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Saturday, 6 June 2020

Memorandum on Hemp Drugs in Tonk State 1894

TONK STATE MEMORANDUM, Vol 3, Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895,

The hemp plant is not grown anywhere in the State, hence no supervision exists as to its cultivation. Bhang is manufactured by drying the leaves of the hemp plant. It is imported together with ganja and charas by foreign traders and sold by them to the shopkeepers of the State by whom the drugs are disposed of in small quantities. The duties imposed on the drugs are as follows:—
GANJA, CHARAS, BHANG. Per cent of value. Per maund. Rs. Rs.
Tonk and Aligarh 20 Nimbahera Pirawa Chabra 6 Sironj 5
As the hemp plant is not largely used in the State, no system of control is in force beyond that necessary for the levying of customs duties. Wild hemp is not found anywhere in the State. Bhang is cultivated on lands irrigated by wells, and its leaves are used when dry. There is no system for controlling the possession and sale of the drug. No prohibition exists as to the cultivation of the hemp plants, nor is it regularly grown in the State. A few bhang plants are grown in vegetable fields irrigated by wells. Ganja and charas are not grown in the State. Ganja and bhang are imported by "mahajans" and "tambolis" and charas by the Villayatis. None of these hold license, nor is there any arrangement for supervising or controlling the transport of the drugs. Neither the wholesale nor the retail vendors are licensed. They purchase and sell the drugs as they like without restriction of any kind. Duties are levied from the importers at the time of their entry in towns or villages, and in order to guard against evasion the same precautions are taken as exist for other dutiable articles, viz., the inspection of persons at the customs post. Regular retail shops do not exist anywhere in the State. The importers sell the drugs wherever they like. No rate is fixed at which the drugs must be supplied by wholesale to retail vendors. The price to consumers as obtaining in the Tonk city is as follows:Charas at Rs. 3-12-0 per seer. Ganja " " 0-10-0 " Bhang " " 0-2-0 " As the system of granting licenses or giving the drugs on contract is not in force, the consumers buy up to any quantity they like, paying as much as the traders demand of them. There being no prohibition of any kind, smuggling and illicit cultivation are not resorted to. A proposal to draw up a set of rules is under consideration.

The extent of cultivation is already given in replies to questions (1) and (c). The average annual trade is as follows:
Ganja. Charas. Bhang.
M. S. C. M. S. C. M. S. C. Tonk 4 9 0 0 31 2 5 24 1 Aligarh. 0 2 9 0 3 7 Nimbahera Pirawa Chabra 1 30 Sironj 5 15 5
Ganja and bhang are imported into Tonk and Aligarh from Jeypur and into the other parganas from important neighbouring villages, whilst charas comes from Kabul. The extent of trade represents the average annual consumption. In Pirawa and Nimbahera the drugs are not taxed, hence the extent of trade in them has not been given. 

A. P. THORNTON, Lieut.-Col., Political Agent. 
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