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Friday 19 April 2013

Plant Therapy

Sat on the terrace and looked around to see ants carrying something to eat up the wall. My thoughts were drawn to views from friends on the net about man and existence. Wondered what the best thing to do at the moment was. Started watering the plants and then (maybe it is the influence of the plants) I was drawn to the thought that everything comes out of the same essence – everything around me – existence itself. And that same essence seemed in my mind to be super consciousness, the Brahman, what existed before the Big bang or whatever else you would like to call it. As i watered each plant, my thoughts seemed to be drawn to the details of each plant, focussing more on some than on others. The focus i notice is not the same everyday but dwells on different plants at different times. Often it is the vibrancy of the plants, the new leaves and flowers, sometimes I think a particular plant needs more care or water. I have started observing more than I did before about plants. Differentiating plants by their structure is not an easy process but it is starting to interest me (finally?). I recalled we had transplanted some plants a few months back and they seemed to be doing fine. Every day with these plants is a magical experience in a new way for me so much so that it is one of the actions I look forward to each day.
I stepped back and again felt the connection between myself, the plants, the building, the plastic tank, the same essence? I looked up and saw the pigeons seeming to be on high alert facing different directions focussed on group survival. Who can ever dare say that plants and birds don’t have consciousness? It is so plainly obvious.
My attention was drawn to the dried wood on the tree which looked like it would drop off. The thought occurred to me that i could use this as firewood if it ever came to that provided the tree was still around and I of course. I was drawn to the next thought, how selfish I am, thinking about ways to exploit the connection with everything around me for my benefit. This was followed by the thought that everything around me seemed to be doing the same thing, taking what it needs for its survival. A will to power that’s what life seemed like at that moment. A will to power against what? Is there any adversary when we are all of the same essence? Or is death our adversary because we are alive? But then living and dying are constantly two extremes of entry and exit onto this theatre called our reality isn’t it? Why the conflict everywhere keeping us all fighting when eventually fight or no fight this will all merge into the same essence, won’t it? Entertainment?

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