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Friday 5 June 2020

Memorandum on Hemp Drugs in Gwalior State 1894

MEMO.—GANJA CULTIVATION IN GWALIOR STATE, Vol 3, Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895,

1. Gwalior Bigha = 1/2 an acre.—Ganja is sown in tahsíls Antri, Sipri, and Kalaras, and is a kharif crop. Antri = 250 bighas cultivated last kharif. Kolaras = 253 bighas, Ditto ditto. Sipri.—Return not received, but I think about 300 bighas. The business is carried on chiefly by Kachis. Method of cultivation and of preparation of drug I will give after writing all other replies. Average outturn per bigha 7 maunds 20 seers. Ganja is sown in July. No control is exercised by the State. Custom duty, Rs. 5 per maund, is paid by the purchaser if he exports ganja to British or any other territory, and Rs. 2-8-0 if he exports to any other place in the Gwalior State. It is farmed to a cultivator who gets contract of all custom dues in the tahsíl. Usual price paid by the purchaser is Rs. 3 per maund. Ganja is a product of cultivation. It cannot be procured from the wild plants. The cultivation requires the careful extirpation of the male flowers, and the trees are very carefully seen by the cultivator every week. Even a few of the male flowers may destroy a whole field. First of all, fields are highly manured, and in the month of July, after ploughing the fields for at least three times, ganja is sown in them like other crops. In the months of August and September dub and other grass found in it is taken away. In November and December the fields are ploughed once more to soften the land, and the crop is irrigated four or five times at least. In these months great care is taken that no male flowers appear in the tree. If any male flower appears, the tree is at once cut down. When the ganja is ready, it is cut down and bound in small bundles, say of about a seer each. Some cultivators also sow wheat in ganja fields in the months of October and November. Rent paid to zemindars for ganja cultivation is usually Rs. 10 to Rs. 14 per bigha.
Ujjain and Khandwa seed is always sown in Antri—Antri seed does not answer the purpose.
Ganja, after being cut, is stored in a convenient place, and is daily crushed by the cultivators with their feet before it is made in small bundles. This is done when the ganja is green. A certain amount of charas is obtained in this (Gwalior) State by scraping off the resin which adheres to the hands in cutting the ganja plant. In tahsíl Antri cultivators do not care much about the charas. In tahsíl Kolaras, district Narwar, I hear charas is obtained in small quantities by the same process as in Kumaun and Garhwal.

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