, the drug commonly consumed in this part of the country, is not used as an aphrodisiac. Prostitutes nearly all smoke ganja, but not for the above purpose. Ganja smoking does not produce impotence.  - Evidence of MR. B. ROBERTSON, Deputy Commissioner, Nimar.

49. If an aphrodisiac is, as I take it to be, a medicine which supplies sexual power or increases it when it is feeble, I do not believe that any preparation of hemp is regarded as an aphrodisiac. Kuchla or strychnos mix vomica is so regarded, and used accordingly.  - Evidence of MR. H. V. DRAKE-BROCKMAN, Officiating  Commissioner of Excise, Central Provinces.

49. Yes. Prostitutes seldom use ganja, or bhang. They generally use opium or madak for this purpose. The drugs when used as aphrodisiac are more injurious in their effects. They excite the nervous system and seminal discharges so long as the person is in his rising age, but they slowly exhaust the person and ultimately produce impotence. 50. In the above case the exhaustion is slow, but in cases of excessive use of the drugs the effects are the same, but they follow sooner.  - Evidence of RAGHUNATH RAO, Extra Assistant Commissioner, Damoh.

49. These drug s are practised as an aphrodisiac, but the effect does not last long. In the end the system becomes weak, which results in impotency. The prostitutes do not use hemp drugs in these provinces, hut in North-Western Provinces and Oudh low class prostitutes smoke charas. Its use as an aphrodisiac is more injurious than as an ordinary narcotic.
50. The excessive use of any of these drugs as an aphrodisiac is very injurious. It causes impotency and many diseases of kidney and bladder. - Evidence of SYED MOHAMED HUSAIN, Extra Assistant Commissioner ; Diwan, Khairagarh State.

49. Yes; moderate use of ganja is practised as an aphrodisiac. It is used by prostitutes. The use is more injurious as the natural power is exhausted by artificial pressure. It tends to produce  impotence in the long run. 50. The excessive  use of this drug is made as an aphrodisiac. It is also used by prostitutes. The use for this purpose is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic, as the natural power of a man is exhausted by artificial pressure, Its excessive use produces impotence.  - Evidence of RAM KRISHNA RAO, Brahmin, Extra Assistant Commissioner, Bhandara

49. Excessive use of ganja for a long time, without nourishing food, would produce impotence. - Evidence of T. GOONDIAH, Tahsildar, Janjgir, Bilaspur District.

49.The use of ganja instead of producing impotence destroys it.  - Evidence of CHINTAMANI NAND VIDYÂ BHUSHANA, Uria Brahmin, late Tahsildar, Sonepur, Sambalpur.

49. No. Prostitutes occasionally use it. I think it must be injurious. It does not produce impotence. 50. Excess of anything is bad.  - Evidence of VINAYAK BALKRISHNA. KHARE, Brahmin, Excise Daroga, Nagpur.

49. The persons who consume the charas and hemp moderately, generally say that it delays the discharge of semen. The dancing girls do not use ganja. The dancing girls of Oudh smoke charas. It is not used in these provinces. The use of ganja and charas is injurious when it is used. excessively. It produces much heat and cough which afterwards turns to asthma. The excessive use of ganja makes a man impotent if he does not get good nourishing food. 50. It is injurious to smoke charas and hemp excessively. Such a person is attacked by cough and asthma and his sense is rendered defective, and afterwards, in course of time, he becomes mad. - Evidence of ANANDI PERSHAD, Excise Daroga, Hoshangabad.

49. The only form used for this purpose that I know of is " módak. " This consists of ganja mixed with massalas, i.e., spices and medicines. This is not so injurious as plain ganja. It is used for an aphrodisiac, and also as a medicine for rheumatism and other diseases. There are many kinds of " módak. " Prostitutes sometimes use it. 50. Excessive use of ganja only tends to produce impotence. Módalt is not used much to excess.  - Evidence of BRIJMOHUN PATNAIK, Mahanti, Treasurer, Sambalpur.

49. I am not aware that ganja is used as an aphrodisiac, nor that it tends to produce impotence.  - Evidence of UMA CHURN MUKERJEE, Brahmin, Government Clerk, Jabalpur.

49. Yes, bhang  is    taken   as   an  aphrodisiac. Yes, it is used by prostitutes. No, it is not more injurious than when taken as an ordinary narcotic. No the moderate use of hemp does not tend to produce impotency. - Evidence of MR. A. E. LOWRIE, Officiating Deputy Conservator of Forests, Chanda.

49. It is an aphrodisiac. Is not used by prostitutes. I do not think it tends to produce impotence. If it is a fact that it is an aphrodisiac and used as such, the excessive venery would produce impotence. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR H. K. MCKAY, Civil Surgeon, Nagpur.

49. One and all say that it has no aphrodisiac effect whatever, and this question may be taken as settled. Prostitutes use the drug, not for its aphrodisiac effect, but rather to blunt their sensa-tion and render them oblivious of their profession. I have seen strong healthy children born of habitual excessive ganja smokers after the period when they commenced the habit. This disproves the assertion that impotence results therefrom. 50. The answer to question 49 also replies to this - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR W. A. QUAYLE, Civil Surgeon, Nimar.

49. In moderate doses it acts as an aphrodisiac, and I have known it to be used for that purpose, and have been informed that prostitutes in parts of India give it for that purpose, and have known it to be given to soldiers of European regiments— see case No. 6 in answer to question 45. 50. To the persons who are excessive consumers, it certainly weakens the muscular powers and intellect. Most of these men become emaciated and of impaired intellect, and have little or no amorous desires. Many are impotent.  - Evidence of HONY. SURGEON-MAJOR J. E. HARRISON, Retired List, and Civil Surgeon, Kalahundi.

49. Not largely used as an aphrodisiac, for which purpose it is considered weaker than liquor or opium. Prostitutes appear to use it, not as an aphrodisiac, but as an alleviator of muscular fatigue, and to give them endurance at special times. I have never heard that the moderate use of hemp caused impotence. 50. Not used as an aphrodisiac. Not used by prostitutes. Said not to cause impotence. Question 49. [oral evidence] — On the subject of ganja as an aphrodisiac, I made enquiries from a large number of ganja smokers, and particularly from one man in the Bhandara Jail, who was connected with prostitutes. My conclusion is that ganja may have a slight effect, that bhang and its preparations have none. Question 50.—I do not believe that bairagis and fakirs take the drugs to allay their passions, but the reverse. - Evidence of APOTHECARY J. PRENTIE, Civil Surgeon, Bhandara.

49. Occasional moderate use of ganja and bhang is practised for aphrodisiac purposes and does not result in any injury. Moderate habitual use of both is said to produce impotency, but no facts bearing on the point have been elicited. 50. Excessive use of ganja and bhang produce impotence and often complete inability for sexual intercourse. This is stated by many fakirs and a few laymen, but all of an advanced age, well past the prime of life. - Evidence of APOTHECARY GEORGE MURPHY, Civil Surgeon, Mandla

49. Yes, it is indeed often used as an aphrodisiac. I do not know whether it is used by prostitutes. I do not think that the use for this purpose is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. The long continued use of hemp has almost a sure tendency to produce impotence, as an after-effect. 50. There is no material difference.  - Evidence of DOORGA DAS SEN, Baidya, Assistant Surgeon, Warora.

49. Yes ; its moderate use is practised as an aphrodisiac. As far as I know, it is never used so by prostitutes. There may be very rare cases, say, about 10 per mille. In reality the use of the drug as an aphrodisiac is more injurious than as an ordinary narcotic. The grounds in support are:—( a) It generally lessens secretions, and so it may have the like effect on seminal fluid. (b) When the seminal fluid is less secreted, it is possible that the sexual excitement may more or less be affected. The excitement, I think, is directly proportional to the secretion of the seminal fluid. (c) Ultimately the man is likely to become impotent. 50. See reply to question 49.  - Evidence of MUHAMMAD HABIBULLA, 1st grade Hospital Assistant, Seoni.

49. Yes, the moderate use of all these drugs is practised as an aphrodisiac. Yes, it is so used by prostitutes. Those who are habitually given to the use of these drugs, get no injury by using them for this purpose, but those who are not habitually given to their use, get injury on their lungs and hearts. By excessive use the hemp tends to produce impotence.  - Evidence of MIR ZAMIN ALI, Pensioned Hospital Assistant, Jabalpur

49. No. 50. It produces impotence, partial at any rate.  -  Evidence of KHUSHALI RAM, Honorary Magistrate, Chhindwara.

49. It is never used as a provocative to venery, not even by prostitutes. It does not produce impotence. 50. Not even so when taken in excessive quantities.  - Evidence of GANGADHARRAO MADHO CHITNAVIS , Honorary Magistrate, Nagpur.

49 and 50. The excessive use of ganja if long continued leads to impotence. It is not used as an aphrodisiac in the same way that opium or madak is.  - Evidence* of MIR IMDAD ALI, Honorary Magistrate, Damoh .

49. Ganja and bhang in moderate quantities are used as aphrodisiacs occasionally. It is so used by prostitutes. The use for this purpose is not more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. All three drugs in excess produce impotence, and charas in small quantities also does.  - Evidence of SETH BACHRAJ, Honorary Magistrate, Wardha.

49. The use of hemp does not tend to produce impotence. 50. Several persons use ½ a seer of bhang, ¼ seer of ganja and charas, yet they do not lose their senses. - Evidence of MODAN MOHAN SET H, Honorary Magistrate, Jubbulpore.

49. Yes, in the case of bhang, not ganja. Prostitutes do not use it for this. There is no difference in the subsequent effects when used for this purpose. They do not produce impotence by themselves, but bhang may be the cause of excessive sexual intercourse, which will lead to impotence.  - Evidence of KAPUR CHAND, Honorary Magistrate and Gumasta, Raipur.

49. Yes; they are both used for this purpose. I do not think prostitutes use them for this pur -pose, though they do use them. Their use in this way is injurious. It tends to produce impotence. 50. The same applies to the excessive use of these drugs.  - Evidence of RAGHOBA MAHADIK, Malguzar and Honorary Magistrate, Rajim.

49. Ganja and pati are used with the object of exciting the desire for sexual in- tercourse. They are also used by prostitutes with the same object. The use of an additional quantity by a person whilst being ordinarily intoxicated causes the person using it to be out of his senses. The excessive use of ganja may weaken the body. 50.The excessive use of all these drugs injures the body.  - Evidence of HARI HAR SINGH, Zamindar and Honorary Magistrate, Sambalpur District.

49. I never heard of the drugs being used as an aphrodisiac. The sadhus use it to check their passions. It does not produce impotence.  - Evidence of DIWAN PREM SINGH, Zamindar, Bilaspur District

49. Prostitutes do use ganja. - Evidence of LALL UMED SINGH, Zamindar, Bilaspur District.

49. Some prostitutes are addicted to smoke ganja. - Evidence * of PANDIT NARAYAN RAO GOBIND, Brahmin, Zamindar, Hurda.

49. Ganja is often smoked by young men as an aphrodisiac, and they feel benefit from it for about a week, but after that they are worse off than if they had not taken it, and ultimately be -come impotent. Prostitutes sometimes take it for a similar reason. 50. Bhang is not taken for the above-mentioned reason.  - Evidence of CHANDI PERSHAD, Brahmin, Malguzar, and President, Municipal Committee, Chanda.

49. (a) Not known. (b) Not known. (c) Not known. (d) It tends to produce impotence. 50. Same as above. - Evidence of THAKUR MAHARAJ SINGH, RAI BAHADUR,* Malguzar, Saugor.

49. Yes, it is so used by prostitutes, but in rare cases. I hear of no cases in which use of hemp produces any impotence. 50. Excessive use is not practised as an aphro -disiac, either by males or prostitutes, nor is it known to have produced impotence. - Evidence of RAO SAHIB BALWANTRAO GOVINDRAO BHUSKUTE, Brahmin, Jagirdar of Timborni, Barhanpar, Nimar District.

49. A preparation of ganja called "modak" is used for this purpose. I do not know if prostitutes so use it. "Modak" is not so injurious as ordinary ganja. It is a mixture of some 50 or 60 medicines. It tends to produce impotence. "Modak" is the only form of hemp I know of used for this purpose. 50. It is not used to excess much. The excessive use of it produces impotence. I have heard this.  - Evidence * of DAMODHAR DASS, Brahmin, Mafidar, Bargarh, Sambalpur District.

49. (a) Yes, it is so used. (b) Yes, sometimes. (d) Ganja smoking is said to eventually produce impotence. 50. Excessive ganja smoking accounts for most of the Hindu sadhus leading such hard and celibate lives.   - Evidence of the REV. I. JACOB, Church of England Missionary, Chairman, District Council, etc., Chanda.

49 and 50. I know it is an aphrodisiac; but I do not know if it is used for that purpose, having had no experience in this matter.  - Evidence of the REV. O. LOHR,* Medical Missionary, Bisrampur, Raipur District.

49. There are two theories about the use of the drug for this purpose: one is that devotees use it for the purpose of destroying their sexual desire and they therefore begin to smoke or drink it from the very early morning before they had had a morsel of food. The debauches uses it a little before the requisite time. Both these classes are obliged to carry it to excess, as it has not the desired effect when used in normal doses after a time, and whilst the former succeed in attaining their object, the latter is soon played out and becomes irrecoverably impotent. The reason why the devotee is able to achieve his object need not be told, and the reason why the chartered libertine collapses is due entirely to the excessive use of the drug which can help him only for a time to excessive venereal indulgence. The drug is also used by the prostitutes, but not for the purpose of sexual pleasure, but just the reverse: their object is the same as that of the devotees and to stop procreation. 50. The answer to the last question is the answer to this. I am simply touching on the subject of ganja and bhang and not charas.  - Evidence of ADHAR SINGH GOUR, Kshattri, Barrister-at-law, Hoshangabad.

49. Yes, and so used by prostitutes also. The use for this purpose is more injurious, as it pro -duces impotence. I am referring to ganja only. 50. The same answer as above. The effects are aggravated.  - Evidence of BABU KALIDAS CHOWDHRY, Brahmin, Pleader, Hoshangabad.

49. The moderate use of ganja is practised as an aphrodisiac. It is used by prostitutes. I do not think that moderate use is more injurious than ordinary narcotic : moderate use of hemp does not tend to produce impotence. 50. I believe excessive use of this drug is generally made by prostitutes and others as an aphrodisiac. This is smoked generally after smoking opium. When used excessively it is more injurious than ordinary narcotic, and tends to produce impotence. 50. [oral evidence] Opium does not take quick effect; so ganja is used immediately after it, sometimes to increase the rapidity of intoxication. The opium is used because the ganja would too soon lose its effect. The combined use is regarded as very effective. It is only rarely used by very debauched persons, who also are accustomed to these drugs  - Evidence of RAO SAHIB RANGRAO HARRY KHISTY, Pleader, Bhandara.

49. The moderate use of these drugs is prac -tised as an aphrodisiac. 50. Excessive use produces impotence to a slight degree. - Evidence of Mr. J. A. MAUGHAN, Manager, Central Provinces Collieries, Umaria, Jubbulpore District.

49. Neither one nor the other, in my opinion.  - Evidence of RAI BAHADUR KUSTOORCHAND DAGA, Bania, Banker, Kamptee, Nagpur District.

49. It is an aphrodisiac in moderate cases to a certain extent. It is so used by prostitutes in rare instances. The use is more injurious, inasmuch as it brings on general debility. It tends to produce impotency in some cases. 50. It is not an aphrodisiac. It is so used by prostitutes in rare cases. The use is more injurious in general debility. Excessive use produces impotency. - Evidence of LALA NIINDKESFIORE, * Agartcal, Merchant, Banker, Contractor, Malgoozar, Honorary Magistrate, Secretary, Municipal Committee, and Member, District Council, Saugor.

49. I never heard of ganja in moderation either exciting or reducing sexual desire. 50. I never heard that excessive indulgence in ganja makes a man impotent.  - Evidence* of GIRDHARI LAL, Oswal Bania, Merchant and Banker, Seoni-Chapara.

49. Ganja does not excite to sexual indulgence. On the contrary, it stops sexual desire, and it is, for this very reason, that Bairagis, Gossains and fakirs are great ganja smokers. The moderate indulgence in ganja has no such effect on the out-door workers. On the contrary, it is notorious that our Gonds and hard working labourers have large families. 50. Excessive indulgence in ganja does make a man impotent, and that is why fakirs and others, who have given up thoughts of this world, take to ganja, so as to liberate their desires and enable them to concentrate their thought on duty and the next world. - Evidence* of ONKAR DAS, Agarwalla Bania, Mahajan, Seoni-Chapara.

49. Ganja is not used as an aphrodisiac. 50. It is only excessive indulgence in ganja that renders a man impotent. - Evidence* of HUSEN KHAN,† Pathan, Abkari Contractor, Seoni-Chapara

49. Yes, moderate use of ganja or bhang will tend to produce aphrodisiacal effects. In rare cases ganja is smoked by prostitutes. The excessive use of bhang and ganja will tend to produce impo tence. 50. The excessive use of ganja and bhang will destroy all the aphrodisiacal desires. Yes, exces sive use of ganja and bhang will bring on impotency.  - Evidence of COWASJEE MEHERWANJEE HATTY-DAROO, Parsi, Merchant and Abkari Contractor, Seoni-Chapara.

49. (a) No. (b) Yes. (c) No knowledge. (d) No. 50. Excessive use of charas might produce impotence.  - Evidence of BIJRAJ, Marwari, Wholesale ganja vendor, Kamptee, Nagpur District.

49. The drug is said to be aphrodisiac, but there is no general employment of it for this purpose ; not by prostitutes. There is not much difference. Impotence may be produced. One shopkeeper stated that it increased potency. The Head Assistant Collector says, in reply to the last question, " not as far as can be ascertained." 50. Nil.  -  Evidence of MR. E. TURNER, Collector of Madura.

49. Yes, as majum or madanakamiswari. Effect is temporary. -  Evidence of MR. C. B. MACLEANE, Collector of Nellore.

49. All Tahsildars, except one, say that it is so.  - Evidence of MR. R. SEWELL, Collector of Bellary.

49. Its use is said to produce impotence in the long run in many cases, but not invariably. - Evidence of MR. W. A. WILLOCK, Collector, Vizagapatam.

49. The District Medical Officer says :-" A class of people called Setts on the west coast of India use all these drugs as an aphrodisiac. All the preparations are well-known aphrodisiacs, and so used by prostitutes. This aphrodisiac property induces finally certain spinal diseases, as locomotor ataxy and sclerotis of the cord. The free use of hemp does produce impotence." 50. The excessive use is held by the District Medical Officer to produce loss of memory, to induce nervous debility, cerebral softening, sclerotis of the spinal cord and brain, locomotor ataxy and insanity.  - Evidence of MR. J. THOMSON, Collector of Chingleput.

49. It is said to be used even by prostitutes. Its excessive use is said to produce impotence. 50. See previous answer.  - Evidence of MR. C. H. MOUNSEY, Acting Collector of Cuddapah.

49. (a) No. (d) Yes; if used in excess.  - Evidence of MR. F. D'A. O. WOLFE-MURRAY, Acting Collector of the Nilgiris.

49. (a) Yes, by young people. (b) Generally not. (c) Generally more injurious, because the consumers are younger and it will have more effect on their constitution, and in these cases there is a greater tendency to go to excess. Opinions differ on the last point. 50. In excessive use it is not used as an aphro-disiac but simply as narcotic. It is said to produce impotence. - Evidence of MR. K. C. MANAVEDAN RAJA, Collector, Anantapur.

49. It is widely believed to be an aphrodisiac. The preparations of ganja seem to be in most repute in this connection.  - Evidence of MR. C. J. WEIR,* Acting Collector, District Magistrate, and Agent to Govr., Ganjam

49. Prostitutes are said to resort occasionally to the use of the drug as an aphrodisiac.  - Evidence of MR. H. CAMPBELL, Acting Sub-Collector, Guntoor.

49. It is said to be used as an aphrodisiac. - Evidence of MR. E. L. VAUGHAN, Acting Sub-Collector, Dindigul.

49. The drug i s said to be an aphrodisiac, but there is no general employment of it for this pur -pose. 50. Not as far as can be ascertained.  - Evidence of MR. W. FRANCIS, Acting Head Assistant Collector, Ramnad.

49. (a) Yes. (c) No. (d) Ganja produces impotence after three or four years.  - Evidence of MR. R. E. GRIMLEY, Acting Head Assistant Collector, North Arcot

49. No information is available on this point, as smokers are naturally averse to speak about it. The execessive use of hemp certainly tends to produce impotence.  -  Evidence of Mr. H. F. W. GILLMAN, Acting Head Assistant Collector, Nilgiris.

49 and 50. Opinions differ. The excessive habitual use is said to produce impotence. - Evidence of MR. J. H. MERRIMAN, Deputy Commissioner of Salt and Abkari, Central Division.

49. Not known whether so used by prostitutes, but believed to induce impotence in males. - Evidence of MR. F. LEVY, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Salt and Abkari, Southern Division

49. I have not heard of any case. I do not believe ; it does not cause impotence. 50. I can give no opinion. - Evidence of P. PUNDARIKAKSHUDU, Brahmin, Deputy Collector, Venukunda, Kistna District.

49. The confection of ganja called majum, described under question 15, is used as an aphrodisiac. It is not known whether prostitutes use it or not. It is more injurious as an aphrodisiac than its use as a narcotic, as in the former the man dissipates himself. The use of hemp after some years tends to produce impotence. 50. In excessive use it is not used as an aphrodisiac, but simply as narcotic. It produces impotence. - Evidence of  D. JAGANNADHARAO PANTALU, Brahmin, Deputy Collector, Anantapur.

49. The moderate use of the drug in eating and drinking will be practised as an aphrodisiac. It is rarely used by prostitutes. It is more injurious in this respect rather than its use as an ordinary narcotic, because it will gradually impair virile powers by debauchery and ultimately tends to produce impotence. 50. Excessive use of this drug will more speedily produce worse effects. - Evidence of B. NARAYANAMURTY, Brahmin, Deputy Collector, Ganjam.

49 and 50. The use of the drug tends to produce impotence.  - Evidence of M. R. RY. P. VEERASWAMI NAIDU, Deputy Collector, Masulipatam

49. Moderate use does not produce impotence. 50. Excessive use does produce impotence. - Evidence of M R. W. E. GANAPATHY, Retired Deputy Collector, Palamcottah, Tinnevelly

49. It is said to be used occasionally by prostitutes as an aphrodisiac and. also to give stayingpower. It is not known to produce impotence. - Evidence of A. KRISHNAMACHARULU, Tahsildar, Bapatla, Kistna District.

49. Yes ; when mixed with opium, etc., and used in the form of electuaries, ganja increases venereal desire.  - Evidence of T. KODANDARAM NAIDU, Tahsildar, Hospett.

49. Yes ; some native doctors use it in preparing confections. - Evidence of M. BIMACHARI, Tahsildar, Rayadrug.

49. I am informed by native doctors and others that the use of bhang and majun and curry excites aphrodisiac; but, on the other hand, smoking ganja diminishes in course of a few years the manly powers, and hence it is largely and invariably used in this form by the religious mendicants, and devotees both of Hindu and Muhammadan community.  - Evidence of MUNSHI S. MOHAMED UNWUR SAHIB, Tahsildar, Suthanapully Taluk, Kistna District.

49. The use of bhang is practised as an aphrodisiac, but not freely.  - Evidence of M. SAMBA SIVA RAU NAIDU, Tahsildar, Bellary.

49. Yes. 50. The excessive use of ganja or bhang leads to an untimely grave. - Evidence of ADAKI JAGANNADHA RAO, Brahmin, Acting Tahsildar, Hindupur, Anantapur District.

49. It does not produce impotence. - Evidence of G. JAGANNAYAKULU, Acting Tahsildar, Gooty.

49. It is not used at all for this purpose. Prostitutes never use it. - Evidence of N. SOONDRAMIAH , Brahmin, Deputy Tahsildar, Ootacamund.

49. Moderate use is considered as an aphrodisiac. In this country it does not seem as if the prostitutes use this. The use for this purpose is no doubt more injurious, because it leads to habits of moral depravity, waste of money, and subsequent impotence. 50. Perhaps excessive use will not attain the object contemplated in Question 49, for excessive use stupefies the man and renders him useless.  - Evidence of K. NARAINASWAMY NAIDU, Velama, Huzoor Sheristadar, Masulipatam.

49. Yes. This is mixed in some other medicines for using as an aphrodisiac.  - Evidence of P. LAKSIIMINARAYANA, Brahmin, Manager of Court of Wards' Estate, Nuzvid.

49. The use of any of these drugs is not practised as an aphrodisiac. - Evidence of RAI BAHADUR K. NARAINASWAMY, Telaga, Inspector of Police, Vizianagram.

49. Yes ; to some extent in my local enquiry. - Evidence of T. S. KRISTNASAMY C HETTY, Vishnuvite, Pensioned Police Inspector, Trinamalay, South Arcot District.

49. Never. Ganja-smoking produces impotence. - Evidence of MR. R. W. MORGAN, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Ootacamund, Nilgiris.

49. No ; apparently it has the opposite effect, and takes away desire of sexual intercourse. 50. To a greater degree.  - Evidence of CAPTAIN C. M. KENNEDY, Commandant, 1st Pioneers, Trichinopoly.

49. (a) Yes, sometimes. (c) Yes. (d) Yes. 50. See above. - Evidence of SUBADAR MAJOR MAHAMMAD MURTUZA, 1st Madras Pioneers, Trichinopoly.

50. It is administered by prostitutes in excessive doses, and its use is a frequent cause of impotence. I have known a case of absolute impotence of long duration result from excessive excitation following a  single administration. Question 50. [oral evidence] — The case was that of a Muhammadan, to whom the drug was administered by a dancing girl in the form of a sweetmeat, and who told me that lie had been impotent ever since. I saw him three or four months after the adminstration of the drug. He was fully six months under my observation, and consulted me, though I did not prescribe for him. He was not a patient. He merely stated the fact of his condition. My reply to question 30 regarding absolute and permanent impotence is based on his statement. The word "permanent" may be withdrawn, as my observation may not have been sufficiently long. The statement as to the cause of impotence is based solely on the man's statement. I made no enquiry or examination. The proximate cause of impotence was, in my opinion, the excitation induced by the drug, and not the direct action of the drug itself. He said he had never taken the drug before. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR W. G. KING, Acting Sanitary Commissioner, Madras

49. Said to be an aphrodisiac in small doses. Used by bairagis to produce impotence - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL A.H. LEAPING-WELL, District Surgeon, Vizagapatam.

49. Yes. But I don't think that prostitutes ever use it. I never knew a case where it was the cause of impotence. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR CHATTERJIE, Medical Officer in charge 13th Madras Infantry, Cannanore.

49. (a) and (b) Yes. (c) It is generally used in small doses, and is less injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. It is also accompanied with good food. (d) The use of the drug ends in impotence. 50. The drugs are not used in large or excessive doses as a rule when required for aphrodisiac purposes. Such use would defeat its purpose.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR JOHN LANCASTER, District Surgeon, North Arcot.

49. Yes. It is used by prostitutes. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR K. C. SANJANA, Parsi, District Surgeon, Tinnevelly.

49. Not known; though it is often stated that excessive use of ganja tends to induce impotence. 50. Excessive habitual use.—In my opinion excessive habitual use produces laziness, but not debauchery. Most of the cases of insanity that have come under my observation as due to this cause have been of a temporary nature, maniacal delirium and hallucinations; and the return of such cases would imply that the symptoms were reinduced by a renewed abuse of the drug.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR W. O ' HARA, District Medical and Sanitary Officer and Superintendent of Jail, Bellary.

49 and 50. Cannabis sativa is considered to be an aphrodisiac; if constantly used for this purpose, it would naturally be injurious; all aphrodisiacs are so, as they stimulate the sexual organs to unnaturally frequent action, thus exhausting the system. In this way, the constant use of hemp for this purpose would undoubtedly tend to pro–duce temporary impotence; the evil effects of the excessive use of the drug as an aphrodisiac would. naturally exceed the moderate use. In this parti–cular direction Cannabis would be more injurious than opium or other narcotics.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR G. L. WALKER, Civil Surgeon, Ootacamund.

49. I do not believe the drug is used by prosti -tutes as an aphrodisiac. I believe the drug has the effect of lessening the desire for sexual inter -course. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR S. C. SARKIES, District Surgeon, Nellore.

49. A class of people, called Setts, on the West Coast of India, use all these drugs as an aphrodisiac. All the preparations are well-known aphrodisiacs, and it is so used by prostitutes. This aphrodisiac property induces finally certain special diseases, as locomotor ataxy and sclerosis of the cord. The free use of hemp does produce impotence. 50. The excessive use of all, or any, of these drugs produces a gradual loss of memory, induces nervous debility, cerebral softening, sclerosis of the spinal cord and brain, locomotor ataxy, and insanity. Question 49. [oral evidence] — Locomotor ataxy and sclerosis of the spinal cord have come under my personal observation. One of the lunatics I have referred to above had one of these diseases, and one the other. The one who had locomotor ataxy was the impotent men. I think ganja was the direct cause of the locomotor ataxy. The usual causes of this disease are exposure, malaria, syphilis, and accident. Excessive sexual indulgence is a common cause. The ganja as an aphrodisiac probably caused excessive sexual indulgence, and that resulted in locomotor ataxy. This would also be a very pro -bable explanation of the impotence. I have had only the one case of sclerosis of the spinal cord, and I attributed it to ganja, because I could not discover any other satisfactory cause.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR W. F THOMAS, Acting District Medical and Sanitary Officer, Chingleput.

49. Yes; it is sometimes used as an aphrodisiac. I have known prostitutes using it. It must tend to produce impotence.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR R. PEMBERTON, Civil Surgeon, Cochin

49. It is said to be a powerful aphrodisiac, but I have had no acquaintance with it under this head. I have often given it to patients who have experienced the general symptoms, but never this. A ganja smoker tells me that whilst taking ganja he has no desire for women - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR A. J. STURMER, District and Sanitary Officer, Masulipatam, Kistna District.

49 (a), (c) and (d) Yes - Evidence of Civil Apothecary T. M. CHERIYAN, Manantoddy

40. Many native doctors use the drug along with others as an aphrodisiac. A few of them use it in severe forms of dysentery. 49. Yes. Vide 40. - Evidence of Apothecary K. VASUDEVA RAU, Brahmin, Adirampatnam, Tanjore District.

49. It is; by men, not by females. Used thus it is injurious, as it tends to cause dyspepsia.  - Evidence of Apothecary G. A. W. VELLONES, Chetambaram, South Arcot.

49. Yes; by men, not by prostitutes. 50. As an aphrodisiac, ganja should be condemned, the virile power failing altogether after a prolonged use of the drug. It tends to produce impotency.  - Evidence of Apothecary N. H. DANIEL, In charge Police Hospital, Koraput, Vizagapatam District.

49. (a) Yes. (b)  No. (c) No; it is less injurious in this way. (d) Excessive indulgence does result in im -pairing sexual power. 50. Cannot.  - Evidence of Apothecary MUHAMMAD ASADULLA, Ellore, Godavary District.

49. (a) The moderate use of this drug is practised as an aphrodisiac. (c) Not known. (d) Not known. 50. The same can be said of the habitual excessive use of this drug.  - Evidence of DR. ARTHUR WELLS, Medical Officer, Chicacole, Gan jam District.

47. Yes. Yes, so used by prostitutes. Long -continued use sometimes produces impotence. 48. Excessive use produces loss of senses.  - Evidence of K. JAGANNADHAM NAIDU,* Medical Officer, Parlakimedi, Ganjam District.

49. (a) No ; although the effect on a beginner is said to excite sexual desire. On the other hand, the habitual use is said to decidedly quench the de–sire, and is for this purpose used by fakirs, (b) No. (c) Not known. (d) Decidedly yes; although a very few deny this.  - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon SALDANHA, Salem.

49. Yes, moderate use occasionally. Never used by the prostitutes. It is not injurious than the one used as ordinary narcotic. The use of the hemp does tend to produce impotence. 50. If used excessively, produce worse results than above.  - Evidence of Hospital Assistant T. RANGANAYA KULU NAID00, Rajahmundry, Godavari District.

 49. It is practised as an aphrodisiac ; also used as such by the prostitutes. In moderate doses it can be used both as an aphrodisiae and narcotic. Does not produce impotence. 50. Just the reverse of things mentioned in 49 happens when used in excessive quantity.  - Evidence of Hospital Assistant M. IYASWAMY PILLAY, Saint Thomas' Mount, Madras.

49. Yes ; practised as an aphrodisiac. It is used by prostitutes. The evil effects are the same for whatever purpose it is used. Never produces impotence in young. Habitual excessive use produces impotency in advanced age in many, i.e., from 50 years upwards. Some consumers eat the drug for aphro<illegible>isiac properties, but the nar- cotic effects soon putting them into sleep enjoy their expectations in dreams. 50. It is practised in large doses as an aphrodisiac in the habitual consumers, i.e., to prolong the re - tention of semen in sexual intercourse. Large doses are used by prostitutes when they get more visitors in a day. Large doses are always attended with hallucinations and delusions. There are cases in which the consumers of large doses having been suspected by their relatives that they are possessed were beaten black and blue to drive off the evil spirit flow the consumers. Inhalation of chilly smoke is practised, nearly suffocating the man with irritating gas. These consumers, for fear of exposing , themselves as ganja-eaters, patiently bear the tortures under the intoxication of the drug.  - Evidence of Hospital Assistant CHINNY SREENIVASA RAU, Prapanna Komity, L. F. Hospital, Bobbili Vizagapatam

49. Occasional moderate use is practised as an aphrodisiac. I am not aware if it is so used by prostitutes, nor am I aware whether it has any injurious effects in this connection, nor whether it produces impotence. I have not met with any case of impotence attributed to its use. - Evidence of Hospital Assistant P. NARRAINSWAMY TELEGA, Parvatipur Vizagapatam District.

49. Moderate use of ganja and bhang is generally practised as aphrodisaic, and so used by many prostitutes. As aphrodisiac, it is more injurious to health than as a narcotic. The reasons are that when ganja and bhang are used for their aphrodisiac properties they do not act so well as they do in the com mencement, for, after a certain time, the person becomes habituated to it, and increased doses are therefore required day by day, which is no doubt injurious ; and also by using the drugs as aphrodisiac, it will at once cause the person great exhaustion and depress the nervine powers to a great extent by their abuse. The use of ganja and bhang as aphrodisiac may bring on impotency, as there are all possibilities in them for having a tendency to their excessive use. 50. Excessive use of ganja and bhang, though used sometimes as aphrodisiac by prostitutes, will at once bring on several complicated diseases (such as diseases of respiratory, nervous and digestive systems, palpitation and valvular diseases of heart, dysentery, etc.) It is more injurious to health and makes impotent by using it for a short period. - Evidence of Hospital Assistant JAGANNATII PANDIT, Uriya, Russellkonda, Ganjam District.

49. It is considered to be an aphrodisiac. - Evidence of Hospital Assistant MADURANAYAGUM PILLAI, Vellala, Uravakonda, Ananlpur District.

49. It produces an aphrodisiac effect on the system.  - Evidence of Hospital Assistant C. M. APPATHORAI MUDALIAR, Vellala, Chairman, Union Panchayat, Hindupur, Anantapur District.

49. Yes, bhang-drinking, ganja-smoking or the special preparations of the drug are first used as aphrodisiac by young men in moderate quantities. I have not found instances of prostitutes using the drug for the purpose. The continued use, even if moderate, will bring on impotence in the end. 50. Excessive use never acts as an aphrodisiac.  - Evidence of Hospital Assistant I. PARTHASARATHY CHETTY, Penukonda, Anantapur District

49. The moderate use of any of these drugs is not practised as an aphrodisiac at all, and is not used by prostitutes whatever, and the use of hemp never tends to produce impotence. 50. The same as above.  - Evidence of MIRZA DAVOOD BEG, Pensioned Hospital Assistant, Trichinopoly.

49. A preparation of bhang known as purnathi is so used; also majum (vide answer to question 29). Dr. Pereira also bears this out. The long continued use of hemp tends to produce impotence. Dr. Dymock's Pharmacographia Indica says :—" It does not increase, but on the contrary impairs the venereal propensity and power" (page 329, vol. III). - Evidence of P. S. MOOTOOSAMY MODELLIAR, Retired Native Surgeon, Tanjore.

49. The moderate use of any of the drugs, especially ganja, is sometimes practised as an aphrodisiac. It does increase the potent power of a man if used in admixture with other medicines which doctors may prescribe. But ganja by itself is not a substance which would remove impotency or increase the potency of a man. I do not know if it is ever used by prostitutes. 50. Excessive use of hemp without the admixture of other medicines may in course of time tend to produce impotence. - Evidence of H. S. A. M. MUNJUMIAH, Native Medical Practitioner, Cuddapah.

49. The prostitutes of this place make use of ganja and bhang. The remaining answers have already been given. - Evidence* of SAIYID MAHMUD alias H AKEEM NHANNAY MIAN, Medical Prac titioner, Cuddapah.

49. This is used mixed with other articles as an aphrodisiac - Evidence* of SINGITAPU VENKATA RAO, Brahmin, Madahwa, Native Physician and Inamdar, Coconada, Godavari District.

49. As far as my knowledge goes, I think with regard to the use of these drugs are partly good. and partly destructive. (Persons who use it with good meals is comfortable for them and those who live with light meals it is destructive to them.)  - Evidence of I. PONNUSAWMI PILLAI, Private Practitioner, Pothawar, Salem, District

49. I think it is in rare cases, and in those with injury to general health.  - Evidence of the RAJA OF RAMNAD,* Madura District.

49. The use of ganja does not give any strength, but a man feels pleasure that he is strong. - Evidence of SRI VASUDEVA RAJAMANI RAJAH DEO, Kshatria, Zamindar of Mandasa, Ganjam District.

49. A preparation of these drugs called  "halwa'' is sometimes used for this purpose. - Evidence of SRI SRI SRI GOURA CHANDRA. GAJAPATY NARAYAN DEO GARU, Kshatria, Zamindar of Parlakimedi, Ganjam District.

49. Yes. - Evidence of TIMMARAZU VENKATA  SIVA RAO., Brahmin, Landed Proprietor and Chairman, Municipal Council, Chicacole, Ganjam District.

49. It is, as in the case of puranthy lagyam. - Evidence of C. MUTHU KUMARASWAMI MUDELLIAR, Zamindar, Chunampet, Chingleput District.

49. The use of ganja is practised as an aphrodisiac - Evidence of P. SESHACHALLAM NAIDOO, Balija, Landlord, Merchant, and Chairman, Vetapollem, Kistna District

49. (a) No. (b) Yes ; it produces impotence. 50. The same as in No. 48.  - Evidence of AZIZ-UD-DIN ALI KHAN, SAHIB BAHADUR, Jagirdar, Cherlopalle, Gurramkanda, District Cuddapah

49. It promotes sexual strength by its being used in halwas. By smoking hemp too much, impotence will ensue.  - Evidence of SAGI RAMA SASTRY, Brahmin, Inamdar and Native Doctor, Rajahmundry, Godavari District.

49. It increases semen if taken by youthful persons and not by old -people. - Evidence of BONDILI MOTIRAM, Cultivator, Cocanada, Godavari District.

49. Yes ; I have heard that it is used as an aphrodisiac. Chiefly the confection called Purnathi is made and given by native doctors for it. - Evidence of LANKA KRISTNIENGAR, Vaishnava Brahmin, Chairman, Municipal Council, Srirangam, Trichinopoly District.

49. Yes; I am told there are two or three preparations from these drugs, prescribed for that purpose by those who pretend to know - Evidence of MR. W. TAYLOR, Chairman, Municipal Council, Parlakimedi, Ganjam District

49. Yes ; When mixed with opium, etc., and used in the form of electuaries, ganja increases venereal desire. Moderate use of ganja is not supposed to produce impotence, although it slightly affects it.  - Evidence of K. SUBBARAYADU PUNTALU, Brahmin, Chairman of the Adoni Municipal Council, Bellary District.

49 and 50. Both the moderate and the excessive use of the drug may tend to produce impotence ultimately - Evidence of E. SUBRAMANA IYER, Brahmin, Chairman, Municipal Council, Conjevaram, Chingleput District

49. One instance of such use was brought to my notice. A native drug seller sold pills composed of ganja and some other drugs for such purposes.  - Evidence of the REV. H. J. GOFFIN,*Missionary, Kadiri, Cuddapah District.

49, By enquiry I understand that prostitutes do indulge in these habits.  - Evidence of the REV. J, DESIGACHART, Missionary , Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, Badvel, Cuddapah District.

49. I do not know of this use. The use of hemp certainly tends to produce impotence. Consumers admit this and lament it bitterly. " That's the plague of it, " they have told me. In questioning people on this, I have not distinguished between the moderate and excessive use, but some of those who admitted the fact were moderate consumers.  - Evidence of the REV. W. H. CAMPBELL, Missionary, London Missionary Society, Cuddapah.

50. See the medicines mentioned in answer 40. The names alone partly answer question 50. Winslow's Tamil Dictionary gives under ganja legiam ==an inebriating electuary made of ganja and taken to promote venery. A man who had been in the army told me it was a common thing for soldiers to take ganja preparations (electuaries) just before visiting prostitutes, Ganja preparations are certainly used as aphrodisiacs. I could not however learn that they were so used by prostitutes. According to common consent the use of ganja tends to produce impotence, though not at first in the case of electuaries. - Evidence of the REV. S. J. LONG, Missionary, Coimbatore.

49. We hear that it is so used. - Evidence of the REV. W. V. HIGGINS,* Missionary, Parlakimedi, Ganjam District

49. (a) It is used. (b) Prostitutes do use it. (d) It is supposed to.  - Evidence of the REV. JOHN S. CHANDLER, Missionay Madura.

49. There is a belief amongst young men—how extended I cannot tell— that the use of bhang boiled in ghee and mixed with sugar to make a sweetmeat, if eaten regularly, will increase their virile power. This compound is called Mazum. What foundation there is for the belief I cannot say ; but the practice certainly exists, as I know from very reliable sources. I am, on the other hand, informed that men who smoke ganja to excess lose all sexual desire ; and from the fact that religious ascetics use it for that very purpose, I am inclined the believe the statement. However there may be individual exceptions. - Evidence of the REV. H. F. LAFLAMME, Canadian Baptist Mission, Yellamanchili, Vizagapatam.

49. Yes, they use drinking subji. If too much of cardamom and nutmeg be use d, it will bring on debility. Constant smoking may also tend to the same end - Evidence of the REV. S. C. SCHAIBLE, Missionary, Moolky, South Canara

49. (a) Yes. (d) Yes.  - Evidence of S. P. NARASIMMALU NAYUDU, Editor of the " Crescent," Coimbatore .

49. The consumer of the hemp drug does not become impotent, but the use being generally in connection to devotion to God and other sacred things, the consumer does not care for cohabitation, but on the whole the drug has a tendency to make them long for cohabitation.  - Evidence of N. KOTHUNDARAMAYYA, Brahmin, Editor of "Suneeti" Rajahmundry, Godavari District.

49. No. The use of the drug has a tendency to produce impotence. - Evidence of GANJAM VENCATARATNAM, Brahmin, 1st Grade Pleader, Coconada, Godavery District

49. Yes; bhang is so used - Evidence of B. CHATTERJEA, Brahmin, Pleader, District Court, Ganjam, and Chairman, Berhampore Municipality.

49. Ganja  smoking slightly produces impotence. Bhang does not produce that effect. - Evidence of P. C. ANUNTHACHARLU, Brahmin, Chairman, Municipal Council, and Government Pleader, Bellary.

49. Bhang is used as an aphrodisiac. -  Evidence of MANCHALLER JAGANNADHAM, Brahmin, Pleader, Bapathla, Ristna District.

49. No; it is not used by prostitutes. The use of hemp tends to produce impotence.  - Evidence of P. KESAVA PILLAI, Karnam, Pleater, and Honorary Secretary of the Gooty People's Association.

49. The habitual use of ganja tends to impotence in the long run. 50. The stage of impotence is reached earlier.  - Evidence of the HON'BLE A. SABAPATHY MOODELLIAR, RAI BAHADUR,* Merchant, Bellary.

49. Moderate use of these drugs practised as an aphrodisiac, when strong and substantial food is taken. The excessive use of this hemp produces impotence if substantial food is wanting. 50. No doubt it creates gradually impotence, when it is excessively taken without sufficient food.  - Evidence of CHODISETTY VENKATARATNUM, Merchant, Coconada, Godavari District

49. Yes ; it is used (vide answer to question 40).  - Evidence of NALUM BHIMARAUZ VYSYIA, Merchant, Berhampore, Ganjam District.

 49. The moderate use of ganja is popularly believed to be aphrodisiacal. Prostitutes use it for this purpose. An artificial excitement of passion must be productive of injurious effects. Some preparations of ganja are used for pro-ducing impotence. - Evidence of T. RATNASAMI NADA.R, Arrack Supply Contractor, Malabar.

49. Sometimes different forms of preparations of the drug may be used as an ingredient in some halvas, etc., to be used as an aphrodisiac; but they do not, I believe, give effect. Females never use it. Prostitutes also do not use it. Its use in any form always injures the inclination for sexual intercourse.  - Evidence of MULAGULA KONDIAH, Goldsmith, Rajahmundry

49. I do not know all these. But I have heard that this drug in whatever shape cannot materially help prostitutes. It temporarily helps the debauchee, but ultimately lessens his manly faculties. - Evidence of ANGAPPA GONUDEN, Blacksmith, Salem.

49. Moderate use of this drug may serve as an aphrodisiac in case of men who eat rich and nourishing food, because in such cases it does not affect the vital powers.  - Evidence of SAMDASU BAVAJI, Brahmin, Priest in the Matt of Sri Jagannadha Swamy, Rajahmundry.

49. They are said not to be so used. Reference is made by one witness to a medicine for promoting vigour, in which ganja is used in combination with the ash of some metal ; but his knowledge was small.  - Evidence of MR. E. J. EBDEN, Collector, Ahmednagar

49. If an aphrodisiac is, as I take it to be, a medicine which supplies sexual power or increases it when it is feeble, I do not believe that any preparation of hemp is regarded as an aphrodisiac. Kuchla or strychnos mix vomica is so regarded, and used accordingly.  - Evidence of MR. F. L. CHARLES, Collector, Belgaum.

49. Yes. Prostitutes seldom use ganja, or bhang. They generally use opium or madak for this purpose. The drugs when used as aphrodisiac are more injurious in their effects. They excite the nervous system and seminal discharges so long as the person is in his rising age, but they slowly exhaust the person and ultimately produce impotence. 50. In the above case the exhaustion is slow, but in cases of excessive use of the drugs the effects are the same, but they follow sooner.  - Evidence of RAGHUNATH RAO, Extra Assistant Commissioner, Damoh.

49. These drug s are practised as an aphrodisiac, but the effect does not last long. In the end the system becomes weak, which results in impotency. The prostitutes do not use hemp drugs in these provinces, but in North-Western Provinces and Oudh low class prostitutes smoke charas. Its use as an aphrodisiac is more injurious than as an ordinary narcotic. 50. The excessive use of any of these drugs as an aphrodisiac is very injurious. It causes impotency and many diseases of kidney and bladder. - Evidence of SYED MOHAMED HUSAIN, Extra Assistant Commissioner ; Diwan, Khairagarh State.

49. Yes; moderate use of ganja is practised as an aphrodisiac. It is used by prostitutes. The use is more injurious as the natural power is exhausted by artificial pressure. It tends to produce  impotence in the long run. 50. The excessive  use of this drug is made as an aphrodisiac. It is also used by prostitutes. The use for this purpose is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic, as the natural power of a man is exhausted by artificial pressure, Its excessive use produces impotence.  - Evidence of RAM KRISHNA RAO, Brahmin, Extra Assistant Commissioner, Bhandara.

49. Excessive use of ganja for a long time, without nourishing food, would produce impotence. - Evidence of T. GOONDIAH, Tahsildar, Janjgir, Bilaspur District.

49. No. Prostitutes occasionally use it. I think it must be injurious. It does not produce impotence. 50. Excess of anything is bad.  - Evidence of VINAYAK BALKRISHNA. KHARE, Brahmin, Excise Daroga, Nagpur.

49. The persons who consume the charas and hemp moderately, generally say that it delays the discharge of semen. The dancing girls do not use ganja. The dancing girls of Oudh smoke charas. It is not used in these provinces. The use of ganja and charas is injurious when it is used excessively. It produces much heat and cough which afterwards turns to asthma. The excessive use of ganja makes a man impotent if he does not get good nourishing food. 50. It is injurious to smoke charas and hemp excessively. Such a person is attacked by cough and asthma and his sense is rendered defective, and afterwards, in course of time, he becomes mad.  - Evidence of ANANDI PERSHAD, Excise Daroga, Hoshangabad.

49. The only form used for this purpose that I know of is " módak. " This consists of ganja mixed with massalas, i.e., spices and medicines. This is not so injurious as plain ganja. It is used for an aphrodisiac, and also as a medicine for rheumatism and other diseases. There are many kinds of " módak. " Prostitutes sometimes use it. 50. Excessive use of ganja only tends to produce impotence. Módalt is not used much to excess.  - Evidence of BRIJMOHUN PATNAIK, Mahanti, Treasurer, Sambalpur.

49. I am not aware that ganja is used as an aphrodisiac, nor that it tends to produce impotence.  - Evidence of UMA CHURN MUKERJEE, Brahmin, Government Clerk, Jabalpur.

49. Yes, bhang  is    taken   as   an  aphrodisiac. Yes, it is used by prostitutes. No, it is not more injurious than when taken as an ordinary narcotic. No the moderate use of hemp does not tend to produce impotency. Question 49. [oral evidence] —Two Forest Rangers told me that bhang was used as an aphrodisiac. A chaprassigave me the same information. - Evidence of MR. A. E. LOWRIE, Officiating Deputy Conservator of Forests, Chanda

49. It is an aphrodisiac. Is not used by prostitutes. I do not think it tends to produce impotence. If it is a fact that it is an aphrodisiac and used as such, the excessive venery would produce impotence. Majum in Nagpur is prepared as follows: —
One part ghee, 8 parts of ganja (flowers), and 40 parts of water. The ganja and ghee are mixed with water and heated gently for a few hours. It is then put into a thick cloth and forcibly pressed through. The strained fluid is then mixed with sugar.
Kaishree majum is the same mixed with saffron. The residue in the cloth is pounded and mixed with gram flour and is called " fakee,"  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR H. K. MCKAY, Civil Surgeon, Nagpur.

49. One and all say that it has no aphrodisiac effect whatever, and this question may be taken as settled. Prostitutes use the drug, not for its aphrodisiac effect, but rather to blunt their sensation and render them oblivious of their profession. I have seen strong healthy children born of habitual excessive ganja smokers after the period when they commenced the habit. This disproves the assertion that impotence results therefrom. 50. The answer to question 49 also replies to this. Question 49. [oral evidence] — Your opinion that the drugs are not taken as aphrodisiacs is not in accord with the general information? Answer.—The consumers inform me that the drugs are not aphrodisiac. This is contrary to the evidence of the book. Question.—You have not sought the opinions of others than the consumers on this point? Answer.— No.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR W. A. QUAYLE, Civil Surgeon, Nimar.

49. In moderate doses it acts as an aphrodisiac, and I have known it to be used for that purpose, and have been informed that prostitutes in parts of India give it for that purpose, and have known it to be given to soldiers of European regiments— see case No. 6 in answer to question 45. 50. To the persons who are excessive consumers, it certainly weakens the muscular powers and intellect. Most of these men become emaciated and of impaired intellect, and have little or no amorous desires. Many are impotent.  - Evidence of HONY. SURGEON-MAJOR J. E. HARRISON, Retired List, and Civil Surgeon, Kalahundi

49. Not largely used as an aphrodisiac, for which purpose it is considered weaker than liquor or opium. Prostitutes appear to use it, not as an aphrodisiac, but as an alleviator of muscular fatigue, and to give them endurance at special times. I have never heard that the moderate use of hemp caused impotence. 50. Not used as an aphrodisiac. Not used by prostitutes. Said not to cause impotence. Question 49. [oral evidence] — On the subject of ganja as an aphrodisiac, I made enquiries from a large number of ganja smokers, and particularly from one man in the Bhandara Jail, who was connected with prostitutes. My conclusion is that ganja may have a slight effect, that bhang and its preparations have none. Question 50.—I do not believe that bairagis and fakirs take the drugs to allay their passions, but the reverse. - Evidence of APOTHECARY J. PRENTIE, Civil Surgeon, Bhandara.

49. Occasional moderate use of ganja and bhang is practised for aphrodisiac purposes and does not result in any injury. Moderate habitual use of both is said to produce impotency, but no facts bearing on the point have been elicited. 50. Excessive use of ganja and bhang produce impotence and often complete inability for sexual intercourse. This is stated by many fakirs and a few laymen, but all of an advanced age, well past the prime of life. - Evidence of APOTHECARY GEORGE MURPHY , Civil Surgeon, Mandla.

49. Yes, it is indeed often used as an aphrodisiac. I do not know whether it is used by prostitutes. I do not think that the use for this purpose is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. The long continued use of hemp has almost a sure tendency to produce impotence, as an after-effect. 50. There is no material difference.  - Evidence of DOORGA DAS SEN, Baidya, Assistant Surgeon, Warora.

49. Yes ; its moderate use is practised as an aphrodisiac. As far as I know, it is never used so by prostitutes. There may be very rare cases, say, about 10 per mille. In reality the use of the drug as an aphrodisiac is more injurious than as an ordinary narcotic. The grounds in support are:—( a) It generally lessens secretions, and so it may have the like effect on seminal fluid. (b) When the seminal fluid is less secreted, it is possible that the sexual excitement may more or less be affected. The excitement, I think, is directly proportional to the secretion of the seminal fluid. (c) Ultimately the man is likely to become impotent. 50. See reply to question 49. - Evidence of MUHAMMAD HABIBULLA, 1st grade Hospital Assistant, Seoni

49. Yes, the moderate use of all these drugs is practised as an aphrodisiac. Yes, it is so used by prostitutes. Those who are habitually given to the use of these drugs, get no injury by using them for this purpose, but those who are not habitually given to their use, get injury on their lungs and hearts. By excessive use the hemp tends to produce impotence.  - Evidence of MIR ZAMIN ALI, Pensioned Hospital Assistant, Jabalpur.

49. It is never used as a provocative to venery, not even by prostitutes. It does not produce impotence. 50. Not even so when taken in excessive quantities.  - Evidence of GANGADHARRAO MADHO CHITNAVIS , Honorary Magistrate, Nagpur.

49 and 50. The excessive use of ganja if long continued leads to impotence. It is not used as an aphrodisiac in the same way that opium or madak is.  - Evidence* of MIR IMDAD ALI, Honorary Magistrate, Damoh.

49. Ganja and bhang in moderate quantities are used as aphrodisiacs occasionally. It is so used by prostitutes. The use for this purpose is not more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. All three drugs in excess produce impotence, and charas in small quantities also does.  - Evidence of SETH BACHRAJ, Honorary Magistrate, Wardha.

49. The use of hemp does not tend to produce impotence. 50. Several persons use 1/2 a seer of bhang, 1/4 seer of ganja and charas, yet they do not lose their senses.  - Evidence of MODAN MOHAN SETH, Honorary Magistrate, Jubbulpore

49. Yes, in the case of bhang, not ganja. Prostitutes do not use it for this. There is no difference in the subsequent effects when used for this purpose. They do not produce impotence by themselves, but bhang may be the cause of excessive sexual intercourse, which will lead to impotence.  - Evidence of KAPUR CHAND, Honorary Magistrate and Gumasta, Raipur.

9. Yes; they are both used for this purpose. I do not think prostitutes use them for this pur -pose, though they do use them. Their use in this way is injurious. It tends to produce impotence. 50. The same applies to the excessive use of these drugs.  - Evidence of RAGHOBA MAHADIK, Malguzar and Honorary Magistrate, Rajim.

49. Ganja and pati are used as medicine with the object of exciting the desire for sexual intercourse. They are also used by prostitutes with the same object. The use of an additional quantity by a person whilst being ordinarily intoxicated causes the person using it to be out of his senses. The excessive use of ganja may weaken the body. 50.The excessive use of all these drugs injures the body.   - Evidence of HARI HAR SINGH, Zamindar and Honorary Magistrate, Sambalpur District

49. I never heard of the drugs being used as an aphrodisiac. The sadhus use it to check their passions. It does not produce impotence. - Evidence of DIWAN PREM SINGH, Zamindar, Bilaspur District.

49. Prostitutes do use ganja. - . Evidence of LALL UMED SINGH, Zamindar, Bilaspur District.

49. Some prostitutes are addicted to smoke ganja. - Evidence * of PANDIT NARAYAN RAO GOBIND, Brahmin, Zamindar, Hurda.

49. Ganja is often smoked by young men as an aphrodisiac, and they feel benefit from it for about a week, but after that they are worse off than if they had not taken it, and ultimately become impotent. Prostitutes sometimes take it for a similar reason. 50. Bhang is not taken for the above-mentioned reason.  - Evidence of CHANDI PERSHAD, Brahmin, Malguzar, and President, Municipal Committee, Chanda.

49. Yes, it is so used by prostitutes, but in rare cases. I hear of no cases in which use of hemp produces any impotence. 50. Excessive use is not practised as an aphro -disiac, either by males or prostitutes, nor is it known to have produced impotence.  - Evidence of RAO SAHIB BALWANTRAO GOVINDRAO BHUSKUTE, Brahmin, Jagirdar of Timborni, Barhanpar, Nimar District.

49. A preparation of ganja called "modak" is used for this purpose. I do not know if prostitutes so use it. "Modak" is not so injurious as ordinary ganja. It is a mixture of some 50 or 60 medicines. It tends to produce impotence. "Modak" is the only form of hemp I know of used for this purpose. 50. It is not used to excess much. The excessive use of it produces impotence. I have heard this.  - Evidence * of DAMODHAR DASS, Brahmin, Mafidar, Bargarh, Sambalpur District.

49. (a) Yes, it is so used. (b) Yes, sometimes. (d) Ganja smoking is said to eventually pro -duce impotence. 50. Excessive ganja smoking accounts for most of the Hindu sadhus leading such hard and celi -bate lives.  - Evidence of the REV. I. JACOB, Church of England Missionary, Chairman, District Council, etc., Chanda

49 and 50. I know it is an aphrodisiac; but I do not know if it is used for that purpose, having had no experience in this matter.  - Evidence of the REV. O. LOHR,* Medical Missionary, Bisrampur, Raipur District.

49. There are two theories about the use of the drug for this purpose: one is that devotees use it for the purpose of destroying their sexual desire and they therefore begin to smoke or drink it from the very early morning before they had had a morsel of food. The debauches uses it a little before the requisite time. Both these classes are obliged to carry it to excess, as it has not the desired effect when used in normal doses after a time, and whilst the former succeed in attaining their object, the latter is soon played out and becomes irrecoverably impotent. The reason why the devotee is able to achieve his object need not be told, and the reason why the chartered libertine collapses is due entirely to the excessive use of the drug which can help him only for a time to excessive venereal indulgence. The drug is also used by the prostitutes, but not for the purpose of sexual pleasure, but just the reverse: their object is the same as that of the devotees and to stop procreation. 50. The answer to the last question is the answer to this. I am simply touching on the subject of ganja and bhang and not charas. - Evidence of ADHAR SINGH GOUR, Kshattri, Barrister-at-law, Hoshangabad.

49. Yes, especially by a few prostitutes - Evidence of MR. TARA DASS BANERJI, President, District Council, Raipur.

49. I have seen some men use bhang as an aphrodisiac. Yes, to the last question. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR D. N. PARAKH, Parsi, Surgeon to the Gocul Dass Tejpal Hospital, Malabar Hill, Bombay.

49. Yes; charas-smoking has the effect of increasing the sexual appetite, and is used for producing this effect. The habitual use of the drug as an aphrodisiac is believed to produce impotence. Hindus are said generally to use bhang as a drink in small doses for producing the effect as an aphrodisiac. 50. It is not used for this purpose in excessive doses.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR H. W. B. BOYD, Superintend nt, Colaba Lunatic Asylum, Bombay

49. The moderate use of bhang or ganja is practised as an aphrodisiac, and said to be used by some prostitutes for this purpose. The use as an aphrodisiac is more injurious than that as an ordinary narcotic, as it may induce to sexual excesses. It does not produce impotence. 50. The excessive use of these drugs may lead to impotence.  - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL W. MCCONAGHY, Civil Surgeon, and Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum, Poona.

49. I have not been able to obtain information of their being so used or of their producing impotence. 50. I have not been able to obtain information of any cases in which the drugs were said to be so used.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR D. C. DAVIDSON, Acting Civil Surgeon, and Superintendent of the Jail and Lunatic Asylum, Dharwar.

49. It is not used as an aphrodisiac so far as I know. The use of hemp does not tend to produce impotence so far as I know. 50. Excessive ganja smokers mostly show that they do net care for sexual intercourse, but their sexual power is not totally lost, as my answer to question 48 will show. - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR K. R. KIRTIKAR, Civil Surgeon, Thana, and Medical Officer, Thana Depot and District Jail.

49. I think so. Well-to-do and comparatively young patients, who have consulted me evidently with a view to obtaining a prescription for an aphrodisiac tonic, have in the course of examination volunteered the statement that they smoked ganja, and appeared to blame that habit for their sexual weakness.  - Evidence of SURGEON-COLONEL D. E. HUGHES, Principal Medical Officer, Bombay, Deesa and Aden Districts, Bombay.

49. It is said that a moderate use of bhang is made as an aphrodisiac by prostitutes. Excessive and constant use of hemp has a tendency to produce impotence. 50. Excessive use of these articles, especially of ganja, is prejudicial to health. It destroys appetite instead of stimulating it. It undermines the vital powers of the system, ands lastly it leads to insanity.  Question 49. [oral evidence] — People have told me that they themselves have used bhang as an aphrodisiac. There are other aphrodisiacs easily available to the people, but bhang is the only cheap one. - Evidence of KHAN BAHADUR DOSSABROY PESTONJEE, Parsi, Assistant Surgeon, Parakh Dispensary, Surat, and Honorary Assistant Surgeon to His Excellency the Viceroy.

 49. Both bhang and ganja are used for aphrodisiac purposes, but the use for the purpose is always in moderation. Both delay seminal emission during sexual intercourse. I have heard that it is used by prostitutes for the purpose of excitement. Its narcotic use is, and ought to be, more injurious, as the quantity required for this effect is more than that required for producing aphrodisiac effects, and also because, when taken for aphrodisiac purposes, it is generally taken mixed with other stimulating substances, such as musk, saffron, sugar, etc., etc., which counteracts its depressing effects. But there is another feature which must not be lost sight of, and that is when taken as an aphrodisiac, it is naturally followed by sexual intercourse, and there is every probability of its leading to excesses, which may thus indirectly weaken the constitution more than it would do when used simply for narcotic purpose. Even when taken as narcotic in moderate doses it will produce its effects on sexual organs, but the mind of the consumer, in this case being not inclined towards intercourse, he will not go to excesses, and then the evil effects of excesses will not result. The chief characteristic of hemp drugs is that the existing particular tendency is intensified and strengthened by their use, and his train of thoughts after indulgence runs in the same direction. Thus a man of religious turn of mind becomes more enthusiastic in religious matters by using hemp drugs. People of immoral tendency are likely to hanker after females, and so on. 50. Excessive use of these drugs, as a rule, produces impotence, and even if he is inclined to sexual intercourse, he is physically unfit to gratify his desire. People accustomed to take excessive doses do not feel so much impotence as a beginner would feel when he takes it in excessive dose. -  Evidence of RAO BAHADUR THAKORDAS KIKABHAI, Bania, Assistant Surgeon, Wadhwan Civil Station, Kathiawar.

49. In moderate dose it is an aphrodisiac. Prostitutes here do not use. It stands in the same way for the above purpose as any other narcotic. If this drug is persisted in excess, it causes impotence. 50. In excessive doses it induces impotency, hence religious bairagis, fakirs, use it.  - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON ABDUL GHANI, Hakim, in charge of Gadag Dispensary, Gadag, Dharwar District.

49. After a careful enquiry I could not find that any of these drugs are habitually used as aphrodisiacs. I do not know if these remedies are used by prostitutes for a similar purpose. I have not come across cases of impotence which could be distinctly traced to the habitual use of ganja smoking, or of any of its allied products. - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON B. H. NANAVATTY, Parsi, and Teacher of Surgery and Midwifery, Medical School, Ahmedabad

49. It is practised as an aphrodisiac. It is so used by prostitutes. As far as I know its use for this purpose is not more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. I do not think that its moderate use tends to produce impotence. 50. The excessive use of these drugs is generally not practised as an aphrodisiac. It serves as an antaphrodisiac. For this reason it is used by jogis and others wishing to curtail their sexual desires, but not by prostitutes. It tends to produce impotence.  - Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT BHAU SACCARAM, Brahmin, Raipur Dispensary, Ahmedabad.

49. I have known people to make use of these drugs to increase sexual powers ; but, as far as I am aware of, it is used by males only. People who resort to these drugs are generally in a weak state of health engendered by loose habits and excesses, and amongst such people even moderate use of such drugs produces injurious effects. I am not aware of the use of hemp producing impotence as a direct cause. 50. Excessive use of any of these drugs produces more disastrous results, in that the people who indulge in excess are always found in a state of moral weakness and thus become predisposed to organic diseases.  - Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT RAJANA LOKAJEE, Máli Telgu, Thana.

49. These drugs are used as an aphrodisiac, but I do not know whether prostitutes are using with the same intention.  - Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT JAMIATRAM JEYASHUNKER, Nagar Brahmin, West Hospital, Rajkot, Kattiawar.

49. It is occasionally practised as an aphrodisiac by the male sex specially ; and also it is seldom used by prostitutes ; but I am informed that it is given as a sweetmeat by prostitutes to their paramours and vice versá. Yes ; I think the use for this purpose is more injurious than the use of ordinary narcotic, because there is more exhaustion of the muscular power and nerve centres during the act of sexual intercourse. Yes, it does tend to produce partial impotence indirectly. 50. It is never practised as an aphrodisiac in excessive use and nor used by prostitutes also, and it is much more injurious than other narcotic, as the consumer could not control on his body, the nerve centres getting paralysed, intoxication, furiously delirious and sometimes tingling and numbness of the whole body, and in severe cases general anæsthesia.. It would produce general impotence.  - Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT SUDASHIO WAMON, Brahmin, Mansa, Mahikantha

49. Yes; they are used in combination with other substances for aphrodisiac purpcses. Do not know about prostitutes. Yes ; it has an invariable tendency to produce impotence after long continued use. 50. Its excessive use acts in its first stage of commencement as an aphrodisiac ; but in a few days, besides causing impotence sooner, it knocks down the general health. - Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT PHIROZSILAW D. COOPER, Parsi, in charge Dispensary, Ilao.

49 and 50. Moderate use of these drugs is practised an as aphrodisiac. By few prostitutes it is used for this purpose. The use for this purpose is injurious when these drugs are used largely and continuously for long time. The excessive and protracted use of hemp tends to produce impotency.  - Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT SHAIK SURFRAZ HAKIM, Nasik.

49. It is used as an aphrodisiac ; but I have no information to answer on other points. 50. As stated in column 49.  - Evidence of HOSPITAL ASSISTANT PURSON SINGH CHATTRY, Sholapur.

49. Yes, all these are used for aphrodisiac purposes, but more especially the conserves of bhang, as majum, etc., are so used. Also by prostitutes. Thus used it is more injurious than as an ordinary narcotic, simply because it always leads to conjugal excess and thus drains the system and is also a cause of impotence brought on by the excess. 50. The same remarks apply to the excessive use with greater force. - Evidence of GANESH KRISHNA GARDE, * Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Poona City.

49. Yes ; Garcia d'Orta also mentions. it, but does not believe in its efficacy. It is a false notion. I have heard of its producing impotence, but probably it was not the sole cause. 50. I have heard that the excessive use produces impotence, but have not observed any typical case.  - Evidence of J. GERSON DA. CUNHA, Medical Practitioner, Esplanade, Bombay.

49. Bhang is used as an aphrodisiac, and forms a constituent of what is called majum. - Evidence of EDALJI NASHIRVANJI, Parsi, Medical Practitioner, Bombay.

9.I believe the moderate use of the drugs is practised as an aphrodisiac. I am not aware of their use by prostitutes, The moderate use of any of the hemp drugs does not, so far as I am aware, produce any impotence. 50. The excessive use of these drugs does tend to produce impotence.  - Evidence of BHALCHANDRA KRISHNA BHATAVADEKAR, Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Bombay.

49. Bhang, majum and subji are used as aphrodisiacs. I think it is more injurious than when used as narcotic, because it leads to excessive sexual indulgences, premature decay and death. Ganja produces impotence.  - Evidence of ISMAIL JAN MOHOMED, Khoja, Physician, Bombay.

49. The use of hemp tends to produce impotence. - Evidence of ARDESIR DADABHOY MODY, Parsi, J.P., Member, Municipal Corporation, Medical Practitioner, Bombay

49. Bhang is used in moderation as an aphrodisiac. When it is used for the said purpose it is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. Bhang, for the above purpose, is administered along with other ingredients. There is one treatise called Wajikarana which treats of preserving potency, and in which the use of bhang has been mentioned as an aphrodisiac. 50.Bhang is not used in excess as au aphrodisiac. - Evidence of UTTAMRAM JEEWANRAM, ITCHAPOORIA, Audesh, Brahmin, Native Doctor (Vaidya), Bombay and Surat.

49. Every narcotic is aphrodisiac, and I know these drugs are sometimes used for that purpose. 50. If these drugs are taken in excess as an aphrodisiac, they injure the constitution.  - Evidence of KESHOWRAM HARIDAT, Chcepooria, Audesh Brahmin, Native Doctor (Vaidya) , Render, Surat and Bombay.

49 and 50. They are used as an aphrodisiac. I do not know if prostitutes use them for this purpose. If so used they would be injurious. Excessive use of these drugs as an aphrodisiac would cause impotence.  - Evidence of MR. PURBHURAM JEEWANRAM, Nagar Brahmin, Native Doctor (Vaidya), Bombay

49. Yes; it is used as an aphrodisiac by males. Prostitutes do not use the drug for that purpose. The use for this purpose is more injurious than mere narcotic. When used as aphrodisiac for long time it produces impotence. 50. The excessive use of these drugs is not practised as an aphrodisiac. Excessive smoking of ganja or charas does produce impotence in the long run. - Evidence of RAMCHANDRA KRISHNA. KOTIIAVALE, Brahmin, Inamdur, Taluka Wai, in Satara District.

49. As has been more than once incidentally stated in answers to some previous questions, the effect of ganja and charm tends to produce impotence; and greater the use, the greater the tendency to that end. Bhang strengthens the virile powers and makes the consumers disposed to it. - Evidence of DESAIBHAI KALIDAS, Brahmin (Khedaval), Government Pleader and Public Prosecutor, Kaira.

49. Yes ; ganja and bhang are prescribed by native hakims and quacks as an aphrodisiac with other medicines. It is said to be used by prostitutes not exactly as an aphrodisiac ; but it is given to young girls to prevent pain in the first coition. Not more injurious. Does not produce impotency.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR HUCHRAO ACHUT HARIHAR, Deshast Brahmin, Pleader, District Court, Belgaum

49. The moderate use of any of these drugs is not practised as an aphrodisiac. Prostitutes do not use it for that purpose. The use of these drugs for this purpose is not more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. The use of hemp does not tend to produce impotence. 50. The excessive use of any of these drugs is not beneficial to health. It is a danger to one's occupation. The habitual excessive consumer is always in the state of intoxication, and consequently unable to follow his ordinary pursuits.  - Evidence of NARO DHAKADEO, Brahmin, Pleader, Jalgaon, District Khandesh.

49. It is said that the drug is sometimes used as an aphrodisiac. I have not much faith in the assertion. A drug which, if moderately used, sharpens appetite and gives tone to one's health. But the drug has been a favourite with the class of people like bairagis and fakirs, whose object is the very reverse of vice. In these days, at least when every vernacular newspaper mentions about half a dozen patent medicines which are specially termed aphrodisiacs, I do not think the demand for this drug, for that purpose, exists on this side. There may be a few prostitutes using the drug, but I do not know of any such case. It is believed that the ultimate effect of long use of the drug in immoderate quantities is impotency. - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR VISHWANATH KESHAWA JOGLEKAR, Brahmin, Sowkar, Karajgi in Dharwar District.

49 and 50. I do not know; but Persian medical books, mentioned in paragraph 40, recommend use of bhang and majum (bhang sweetmeat) for excitement of passion and sexual intercourse.  - Evidence of NANNU MIAN B.SHAIKH, Municipal Secretary, Surat.

49. See under question 41. I know nothing about its use by prostitutes. So far as I have known, a moderate use of hemp for a short time to stimulate sexual desire is not at all injurious. I have known no case of impotence produced by hemp. 50. Exccessive use of hemp may give rise to impotence as the consequence of constipation, which is its immediate effect.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR VENKAT RANGO KATTI, Pensioner, Dharwar.

49. The moderate use is not practised as an aphrodisiac. A very few prostitutes only use the drugs, such as Toded Raji, aged 35, Musalman ; Tari, aged 30, Maratha. The use of these drugs is not more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. The moderate use of hemp does not tend to produce impotence. 50. By excessive use the blood burns and strength fails. It is not used excessively by prostitutes. It is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic, such as loss of appetite, weakness of digestive power and impotence.  - Evidence of GURAPPA RACHAPPA, Lengayet, Office of Shetti (Revenue and Police), Dharwar.

49. I have heard that some people smoke ganja as an aphrodisiac. It is said when the drug is used for this purpose it must be used in conjunction with good food. I do not know that prostitutes use hemp drugs as an aphrodisiac. In moderation and with good food the use of a hemp drug does not tend to produce impotence.  -  Evidence of LALDAS LAXMONJI, Kshatriya, Solicitor's Clerk, Bombay.

49. It is not used in moderation as an aphrodisiac. 50. But it is used in excess for the above purpose by people of all kinds and prostitutes and it tends to enfeeble the system, even if it does not directly produce impotency, as the excessive use of charas and ganja are said to.  - Evidence of MR. R. GILES, Collector, Shikarpur.

49. The lower classes of prostitutes are addicted to bhang. Ganja and charas are supposed to act at first as an aphrodisiac, but their continued Use is said to inevitably cause impotence. 50. Vide above.  - Evidence of Mr. C. E. S. STAFFORD STEELE, Officiating Deputy Commissioner, Thar and Parkar District.

49. The moderate habitual use of any of these drugs is not practised as an aphrodisiac by males or prostitutes, as its habitual use does not excite the sexual powers. It is the occasional moderate use of bhang which is used as an aphrodisiac in its watery form both by males and females. But male persons who wish to enjoy the pleasure of sexual intercourse use bhang in its preparations of majums. Bhang and majums are used also for the cure of spermatorrhœa, and checking speedy emission in sexual intercourse. Charas has no such effects. The moderate occasional use of bhang and majums is not injurious for these purposes, and does not tend to produce impotence. Even their moderate habitual use does not produce impotence, although it weakens the sexual powers. 50. The excessive occasional use of bhang and majums is also practised for the purposes stated in paragraph 49, and is not more injurious than the use of bhang as an ordinary narcotic. But the habitual use of any of these drugs, viz., bhang and charas, is certainly injurious, but drugs, does not produce complete impotence except in persons of weak and sickly constitutions and indifferent health, and who are not in affluent circumstances to get substantial things for their food. - Evidence of S. SADIK ALI SHERALI, Deputy Collector and First Class Magistrate, Frontier District of Upper Sind.

49. It is used as an aphrodisiac. The use is a temporary gratification The ultimate result is that it weakens the power of copulation, i.e., it u impairs manly power. It is used by prostitutes also. 50. I have given replies in question 46. - Evidence of RAHMATALA KHAN, Police Inspector, Shikarpur.

49. Bhang alone is used as an aphrodisiac. Prostitutes use it so. The use of the drug for this purpose and its use as an ordinary narcotic produce the same intoxicating effects and do not differ. It does not produce impotence. 50. The same as under 49. - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR LAKSHMANSING MATTHRAJI , Police Inspector, Hyderabad, Sind

49. Yes, by men. Yes, in the course of a short time. - Evidence of MR. GEO. JUDD, Head Preventive Officer, Karachi.

49. Yes. Some use bhang as an aphrodisiac. Prostitutes also use it for this purpose. The use of ganja and charas tend to produce impotence bhang does not.  - Evidence of RAO BAHADUR ALUMAL TRIKAMDAS BHOJWANI, Deputy Educational Inspector, Karachi.

49. Yes ; I do not think that many Sindhis (not mawali) use this drug to the degree of intoxication with this view. I am constantly being asked by Sindhis for strengthening medicine; and I have known Sindhis come long distances with the view of obtaining medicine to rejuvenate their sexual energies. The inference is that if bhang, ganja and charas were used moderately for this purpose, there is no general belief in its efficacy. I have answered the latter question in discussing question No. 46. There is no reliable data ; there is only the popular idea, and that is, that it makes one impotent. 50. Bhang is used by men as it is supposed to have an aphrodisiac tendency, believing that it both excites and prolongs the act. Ganja and charas, on the other hand, is believed to excite, but to shorten the act. But this is only the popular idea. There is to my knowledge no scientific data on this subject. - Evidence of BRIGADE-SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL J. F. KEITH, Superintencl. ent, Lunatic Asylum, Hyderabad, Sind.

49. Prostitutes are said to use all three of these drugs in proportion to the extent to which they have sunk in depravity. Used by prostitutes for inciting pleasurable sensations. Charas is the only one of these drugs said to cause impotence. -  Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR W. A. CORKERY, Civil Surgeon, Sukkur.

49. Subzi for aphrodisiacal purposes is taken in form of a sweetmeat called majum, prepared with milk, ghee, sugar, reduced copper, silver, gold, and musk, nux vomica and opium. Not known to be so used by prostitutes. 50. Excessive use of hemp is said to lead to dropsy. -  Evidence of Assistant Surgeon, EDWARD MACKENZIE, Manora, Karachi, Sind.

49. No, but prostitutes use it largely as a stimulant, with the object, it is said, of being able to bear the strain of their nefarious practice. Hemp, no matter in what form, used in moderation, does not tend to produce impotence. The history of many of my cases helps me to entertain this opinion. In some of my cases, more children had been born, within a given period, after than before the time the father had taken to bhangdrinking. 50. Yes, by those in advanced age, generally, and by the young of dissipated habits. In the form of majum, the native doctor prescribes it for this purpose. Prostitutes use bhang only, but not ganja or charas, and then only in the day to procure sleep. Yes, more injurious, because, with the general breaking down of the constitution, impotence may follow, and possibly insanity, or at least a mental weakness bordering on insanity. Not directly; in a few of my cases where impotence had occurred, the lowering of the general health from venereal excesses seemed primarily at fault. - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon, J. E. BOCARRO, Lecturer, Medical School, Hyderabad (Sind).

49. Yes; bhang is used as an aphrodisiac. It is so used by prostitutes also. I cannot say if its use in this way is more or less injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. Charas or ganja do not appear to be used as aphrodisiacs. 50. Bhang is used excessively also as an aphro -disiac. It is so used bysome prostitutes. Its use in this way is more injurious than its use as a narcotic, as it causes nervous exhaustion. Also it leads to impotence and sterility - Evidence of Assistant Surgeon, MULCHAND GANGARAM, in charge Larkana Dispensary.

49. The moderate use of any of these drugs is practised as an aphrodisiac and by prostitutes also, and it is not more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. No. 50. The excessive use of any of these drugs is practised as a great aphrodisiac by prostitutes, but its use for this purpose is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic, since it causes nervous exhaustion, mental derangement and impotence.  - Evidence of ELIJAH BENJAMIN, Jew, First Class Hospital Assistant, Shikarpur.

49. Bhang is used by the hakims as such. It is seldom used by prostitutes. 50. Unknown.  -  Evidence of SHAIK ALI, First Class Hospital Assistant, Jacobabad

49. Hemp drugs are used for their aphrodisiac properties. Prostitutes also use them for this reason. Often the drugs are indulged in because they prolong sexual coitus. The strain upon the nervous system is sure to increase the evil effects of the drugs. I cannot say that the moderate use of hemp drugs tends to produce impotence. 50. Habitual excessive use tends to produce impotence.  - Evidence of DR. S. M. KAKA, Medical Officer of Health, Karachi

49. I have no experience. Prostitutes do use it. It is commonly known that excessive use of it for that purpose ends by destroying manly power. 50. I cannot obtain any information.  - Evidence of MAKHDUM DOST MOHAMMED MAKHDUM FAZUL MOHAMMED, Zamindar, Bubak, Karachi.

49. Bhang is used as an aphrodisiac. It gives prolonged pleasure during copulation; similarly charas and ganja are used, but their effects are not prolonged, and after a short time they impair manly power. Prostitutes do use it. The use of bhang does not tend to produce impotence. 50. Excessive use of bhang produces impotency, and excessive use of these drugs prevents all those benefits which ordinarily result from their moderate use.  - Evidence of SETH VISHINDAS NIHALCHAND, Zamindar, Merchant, and Contractor, Manjoo, Karachi.

49. The sweetmeat majum in which bhang is mixed is eaten by some as an aphrodisiac. I questioned a native doctor and others on this subject, and I gather that prostitutes use bhang for this purpose. An English official of high standing and long service in Sind told me that he is quite convinced that the use of these drugs makes the increase of population less rapid than it otherwise would be. 50. From native sources I gather that the excessive use of any of these drugs does produce impotence.  - Evidence of the REV. A. E. BALL, Missionary, Church Missionary Society, Karachi.

49. Yes, these drugs are used as an aphrodisiac. Prostitutes do use them as such. The use of the drugs for this purpose is undoubtedly more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic. Reasons.—It would bring on debility and laziness, and the moderate habit would develop into the excessive, and the manly powers would be impaired. The excessive use of hemp drug tends to produce impotence. 50. Answer to this question is given above.  - Evidence of MAHOMED LAIK, Mukhtarkar of Hyderabad.

49. In regard to charas and ganja only, (a) and (b) Yes. (c) Yes ; it produces more weakness. (d) No. 50. (a) , (b) and (c) Yes. (d) Yes ; it enfeebles the system.  - Evidence of PRIBHDAS SHEWAKRAM ADVANI Secretary, Band of Hope, Hyderabad, Sind.

49. Yes. Some use bhang as an aphrodisiac. Prostitutes also use it for the above purpose. Charas and ganja produce impotence, but bhang does not. 50. The excessive use of all the three drugs is very injurious. See question 45.  - Evidence of TIRITHDAS HASRAJMAL, Member of the firm of Denmal Sachanond, Karachi.

49. Yes, bhang is, but not charas or ganja. Yes, prostitutes do so use bhang. The use of bhang
(2) On account of the above high rates, the habitual consumers, in order to purchase their usual quantities, are often led to commit thefts and pickpocketing, etc. (3) The drugs are illicitly imported from other parts. (4) Bhang is illicitly cultivated. (5) The farmer pays no allowance to retail sellers for selling the drugs, and these retail sellers who depend on the selling business for their livelihood, must necessarily sell them at still higher rate, for which they murmur. (6) A very large portion of the farm money comes from the pockets of the retail purchasers who mostly are poor and straightforward and true men. But rich, mischievous and unprincipled persons get these from the central depot of the monopolist at a very low rate, for lie is afraid of them. (8) The monopolist gives many troubles to the poor retail sellers. The whole profit of the farm goes into the coffers oil the monopolist and the working men, i.e., the retail sellers, get no share. (10) One farmer cannot manage the whole district, though lie employs many agents. (11) Consequently complaints of the insufficiency of the stock in particular shops are often made by district officers. (12) At the close of the year, the old. farmer sells all the drugs a little higher than their for this purpose is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic, for its constant use as an aphrodisiac will bring on debility. The moderate use of hemp does not tend to produce impotence. 50. The answer given in 49 holds good, but the excessive use will prove more injurious.  - Evidence of PESUMAL .NARUMAL, Farmer and Merchant, Hyderabad

49. Yes ; many use it as an aphrodisiac. Yes ; prostitutes also so use it. The use of bhang does not produce impotence but ganja and charas produce impotence and debility in old age. - Evidence of MANGHANMAL ALUMAL, Bhang, Ganja and Charas, and Opium farmer, Karachi.

49. Yes ; prostitutes use it so.  Its use for this purpose is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic, for it would produce weakness and debility. The use of hemp does not produce impotence. 50. The excessive use of the drugs is injurious.  - Evidence of DAYARAM KISHUNCHAND, Bhang, Charas and Ganja, and Opium Farmer, .Hyderabad

49. These drugs are used as aphrodisiac. Prostitutes use them so. The excessive use of bhang produces impotence after a long time. 50. Answers are given, under No. 46.  - Evidence of DIN MAHOMED, Contractor, Shikarpur.

49. Moderate use of bhang is practised by males as an aphrodisiac. Prostitutes do not use bhang as an aphrodisiac, but smoke ganja as a vocal stimulant. It is more injurious when taken as an aphrodisiac because it taxes the sexual organs more than under ordinary circumstances. Moderate use does not produce impotence. 50. Excessive use of ganja is practised by gosains, fakirs, etc., as an aphrodisiac and to avoid cold and fatigue, etc. It tends to produce impotence.  - Evidence of C. SHAM RAO, Attachè to the Resident at Hyderabad, now at Pusad, Basim District.

49 and 50. Yes, it produces impotence after a long time. - Evidence of MR. J. C. WATCHA, Excise Inspector, Ellichpur.

49. Some people use any of these drugs as an aphrodisiac. It is also used by prostitutes. The use for this purpose is injurious. Reliable information on this cannot be supplied. 50. It is said that the excessive use of any of these drugs brings on impotency.  - Evidence of WAMAN GANESH, Tahsildar, Wun.

49 and 50. There is a tendency in the case of any of these drugs for the moderate habit to develop into the excessive.  - Evidence of VICKOOJI NARAIN, Tahsildar, Kathapur.

49. The moderate use of ganja and bhang is practised as an aphrodisiac. They are used by prostitutes. The use for this purpose is more injurious than the use as narcotic, as they give much stimulus to the nervous system. The use of hemp tends to produce impotence in the long run. 50. By the excessive use the effects are brought about earlier. - Evidence of LAXMAN GOPAL DESHPANDE, Brahmin, Naib Tahsildar, Mangrul Taluk, District Basim

49. Sometimes these drugs are used as an aphrodisiac, also by prostitutes. They are not more injurious, when used for this propose, than as an ordinary narcotic. The use of hemp does not produce impotency. 50. All injurious, but smoking ganja more so than bhang, and is liable to produce insanity.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR C. L. SWAINE, Officiating Sanitary Commissioner, and Inspector- General of Dispensaries.

49 and 50. No, and is not used in this way by prostitutes. Impotence sometimes results in the case of excessive smoking.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR R. B. ROE, Civil Surgeon, Amraoti.

49. No ; I am told that the use of ganja and bhang tends to an opposite condition of things. - Evidence of SURGEON-CAPTAIN E. W. REILLY, Civil Surgeon and Superintendent, Central Jail, Akola.

49. Ganja does not possess any aphrodisiac action on the consumer ; but, when mixed with a small quantity of crude arsenic, it does produce an increased desire for sexual action. (b) No. (c) No. (d) No. 50. Ganja to the excessive habitual consumer acts not as an aphrodisiac, but has a marked tendency to produce impotency.  - Evidence of DR. O. W. JONES, Civil Surgeon, Basim.

49. Yes ; they are said to be so used. Don't know if prostitutes use them. I have not known any case of impotence due to their use. 50. I have no experience. - Evidence of DR. J. MORRISON, Civil Surgeon, Yeotmal.

49. It does not produce a desire for venery, and it is not used by prostitutes. I am of opinion it does produce impotency.  - Evidence of DR. W. J.. MONTGOMERY, Civil Surgeon, Buldana

49. Often the moderate use of these drugs is practised as aphrodisiac, generally amongst prostitutes and whoremongers. Its effect is injurious, inasmuch as it tends to produce laziness, and thus cause persons to get more money by least trouble ; consequently robbery, etc., is increased. Also it tends to prevent propagation on account of its property of checking the free formation of semen and drying up the blood from which the semen is formed. It is always the case that the persons using these drugs are very thin, their blood, as it were, burnt up. 50. Please see my answer to questions 45, 46, and 49 - Evidence of S. BAIJNATH, Medical Officer, Mady Hospital, Badnera.

49. Charas is not used here. Ganja and bhang are sometimes used with this intention, but the result is disappointing. It is not so used by prostitutes. The use of these two drugs when used for their supposed aphrodisiac power is not more injurious than their use as an ordinary narcotic. The use of hemp does tend to produce impotence. The sadhus, who are inveterate hemp consumers, are more or less all impotent. 50. The excessive consumers of ganja and bhang never think of using them as aphrodisiacs. They very soon come to find that they are impotent. - Evidence of DR. S. G. STEINHOFF, Medical Officer in charge, Charitable Dispensary, Khamgaon.

49. The moderate use of the drug is practised as an aphrodisiac. It is also used by some prostitutes. The use of the drug for this purpose is more injurious than its use as an ordinary narcotic, because it has a serious effect upon the generative system. His passion is only satisfied by further recourse to stronger doses, and in a short time the person is subjected to consumption. Its use in some instances tends to produce impotence. 50. Those who use the drug to excess easily fall victims even to common diseases.  - Evidence of MR. DINNER NARAYEN, District Superintendent of Vaccination, Buldana.

49. Yes; very widely. I cannot say whether it is used by prostitutes. Yes; the use for this purpose is more injurious than is used as an ordinary narcotic, because it stimulates unnatural passion, the indulgence of which produces the additional drain of excessive seminal loss in addition to the nervous reaction following its use as an ordinary narcotic. Yes; it tends to produce impotence. 50. The result as above, but corresponding worst.  - Evidence of M. DOORGIAH PILLAY, 1st Class Hospital Assistant, in medical charge, AKola Dispensary.

49. Gradually increases impotence, and it is not much used by prostitutes. The use is more injurious than ordinary narcotic. It makes the man weak and dries the secreting organs, and thereby produces impotence. 50. By excessive use of these drugs, makes the man altogether impotent and quite unfit for any work.  - Evidence of M. POONAMBALAM MOODELIAR, First Class Hospital Assistant, Shegoon.

49. No; it is never used as an aphrodisiac. It is never so used. by prostitutes. The use of hemp does not tend to produce impotence. - Evidence of R. N. MUDHOLKAR, L.M.S., Private Medical Practitioner, Amraoti

49. By the occasional moderate users; it is used by the low prostitutes. It produces weakness of virile powers in habitual moderate consumers.  - Evidence of G. V. KOT, Brahmin, Medical Practitioner, Amraoti.

49. Ganja is used as an aphrodisiac, but not bhang. Is rarely used by prostitutes. It is said ultimately to exercise a reaction and produce impotency after a lapse of time, i.e., eight or ten years after. 50. The effects noted in the above reply are aggravated and require shorter period, i.e., after four or five years. - Evidence of YESHWANT VAMAN DIGHE, Pleader, Basim.

49. It produces impotence at an advanced age.  - Evidence of NIAMAT KHAN BILAN KHAN, Merchant, Balapur, Akola District.

49. The moderate use of ganja and bhang is practised as an aphrodisiac. The use for this purpose is more injurious than their use as an ordinary narcotic, because in the long run it tends to produce impotency. 50. In case of excessive use the effects are more serious.  - Evidence of LAKSHMAN ATMARAM MAHAJAN, Merchant, Manjrul Pir.

49. I believe so. I am informed that some prostitutes use it for this purpose. I believe its use for this purpose is not more injurious. It is said not to produce impotence . 50. The same remarks apply. - Evidence of MR. G. W. GAYER, District Superintendent of Police, Ajmere.

49.The moderate use of bhang is practised as an aphrodisiac. Prostitutes do use it with that object. Bhang does not bring on impotence. 50. Excessive use of these drugs does render the consumer impotent. - Evidence of KHAN BAHADUR DR SHEIKH ELAHI BUX, Government Pensioner and Honorary Mgistrate, Ajmere.

49.Prostitutes generally use these drugs, especially bhang. It first increases sexual power, but in the end tends to produce impotence. Its excessive use is injurious, but moderate use is beneficial in special cases. Ganja and charas are primarily used for sexual power, to which they are injurious in the end. When bhang is excessively used, it too diminishes sexual power. 50.The evil effects arising from the excessive use of these drugs have been detailed above - Evidence of ABDUL KAYUM, Hakim, Ajmere.

49.Use of these drugs creates sexual desire in proportion to the doses taken. Prostitutes too in some places use them as aphrodisiac. Their use for this purpose is more injurious than ordinary. They cause loss of semen, lung and brain diseases, and weakness. 50.The excessive use of any of these drugs is injurious and produces various diseases.  -  Evidence of JATI AMAR HANSA, Baid, Ajmere.

49. I hear the subji or ramrasa is used by prostitutes. I think the use of hemp tends to produce impotence. - Evidence of MR. A. BOPPANNA, Planter, Bepunaad, Green Hills, Coorg

49. Yes; but not in general. - Evidence of BABU KEDAR NATH, Head Clerk of the Political Agent, Kalat

49. Yes ; I have been informed that bhang only is used as an aphrodisiac. Yes ; it is more injurious than if used ordinarily as a narcotic; because, for aphrodisiac purposes they use to excess, and when intoxicated, they lose their sexual power more. Generally it is used by prostitutes. Yes ; it produces impotency. 50. Please see my remark on No. 49. - Evidence of MUHAMMAD YUSUF, Hospital Assistant, New Chaman

49. Moderate use of these drugs is known amongst consumers aphrodisiac, and their use is more injurious than its use as narcotic, because they shall form easily a habit for aphrodisiac. Its use tends impotency also. 50. Excessive use of these drugs tend total impotency.  - Evidence of WARYAM SINGH, Hospital Assistant, Pishin.

49. ( a ) and (b) Yes. (c) Yes, its primary effect as an aphrodisiac leads to excessive debauchery, whereby generative organs are weakened, resulting into impotence - Evidence of MOHAMMAD AKBAR ALI KHAN, Senior Hospital Assistant, Quetta

49. No ; it produces impotency. Sadhus and fakirs use it for this purpose alone. Prostitutes use it more particularly by its intoxicating; effects, and also it is said by them that it keeps the private parts dry. 50. As above. In aggravated, form. - Evidence of BHUGWAN DASS, Khattri, Hospital Assistant, Quetta.

49. Do not know. It is used by prostitutes. Cannot say if the use of hemp tends to produce impotence. 50. Cannot say.  - Evidence of MAJOR B.A. N. PARROTT, Officiating Commissioner, Southern Division.

49. Yes ; occasionally. I have heard of a few instances. - Evidence of MR. W. N. PORTER, Deputy Commissioner, Upper Chindwin

49. This question can be answered by the medical witnesses who will be examined. The Burman doctor reports that ganja is used by Burmese prostitutes. 50. For the medical witnesses to say.  - Evidence of MR. J. S. D. FRASER, Deputy Commissioner, Pegu.

49. I do not know if the hemp drugs are used as an aphrodisiac, but I have been told that they help to produce impotence. - Evidence of SURGEON-LIEUTENANT-COLONEL P. N. MOOKERJEE, Civil Surgeon, Sagaing, Upper Burma.

49. (a) Yes . (b)Yes. (c) Yes, by indulging in excessive venery. (d) Excessive use of hemp produces impotence without fail. 50. Discussed already.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR S. H. DANTRA, Civil Surgeon, Mandalay

49. The drug has a reputation as an aphrodisiac and is used by natives of India, who are prostitutes, probably to stimulate the sexual appetite. 50. My knowledge of the effects of the drug is too slender to enable me to do so.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR P. W. DALZELL, Civil Surgeon and Superintendent, Central Prison, Bassein.

49. Some Northern Indian races take these drugs as aphrodisiacs: and prostitutes use them. Large and continuous doses would produce impotence. 50. In excessive and long-continued doses these drugs would act in the reverse way to paragraph 49.  - Evidence of SURGEON-MAJOR G. T. TH OMAS, Civil Surgeon, Moulmein.

49. I have heard of its being used for such purposes, but do not know of any special cases. The rest of the questions I am unable to give an opinion. 50. Do not know. - Evidence of SURGEON-CAPTAIN R. H. CASTOR, Civil Surgeon, Yemethin.

49. Yes; it is used as an aphrodisiac. The prostitutes use it also for the purpose, but to a less extent than the alcohol. I do not consider that its moderate use as an aphrodisiac is attended with more injurious consequences than its use as a narcotic, because the same quantity would answer both the purposes. I have known no instances of importance resulting from the use of hemp. 50. Its excessive use as an aphrodisiac will certainly produce all those ill-effects of its abuse as a narcotic.  - Evidence of ASSISTANT SURGEON O. L. MOONSHI, Civil Surgeon and Superintendent of Jail, Maubin, Thongwa District

49 and 50. I am unable to answer, but so far I know that ganja and charas smokers have children - Evidence of MAHENDRA NATH ROY, Resident Medical Officer, General Hospital, Rangoon

49. The moderate use of these drugs is practised as an aphrodisiac, and its use for this purpose is really injurious. The sexual desire which is produced by the use of hemp drugs is false and tem -porary. 50. The excessive use of these drugs is sure to produce impotency.  - Evidence of SONA MULL, Brahmin, First Grade Hospital Assistant, in medical charge of Dispensary and Jail, Myanaung

49. Bhang is sometimes used as an aphrodisiac. - ARMY, Answer No. 1

49. Hemp drugs exercise no influence on the sexual appetite or powers, and are not used as aphrodisiacs. - ARMY, Answer No. 6

49. Charas and bhang are used as aphrodisiac. - ARMY, Answer No.8

49. No - ARMY, Answer No.9

49. Bhang acts as an aphrodisiac. Not used by prostitutes. In time hemp is said to produce impotence. - ARMY, Answer No. 10

49. As a general rule the reason for using these drugs is that given in the question. - ARMY, Answer No. 11

49. Perhaps in some cases. - ARMY, Answer No. 13

49. Yes, charas is so used. - ARMY, Answer No. 14

49. Has, on the contrary, the reputation of being the very reverse - ARMY, Answer No. 15

49. Ganja and charas are said to be so used. - ARMY, Answer No. 20

49. No, the use of any of these drugs will not induce aphrodisiac unless the consumer is addicted to the practice; but these drugs are not used for the purpose. - ARMY, Answer No. 25

49. Never alone; but bhang mixed with opium dhatura and musk is said to be used as an aphrodisiac. - ARMY, Answer No. 33

49. The use of either of these drugs does not seem to be practised as an aphrodisiac. - ARMY, Answer No. 37

49. Commonly accepted that it lessens desire and is not used as an aphrodisiac.  - ARMY, Answer No. 42

49. Yes; ganja is used - ARMY, Answer No. 45

49. I am assured by all natives to whom I have spoken that these drugs have a contrary effect, although I see it stated in Ringer's Hand-book of Therapeutics that in some cases their effect is aphrodisiac ? - ARMY, Answer No. 53

49. No; decidedly the other way. It tends to weaken the natural powers - ARMY, Answer No. 59

49. Yes; sometimes as bhang. - ARMY, Answer No. 61

49. Ganja is said to be smoked by some for this purpose. - ARMY, Answer No. 67

49. No, they have a contrary effect - ARMY, Answer No. 73

49. Yes, apparently; but it is believed that lengthened use leads to impotence. - ARMY, Answer No. 74

49. Ganja and charas are said to be used as an aphrodisiac. - ARMY, Answer No. 80

49. Yes, as it gives strength to the nervous system, it is given in the form of a confection named laham. Laham is also given by native doctors as a cure for dysentery. - ARMY, Answer No. 86

49. No. And their use is said to act as an aphrodisiac.  - ARMY, Answer No. 99

49. Bhang or decoctions containing bhang are used to produce an aphrodisiac effect, both by being voluntarily taken and by being administered with or without the knowledge of the party practised on - ARMY, Answer No. 104

49. Charas is, but bhang is said to act in the opposite way.  - ARMY, Answer No. 109

49. Bhang is used as an aphrodisiac; ganja and charas usually have the reverse effect, and impotence is frequently caused by the excessive use of these drugs. - ARMY, Answer No. 110

49. After making enquiries, I hear that ganja is sometimes taken in milk, and in excessive quantities as an aphrodisiac - ARMY, Answer No. 115

49. The use of these drugs is primarily to act as an aphrodisiac, leading to a habit afterwards. - ARMY, Answer No. 132

49. The preparations of Indian hemp are said to act as aphrodisiacs and are undoubtedly so used. Generally so, I imagine, at the time of the Holi - ARMY, Answer No. 137

49. Among natives it is supposed to have this action - ARMY, Answer No. 138

49. These drugs have the effect of an aphrodi¬ siac to a certain extent. None of them, however, are used purely as an aphrodisiac. - ARMY, Answer No. 140

49. Yes, in moderate doses, particularly bhang. - ARMY, Answer No. 143

49. Yes, said to be resorted to when power and desire begin to fail from age or excess. This practice is not known to exist amongst men of the regimen - ARMY, Answer No. 146

49. Apparently the occasional bazar smoker uses it with this idea. - ARMY, Answer No. 159

49. I believe these drugs are chiefly taken with the idea that they act as an aphrodisiac. - ARMY, Answer No. 163

49. Although it has aphrodisiac effects, yet it is not known to be practised as an aphrodisiac. - ARMY, Answer No. 167

49. Native doctors do use bhang as an aphrodisiac. - ARMY, Answer No. 173

49. Yes, it is used most commonly as an aphrodisiac - ARMY, Answer No. 174

49. No, it is not; in fact, the use of them, coupled with insufficient food, has the opposite effect - ARMY, Answer No. 176

49. The natives consider it decreases the power. It is taken by some fakirs for the above reason.  - ARMY, Answer No. 181

49. The preparations of Indian hemp are un¬ doubtedly useful as stimulants in cases of defective virile power. Consequently they are so used in medicine. - ARMY, Answer No. 185

49. These drugs are used as aphrodisiacs. Natives freely admit it. - ARMY, Answer No. 191

49. Yes, all three forms of the drug, but chiefly charas - ARMY, Answer No. 196

49. Bhang is stimulating as an aphrodisiac, but not ganja or charas. - ARMY, Answer No. 202

49. Bhang is said to be: and ganja is sometimes put into sweetmeats for this purpose. Medically speaking, I believe, cannabis indica is prescribed to prevent too rapid ejaculation, and it is probably to attain this result, so desired by natives of India, that it is use - ARMY, Answer No. 203

49. Yes, ganja is used as an aphrodisiac, given by hakims, mixed up with other drugs in sweetmeats. - ARMY, Answer No. 208

49. Yes, commonly. Besides in the form of ganja it is used here in the form of sweetmeat called "majum," a compound of bhang, sugar, flower, butter and milk. A syce was admitted with accidental poisoning from this preparation in April 1893. - ARMY, Answer No. 209

49. The question cannot be answered as regards charas or bhang. Ganja-smoking does not appear to be practised with the view of producing sexual excitement, but doubtless partially has that effect, being used as a stimulant. - ARMY, Answer No. 211

49. Bhang is said to be used as an aphrodisiae in the same way as opium, and to have a similar effect. - ARMY, Answer No. 213

49. These drugs are used both by men and women as an aphrodisiac.  - ARMY, Answer No. 221

49. It is practised as such by some. But the use has a contrary effect after a time  - ARMY, Answer No. 232

49. My informants say, not in the regiment; that they have heard of it being so used and are aware that it is used to increase the sexual appetite, but that they know of no instances.  - ARMY, Answer No. 233

49. Nobody uses the drugs as an aphrodisiac. On the other hand, its use causes laziness, emacia¬ tion and sexual weakness. - ARMY, Answer No. 243

49. Yes, bhang is aphrodisiac, but charas and ganja are the reverse - ARMY, Answer No. 255

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Cannabis usage in 19th century India: Police play doctor as ruling classes lay foundation for global reefer madness
Cannabis usage in 19th century India: Methods of cultivation

Cannabis usage in 19th century India: Areas of cannabis cultivation and wild growth

Cannabis usage in 19th century India: The manner and forms in which cannabis was consumed
Cannabis usage in 19th century India: Conditions suitable for cannabis cultivation

Cannabis usage in 19th century India: Post harvest processing, packaging and storage

Cannabis usage in 19th century India: The classes of people who consumed and cultivated ganja -

Cannabis usage in 19th Century India: Findings on the immediate effects of cannabis consumption

Cannabis usage in 19th century India: Myths of harmful physical and moral effects

The 108 names of cannabis

Cannabis usage in 19th century India: Trade and movement

Cannabis usage in 19th century India: Notes on chemical, physiological and biological analyses of Indian cannabis

Cannabis usage in 19th century India: Exploring the myth that cannabis causes crime

Cannabis usage in 19th century India: Consumption rates and associated costs

Cannabis usage in 19th century India: The public opinion farce amid near total opposition to ganja prohibition

Cannabis usage in 19th century India: Unheeded warnings regarding the harms of alcohol

Cannabis usage in 19th century India: Regulation, Taxation and Revenue Systems across India.

Cannabis and the Environment

Cannabis as an Agricultural Crop

Cannabis as Medicine

Cannabis for Recreational Purposes

The Business of Cannabis

The Economics of Cannabis

The Legality of Cannabis

The Politics of Cannabis

The Social Usage of Cannabis

Cannabis and Equity

Cannabis and the Media

Cannabis Biology

Cannabis Laws

Cannabis and the Black Market

Cannabis and Pharma Companies

Cannabis and Youth

No medicinal value?

Cannabis as Universal Medicine

Cannabis and the Elderly

Cannabis and Alcohol

Cannabis and Tobacco

Cannabis and Opioids

Cannabis and Harm Reduction

The Recreational Cannabis Consumer

The History of Cannabis

Cannabis and Renal Disease

Cannabis and Anxiety

Cannabis and Pain

Cannabis and PTSD

Cannabis and Cocaine

Cannabis and Methamphetamine

Women and Cannabis

Cannabis and Wellness

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