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Friday 5 June 2020

Memorandum on Hemp Drugs in Karauli State 1894

KARAULI STATE MEMORANDUM., Vol 3, Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895,
Ganja and charas are not produced in the State. Bhang grows spontaneously. Malis generally cultivate it on grounds near the boundary walls of their fields. When leaves come out, they are collected and dried and are then brought into use. Sometimes they are sold also. There is no special control from the side of the State. Ganja and charas are not produced here. Ganja is generally imported from the Gwalior territory and charas from the town of Bhurtpur. Bhang grows spontaneously, sometimes cultivated by the malis and sometimes imported from the territory of Jeypur. The duties levied upon ganja are Rs. 2-8-0 per maund and on charas Rs. 10 per maund, and on bhang Re. 1 per maund. Uniformity of system prevails throughout the State. There is one officer at the head of the Department of Customs who resides at the capital. The levying of duties and other matters connected with the Department of Customs are in charge of this officer, and according to the customs tariff drawn up in 1882, the duties on different articles are levied by the Department of Customs. Hemp is neither cultivated here nor grows in a wild state. Hemp plant for the production of ganja or charas is neither cultivated nor grows spontaneously. No restriction is put upon bhang, the production of which is very limited. It is not particularly known who imports these drugs. Bhang is generally imported by the malis and cultivators for sale. An annual fair, called the Sivaratri fair, is held here in the month of February. In this fair local and foreign traders generally bring these drugs for sale. During this fair no customs duties are levied, nor any license issued for their importation. Certainly after the fair is over, duties are levied upon these drugs. Hence there is no necessity for the State to supervise the storing or transport of these drugs. Of course, strict supervision should be maintained for the levying of duties. As for the sale of these drugs, contract is given to the vendors in three places, viz., Kerowli town, Mandrel and Machilpur. The contractors have the right to sell these drugs in retail. Excepting the contractors others are not allowed to sell it in retail. Everybody has the right to sell these drugs to the contractors. There is no restriction on this. But if these drugs are imported either by the contractors or somebody else, they are not exempted from paying duties. The vendors of these drugs are not under control here. But they are licensed vendors. These licenses are given to them after they had paid fees for the licenses. No rent is collected if any of these drugs are cultivated. Customs duties are surely taken. The following is the scale of duties levied upon these drugs if they are exported or imported:Rs. A. P. Ganja 2 8 0 per maund. Charas 10 0 0 " Bhang 1 0 0 " The officers of the Customs Department supervise over the collection of customs duties. Smugglers, etc., are punished according to the customs regulations. The sites of retail shops are not fixed by the State. The contract for the sale of these drugs is given by auction. The contractor opens his own shop for the sale of these drugs. The number of shops is not fixed with reference to area, or population, and the setting up of a new shop depends upon the sale of these drugs. In the town of Kerowli the total number of shops is six, and there is one at Maudrel and one at Machilpur. The sales of these drugs are given on contract. The contractors are called both wholesale and retail vendors. No rate is fixed for retail vendors from the state, so no average price could be recorded, nor could the contractors of this place say this, for no record is kept of these things. No modification regarding the existing excise system is under consideration. Ganja and charas are not produced here. Bhang grows spontaneously to some extent. Mali cultivates it to some extent. Hence no trade is here regularly carried on, since the production is very limited. On the other hand, these are imported from the neighbouring States. No rent is collected from those lands in which bhang is cultivated. 
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