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Monday 23 March 2020

Cannabis Usage in 19th Century Treatment of Infectious Diseases

CH. X. Effects - General Observations, Report Of The Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1893-94,, states the following

Treatment of infectious diseases
 - 461. In the class of specific infectious diseases, hemp drugs are stated to be used in hydrophobia, ague, remittent fever, cholera,"to relieve burning symptoms in phthisis," dysentery, erysipelas, and gonorrhÅ“a. O'Shaughnessy more than 50 years ago used hemp resin with more or less success in hydrophobia and cholera. In the treatment of dysentery the resin has been found of much value by many European doctors, and excellent results have been obtained with it. In addition to the medicinal use of the drug for the treatment of cholera during epidemics, hemp drugs appear occasionally to be used as prophylactics, and for a similar purpose the use of the drugs is recommended in malarial areas to counteract the effects of "bad air and water." In both cases hemp drugs probably act as indirect prophylactics, stimulating the nervous system and allaying depression, thus serving much the same purpose as the popular use of alcoholic beverages by the lower classes in European countries during the prevalence of epidemics. But, on the other hand, it must be remembered that when ganja is smoked as a prophylactic, it is always mixed with tobacco, and yields members of the aromatic series of hydrocarbons, the lower members of which are known to possess both antiseptic and antipyretic powers.

 - 464.  Some witnesses refer to the febrifuge properties of hemp drugs; and it is stated that bhang used as a drink cuts short the cold stage in fever. There appears to be but little doubt that when bhang is used by natives in fever, the benefit accrues on account of its diuretic action, and not because it possesses any real febrifuge properties. It is not known to possess the latter.

 - 471. There is also a large body of evidence showing that hemp drugs, both as smoked and as drunk, are used as a febrifuge or preventive of the diseases common in malarious tracts or arising from the use of bad water. This is the justification alleged for the habitual use of these drugs in certain localities. Here, of course, the experience of the witnesses is more limited; but the evidence is very considerable. Labourers in malarious tracts and cultivators of wet and marshy lands, jungle tribes, and those who have to work or reside in jungle tracts, are among those who are said to use the drugs for these purposes. It is impossible also to shut the eyes to the evidence which often comes up unexpectedly, showing that respectable and intelligent people going on duty to such tracts, and sepoys sent on foreign service or garrisoning comparatively unhealthy districts, often take to these drugs for these purposes.

 - 472. An interesting illustration of this may perhaps be found in the popular belief existing in many parts that these drugs protect against cholera and other epidemic diseases. One very intelligent witness, who has seen much of this use, explains it as due to the stimulating and inspiriting nature of the drugs.

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