'The current vogue for poisons has failed utterly to take into account
these most fundamental considerations. As crude a weapon as the cave
man's club, the chemical barrage has been hurled against the fabric of
life - a fabric on the one hand delicate and destructible, on the other
miraculously tough and resilient, and capable of striking back in
unexpected ways. These extraordinary capacities have been ignored by the
practitioners of chemical control who have brought to their task no
'high-minded orientation', no humility before the vast forces with which
they tamper.'
- Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'The deep roar of the ocean.
The break of waves on shores further than thought can find.
The silent thunders of the deep.
And from among it, voices calling, and yet not voices, humming trillings, wordlings, the half-articulated songs of thought.
Greetings, waves of greetings, sliding back into the inarticulate, words breaking together.
A crash of sorrow on the shores of the Earth.
Waves of joy on - where? A world indescribably found, indescribably arrived at, indescribably wet, a song of water.
A fugue of voices now, clamouring for explanations, of a disaster unavertable, a world to be destroyed, a surge of helplessness, a spasm of despair, a dying fall, again the break of the words.
And then the fling of hope, the finding of a shadow Earth in the implications of enfolded time, submerged dimensions, the pull of parallels, the deep pull, the spin of will, the hurl and split of it, the flight. A new Earth pulled into replacement, the dolphins gone.
Then stunningly a single voice, quite clear.
'This bowl was brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell.'
And then the sound of long, heavy, perfectly grey bodies rolling away into an unknown fathomless deep, quietly giggling.'
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
The break of waves on shores further than thought can find.
The silent thunders of the deep.
And from among it, voices calling, and yet not voices, humming trillings, wordlings, the half-articulated songs of thought.
Greetings, waves of greetings, sliding back into the inarticulate, words breaking together.
A crash of sorrow on the shores of the Earth.
Waves of joy on - where? A world indescribably found, indescribably arrived at, indescribably wet, a song of water.
A fugue of voices now, clamouring for explanations, of a disaster unavertable, a world to be destroyed, a surge of helplessness, a spasm of despair, a dying fall, again the break of the words.
And then the fling of hope, the finding of a shadow Earth in the implications of enfolded time, submerged dimensions, the pull of parallels, the deep pull, the spin of will, the hurl and split of it, the flight. A new Earth pulled into replacement, the dolphins gone.
Then stunningly a single voice, quite clear.
'This bowl was brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell.'
And then the sound of long, heavy, perfectly grey bodies rolling away into an unknown fathomless deep, quietly giggling.'
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
'I wish to speak a word for Nature, for absolute freedom and wildness,
as contrasted with a freedom and culture merely civil - to regard man as
an inhabitant, or a part and parcel of Nature, rather than a member of
society. I wish to make an extreme statement, if so I may make an
emphatic one, for there are enough champions of civilization: the
minister and the school committee and every one of you will take care of
- Walking, Selected Writings on Nature and Liberty, Henry D
"Only if one loves this earth with unbending passion can one release one's sadness," don Juan said. "A warrior is always joyful because his love is unalterable and his beloved, the earth, embraces him and bestows upon him inconceivable gifts. The sadness belongs only to those who hate the very thing that gives shelter to their beings."
- Carlos Castaneda, Tales of Power
The modern world of humans has impacted the environment in a number of adverse ways.
Fossil fuels for energy have pushed atmospheric carbon dioxide levels to those last seen 120,000 years ago, the time when modern humans emerged. The petrochemical industry created non-biodegradable plastic and, like they say, the rest is
history. There is now probably no place left in the world that is not
contaminated by plastic. Microplastics have entered all levels of
the food chain, right from plankton to the largest creatures. Countries
are trying to get rid of their plastic by shipping it out to developing
countries who are now sending it right back.
Chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, used all over the world
as a mandatory input for agriculture, have wreaked havoc and polluted
land, ground water and the air we breathe. These products, which evolved
from the weapons of biochemical warfare of World War 2, have the ability
to destroy numerous life forms, including
humans. Some of these compounds are said to be lethal in quantities as
less as 2.5 parts per million. Our bodies can break down small amounts
but cannot handle more than that. Often the combinations of these
compounds create new deadlier compounds with amplified toxicity. Many
countries have banned these dangerous products locally but continue to
export them to other nations. With an interconnected world, these
compounds now are well and truly a part of our environment and food
chain. Widespread spraying of pesticides over large areas of land have
resulted in these chemicals seeping into our water sources.
We also moved from natural medicine to synthetic pharmaceutical medications for treatment of health conditions. From natural recreational drugs such as cannabis, peyote, psilocybin and natural alcohol, we have shifted to abuse of synthetic pharmaceutical drugs, novel psychotropic substances, synthetic cannabinoids, industrial alcohol, methamphetamine, cocaine, tobacco and dangerous opioids
like heroin for recreation. The manufacture of all these
modern synthetic forms of medication and recreation have placed a huge strain on
our land, water and natural resources, unsustainable amounts of which
are required to create these synthetic drugs. The discharge of
dangerous chemicals from legal and illegal pharmaceutical industries,
as byproducts, after the manufacture of these drugs, as well as from human bodies after
the medicinal and recreational use of the modern drugs, enter into the sewage
systems where they do not get broken down but ultimately get reabsorbed
into the web of life.
Paper that used to be made from renewable natural materials, that takes just a few months to grow at high concentrations on small
pieces of land, with a minimum consumption of water, even in adverse
climatic conditions, was replaced with paper made
from wood pulp. The timber industry felled millions of trees, many hundreds of years old, to make paper.
In agriculture, where for thousands of years, crops had been grown by farmers who understood the suitability of the land, crop requirements and crop biodiversity, big businesses and large farmers created mono-culture of crops like paddy, wheat, sugarcane, corn, cotton and palm oil. Often they clear pristine forest lands to grow these crops. Subsidies from governments meant that farmers grow these crops at any cost, even at the cost of their lives, water depletion and soil degradation.
In the textile and fabrics industries, nearly 60% of the raw material today is from synthetic substances, mainly petrochemical based, while out of the remaining 40%, a large part is cotton requiring about 1559 liters of water per kg of cotton produced, as against 89 liters of water per kg of hemp produced. Not only do these modern materials take much larger amounts of resources to
grow and produce, but they also pose a major recycling and disposal
problem. Organic dyes and pigments have been replaced with inorganic dyes
that are harmful. To top this, modern society has moved into hyper-consumerism, with clothes being bought like never before, and then hardly used, due to the low prices of synthetic fabrics, prices artificially kept low through subsidized synthetic raw materials that benefit the petrochemical industry, prices that are far below the true cost to the environment.
Building materials that earlier used a mixture of natural materials, such as biomass and
limestone, now use concrete and cement produced by our thermal power
plants. Buildings made of these newer materials have created urban heat
islands all over the world, affecting soil stability, creating flood prone areas, disrupting weather patterns. and creating a
warmer climate.
All this is a result of the fact that humans have lost their connection with nature. Over the last 150 years or so, the thinking that man is superior to nature, that nature has infinite capacity to absorb man's synthetic poisons, and that wealth creation for a few is more important than sustainability, has led to the reinforcement of these practices. Even as hundreds of species go extinct every year, as adverse climate events become more and more frequent and disruptive, as the warnings of catastrophic collapse mount, humans continue to march steadily down the path of their delusions and resulting follies.
As if all the above were not enough, at a time when urgent action needs to be taken if we are to survive over the next few decades, humans created a fake pandemic in 2019 around a virus that causes no more damage than the common flu. In the name of the pandemic, the same unscrupulous forces (the world's governments, medical industry, fossil fuel and petrochemical industry, pharmaceutical industry), responsible for the current state of the earth's environment, pushed the world to a new brink through the rampant production of synthetic medicines and petrochemical based non-biodegradable medical equipment, and then forced a large part of the world's humans to participate in the crime. There are no signs of this attack on humans and the environment letting up, as a large part of society remain hypnotized by this delusion created by the world's elites.
When the world's leaders needed to get together and take serious and significant action to heal the environment, they met and blamed each other for the damage to the planet and haggled to create innovative new ways of continuing to do the same destructive things that they have been doing so far.
The world appears to be caught in the control of madmen, deeply addicted to the things that draw them inexorably to their death, without the will or the awareness to get out of this death trap, creating their delusional world disconnected to nature, hallucinating about their superiority to nature, and constantly reinforcing it with false information that they themselves appear to truly believe It is as if humanity thinks it can take a few more hits of the synthetic poisons before it cleans up its act. All life on earth suffers as a result of this human madness. The collective human race proceeds as if the imbalance in nature is something that will not affect them, but rather some remote, future generation.
hindsight, maybe we did not know then what we know now. We may have
had no clue in the past about the dangers of our obsession with fossil
fuels, petrochemicals and man-made synthetics. The euphoria of man's
recent conquests may have even given rise to the delusion that man was
master of nature, leading humans down a path in conflict with nature.
The key false step appears to have been the attempt to ban
nature in the form of cannabis, natural coca, opium, peyote,
psilocybin, natural alcohol and all the other things that humans used up
to that point, so as to create a demand for the synthetic creations,
to profit from it. The belief that certain cultures had advanced to a
stage where they were now in command of nature, and the desire to use
this delusional superiority to stamp their authority over other
cultures, more in tune with nature, fueled the conflict with nature that
has brought us to where we are today.
Is there no way out of this seeming death trap, even as nature says enough is enough?
There is, and has always been. It is just that the few humans, who decide for and control the lives of the collective many, have refused to look at or acknowledge them. Nature has provided us with all we require for our needs. It is a marvelous feature of nature that just one plant, the cannabis plant, can significantly help to reverse all the above damage that we have caused to the environment, and that too in a very short time frame, if humans show even a little of the same collective focus that they have directed on the fake pandemic. It is worth noting that all the damaging actions by humans to the environment have significantly escalated after man decided to ban the cannabis plant, starting about 150 years ago, so as to promote his toxic replacements for the plant.
Before the advent of the modern pharmaceutical, petrochemical and fossil fuel based world and the products that this has spawned, the cannabis plant was extensively used for fibers, paper, garments, building materials and a variety of other products. Cannabis was used for a wide range of medications and for recreational purposes. Cannabis was grown in organic ecofriendly ways on agricultural lands, and was a sustainable form of livelihood for many people.
It is now known that cannabis can be used to reduce the harms of, replace and mitigate much of the above mentioned damage to the environment and the web of life. An acre of cannabis can sequester more carbon dioxide than a tropical forest. Bio-degradable plastics made from hemp, bio-fuels made from hemp, hemp-based fabrics, hemp based fibers, hemp based paper, hemp based building materials, cannabis as a natural disinfectant, anti-fungal, sustainable crop, cannabis as medicine in its natural form that can replace thousands of synthetic drugs manufactured by today's pharma industries, cannabis as a recreational drug that can replace or reduce the harms of many illegal and legal synthetic drugs and legal drugs like alcohol and tobacco that are manufactured in environmentally damaging ways, cannabis in our wellness products, cannabis beverages replacing sugar based soda drinks, hemp in the manufacture of medical equipment, hemp based capacitors, hemp based automobile bodies, the list goes on and on. Yet their practical application in our daily life is negligible. The plant remains prohibited worldwide. The countries and businesses that currently use it do so surreptitiously so as to continue protecting the environmentally-damaging big industries. All it takes is for the UN to completely legalize cannabis for all purposes, instead of all the annual circus around COPs.
The criminalization of cannabis has led to its cultivation being pushed out from traditional agricultural land to ecosensitive forest areas that has further resulted in the fragmentation of forests. Pollution through usage of illegal fertilizers and pesticides for illegal cannabis cultivation has caused ecological damage in these ecosensitive areas. The lucrative illegal business has led to cannabis cultivation being done indoors under artificial lighting, as growing the plant under 24 hour lighting speeds up the growth of the plant and cuts its maturation time by nearly 2/3rds. This has resulted in huge drains on electricity as well as water resources. The push for a greater high has resulted in hybrid strains with higher and higher potency of THC while indigenous natural strains of the plant, with large and even now unknown medicinal benefits, being destroyed. The rampant destruction of cannabis cultivation by law enforcement agencies and drug enforcement agencies across the world has caused unknown damage to the plant and many valuable strains and species of the plant may have now become extinct. Tribal and indigenous communities that depended on cannabis for their livelihood and their way of life have been affected. They have been forced to change their ways of life to fit the modern world, which demands that they move from sustainable approaches to more destructive forms of livelihood and social behavior, often ending up in ghettos and slums in cities or in reservations.
The environmental cost of cannabis prohibition has been least explored. Information on the same is scarce. The powerful petrochemical, alcohol, tobacco, food and beverage and pharmaceutical industries, that have largely gained from the prohibition of cannabis, have not made it easier for this sort of information to be researched and brought out to the public. The most powerful countries of the world, which are also directly and indirectly responsible for the most damage to the earth and its environment, continue to strongly oppose the legalization of cannabis. But we are reaching, or more likely have already reached, the point where adopting cannabis and its applications is one of the few realistic options we have to save ourselves from a painful death in the very near future. We can act now or continue to cook like frogs in slowly heated water, dying from our own foolishness, lack of awareness, delusional ideas of superiority over nature, and lack of initiative.
It is now known that cannabis can be used to reduce the harms of, replace and mitigate much of the above mentioned damage to the environment and the web of life. An acre of cannabis can sequester more carbon dioxide than a tropical forest. Bio-degradable plastics made from hemp, bio-fuels made from hemp, hemp-based fabrics, hemp based fibers, hemp based paper, hemp based building materials, cannabis as a natural disinfectant, anti-fungal, sustainable crop, cannabis as medicine in its natural form that can replace thousands of synthetic drugs manufactured by today's pharma industries, cannabis as a recreational drug that can replace or reduce the harms of many illegal and legal synthetic drugs and legal drugs like alcohol and tobacco that are manufactured in environmentally damaging ways, cannabis in our wellness products, cannabis beverages replacing sugar based soda drinks, hemp in the manufacture of medical equipment, hemp based capacitors, hemp based automobile bodies, the list goes on and on. Yet their practical application in our daily life is negligible. The plant remains prohibited worldwide. The countries and businesses that currently use it do so surreptitiously so as to continue protecting the environmentally-damaging big industries. All it takes is for the UN to completely legalize cannabis for all purposes, instead of all the annual circus around COPs.
The criminalization of cannabis has led to its cultivation being pushed out from traditional agricultural land to ecosensitive forest areas that has further resulted in the fragmentation of forests. Pollution through usage of illegal fertilizers and pesticides for illegal cannabis cultivation has caused ecological damage in these ecosensitive areas. The lucrative illegal business has led to cannabis cultivation being done indoors under artificial lighting, as growing the plant under 24 hour lighting speeds up the growth of the plant and cuts its maturation time by nearly 2/3rds. This has resulted in huge drains on electricity as well as water resources. The push for a greater high has resulted in hybrid strains with higher and higher potency of THC while indigenous natural strains of the plant, with large and even now unknown medicinal benefits, being destroyed. The rampant destruction of cannabis cultivation by law enforcement agencies and drug enforcement agencies across the world has caused unknown damage to the plant and many valuable strains and species of the plant may have now become extinct. Tribal and indigenous communities that depended on cannabis for their livelihood and their way of life have been affected. They have been forced to change their ways of life to fit the modern world, which demands that they move from sustainable approaches to more destructive forms of livelihood and social behavior, often ending up in ghettos and slums in cities or in reservations.
The environmental cost of cannabis prohibition has been least explored. Information on the same is scarce. The powerful petrochemical, alcohol, tobacco, food and beverage and pharmaceutical industries, that have largely gained from the prohibition of cannabis, have not made it easier for this sort of information to be researched and brought out to the public. The most powerful countries of the world, which are also directly and indirectly responsible for the most damage to the earth and its environment, continue to strongly oppose the legalization of cannabis. But we are reaching, or more likely have already reached, the point where adopting cannabis and its applications is one of the few realistic options we have to save ourselves from a painful death in the very near future. We can act now or continue to cook like frogs in slowly heated water, dying from our own foolishness, lack of awareness, delusional ideas of superiority over nature, and lack of initiative.
Related articles
The following set of articles briefly cover the possible gains to the environment that could be brought about with global legalization and the reintroduction of the plant within our industries, medical systems and recreational activities, and other thoughts related to man and his relationship with nature.Words in italics are yours truly's thoughts and comments at the time of reading the respective article.
Authors describe drug policy as the “missing link” in climate justice, noting how prohibition has pushed drug production and trafficking into “key environmental frontiers” like the Amazon rainforest and the jungles of Southeast Asia.
“Wherever smallholders are growing drug crops at the forest margin, or traffickers transporting their products through tropical forests, it’s because the dynamics of drug law enforcement pushed them there,” the report says. “In fact, in the few cases where opium, cannabis, and coca are being legally grown—to supply the pharmaceutical and beverage industries—their cultivation occurs in conventional agricultural contexts.”
Profits from illegal drug operations also powers a network of other criminal activity that causes environmental harm, authors wrote. As examples, the report points to illegal trades “in wildlife, tropical timber, archaeological artifacts, gold and other minerals, as well as investments in legal agribusinesses such as beef, palm oil, soy and avocados. Drug profits also provide seed capital for the business of human trafficking.”
“Wherever smallholders are growing drug crops at the forest margin, or traffickers transporting their products through tropical forests, it’s because the dynamics of drug law enforcement pushed them there,” the report says. “In fact, in the few cases where opium, cannabis, and coca are being legally grown—to supply the pharmaceutical and beverage industries—their cultivation occurs in conventional agricultural contexts.”
Profits from illegal drug operations also powers a network of other criminal activity that causes environmental harm, authors wrote. As examples, the report points to illegal trades “in wildlife, tropical timber, archaeological artifacts, gold and other minerals, as well as investments in legal agribusinesses such as beef, palm oil, soy and avocados. Drug profits also provide seed capital for the business of human trafficking.”
There are only two accursed beings on earth who are excluded from following this eternal call and from being, growing, living, and dying as an inborn and deeply ingrained self-will commands. Only man and the domesticated animals he has tamed are condemned to obey, not the law of life and growth, but other laws that are made by men and from time to time broken and changed by men. And the strangest part of it is that those few who have disregarded these arbitrary laws to follow their own natural law have come to be revered as heroes and liberators - though most of them were persecuted in their lifetime. The same mankind which praises obedience to its arbitrary laws as the supreme virtue of the living reserves its eternal pantheon for those who have defied those laws and preferred to die rather than betray their 'self-will'.
- Self-will, 1919, If The War Goes On, Herman Hesse
- Self-will, 1919, If The War Goes On, Herman Hesse
'Last summer, Darshil Shah, a senior researcher at the Centre for Natural Material Innovation at the University of Cambridge in the U.K., notably asserted (if without citing any studies) that hemp crops may capture atmospheric carbon more effectively than forests, estimating that industrial hemp absorbs between 3 to 6 tons of CO2 per acre.
The most-cited study about carbon sequestration in soil by growing industrial hemp was authored and submitted to the Australian government by GoodEarth Resources PTY, Ltd. (i.e., GoodEarth Resources), before the latter disbanded in 2014. The study claims that one acre of industrial hemp absorbs nearly 40,000 pounds of CO2 through its growing cycle.
According to the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CHTA), industrial hemp sequesters carbon through photosynthesis, storing it in the body of the plant and its roots. The CTHA states that approximately 40% of hemp biomass is carbon. While Shah and the GoodEarth Resources study address carbon sequestered in the soil from hemp production, the carbon in the stalk of the hemp plant equates to increased value by “permanently capturing” CO2 in long-life products (e.g., hurd-based concrete and cement). Those potentially carbon-negative biomaterials require comprehensive life-cycle assessments by qualified material scientists to quantify and spur that area of interest.'
'Building with newly legalized hemp-based materials will give an added boost to the U.S. goals to reduce carbon emissions caused by the construction industry, new data shows.
Industrial hemp, the superstar carbon-sequestering plant, can help reduce the carbon output of the built environment through the construction concept of embodied carbon.
The built environment generates almost 40% of greenhouse gas emissions — more than any other sector of the economy, including transportation, agriculture and industry.'
The most-cited study about carbon sequestration in soil by growing industrial hemp was authored and submitted to the Australian government by GoodEarth Resources PTY, Ltd. (i.e., GoodEarth Resources), before the latter disbanded in 2014. The study claims that one acre of industrial hemp absorbs nearly 40,000 pounds of CO2 through its growing cycle.
According to the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CHTA), industrial hemp sequesters carbon through photosynthesis, storing it in the body of the plant and its roots. The CTHA states that approximately 40% of hemp biomass is carbon. While Shah and the GoodEarth Resources study address carbon sequestered in the soil from hemp production, the carbon in the stalk of the hemp plant equates to increased value by “permanently capturing” CO2 in long-life products (e.g., hurd-based concrete and cement). Those potentially carbon-negative biomaterials require comprehensive life-cycle assessments by qualified material scientists to quantify and spur that area of interest.'
'Building with newly legalized hemp-based materials will give an added boost to the U.S. goals to reduce carbon emissions caused by the construction industry, new data shows.
Industrial hemp, the superstar carbon-sequestering plant, can help reduce the carbon output of the built environment through the construction concept of embodied carbon.
The built environment generates almost 40% of greenhouse gas emissions — more than any other sector of the economy, including transportation, agriculture and industry.'
'The NHA economic impact report was based on the assumption that, with the correct education, harvesting and processing equipment, hemp could become another rotational crop for farmers who currently rotate corn, soy and wheat. “In 10 years, converting just 5% of those fields to include a rotation of hemp will translate into 10-12 million acres of hemp”, said NHA Executive Director, Erica Stark who oversaw the study. “Processing that crop will require, using today’s technology, the establishment of 525 decortication campuses across the country, which, using the example presented by IND HEMP will be life changing for rural communities”, commented Stark. “And that does not speak to the positive effects for mitigating climate change and improving soil health the cultivation of millions of acres will have. The end products produced will be better, stronger and more sustainable”.'
'As spearheaded by the HFC, several universities nationwide are studying the safety and efficacy of hemp and its byproducts. In August 2020, HFC earned an Agricultural Products Utilization Commission grant from the North Dakota Department of Agriculture to help fund a study of hempseed cake and meal in chicken feed. Likewise, researchers from Kansas State University were awarded a $200,000 federal USDA grant to study cannabinoid transference in the meat, milk, and eggs of hemp-fed animal byproducts in cattle feed. In March, the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) granted nearly $300,000 to Oregon State University for research into feeding spent hemp biomass to cattle. In addition to those, Colorado State University is studying hemp seed meal for lambs, Tuskegee University is studying the impact of hemp seed meal on goats, and North Carolina State University is studying the effect of hemp seed oil on horses.
Hemp industry stakeholders are banking on the approval of hemp grain ingredients. A 2019 Farm Journal survey of 950 U.S. farmers and ranchers found 60% of respondents agreeing that farmers should grow hemp for animal feed, while 48% agreed that they would use hemp for animal feed themselves. Approval of hemp for the animal feed market would greatly broaden the total addressable market for hemp producers. The American Feed Industry Association reports there being more than 5,800 animal food manufacturing facilities in the U.S. producing more than 284 million tons of finished feed and pet food each year. The domestic animal feed industry meanwhile supports over 944,000 jobs, ranking it among the largest economic contributors to the U.S. agricultural sector.
In addition to having the world’s largest fed-cattle industry, the U.S. is also the world’s largest consumer of beef—primarily high-value, grain-fed beef. In 2019, the Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) found that major species of livestock, poultry, aquaculture, and pets in the United States consumed approximately 284 million tons of feed, with a value of $59.9 billion. Beef cattle consumed 64.5 million tons of feed, hogs consumed 61.8 million tons, and broiler chickens consumed 60.8 million tons, respectively.'
'As spearheaded by the HFC, several universities nationwide are studying the safety and efficacy of hemp and its byproducts. In August 2020, HFC earned an Agricultural Products Utilization Commission grant from the North Dakota Department of Agriculture to help fund a study of hempseed cake and meal in chicken feed. Likewise, researchers from Kansas State University were awarded a $200,000 federal USDA grant to study cannabinoid transference in the meat, milk, and eggs of hemp-fed animal byproducts in cattle feed. In March, the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) granted nearly $300,000 to Oregon State University for research into feeding spent hemp biomass to cattle. In addition to those, Colorado State University is studying hemp seed meal for lambs, Tuskegee University is studying the impact of hemp seed meal on goats, and North Carolina State University is studying the effect of hemp seed oil on horses.
Hemp industry stakeholders are banking on the approval of hemp grain ingredients. A 2019 Farm Journal survey of 950 U.S. farmers and ranchers found 60% of respondents agreeing that farmers should grow hemp for animal feed, while 48% agreed that they would use hemp for animal feed themselves. Approval of hemp for the animal feed market would greatly broaden the total addressable market for hemp producers. The American Feed Industry Association reports there being more than 5,800 animal food manufacturing facilities in the U.S. producing more than 284 million tons of finished feed and pet food each year. The domestic animal feed industry meanwhile supports over 944,000 jobs, ranking it among the largest economic contributors to the U.S. agricultural sector.
In addition to having the world’s largest fed-cattle industry, the U.S. is also the world’s largest consumer of beef—primarily high-value, grain-fed beef. In 2019, the Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) found that major species of livestock, poultry, aquaculture, and pets in the United States consumed approximately 284 million tons of feed, with a value of $59.9 billion. Beef cattle consumed 64.5 million tons of feed, hogs consumed 61.8 million tons, and broiler chickens consumed 60.8 million tons, respectively.'
'From wildfires to record heat to prolonged drought, outdoor marijuana cultivators across the American West had more than a few obstacles to contend with this year.
On top of that, market prices are falling in some Western states – including California and Nevada – as marijuana production capacity continues to expand (see chart above.)
Data from Seattle-based analytics firm Headset shows that, from September 2020 to September 2021, market share for cannabis flower shrunk in each of the following states:
- California: 45.2% to 39.7%
- Colorado: 49.5% to 43.1%
- Nevada: 60.8% to 50%
- Oregon: 50.7% to 45.3%
- Washington: 46.5% to 44%
So how tough is the outlook for this year’s harvest? Depends on whom you ask.'
On top of that, market prices are falling in some Western states – including California and Nevada – as marijuana production capacity continues to expand (see chart above.)
Data from Seattle-based analytics firm Headset shows that, from September 2020 to September 2021, market share for cannabis flower shrunk in each of the following states:
- California: 45.2% to 39.7%
- Colorado: 49.5% to 43.1%
- Nevada: 60.8% to 50%
- Oregon: 50.7% to 45.3%
- Washington: 46.5% to 44%
So how tough is the outlook for this year’s harvest? Depends on whom you ask.'
Even if all the nations of the world legalized cannabis for all purposes - medicinal, intoxicant, food and industrial purposes - TODAY, a feat not impossible as all it takes is for the UN to change global drug laws and every nation to follow suit by changing their individual national drug laws with the same alacrity that all showed in embracing the fake pandemic Covid, it would still take at least a decade for cannabis to become truly pervasive significantly reducing the footprint of the following industries: the synthetic pharmaceutical drug industry for medicine; the global synthetic recreational drug industry, alcohol and tobacco for intoxicant; unsustainable rice, wheat and cotton as agricultural crops on current scales; the chemical fertilizer industry through organic farming of climate resistant cannabis; the petrochemical based non-biodegradable plastics and synthetics industries as industrial sources of raw materials. Even then much of the damage may be irrepairable, such as the omnipresent microplastics, and the contamination of land, water and air by synthetic pharmaceuticals, chemical fertilizers, fossil fuels and petrochemicals. But there is a chance that we could at least slow this down or even stall it. However, these industries - petrochemicals, synthetic pharmaceuticals, chemical fertilizers, alcohol and tobacco are the biggest industries in the world today. The world's rich to whom these industries belong, and the governments that they own and fund, will do all they can to prevent this, including the use of the arms industry who fear a peaceful world of cannabis as a threat to their existence as much as the rich and the governments. This means that what could take a decade if all are fully committed will most likely take much more time. The two years lost to the fake pandemic Covid were accelerated steps in the opposite direction to that which we should have been taking. Do we have that much time to change course? Will nature and human insanity give us the time? Today, all global leaders are floundering helplessly and aimlessly, with what is being proposed as solutions to the catastrophic problem being nothing more than cosmetic makeovers, while they work to consolidate their own positions and the rich strive to get richer. At a time when all possible options must be considered, no, pursued with great urgency, even then it may not be enough, we find humanity moving with determination like zombies towards the sixth extinction...What is overwhelmingly evident is the human delusion that man is the master of nature and an insane stubbornness to pursue natural ways...
'You see?' said the official, examining the ultra-titanium out seals of the aorist rod hold. 'Perfectly secure, perfectly safe.'
He said the same thing as they passed holds containing chemical weapons so powerful that a teaspoonful could fatally infect an entire planet.
He said the same thing as they passed holds containing zeta-active compounds so powerful that a teaspoonful could blow up a whole planet.
He said the same thing a they passed holds containing theta-active compounds so powerful that a teaspoonful could irradiate a whole planet.
'I'm glad I'm not a planet,' muttered Zaphod.
'You'd have nothing to fear,' assured the official from the Safety and Civil Reassurance Administration.'
- Young Zaphod Plays It Safe, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
He said the same thing as they passed holds containing chemical weapons so powerful that a teaspoonful could fatally infect an entire planet.
He said the same thing as they passed holds containing zeta-active compounds so powerful that a teaspoonful could blow up a whole planet.
He said the same thing a they passed holds containing theta-active compounds so powerful that a teaspoonful could irradiate a whole planet.
'I'm glad I'm not a planet,' muttered Zaphod.
'You'd have nothing to fear,' assured the official from the Safety and Civil Reassurance Administration.'
- Young Zaphod Plays It Safe, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
Natural varieties of ganja grow to maturity in harmony with the seasons and flower in spring. They are one of nature's aids for living beings to remain calm and not destroy or self destruct in the approaching summer heat...
'While acknowledging the hurdles to undertake, the study speculates that shifting from indoor grows to outdoor could reduce greenhouse gas emissions up to 96%. A switch to greenhouse growing could also reduce emissions to 46%. As for potential solutions, the report highlights conservation efforts like a controversial California proposal to mandate growers use more efficient LED lights by 2023 and a law in Illinois that limits light intensity and calls for high-efficiency HVAC equipment. It also alludes to one major fix, federal cannabis legalization, that might allow for indoor cannabis to be grown in lower elevations and transported across the country.'
'“History confirms that the world looks to America to lead change, be it industrial, cultural or environmental,” Geoff Whaling, chair of NHA, said in a press release. “This is more true today than ever before, as we look to combat the global climate crisis affecting humankind.”
“We know American ingenuity will drive many of these solutions and can do so with plant-based technologies,” he added. “Hemp, America’s newest commodity crop, will be at the forefront of this regenerative economic and social shift; helping create jobs, clean our soil and air, and introduce sustainable new products once only dreamed about.”'
'“History confirms that the world looks to America to lead change, be it industrial, cultural or environmental,” Geoff Whaling, chair of NHA, said in a press release. “This is more true today than ever before, as we look to combat the global climate crisis affecting humankind.”
“We know American ingenuity will drive many of these solutions and can do so with plant-based technologies,” he added. “Hemp, America’s newest commodity crop, will be at the forefront of this regenerative economic and social shift; helping create jobs, clean our soil and air, and introduce sustainable new products once only dreamed about.”'
It took decades for human-induced antibiotic resistance to build in bacteria but humans have achieved the fantastic feat with viruses in just a couple of years. We owe this wonderful achievement to the sustained effort of the pharmaceutical industry, medical industry, petrochemical industry, governments and media, and ourselves for managing to raise a relatively harmless virus to the status of death incarnate. In the process we dozed vast numbers of humanity with vaccines, antibiotics, antivirals, antihistamines, steroids, opioids, antifungals, anticoagulants, and numerous other dangerous drugs, coercing our civic workers, students, elderly, hotel staff, domestic and corporate employees to vaccinate themselves. We filled our already crippled environment, including our precious fresh water supplies with these drugs. We flooded the world with plastics and dangerous synthetics using our test kits, synthetic masks, PPE kits, disinfectants and hand sanitizers gaily to the beat of songs specially created for this purpose. Hundreds of millions lost their jobs, millions lost their lives to improper synthetic pharma drug medication, all children lost two years of precious education. Governments, health experts and media created mass hysteria, shutting down the whole world, locking up its citizens and amassing wealth at the expense of everything...One fine day, except in China where humanity appears dead, it all stopped - the number of deaths, the fresh cases of infection, the TPR, the number of vaccinations administered, everything. These statistics now find a passing mention in media. Governments have moved on to other important businesses like elections, wars and petrochemical supply control, now funded with the fake pandemic wealth and emboldened by the people's timidity. What caused the change in status of Covid from most deadly threat to humanity to history so quickly? Was it omicron, the variant that emerged immune to nearly all vaccines as a result of virus mutations from unprecedented vaccinations? Was it that the pharma companies and petrochemical companies had met their profit goals? Was it because governments had gained enough control over the people? Was it because people said enough is enough? Was it because the sales of arms, funded by the fake pandemic, had reached a level where a real war of catastrophic proportions could now take place, providing vast profits for the arms and petrochemical industries, as clearly signaled by the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Whatever the reason, humanity appears to have recovered from the Covid insanity, forgotten it like it never even happened, and is now ready to be fooled again, because it is so gullible, unable to comprehend the significance of life on a much larger scale, because every individual is only able to focus on ensuring that one's own ass is taken care of at all costs...Mass human insanity in full public display for all to see...Covid, anyone?
'“the BMW Group and its partners have systematically further developed the use of fibres such as hemp, kenaf and flax, providing them with natural fibre lattice structures,” says the company.
“Thanks to these support structures, it is possible to maintain their mechanical properties and avoid additional weight by reducing the amount of material needed,” says the company.
BMW Group is also using biobased plastics and plastics reinforced with natural fibres such as hemp, cutting down on the use of oil based primary plastics. Its aim is to use thermoplastics with an average of 40 percent recycled material by 2030.
The company’s overall goal is to reducing lifecycle CO2 emissions of its vehicles by more than 40 percent by 2030.'
“Thanks to these support structures, it is possible to maintain their mechanical properties and avoid additional weight by reducing the amount of material needed,” says the company.
BMW Group is also using biobased plastics and plastics reinforced with natural fibres such as hemp, cutting down on the use of oil based primary plastics. Its aim is to use thermoplastics with an average of 40 percent recycled material by 2030.
The company’s overall goal is to reducing lifecycle CO2 emissions of its vehicles by more than 40 percent by 2030.'
'Still, agribusiness contributes approximately $87 billion to the Tar Heel state’s economy. As Daniel Yohannes, CEO of clean-tech manufacturing Renaissance Fiber explained, “the connection between hemp and textiles was obvious, especially in North Carolina. What we’ve come to understand, though, is that hemp promises two very important things. In a traditional sense, hemp will rebuild some of the lost connection between agriculture and industry that actually built the communities we live in here. At the same time, it will improve the environmental impact of some of the U.S. and the world’s largest and most important supply chains. Both are urgently needed.
There almost couldn’t have been a better time for this.”
There is a substantial upside to reshoring: The U.K.’s House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee found that textile production contributes more to climate change than do international aviation and shipping combined. According to the UN Environment Assembly, the fashion industry is responsible for 8% of carbon emissions.'
'Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.
Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles in an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.
This planet has - or had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper which were unhappy.
And so the problem remained; lots of the people were mean, and most of them were unhappy, even the ones with digital watches.
Many were increasingly of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.
And then, one Thursday, nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change, a girl sitting on her own in a small cafe in Rickmansworth suddenly realized what it was that had been wrong all this time, and she finally knew how the world could be made a good and happy place. This time it was right, it would work, and no one would have to get nailed to anything.
Sadly, however, before she could get to a phone to tell anyone about it, the Earth was unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new hyperspace bypass, and so the idea was lost, seemingly for ever.'
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
There almost couldn’t have been a better time for this.”
There is a substantial upside to reshoring: The U.K.’s House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee found that textile production contributes more to climate change than do international aviation and shipping combined. According to the UN Environment Assembly, the fashion industry is responsible for 8% of carbon emissions.'
'Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.
Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles in an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.
This planet has - or had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper which were unhappy.
And so the problem remained; lots of the people were mean, and most of them were unhappy, even the ones with digital watches.
Many were increasingly of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.
And then, one Thursday, nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change, a girl sitting on her own in a small cafe in Rickmansworth suddenly realized what it was that had been wrong all this time, and she finally knew how the world could be made a good and happy place. This time it was right, it would work, and no one would have to get nailed to anything.
Sadly, however, before she could get to a phone to tell anyone about it, the Earth was unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new hyperspace bypass, and so the idea was lost, seemingly for ever.'
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
In the last two years humans have witnessed, and been a part of, biological warfare against the world's people by its rulers - the autocrats, pharma companies and petrochemical companies, on a scale unprecedented in the known history of humans...What became first visible as China's attack on its people's attempt at democracy, soon revealed itself on a global scale. The US, under Donald Trump, Russia, India and Britain quickly ramped up their attack on their own people as well as the people of the world. The ingenuity of this biological warfare was that it was disguised as a cure for illness. Never before has humanity queued up to voluntarily get itself dosed by biological weapons as enthusiastically as this. No genocide in the world's history even comes close to this. The short terms effects that can now be seen of this war are tremendous growth in the wealth and power of the autocrats, pharma and petrochemical companies while the world's people experience fevers, colds, lung infections and body pain that have become chronic on a global scale. Our water, food and air are now completely contaminated by the assault while deaths due the adverse effects of this attack have been swept under the carpet. Children's education is disrupted like never before as is the livelihoods and health care of hundreds of millions. Now the same entities, with Biden in place of Trump in the US, play out war games to distract the world's people while continuing to exhort them to further dose themselves with these biological poisons...The long term effects of this war on humans is only starting to unravel...Humanity, by and large, remains completely oblivious of what it is experiencing and witnessing...
'Viscous, stratified, and hot to the touch, a five-gallon water tank bubbled with unknown chemicals at an illegal marijuana grow site in California’s San Bernardino National Forest. Marijuana growers most likely planned to use this brew as a high-powered pesticide to keep any and all animals away from their marijuana plants.
On U.S. Forest Service land in California alone, more than 400 illegal grow sites have been identified. This is in part because international drug organizations have traditionally set up illegal grow sites on national forests in California.
However, organized sites are now popping up as far east as North Carolina, and smaller, unorganized grow sites occur in most states. These sites pose problems for Forest Service law enforcement, the public, and the environment – with pesticides poisoning wildlife, soil, and water.'
'The aim of our study was to test the immunostimulating effect of a diet with hemp extract on the resistance of the honey bee (Apis mellifera). The experiment compared the effect of supplementation between the bees receiving the extract in the form of a mixture with sugar syrup and on the strip with the extract, compared to the bees that had no contact with substance. In order to determine this effect, the biochemical indicators were analyzed: the proteolytic system (proteases, protease inhibitors, total protein concentration) responsible for the fight against pathogens/parasites, biomarkers (ALT, AST, ALP), and the basic components of metabolism (glucose and urea concentrations). Parameters were determined in the hemolymph of 2- and 7-day-old workers. Hemp extracts caused an increase in the protein concentrations. Regardless of the method of administration, proteases decreased. Protease inhibitors increased, except supplementation on strips where the activity decreased. The biomarker activities increased in the control group and workers feeding extract in syrup and decreased in workers supplemented with the extract on strips. The results of the metabolic component were as follows: glucose and urea concentrations indicate that the extract will not adversely affect metabolic changes in the insect’s organism. Hemp extract improves the natural immunity of bees'
On U.S. Forest Service land in California alone, more than 400 illegal grow sites have been identified. This is in part because international drug organizations have traditionally set up illegal grow sites on national forests in California.
However, organized sites are now popping up as far east as North Carolina, and smaller, unorganized grow sites occur in most states. These sites pose problems for Forest Service law enforcement, the public, and the environment – with pesticides poisoning wildlife, soil, and water.'
'The aim of our study was to test the immunostimulating effect of a diet with hemp extract on the resistance of the honey bee (Apis mellifera). The experiment compared the effect of supplementation between the bees receiving the extract in the form of a mixture with sugar syrup and on the strip with the extract, compared to the bees that had no contact with substance. In order to determine this effect, the biochemical indicators were analyzed: the proteolytic system (proteases, protease inhibitors, total protein concentration) responsible for the fight against pathogens/parasites, biomarkers (ALT, AST, ALP), and the basic components of metabolism (glucose and urea concentrations). Parameters were determined in the hemolymph of 2- and 7-day-old workers. Hemp extracts caused an increase in the protein concentrations. Regardless of the method of administration, proteases decreased. Protease inhibitors increased, except supplementation on strips where the activity decreased. The biomarker activities increased in the control group and workers feeding extract in syrup and decreased in workers supplemented with the extract on strips. The results of the metabolic component were as follows: glucose and urea concentrations indicate that the extract will not adversely affect metabolic changes in the insect’s organism. Hemp extract improves the natural immunity of bees'
'From wildfires to drought to hurricanes, a changing climate means more extreme weather for cannabis companies up and down the supply chain.
But no one is more directly impacted by these changes than marijuana growers.
Depending on where a grow operation is located, the challenge that climate change presents is different.'
But no one is more directly impacted by these changes than marijuana growers.
Depending on where a grow operation is located, the challenge that climate change presents is different.'
Colds, cough and chest congestion are common in winter in Bengaluru. This winter, it is even more prevalent, thanks to the record vaccinations achievement of Bengaluru's herd for the greater glory of the supreme leader, Mai-Baap, so as to cling on to comforts now conditional to vaccination. If you have a cold, cough or chest congestion, do the following - drink warm water, gargle with salt water and/or drink milk with turmeric for the cough; do steam inhalations for the chest congestion; take plenty of rest and try to eat simple food for the general cold. There is no need to run to do a RT-PCR test to find out if your cold has the name of a Greek alphabet. The only people who benefit from knowing the Greek alphabetical name of your cold are the crooks who have laid out the trap and wait with open beds, test kits and stockpiles of dangerous synthetic medicines, with their eyes on your money, hoping that the herd continue playing that game till it is milked to the last drop, and the vitality of this planet is sucked out completely...
'Regenerative organic cultivation standards encourage the planting of cannabis alongside food crops with strategic use of cover crops, composting, mulching and reduced soil tillage – methods that have been shown to sequester carbon from the atmosphere and are championed as a part of the solution to global warming by groups such as the Pennsylvania-based Rodale Institute, a pioneer of organic agriculture research and consumer education.
The regenerative organic model for cannabis grown under the sun, in the soil, without chemical fertilizers or toxic pesticides can drastically reduce the carbon footprint of cannabis and, indeed, build networks of food and flower production that are themselves more resilient to the impacts of climate change.'
The regenerative organic model for cannabis grown under the sun, in the soil, without chemical fertilizers or toxic pesticides can drastically reduce the carbon footprint of cannabis and, indeed, build networks of food and flower production that are themselves more resilient to the impacts of climate change.'
Koo...here's Mu...come on, come on...let's increase the vaccine coverage and see how many new variants of concern we can culture in the human population...there are so many pharma companies waiting in the wings to develop vaccines...we need to create the markets for them, don't we?
Damage to public health, society and environment? Who cares...
'Many cannabis growers on the West Coast have accepted the reality that wildfires and smoke are an unavoidable part of the late summer-fall growing season each year, while a few are considering other options.
This year, beginning in July, wildfire smoke blanketed much of the West, and some experts are warning that fire season could last until December.
Thick smoke can filter sunlight, reducing plant growth and yields. If a farm is too close to the fire itself, smoke can taint the cannabis and make it unsaleable even if it passes laboratory testing.'
Damage to public health, society and environment? Who cares...
'Many cannabis growers on the West Coast have accepted the reality that wildfires and smoke are an unavoidable part of the late summer-fall growing season each year, while a few are considering other options.
This year, beginning in July, wildfire smoke blanketed much of the West, and some experts are warning that fire season could last until December.
Thick smoke can filter sunlight, reducing plant growth and yields. If a farm is too close to the fire itself, smoke can taint the cannabis and make it unsaleable even if it passes laboratory testing.'
There are some who can live without wild things, and some who cannot. These essays are the delights and dilemmas of one who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
'Specifically, DOE is interested in the company’s HempWool product, which is described as “the most sustainable, high performing insulation material on the planet.”
Beyond being a non-toxic alternative to traditional insulation, the hemp-based product also has a strong thermal resistance and a low carbon footprint.
“The Department of Energy is interested in the decarbonization potential of insulation and other building materials made from hemp fibers,” Gibbons told HempBuildMag.'
Beyond being a non-toxic alternative to traditional insulation, the hemp-based product also has a strong thermal resistance and a low carbon footprint.
“The Department of Energy is interested in the decarbonization potential of insulation and other building materials made from hemp fibers,” Gibbons told HempBuildMag.'
'The extreme weather conditions pose serious challenges to cannabis growers throughout Western U.S. states and Canada all of which are experiencing historic drought conditions. In addition to California, nearly three-quarters of each Oregon and Nevada, and over one-third or more of Arizona, Washington, and New Mexico, are facing technically defined “extreme” or “exceptional” drought. Collectively, the affected states produce approximately two-thirds of the cannabis consumed in the U.S., suggesting the potential impacts which the shifting climate may have on the country’s most productive cannabis-producing regions.'
The same denial that we have seen all these years regarding climate change, is now also evident when it comes to public health and the damage caused by synthetic pharmaceutical drugs, chemical pesticides and fertilizers...Two years on, the public is still fed the narrative that vaccines and the numerous lethal pharmaceutical drugs that have been injected into humans, in the name of the so-called Covid pandemic, are all beneficial, and that there have been no adverse effects from all these...The narrative is that without all these man-made poisons, the human race would cease to exist, while in reality, it is these very poisons that threaten not just humans, but all life on earth...It is not surprising that the denial is the same, since the culprits in both cases, climate change and failing public health, are the same - the authoritarian governments, petrochemical and fossil fuel industry, medical industry and the synthetic pharmaceutical industry...One common thread that runs through this entire goon-gang of death merchants is the hilarious delusional belief that man is superior to nature, and anything man-made is superior to anything that nature creates...The source of this delusional belief is very likely the over-indulgence in, and addiction to, the aforesaid synthetics...
'Nature cannot change the past to suit our thinking. She cannot change the stars or the winds; but she does change our bodies to suit our thinking, and through their instrumentality changes much besides; so the great practical distinction between objects which we may will or unwill, and objects which we can merely believe or disbelieve, grows up, and is of course one of the most important distinctions in the world.' - William James, Belief, Principles of Psychology
'Nature cannot change the past to suit our thinking. She cannot change the stars or the winds; but she does change our bodies to suit our thinking, and through their instrumentality changes much besides; so the great practical distinction between objects which we may will or unwill, and objects which we can merely believe or disbelieve, grows up, and is of course one of the most important distinctions in the world.' - William James, Belief, Principles of Psychology
'“What we found over the weeks that we were sampling, the amounts of CBD and THC went up proportionately in all of these different cultivars for all of these different stresses,” Toth said.
By week four, at harvest time, they found that nearly every plant (except those treated with herbicide, which were nearly dead) produced the expected ratio of CBD to THC, with high levels of CBD corresponding to levels of THC above the 0.3% THC threshold.'
By week four, at harvest time, they found that nearly every plant (except those treated with herbicide, which were nearly dead) produced the expected ratio of CBD to THC, with high levels of CBD corresponding to levels of THC above the 0.3% THC threshold.'
'It became more difficult to procure insulation after temperatures plummeted in February in Texas, which is among the top producers and distributors of building materials nationwide.
When the Suez Canal was blocked for six days in March after the grounding of the massive Ever Given container ship, all sorts of building materials became even more difficult to get.
Wholesale steel prices, for example, rose 36% during the first six months of the year, according to federal data. Lumber prices in June were up 23% from January and 48% from June 2020'
When the Suez Canal was blocked for six days in March after the grounding of the massive Ever Given container ship, all sorts of building materials became even more difficult to get.
Wholesale steel prices, for example, rose 36% during the first six months of the year, according to federal data. Lumber prices in June were up 23% from January and 48% from June 2020'
So we contaminate our environment, food and water with dangerous man-made chemicals in the pursuit of quick money. These chemicals cause cancers in our bodies. To treat these cancers we make dangerous synthetic drugs, in the pursuit of quick money, that not only fail to treat the cancers, but also result in a collapse of most other body systems. This leads to a weakening and collapse of humans on increasingly larger scales as time goes by. But we do nothing to stop the contamination and weakening of our bodies that evolved over hundreds of millions of years and the contamination of our environment, food and water. Instead we continue searching for more powerful man made chemicals, to make more money faster, in the name of medicine for our environment, bodies and minds believing that we are masters of nature or, if not that, smarter than nature, whom we can fool like our gullible fellow men...but nature is not looking to make more money faster..she only deals in life and death...
There is as yet no ethic dealing with man's relation to land and to the animals and plants which grow upon it....The land-relation is still strictly economic, entailing privileges but not obligations....Obligations have no meaning without conscience, and the problem we face is the extension of the social conscience from people to land.
No important change in ethics was ever accomplished without an internal change in our intellectual emphasis, and convictions. The proof that conversation has not yet touched these foundations of conduct lies in the fact that philosophy and religion have not yet heard of it. In our attempt to make conversation easy, we have made it trivial.
No important change in ethics was ever accomplished without an internal change in our intellectual emphasis, and convictions. The proof that conversation has not yet touched these foundations of conduct lies in the fact that philosophy and religion have not yet heard of it. In our attempt to make conversation easy, we have made it trivial.
- Aldo Leopold
'In 1963, two years before I was born, Rachel Carson warned us in her book Silent Spring that we were doing terrible damage to our planet. She would weep to see how much worse it has become. Insect-rich wildlife habitats, such as hay meadows, marshes, heathland and tropical rainforests, have been bulldozed, burned or ploughed to destruction on a vast scale. The problems with pesticides and fertilisers, she highlighted, have become far more acute, with an estimated 3m tonnes of pesticides now going into the global environment every year. Some of these new pesticides are thousands of times more toxic to insects than any that existed in Carson’s day. Soils have been degraded, rivers choked with silt and polluted with chemicals. Climate change, a phenomenon unrecognised in her time, is now threatening to further ravage our planet. These changes have all happened in our lifetime, on our watch, and they continue to accelerate.'
'Hemp is “versatile in extracting many different kinds of chemicals from the soil,” Chelli Stanley, a member of Upland Grassroots, states in the commentary.
Previous research has also demonstrated industrial hemp can be effective in phytoremediation.
“Hemp phytoremediation has been previously used for other types of soil contaminants – mainly metals,” Sara L. Nason, one of the lead researchers on the project, tells Inverse. Nason is a scientist affiliated with the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment station.
Hemp, in turn, has been grown in other sites with significant amounts of environmental contamination such as Chernobyl, Nason says.'
'I wish to speak a word for Nature, for absolute freedom and wildness, as contrasted with a freedom and culture merely civil - to regard man as an inhabitant, or a part and parcel of Nature, rather than a member of society. I wish to make an extreme statement, if so I may make an emphatic one, for there are enough champions of civilization: the minister and the school committee and every one of you will take care of that.' - Walking, Selected Writings on Nature and Liberty, Henry D Thoreau.
'Hemp is “versatile in extracting many different kinds of chemicals from the soil,” Chelli Stanley, a member of Upland Grassroots, states in the commentary.
Previous research has also demonstrated industrial hemp can be effective in phytoremediation.
“Hemp phytoremediation has been previously used for other types of soil contaminants – mainly metals,” Sara L. Nason, one of the lead researchers on the project, tells Inverse. Nason is a scientist affiliated with the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment station.
Hemp, in turn, has been grown in other sites with significant amounts of environmental contamination such as Chernobyl, Nason says.'
'I wish to speak a word for Nature, for absolute freedom and wildness, as contrasted with a freedom and culture merely civil - to regard man as an inhabitant, or a part and parcel of Nature, rather than a member of society. I wish to make an extreme statement, if so I may make an emphatic one, for there are enough champions of civilization: the minister and the school committee and every one of you will take care of that.' - Walking, Selected Writings on Nature and Liberty, Henry D Thoreau.
'Licensed outdoor marijuana farms in northern California do not put undue strain on limited water resources, according to data published in the Journal of Environmental Management.
A team of researchers affiliated with the University of California, Berkeley and with the State of California, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board assessed irrigation patterns among licensed cannabis farms.
Authors stated that cannabis farming isn’t “particularly thirsty relative to other crops.” They estimated that “legal outdoor [cannabis] production uses about the same amount of water as a crop like tomatoes” and about 33 times less water than almonds.
The study’s findings run counter to previous claims that cannabis farming placed undue strain on the state’s limited water supply.'
A team of researchers affiliated with the University of California, Berkeley and with the State of California, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board assessed irrigation patterns among licensed cannabis farms.
Authors stated that cannabis farming isn’t “particularly thirsty relative to other crops.” They estimated that “legal outdoor [cannabis] production uses about the same amount of water as a crop like tomatoes” and about 33 times less water than almonds.
The study’s findings run counter to previous claims that cannabis farming placed undue strain on the state’s limited water supply.'
'The full scope of the dangerous interaction of chemicals is as yet little known, but disturbing findings now come regularly from scientific laboratories. Among this is the discovery that that the toxicity of an organic phosphate can be increased by a second agent that is not necessarily an insecticide. For example, one of the plasticizing agents may act even more dangerously than another insecticide to make malathion more dangerous. Again, this is because it inhibits the liver enzyme that would normally 'draw the teeth' of the poisonous insecticide.
What of other chemicals in the normal human environment? What, in particular, of drugs? A bare beginning has been made on this subject, but already it is known that some organic phosphates (parathion and malathion) increase the toxicity of some drugs used as muscle relaxants, and that several others (again including malathion) markedly increase the sleeping time of barbiturates.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'In a previous study, Shi’s team learned that, for a given amount of biomass, hemp has biofuel-producing potential comparable to other bioenergy crops such as kenaf, switchgrass and sorghum.
Where the plant shines is in its higher yield per hectare—agronomy data suggest the per-hectare yield of hemp stems alone is at the same level as entire switchgrass and sorghum crops.
“For growers, hemp can be more profitable [than other bioenergy crops] because you have both the fiber and grain,” says Shi. “The fiber can also be used to make paper, clothing, building materials and more.”
Beyond hempseed oil, the plant has potential to produce ethanol and methanol, both forms of alcohol that can be used as fuel. Cellulolysis ferments and distills hemp biomass to extract ethanol. Methanol is generally produced from woody plant matter through the process of dry distillation.
The majority of biofuel currently comes from corn or sugarcane. Although their high sugar content is a robust source of ethanol, utilizing these plants for fuel production can cut into a farm’s food manufacturing profits, says Pearce. Conversely, the leaves and cellulose fibers from hemp are not valuable food sources'
Where the plant shines is in its higher yield per hectare—agronomy data suggest the per-hectare yield of hemp stems alone is at the same level as entire switchgrass and sorghum crops.
“For growers, hemp can be more profitable [than other bioenergy crops] because you have both the fiber and grain,” says Shi. “The fiber can also be used to make paper, clothing, building materials and more.”
Beyond hempseed oil, the plant has potential to produce ethanol and methanol, both forms of alcohol that can be used as fuel. Cellulolysis ferments and distills hemp biomass to extract ethanol. Methanol is generally produced from woody plant matter through the process of dry distillation.
The majority of biofuel currently comes from corn or sugarcane. Although their high sugar content is a robust source of ethanol, utilizing these plants for fuel production can cut into a farm’s food manufacturing profits, says Pearce. Conversely, the leaves and cellulose fibers from hemp are not valuable food sources'
That land is a community is the basic concept of ecology, but that land is to be loved and respected is an extension of ethics. - Aldo Leopold
'We, Bombay Hemp Company, incorporated in 2013, are an Argo-based enterprise reimagining the future of Indian agriculture and sustainable living with hemp as our lens. Hemp’s uses are kaleidoscopic. Pull its Fibre out and it’ll give you Yarn; chop it into Softwood, it’ll give you material to build Shelter; harvest its seeds and it will transform into all the health and nutrition a human body needs; study its Genetics, and you’ll find Medicine. Our design fuses this very potential with the existing industries of agriculture, technology, health and nutrition, to bring together community, impact, and value.'
'However, Emily Elhacham of the Weizmann Institute of Science and colleagues recently attempted to give it a shot. Their goal was to better understand humanity's impact during the Anthropocene by totting up the weight of all inanimate human-made objects on Earth. As part of their calculations, they found that concrete accounts for around half of all human-made things – the single biggest category of anthropogenic material. And if its rate of growth continues, it will overtake the total weight of Earth's biomass sometime around 2040.
Try to picture that in the mind's eye: there is a day approaching soon when there will be a greater weight of concrete on Earth than every single tree in every forest, every fish in every sea, every farm animal in every field, and every person alive right now.'
'However, Emily Elhacham of the Weizmann Institute of Science and colleagues recently attempted to give it a shot. Their goal was to better understand humanity's impact during the Anthropocene by totting up the weight of all inanimate human-made objects on Earth. As part of their calculations, they found that concrete accounts for around half of all human-made things – the single biggest category of anthropogenic material. And if its rate of growth continues, it will overtake the total weight of Earth's biomass sometime around 2040.
Try to picture that in the mind's eye: there is a day approaching soon when there will be a greater weight of concrete on Earth than every single tree in every forest, every fish in every sea, every farm animal in every field, and every person alive right now.'
'No feats of heroism are needed to bring about the greatest and most important changes in the life of humanity; neither the arming of millions of men, nor the construction of new railways and machines, nor the organization of exhibitions or trade unions, nor revolutions, nor barricades, nor dynamite outrages, nor the perfection of aerial navigation, and so forth. All that is necessary is a change of public opinion.
And for that change no effort of thought is demanded, no refutation of any existing thing, and no planning of anything new and extraordinary. All that is necessary is to cease acquiescing in the public opinion of the past, now false and already defunct and only artificially induced by governments. It is only necessary for each individual to say what he really thinks and feels or at least refrain from saying what he does not think.
If only men - even a few - would do that, the out-worn public opinion would at once and of itself fall away and a new, real, and vital opinion would manifest itself. And with this change of public opinion all that inner fabric of men's lives which oppresses and torments them would change of its own accord. One is ashamed to say how little is needed to deliver all men from the calamities which now oppress them. It is only necessary to give up lying! Only let men reject the lie which is imposed upon them; only let them stop saying what they neither think nor feel, and at once such a change of the whole structure of our life will be accomplished as the revolutionaries would not achieve in centuries even if all the power were in their hands.' - Leo Tolstoy - The Kingdom of God and Peace Essays
'But just as the consensus about the greenhouse effect was starting to harden, and the sceptics starting to fall away, in the 1980s, there was a deliberate, organised effort to amplify that natural doubt, extend it, and use it to dismiss and distract from warnings to take action on climate change. And that wasn’t science, even if on occasion it used scientists – that was PR. It did not necessarily mean creating phoney science. (That could work, too, but would only get you so far.) You would fund real scientists, but in a way that would confuse and muddy the message. They had done this before, with air pollution in the 1940s, and their PR companies had picked up a trick or two from fights about the links between tobacco and cancer.'
I am glad I shall never be young without wild country to be young in. - Aldo Leopold
'Hemp can capture atmospheric carbon twice as effectively as forests while providing carbon-negative biomaterials for architects and designers, according to Cambridge University researcher Darshil Shah.
"Numerous studies estimate that hemp is one of the best CO2-to-biomass converters," said Shah, who is senior researcher at the Centre for Natural Material Innovation at Cambridge.
"It's even more effective than trees," he said. "Industrial hemp absorbs between 8 to 15 tonnes of CO2 per hectare of cultivation."
"In comparison, forests typically capture 2 to 6 tonnes of CO2 per hectare per year depending on the number of years of growth, the climatic region, the type of trees etc."'
'“Social and environmental concerns often get pushed to the backburner, especially in a nascent and rapidly growing industry where many companies are still struggling to get a foothold,” said Marc Ross, counsel and head of impact and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) at VS.
“Because the cannabis industry is still in development and under the microscope of a wide range of stakeholders, businesses are under a lot of pressure to do better. By prioritizing ESG issues from the outset, the cannabis industry can get out in front on them.“It is only a matter of time before all U.S. companies will need to begin disclosing their ESG impacts,” he said. “While other sectors get up to speed, the cannabis industry will already be positioned to lead the way.”'
"Numerous studies estimate that hemp is one of the best CO2-to-biomass converters," said Shah, who is senior researcher at the Centre for Natural Material Innovation at Cambridge.
"It's even more effective than trees," he said. "Industrial hemp absorbs between 8 to 15 tonnes of CO2 per hectare of cultivation."
"In comparison, forests typically capture 2 to 6 tonnes of CO2 per hectare per year depending on the number of years of growth, the climatic region, the type of trees etc."'
'“Social and environmental concerns often get pushed to the backburner, especially in a nascent and rapidly growing industry where many companies are still struggling to get a foothold,” said Marc Ross, counsel and head of impact and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) at VS.
“Because the cannabis industry is still in development and under the microscope of a wide range of stakeholders, businesses are under a lot of pressure to do better. By prioritizing ESG issues from the outset, the cannabis industry can get out in front on them.“It is only a matter of time before all U.S. companies will need to begin disclosing their ESG impacts,” he said. “While other sectors get up to speed, the cannabis industry will already be positioned to lead the way.”'
'The world-mill is more complex than the calico-mill, and the architect stooped less. In the gingham-mill, a broken thread or a shred spoils the web through a piece of a hundred yards, and is traced back to the girl that wove it, and lessens her wages. The stockholder, on being shown this, rubs his hands with delight. Are you so cunning, Mr. Profitloss, and do you expect to swindle your master and employer, in the web you weave? A day is a more magnificent cloth than any muslin, the mechanism that makes it is infinitely cunninger, and you shall not conceal the sleazy, fraudulent, rotten hours you have slipped into the piece; nor fear that any honest thread, or straighter steel, or more inflexible shaft, will not testify in the web.' - Power, Emerson The Writings of America's Sage
'An in-depth look at water usage in the regulated cannabis cultivation market reveals how it compares to the illicit market and traditional agricultural sectors. On a per-pound basis, cannabis might be better compared to more valuable, scarce cash crops. Mid-range cannabis in the United States, costing approximately $1,500/lb., is comparable to the price a pound of saffron fetched in Delhi, India, last year ($1,496), or the same amount of Italian white truffles ($1,581). Notably, the substantial expense associated with saffron and truffles are in part derived from the labor-intensive collection process for the former, and the relative rarity and difficulty in procuring the latter.
Consequently, cannabis is not only one of the world’s most valuable cash crops, but the industry’s market value has potential to increase dramatically, with only incremental increases in production. Across the globe, nations which have legalized cannabis for either medical or adult use have found the plant to be an enticing source of additional revenue. At the same time, agricultural research and innovation should normalize cultivation practices and lead to greater resource efficiency.'
Consequently, cannabis is not only one of the world’s most valuable cash crops, but the industry’s market value has potential to increase dramatically, with only incremental increases in production. Across the globe, nations which have legalized cannabis for either medical or adult use have found the plant to be an enticing source of additional revenue. At the same time, agricultural research and innovation should normalize cultivation practices and lead to greater resource efficiency.'
We of the industrial age boast of our control over nature....there is no force in earth or sky which we will not shortly harness to build "the good life" for ourselves. But what is the good life?...We stand guard over works of art, but species representing the work of aeons are stolen from under our noses....game can be restored by the creative use of the same tools which have heretofore destroyed it - axe, plow, cow, fire and gun.
- Aldo Leopold
'In Arizona, several fires have been underway while temperatures only continue to rise, consuming thousands of acres and prompting numerous evacuations and closures. In California, the wet season is becoming more compressed while the dry season is getting longer. The phenomenon is particularly pronounced in Northern California — the legendary cannabis region and home to so many industry operations.
Last year, reported 4,257,863 acres burned in California, with 10,488 structures damaged or destroyed. As discussed in New Frontier Data’s recent report, Cannabis H20: Water Use & Sustainability in Cultivation, ideal environmental and climactic conditions have historically made the Western states well suited for outdoor cannabis cultivation, but those states now face the nation’s most acute drought conditions: Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Oregon collectively account for 71% of the nation’s total cannabis supply (both legal and illicit).'
Last year, reported 4,257,863 acres burned in California, with 10,488 structures damaged or destroyed. As discussed in New Frontier Data’s recent report, Cannabis H20: Water Use & Sustainability in Cultivation, ideal environmental and climactic conditions have historically made the Western states well suited for outdoor cannabis cultivation, but those states now face the nation’s most acute drought conditions: Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Oregon collectively account for 71% of the nation’s total cannabis supply (both legal and illicit).'
'But if Earth really does have a geologic 'heartbeat', it might be due to something a little closer to home.
"These cyclic pulses of tectonics and climate change may be the result of geophysical processes related to the dynamics of plate tectonics and mantle plumes, or might alternatively be paced by astronomical cycles associated with the Earth's motions in the Solar System and the Galaxy," the team writes in their study.'
"These cyclic pulses of tectonics and climate change may be the result of geophysical processes related to the dynamics of plate tectonics and mantle plumes, or might alternatively be paced by astronomical cycles associated with the Earth's motions in the Solar System and the Galaxy," the team writes in their study.'
'Ours is the age, among other things, of the automobile and of rocketing population. Alcohol is incompatible with safety on the roads, and its production, like that of tobacco, condemns to virtual sterility many millions of acres of the most fertile soil. The problems raised by alcohol and tobacco cannot, it goes without saying, be solved by prohibition. The universal and ever-present urge to self-transcendence is not to be abolished by slamming the currenty popular Doors in the Wall. The only reasonable policy is to open other, better doors in the hope of inducing men and women to exchange their old bad habits for new and less harmful ones. Some of these other, better doors will be social and technological in nature, others religious or psychological, others dietetic, educational, athletic. But the need for frequent chemical vacations from intolerable selfhood and repulsive surroundings will undoubtedly remain.' - The Doors of Perception, Aldous Huxley, 1954.
'"One of the properties of hemp is, it's inherently anti-microbial, antibacterial, so it will absorb smells," she said, adding it prevents mold.
Goodvin is hosting a workshop on Saturday and Sunday about the basics of using hempcrete as an infill, from framing to finish for code-approved builds.
A tiny home will be framed and ready for the workshop. Participants will learn how to form, mix, and fill walls with hempcrete.
"You can actually do this yourself if that's something you want to do, or you can get a crowd of friends together and do that, too," she said. '
Goodvin is hosting a workshop on Saturday and Sunday about the basics of using hempcrete as an infill, from framing to finish for code-approved builds.
A tiny home will be framed and ready for the workshop. Participants will learn how to form, mix, and fill walls with hempcrete.
"You can actually do this yourself if that's something you want to do, or you can get a crowd of friends together and do that, too," she said. '
'Tommy Gibbons, the BTO Innovation Crossroads fellow, will focus his project on energy-efficient, carbon-negative, bio-based insulation. Gibbons has developed hemp fiber insulation that is nontoxic, high-performing, and carbon-negative. The hemp-based product can drastically reduce a building’s carbon footprint while increasing the occupant’s health and comfort. The material also has the potential to achieve a high R-value, which denotes efficiency, and is fire resistant.
Hemp-based insulation releases zero carbon and can be manufactured at a lower cost because the material can be sourced wholly in the U.S. Gibbons holds an undergraduate degree in public policy from Princeton University and is a certificated green associate from the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.'
Hemp-based insulation releases zero carbon and can be manufactured at a lower cost because the material can be sourced wholly in the U.S. Gibbons holds an undergraduate degree in public policy from Princeton University and is a certificated green associate from the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.'
'Insulation is necessary in the construction of every residential and commercial structure. In the U.S., it is a $11.4 billion industry, and is forecasted to continue growing over the next five years at a 2.7% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). Growth in the insulation market is part of a thriving construction materials industry that is swelling with development. The immense scale of growth in the construction market represents a unique challenge in light of the industry’s outsized carbon footprint.
The construction and operation of buildings is already responsible for roughly 10% of global CO2e emissions, and projected to more than double over the next half-century – the equivalent of building a new New York City each month.
Fiberglass insulation, especially, possesses a substantial carbon footprint. To manufacture it, molten glass must be heated to 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit, and mixed with chemicals and minerals mined from the earth, an incredibly energy intensive process.'
The construction and operation of buildings is already responsible for roughly 10% of global CO2e emissions, and projected to more than double over the next half-century – the equivalent of building a new New York City each month.
Fiberglass insulation, especially, possesses a substantial carbon footprint. To manufacture it, molten glass must be heated to 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit, and mixed with chemicals and minerals mined from the earth, an incredibly energy intensive process.'
'Eliminating materials like concrete or plastic or replacing them with alternatives is not going to address the fundamental problem with human attitudes and our unparalleled appetite for more. This is exactly where materialism can seamlessly transform into a known unknown risk factor in global catastrophe. The myriad of ways in which it can turn this planet into a mundane world is something our civilisation has never experienced before.
In the absence of a fully secure evolutionary shield, we could depend on our intelligence to survive. Nevertheless, as Abraham Loeb, professor of science at Harvard University and an astronomer who is searching for dead cosmic civilisations puts it, "the mark of intelligence is the ability to promote a better future".'
In the absence of a fully secure evolutionary shield, we could depend on our intelligence to survive. Nevertheless, as Abraham Loeb, professor of science at Harvard University and an astronomer who is searching for dead cosmic civilisations puts it, "the mark of intelligence is the ability to promote a better future".'
We reached the old wolf in time to watch a fierce green fire dying in her eyes. I realized then, and have known ever since, that there was something new to me in those eyes - something known only to her and to the mountain. I was young then, and full of trigger itch; I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunters' paradise. But after seeing the green fire die, I knew that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view.
- Aldo Leopold
'China’s 13th Five-Year Plan lays out the country’s intention to cultivate 3.2 million acres of fiber hemp for textiles by 2030. That move is being fueled by a desire to supplant cotton with less environmentally taxing crops, part of the country’s ambitions to beat the U.S. and the EU in achieving net-zero carbon emissions. Early support and investment from the Chinese government has put the country at the forefront of innovation in hemp fiber, and is largely responsible for the country’s 70% market share in the space.
As governments, companies, and entrepreneurs compete to create and implement carbon-neutral technologies, China is likely to remain a major player in the expanding development of the global hemp industry.'
As governments, companies, and entrepreneurs compete to create and implement carbon-neutral technologies, China is likely to remain a major player in the expanding development of the global hemp industry.'
'Within the specific context of the hemp industry, hopes are high among stakeholders that hemp’s superior carbon-sequestering qualities can make it a major source of offset credits. Fiber stakeholders are particularly excited, especially those manufacturers who see opportunities for carbon credits to help subsidize their low-carbon products, and lead them closer to price parity than they would find otherwise.
While carbon offset projects for now are rare in the industry, interest in them is rapidly increasing, fueled by government support. Robert Bonnie, an adviser to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, recently mused in a transition memo about a USDA carbon bank which could spend up to $1 billion a year to buy farm-related carbon credits. With government support of carbon-neutral measures steadily increasing, New Frontier Data expects compliance-based carbon offset markets to comprise a major component of future industry'
While carbon offset projects for now are rare in the industry, interest in them is rapidly increasing, fueled by government support. Robert Bonnie, an adviser to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, recently mused in a transition memo about a USDA carbon bank which could spend up to $1 billion a year to buy farm-related carbon credits. With government support of carbon-neutral measures steadily increasing, New Frontier Data expects compliance-based carbon offset markets to comprise a major component of future industry'
'Our economy must be decarbonized at unprecedented rates to achieve net-zero targets by mid-century. Carbon must also be removed from the atmosphere to counter emissions that are hard to eliminate, using nature-based solutions and other means. To transform social and economic systems to deliver resilience in the face of ongoing climate impacts, the world must invest now in nature-based solutions that are ecologically sound, socially equitable and designed to pay dividends over a century or more. Properly managed, these could benefit many generations to come.'
Let me restate once again that the coronavirus is not the ultimate danger to human life that we are making it out to be. There are far more serious threats to human life that we are neglecting with our fixation on the virus. Pharma industry induced death through destruction of the human immune system and the resulting increased vulnerability to every other cause of death, the failures and cancers of key organs like livers, kidneys, hearts, pancreas, intestines, lungs and brains all brought about through the chronic and excessive use of pharmaceutical synthetic drugs, poses a far greater threat than the coronavirus. Petrochemical industry induced death through climate change, pollution of air, water, land and food and the resulting damage to the human body and mind, as well as the increase in climate change related environmental disasters pose threats of mind numbing proportions. The insects, viruses and bacteria all face the same common enemy as us in this man made dual threat of unheard of proportions to all life on earth. This dual threat is what we must direct all our efforts to fight against. Instead, in the name of fighting a virus that causes as much damage as any one of the other billions of viruses around us, we are joining forces with the pharma and petrochemical industry speeding up the advent of death for all. Now that is what one should be really fearful of...Let me also restate that cannabis is the most potent ally we have to address these dual threats...
Let me restate once again that the coronavirus is not the ultimate danger to human life that we are making it out to be. There are far more serious threats to human life that we are neglecting with our fixation on the virus. Pharma industry induced death through destruction of the human immune system and the resulting increased vulnerability to every other cause of death, the failures and cancers of key organs like livers, kidneys, hearts, pancreas, intestines, lungs and brains all brought about through the chronic and excessive use of pharmaceutical synthetic drugs, poses a far greater threat than the coronavirus. Petrochemical industry induced death through climate change, pollution of air, water, land and food and the resulting damage to the human body and mind, as well as the increase in climate change related environmental disasters pose threats of mind numbing proportions. The insects, viruses and bacteria all face the same common enemy as us in this man made dual threat of unheard of proportions to all life on earth. This dual threat is what we must direct all our efforts to fight against. Instead, in the name of fighting a virus that causes as much damage as any one of the other billions of viruses around us, we are joining forces with the pharma and petrochemical industry speeding up the advent of death for all. Now that is what one should be really fearful of...Let me also restate that cannabis is the most potent ally we have to address these dual threats...
That wildlife is merely something to shoot at or look at is the grossest of fallacies. It often represents the difference between rich country and mere land.
- Aldo Leopold
'Along with the sustainable and breathable benefits of hemp denim, Madewell is touting the fabric as a soft yet durable addition to closets, noting that the material is three times more durable than cotton. According to Mary Pierson, Madewell’s senior vice president of denim design, the brand will continue to work with the fiber.
“We’re committed to continue incorporating more hemp into our clothing because it is such an exciting and sustainable fiber to work with,” she said.'
“We’re committed to continue incorporating more hemp into our clothing because it is such an exciting and sustainable fiber to work with,” she said.'
One of the root causes underlying the vast number of human made problems we see around us today, is the fact that the human mind has, in most people, completely lost its connection with nature. It has become unhinged, over smart, over confident, incapable of reasoning, inattentive, preferring deception over truth and material wealth above all else. Even rural areas, where one once found a large number of people with simple and wise ways, have increasingly become afflicted, mainly through the seeking of short cuts to the imaginary better life built on money. Maybe the isolated indigenous tribes in a few places retain their sanity, anchored in the only thing that can save it, nature. For the rest of us, no amount of vaccines or synthetic drugs will heal our mental illnesses. The medicine of the mind, nature's cannabis, offers one way to re-establish the connection between our minds and nature. For some, the dosage required may be very, very large and even that may not work...
'Forest loss in the tropics increased 12% in 2020 compared with 2019, The New York Times reports. More than 12 million hectares of primary tropical forests, an area roughly the size of Switzerland, were destroyed in the period, according to a new report from the World Resources Institute and the University of Maryland. Researchers estimate that the global loss, led with a large margin by Brazil, released more than 2.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the equivalent to the annual emissions of 570 million cars. The accelerated destruction comes despite pandemic-related disruptions to the production of commodities that promote deforestation, like palm oil and cocoa.'
'Most synthetic fertilizers don’t contain micronutrients or beneficial organisms critical to soil health. And they can be too fast-acting for their own good, leaching deep into the soil and water table where plants can’t access them.
Overapplication can burn plants and build up toxic concentrations in the soil.
Worse, poorly managed synthetic fertilizers can damage groundwater supply and create polluted water runoff.'
'There's some legitimate research behind the push to bring hemp into the forefront, though. It's no perfect crop, but there's starting to be good reason, and research, behind the argument that hemp might help save the planet. On Earth Day, perhaps there's no better plant to look to than this. Here are two ways cannabis can help you limit your negative footprint on our environment.'
'Most synthetic fertilizers don’t contain micronutrients or beneficial organisms critical to soil health. And they can be too fast-acting for their own good, leaching deep into the soil and water table where plants can’t access them.
Overapplication can burn plants and build up toxic concentrations in the soil.
Worse, poorly managed synthetic fertilizers can damage groundwater supply and create polluted water runoff.'
'There's some legitimate research behind the push to bring hemp into the forefront, though. It's no perfect crop, but there's starting to be good reason, and research, behind the argument that hemp might help save the planet. On Earth Day, perhaps there's no better plant to look to than this. Here are two ways cannabis can help you limit your negative footprint on our environment.'
Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left....you cannot love game and hate predators....The land is one organism.
- Aldo Leopold
'While the industry waits to see how hemp fiber product categories first find their footing in the marketplace, it might prove instructive to view those product categories in terms of how significantly they play into the United States’ total carbon emissions, and review how hemp fiber products may disrupt various industries, ranked by their total annual emissions'
'“The science, if anything, has become more pessimistic,” says Stefan Rahmstorf, a climate scientist at the University of Potsdam, Germany. “The signs from the science are pointing towards more urgent climate action being needed.”
To have a chance of averting catastrophe, we must get to “net-zero” emissions – where we are putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere no more quickly than Earth’s natural processes or yet-to-be-developed technologies can remove them – in less than three decades.
Most countries haven’t yet got credible plans to produce the sort of emissions cuts needed, let alone to implement them. The question then becomes: how bad could it get if we fail to take the drastic action required now?'
To have a chance of averting catastrophe, we must get to “net-zero” emissions – where we are putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere no more quickly than Earth’s natural processes or yet-to-be-developed technologies can remove them – in less than three decades.
Most countries haven’t yet got credible plans to produce the sort of emissions cuts needed, let alone to implement them. The question then becomes: how bad could it get if we fail to take the drastic action required now?'
"without an unwavering love for the being that gives you shelter, aloneness is loneliness. Only the love for this splendorous being can give freedom to a warrior's spirit; and freedom is joy, efficiency, and abandon in the face of any odds."
- Carlos Castaneda, Tales of Power
The permanent members of the UNSC, US, UK, Russia, China and France are the world's biggest arms traders. India, the eternal aspirant to the elite warmongers council in an organization meant to promote global equity, liberty, peace and harmony, along with Israel and Saudi Arabia are the world's leading arms purchasers. Now, that is not all. Recognize the names and their links to global wars and instability. They are the world's leading legal synthetic drug (known by the much revered name pharma drugs) traders. They are the leading traders of petrochemicals and fossil fuel based energy. They are the world's leading emitters of carbon dioxide and other global warming gases. They are the world's leading traders of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. All of them are ruled by authoritarian governments. They are the countries staging the Covid drama, originating the story, linking their pharma deaths to Covid and then claiming to produce vaccines that will stop the virus. They lead on all Covid statistics. They are the countries instrumental in bringing about the global prohibition of cannabis. They continue to be the leading opposition to global cannabis legalization. They are the leading violators of human rights and liberties through their use of law, incarceration and execution of cannabis users and traders. They are the leading destroyers of cannabis plants and varieties beyond number....
'Hemp fiber can play a pivotal role in commerce and economic development. But the most important thing governments need to understand is hemp’s potential for healing the planet and advancing human health. As hemp fiber gains momentum it’s not a question of phasing out other fibers and completely replacing them with hemp. The interesting feature of the “hemp business model” is that the synergies with existing industrial capacities are virtually unlimited.
Unlimited. As usual, with hemp!'
Unlimited. As usual, with hemp!'
'“Industrial Hemp can be grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, requires less water than crops like cotton or corn, and reaches maturity one hundred days from planting,” the federal agency said. “Hemp photosynthesizes carbon dioxide with greater efficiency than trees and can be harvested twice per year, doubling the rate of carbon sequestration.”
Further, the hemp blocks can “improve health outcomes for residents” because they contain components that are “antifungal and antimicrobial, reducing the risks of airborne bacteria while also being vapor permeable.”'
Further, the hemp blocks can “improve health outcomes for residents” because they contain components that are “antifungal and antimicrobial, reducing the risks of airborne bacteria while also being vapor permeable.”'
'Hemp also has the potential to help reduce carbon dioxide and combat global warming. International scientific studies have shown that hemp absorbs more carbon dioxide per hectare than any forest or commercial crop (one hectare of hemp can absorb between 15 and 22 tons of carbon dioxide), making it the ideal “carbon sink.” Indeed, once absorbed, the carbon dioxide is permanently bounded within the fiber, which is then used to manufacture other hemp-derived products, such as textiles, building materials, and auto parts.'
There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace. To avoid the first danger, one should plant a garden, preferably where there is no grocer to confuse the issue. To avoid the second, he should lay a split of oak on the andirons, preferably where there is no furnace, and let it warm his shins while a February blizzard tosses the trees outside. If one has cut, split, hauled, and piled his own good oak, and let his mind work the while, he will remember much about where the heat comes from, and with a wealth of detail denied to those who spend the weekend in town astride a radiator.
- Aldo Leopold
'As seen in Europe, it is likely that products requiring the least amount of processing and calibration will prove to be the first to achieve market viability in the U.S. and Canada. High-volume, low-margin products include mulch, animal bedding, and animal litter, along with pulp and paper. As the industry matures, ever more lucrative fiber applications should become viable. A New Frontier Data poll of fiber processors found them anticipating the best five-year growth potential among segments to include construction materials, automotive parts, bioplastics, and nonwoven textiles, respectively.
Construction materials, particularly, have attracted significant attention from hemp stakeholders. Companies such as Hempitecture – which designs and builds homes using hemp construction materials – and HempWood – manufacturer of a hemp-based wood alternative – have taken early leads in popularizing the use of hemp in construction, but face uphill regulatory battles against notoriously cautious international standards organizations, and toward expanding municipal building codes.'
Construction materials, particularly, have attracted significant attention from hemp stakeholders. Companies such as Hempitecture – which designs and builds homes using hemp construction materials – and HempWood – manufacturer of a hemp-based wood alternative – have taken early leads in popularizing the use of hemp in construction, but face uphill regulatory battles against notoriously cautious international standards organizations, and toward expanding municipal building codes.'
When I become aware that my body and the planet I live in, with its changing seasons, are interlinked, and that the transition from one season to the next produces effects on not just the planet, but my body as well, I come to better understand that these are the causes of aches and pains, bloating, indigestion, infections, fevers and colds in my body and these are the wonderful ways in which natural evolution has programmed my body to respond to its environment. I also realize that, during these phases of transition, all I need to do is simply not tax or over strain my body with excesses of any kind, be it food, exertion or sleep, but to let it do its work. There is no need for me to attack my body with cocktails of chemical synthetics that only disrupt my body's capability, leading to its ever increasing inability to adapt to the constantly changing environment. Similarly, if I try to disrupt the natural cycles of the planet with synthetic chemical cocktails, it will only lead to an increasing inability for the planet to handle its normal indigestion, infections, fevers and colds. There is no need to intervene in these natural cycles of body and planet with ill-conceived and vastly harmful man-made synthetics, created by entities, claiming to be experts, with incomplete knowledge and complete disregard for the body and the planet, looking to make a fast buck out of everything that exists...
'While the rapid industrialization is being welcomed by African governments for the attendant economic stimulus, it also draws concerns from environmental activists who fret that — should today’s developing countries undergo industrialization in the same manner that such unfolded in the West and Asia — it will prove catastrophic in the scope of global carbon emissions. Therefore, significant interests reside in the development of carbon-neutral replacements for traditional materials in industries such as construction, textile production, and plastics manufacturing. It is in those hemp products where hopes seek niches to decarbonize economies (or, better yet, avoid carbonizing altogether) without destroying them.
Hemp-based construction materials are especially attractive both for African countries experiencing rapid population growth, and to accommodate the building boom required to house, employ, and entertain expanding populations. Construction projects on the continent exceeded $500 billion in 2019, and are accordingly expected to grow as countries continue to economically develop.'
Hemp-based construction materials are especially attractive both for African countries experiencing rapid population growth, and to accommodate the building boom required to house, employ, and entertain expanding populations. Construction projects on the continent exceeded $500 billion in 2019, and are accordingly expected to grow as countries continue to economically develop.'
'Consequently, while the state produced over 7.1 million tons of grapes valued at $6.3 billion dollars, and nearly 2.3 million tons of almonds valued at $5.5 billion dollars, the state produced less than 10,000 tons of smokable cannabis flower (for the legal and illicit markets combined), but for a total value of nearly $25 billion dollars. That comparative scale in yield to market value is a key reason why, despite longstanding conventional wisdom, cannabis comparatively uses so much less water per dollar gained than California’s other leading crops.
As explained in Cannabis H20: Water Use and Sustainability in Cultivation, New Frontier Data’s latest report (in partnership with Resource Innovation Institute and the University of California, Berkeley), our estimates found that while the state’s orchards use nearly 7 million acre-feet of water, and rice fields use nearly 5 million acre-feet, the state’s lucrative cannabis industry only uses 3,000 acre-feet, making it the most water-economical crop among the state’s top revenue crops.'
As explained in Cannabis H20: Water Use and Sustainability in Cultivation, New Frontier Data’s latest report (in partnership with Resource Innovation Institute and the University of California, Berkeley), our estimates found that while the state’s orchards use nearly 7 million acre-feet of water, and rice fields use nearly 5 million acre-feet, the state’s lucrative cannabis industry only uses 3,000 acre-feet, making it the most water-economical crop among the state’s top revenue crops.'
There are woods that are plain to look at, but not to look into....The taste for country displays the same diversity in aesthetic competence among individuals as the taste for operas, or oils.
- Aldo Leopold
'Opportunities exist to reduce water consumption across all facilities types. The technological shift from hand-watering with pipes to drip irrigation has played a major role in lowering water use in the legal market relative to unrelated markets (where managing water use is rarely a prioritized consideration), and innovation is likewise further advancing water-use efficiency across the legal industry. An increasing availability of sensor-based watering solutions — which provide real-time measurement of moisture content and electrical conductivity in the substrate, and apply micro-pulses of water to ensure optimal moisture levels — are but one example of emerging technologies which can decrease the volume of water consumed for irrigation by up to 90% (depending on a facility’s previous irrigation techniques).'
An elegant outcome to the impasse between India's farmers and the government will be for the farmers to grow cannabis as an additional agricultural crop. Cannabis has diverse industrial, medicinal, scientific, nutritional, environmental and recreational uses that are incomparable. Its stalk, from which pulp and fiber can be extracted, can be used for such diverse applications as construction, textiles, paper and hi-tech industries. Its leaves, flowering tops and seeds can be used for medicine, recreation, food and nutrition, wellness and cosmetics to name just a few. The biomass, a by-product, can be an excellent source for animal feed and organic fertilizers. The plant itself is a bio-accumulator that removes toxins from the soil increasing soil health. The plant requires far less water than any of India's blockbuster crops - rice, wheat and cotton. The crop can be grown in both India's growing seasons, kharif and rabi. Cannabis is one of the most suited crops for India's diverse growing conditions, especially suited for small farmers and the adverse effects of climate change. China is quietly now the world's largest cannabis producer for industrial purposes while France is Europe's. The Indigo movement, salt satyagraha, rice, wheat, khadi and cotton revolutions will pale in significance compared to the green revolution that cannabis can be for all India's farmers and the country...
An elegant outcome to the impasse between India's farmers and the government will be for the farmers to grow cannabis as an additional agricultural crop. Cannabis has diverse industrial, medicinal, scientific, nutritional, environmental and recreational uses that are incomparable. Its stalk, from which pulp and fiber can be extracted, can be used for such diverse applications as construction, textiles, paper and hi-tech industries. Its leaves, flowering tops and seeds can be used for medicine, recreation, food and nutrition, wellness and cosmetics to name just a few. The biomass, a by-product, can be an excellent source for animal feed and organic fertilizers. The plant itself is a bio-accumulator that removes toxins from the soil increasing soil health. The plant requires far less water than any of India's blockbuster crops - rice, wheat and cotton. The crop can be grown in both India's growing seasons, kharif and rabi. Cannabis is one of the most suited crops for India's diverse growing conditions, especially suited for small farmers and the adverse effects of climate change. China is quietly now the world's largest cannabis producer for industrial purposes while France is Europe's. The Indigo movement, salt satyagraha, rice, wheat, khadi and cotton revolutions will pale in significance compared to the green revolution that cannabis can be for all India's farmers and the country...
'Hemp is an extraordinary crop, with enormous social and economic value, since it can be used to produce food, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, paper, paint, biofuel, and animal feed, as well as lighting oil. Various parts of the hemp plant represent a valuable source of food and ingredients for nutritional supplements. While hemp inflorescence is rich in nonpsychoactive, yet biologically active cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD), which exerts potent anxiolytic, spasmolytic, as well as anticonvulsant effects, hempseed has a pleasant nutty taste and represents a valuable source of essential amino acids and fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and fibers. In addition, hempseed oil is a source of healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids, and hemp sprouts are rich in antioxidants. This review article aims to provide a comprehensive outlook from a multidisciplinary perspective on the scientific evidence supporting hemp beneficial properties when consumed as food or supplement. Marketing of hemp-derived products is subjected to diversified and complex regulations worldwide for several reasons, including the fact that CBD is also the active principal of pharmaceutical agents and that regulatory bodies in some cases ban Cannabis inflorescence regardless of its THC content. Some key regulatory aspects of such a complex scenario are also analyzed and discussed in this review article.'
'While still early, 2021 is shaping up to be a pivotal year for the nascent hemp fiber industry. Investment in primary processing operations, combined with interest in the plant’s potential to help “decarbonize the economy” – i.e., overhaul the infrastructure of the American energy system toward carbon neutrality – has brought hemp’s industrial usefulness to the forefront of the public conversation. Despite the bullishness, fears about the oversupply present in the CBD industry have industry stakeholders asking whether the fiber segment will follow the same boom-and-bust cycle seen in the CBD industry?
The answer is almost certainly no'
The answer is almost certainly no'
Tell me of what plant-birthday a man takes notice, and I shall tell you a great deal about his vocation, his hobbies, his hay fever, and his general level of ecological education.
- Aldo Leopold
'New Frontier Data estimates that while legal production of cannabis represented nearly a quarter of the 2020 total U.S. market (including illicit sales), that share should increase to reach 35% of the market by 2025. Conversely, the nation’s illicit market is expected to see sales decline from $66 billion in 2019 to $64 billion in 2025.
During that same period, researchers expect total water use in the legal cannabis market to increase by 86%. Though some critics and opponents have seized upon water use as a policy issue, the regulated, legalized cannabis industry In California generally uses significantly less water than do some of the Golden State’s other major agricultural crops (e.g., cotton, tomatoes, wheat, and corn). That noted, it is a virtual given that the trend toward longer, more acute droughts will be sustained well into the future, which lends more urgency to the Water Working Group’s efforts and messaging.'
During that same period, researchers expect total water use in the legal cannabis market to increase by 86%. Though some critics and opponents have seized upon water use as a policy issue, the regulated, legalized cannabis industry In California generally uses significantly less water than do some of the Golden State’s other major agricultural crops (e.g., cotton, tomatoes, wheat, and corn). That noted, it is a virtual given that the trend toward longer, more acute droughts will be sustained well into the future, which lends more urgency to the Water Working Group’s efforts and messaging.'
The world in general, and the Middle East in particular, must wake up to the reality that the petrochemical adventure of the last 50 years, has peaked and is now on the decline. It has brought the region untold riches and prosperity but it has also brought with it many ills - arms races and conflicts, synthetic drug addiction to pharmaceutical drugs, amphetamines and opioids like heroin, an increasing disconnect from the land and environment that sustains life and on a global level, life at the brink of the sixth extinction through fossil fuel based global warming. It is time for the Middle East to change its course and take a sustainable, renewable, long term path to the future that will rid the region and the world of the above mentioned ills. The path to take is the re-introduction of cannabis, the sacred herb of Jehovah and hence Allah for they are one and the same entity, into the fields of agriculture, medicine, industry, science, recreation and renewable energy. With the collective will of the people of the region and its leaders, the herb can be the common ground upon which all the nations of the Middle East meet to bring about lasting peace, mutual cooperation and a sustainable and renewable future for the region, and from the larger context, the world...
'“This base material has so many applications across the company,” he said.
“We’re looking at, ‘How can we use that hemp fiber for not just a handful of product applications, but an incredible amount of applications, and the positive impact that will have,'” Davidson said.
Davidson called sustainability a “megatrend” that will drive most new products in coming years, not just in high-tech manufacturing but even to replace traditional consumer packaging and packing tape used to ship products.'
“We’re looking at, ‘How can we use that hemp fiber for not just a handful of product applications, but an incredible amount of applications, and the positive impact that will have,'” Davidson said.
Davidson called sustainability a “megatrend” that will drive most new products in coming years, not just in high-tech manufacturing but even to replace traditional consumer packaging and packing tape used to ship products.'
'“People say, well, we can capture this giant graphene market with hemp”, Mitlin notes. “I suggest the bigger opportunity is for hemp to take a big chunk out of the advanced carbon market.” The advanced carbon market spans a huge range of industrial applications, including water purification, energy storage, carbon capture technologies, HVAC filters, and more. Water purification, especially, has taken on heightened importance considering an ongoing environmental crisis and decreasing access to clean water in the developing world.
Advanced carbon products require large amounts of precursor material. Hemp is an ideal precursor for these products due to the ease and scale with which it can be produced, and given its relatively low lignin content compared to alternatives. Some competing precursor materials like coal and wood carry with them serious environmental concerns, while others, like coconut, cannot be produced domestically at scale.'
Advanced carbon products require large amounts of precursor material. Hemp is an ideal precursor for these products due to the ease and scale with which it can be produced, and given its relatively low lignin content compared to alternatives. Some competing precursor materials like coal and wood carry with them serious environmental concerns, while others, like coconut, cannot be produced domestically at scale.'
We can be ethical only in relation to something we can see, feel, understand, love, or otherwise have faith in.
- Aldo Leopold
'The demand for alternative fibers and the sustainability problems with cotton create a gap to be filled. Industry, innovation and adaptability will be keys to the growth of the fiber industry.
As I attend seminars and follow the industry, what strikes me is that while everyone seems to talk about how to get hemp products ready for market, there is little discussion on how to go to market. These are two different aspects of any business.'
As I attend seminars and follow the industry, what strikes me is that while everyone seems to talk about how to get hemp products ready for market, there is little discussion on how to go to market. These are two different aspects of any business.'
At a certain point of time, when the world's super rich and the regressive governments they fund, find their vast amounts of illusory wealth rapidly diminishing, panic will set in among them. Then cures will be touted and administered with amazing speed and energy. The hype and hysteria surrounding the increasing spread of disease will change direction and will become then the hype and hysteria of the wonderful cure that has been created. Once the dust clears, it will be evident who profited the most from this entire exercise. Perhaps even the source and the causes of the entire event will become clear as well for those who seek it. Some big industries may fall though it looks unlikely. Other new ones may emerge. The composition of the super rich may change as predators move in to seize the opportunity and eat up the weak among them. But the size of the super rich and the percentage of wealth they horde, like the size of the sun, is unlikely to change. The rest of the living beings will continue rising and falling like the super heated corona of the sun, collateral damage. When that point in time is reached, whether it be in weeks or in months or years, is something to look out for, for those keen on observing such phenomena...
'An oft-repeated byword among hemp advocates posits that there are over 25,000 different products that can be manufactured from the crop. In actual practice, however, but a fractional amount of those remains in active production today. As has been detailed here before, the hemp fiber industry suffers from a crisis in infrastructure and critical gaps in its supply chains which are stifling product development and stymying growth. The good news is, those gaps are steadily being connected by a host of new fiber-processing companies. As a reliable domestic supply of hemp fiber emerges, the industry is faced with deciding exactly what to do with it, i.e., which product categories to establish first.
In quick summary of the growth prospects for some of the most promising hemp fiber product categories:'
In quick summary of the growth prospects for some of the most promising hemp fiber product categories:'
'When building hemp homes, Rogers doesn't use paint, reducing toxic smells that can linger with conventionally built homes. Better yet, the company uses 100% of the material.
"Whatever falls on the ground, you can put that back into the next mix," Rogers said. This reduces the number of skip bins on site and ultimately reduces waste.
There is also an element of sustainability that comes with hemp homes as they can store carbon. "When you when you finish with it [you can] push it back down into the earth," Rogers said. It makes no carbon because it's self composting, instead of using your brick, your concrete and everything else - that just becomes landfill. You can't get rid of that."'
"Whatever falls on the ground, you can put that back into the next mix," Rogers said. This reduces the number of skip bins on site and ultimately reduces waste.
There is also an element of sustainability that comes with hemp homes as they can store carbon. "When you when you finish with it [you can] push it back down into the earth," Rogers said. It makes no carbon because it's self composting, instead of using your brick, your concrete and everything else - that just becomes landfill. You can't get rid of that."'
Like winds and sunsets, wild things were taken for granted until progress began to do away with them. Now we face the question whether a still higher 'standard of living' is worth its cost in things natural, wild, and free.
- Aldo Leopold
'Like all other crops, hemp grows through photosynthesis. That means that it takes in CO2 and releases oxygen, while storing carbon in the very structure of the plant itself (i.e., the fibers, hurd, and seed). Products made from hemp then trap the carbon in the form of whatever product is being manufactured, be it a t-shirt, building materials, or a plastic spoon. In a real way, hemp products are manufactured by transforming carbon in the atmosphere into usable goods. Carbon offsets mean that hemp products can achieve carbon-neutral or possibly carbon-negative status. Even if manufacturing processes fail to achieve net-negative carbon emissions, hemp-based materials still outperform petroleum-based materials, as half of the emissions savings would be derived by not having to extract the petroleum in the first place. It is theoretically possible with many crops, but what separates hemp is the plant’s versatility. Indeed, industrial hemp is one of the few natural resources at humans’ disposal whose versatility can compare to oil’s.'
'Reducing fossil fuel reliance is considered a great challenge for several progressive emerging economies. The development of alternative renewable fuels tends to improve energy security as well as diminish fuel supply vulnerability. This paper details an enhanced protocol intended for the manufacture of hemp biodiesel over two-stage base catalyzed transesterification from crude hemp oil (CHO)...Since the estimated fuel properties fall well within the range of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards, HB could be considered as a sustainable fuel alternative to conventional diesel. GC-MS results demonstrate that the HB contains unsaturated long-chain fatty acids like 9,15-Octadecadienoic acid methyl ester as dominant in the mixture. The FTIR spectrum of crude hemp oil and the synthesized biodiesel confirm the conversion of triglycerides in the CHO into methyl esters in the HB. The findings obtained from TG-DSC/DTG are in near agreement with the results of GC-MS and FTIR. It is therefore proven the hemp oil has abundant potential to be used as an inedible source for the manufacture of bio-diesel.'
'"Hemp takes very little water, as opposed to cotton, which takes a lot to grow. Hemp also doesn't really require pesticides, and is an easy thing to grow organically," Auman says. "On the work-wear end, hemp is the strongest natural fiber on the planet, and with work wear you want fibers to be as strong as they possibly can be."
As an early advocate of legal hemp farming, Colorado has a chance to attract more business from companies like Patagonia that are interested in transitioning toward industrial hemp and away from traditional textiles, plastics and other manufacturing materials, says Polis, who visited the Wright-Oaks farm earlier this year to see the hemp for himself.'
'"Hemp takes very little water, as opposed to cotton, which takes a lot to grow. Hemp also doesn't really require pesticides, and is an easy thing to grow organically," Auman says. "On the work-wear end, hemp is the strongest natural fiber on the planet, and with work wear you want fibers to be as strong as they possibly can be."
As an early advocate of legal hemp farming, Colorado has a chance to attract more business from companies like Patagonia that are interested in transitioning toward industrial hemp and away from traditional textiles, plastics and other manufacturing materials, says Polis, who visited the Wright-Oaks farm earlier this year to see the hemp for himself.'
Recreational development is a job not of building roads into lovely country, but of building receptivity into the still unlovely human mind.
- Aldo Leopold
'President-elect Joe Biden’s team has already outlined the incoming administration’s $1.7 trillion plan for achieving 100% clean energy and net-zero emissions by 2050. The proposal includes major financial investment and jobs commitment to restoring infrastructure and retrofitting buildings to meet emissions standards. As the race to reduce emissions intensifies, it may serve as a catalyst to the rapidly developing hemp fiber industry.
Hemp fiber can be used to manufacture a wide variety of carbon-friendly products. With regards to mass-scale decarbonization, the two most promising sectors are natural fiber composites, and construction materials.'
Hemp fiber can be used to manufacture a wide variety of carbon-friendly products. With regards to mass-scale decarbonization, the two most promising sectors are natural fiber composites, and construction materials.'
'Boodram said virtual cannabis inspections could ultimately open the door to more inspections, more often. “We’ve all seen that there’s such a large number of license holders now. There’s over 500,” she said. “And each regional (inspection) team obviously has a finite number of staff.” More inspections could be welcomed by some cannabis license holders, Boodram suggested. “A lot of them actually really do like having inspections, because it ensures that their company is moving forward in a compliant manner, before they get too far down the rabbit hole.”
Canada’s current federal government has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from government activities by 80% between 2005 levels and 2020.'
Canada’s current federal government has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from government activities by 80% between 2005 levels and 2020.'
...all history consists of successive excursions from a single starting-point, to which man returns again and again to organize yet another search for a durable scale of values.
- Aldo Leopold
'The record wildfires that have blanketed the West Coast in smoke and ash also have blocked out essential sunlight and set back the growth of outdoor marijuana plants by weeks, leaving growers with less-than-ideal options for when to harvest their plants.
Cannabis growers in California, Oregon and Washington state are contemplating two choices in the face of wildfires that have burned more than 5 million acres:
- Harvesting underdeveloped plants with lower yields in early October.
- Trying to regain those lost days by harvesting later in the month, risking freezing temperatures or early snow.
All of this further underscores the threat that climate change poses to cannabis and, more broadly, agriculture.'
Cannabis growers in California, Oregon and Washington state are contemplating two choices in the face of wildfires that have burned more than 5 million acres:
- Harvesting underdeveloped plants with lower yields in early October.
- Trying to regain those lost days by harvesting later in the month, risking freezing temperatures or early snow.
All of this further underscores the threat that climate change poses to cannabis and, more broadly, agriculture.'
'Devastating wildfires up and down the West Coast of the United States this week reportedly burned down a number of cannabis farms in Oregon and threatened even more in California and Washington state.
The situation has many marijuana farmers voicing concerns this is part of a “new normal” in which they’ll have to adapt their business models because of recurring wildfires on a nearly annual basis, especially in California.
“We’ve already broken the record for most acres burned in history, and we haven’t even gotten to the worst part of the season. So I think this is the new norm. Fires are just a way of life at this point,” said David Najera, a marijuana cultivation consultant and farmer in Mendocino County, California'
The situation has many marijuana farmers voicing concerns this is part of a “new normal” in which they’ll have to adapt their business models because of recurring wildfires on a nearly annual basis, especially in California.
“We’ve already broken the record for most acres burned in history, and we haven’t even gotten to the worst part of the season. So I think this is the new norm. Fires are just a way of life at this point,” said David Najera, a marijuana cultivation consultant and farmer in Mendocino County, California'
'“The recreational marijuana initiative is a very, very troubling initiative,” said Bob Warren, president of the contractors’ group. “The MCA board voted to fight this with all our strength and resources.
“We chose to support the Gianforte campaign because of his similar opposition.”'
“We chose to support the Gianforte campaign because of his similar opposition.”'
'Cannabis businesses have long struggled with the excessive packaging their products are required to use, employing extra layers of plastic and paper to ensure that flower or vape products are child-proof and don’t fall into the wrong hands.
But that struggle might be nearing its end: New plant-based paper and plastic packaging options are coming to market at a price point that’s comparable to conventional packaging.
That’s all thanks to the ingenuity of a few innovative minds that are working to use hemp and marijuana waste to make cannabis bio–circular'
Collection and conservation of germplasm of indigenous populations of Central and South Asian landraces in their centers of diversity is urgently needed. The germplasm base outside their centers of diversity has become genetically contaminated by widespread crossbreeding. In the context of climate change and unpredictable future needs, in situ conservation of agrobiodiversity is much preferable for crop plants and their wild relatives, but given the precarious continued existence of unaltered aboriginal wild populations of Cannabis in Asia, preservation in seed banks is an immediate priority. Hopefully the unambiguous names provided may help prevent extinction of these taxa.'
'The sustainability requirements of the new law are among the strictest in the country, according to Sam Milton, a consultant for Climate Resources Group, which helps businesses pursue sustainable practices.
“It definitely puts Illinois at or near the top in terms of state policies for energy and environmental performance for cultivation facilities,” Milton told the Belleville News-Democrat.'
But that struggle might be nearing its end: New plant-based paper and plastic packaging options are coming to market at a price point that’s comparable to conventional packaging.
That’s all thanks to the ingenuity of a few innovative minds that are working to use hemp and marijuana waste to make cannabis bio–circular'
Collection and conservation of germplasm of indigenous populations of Central and South Asian landraces in their centers of diversity is urgently needed. The germplasm base outside their centers of diversity has become genetically contaminated by widespread crossbreeding. In the context of climate change and unpredictable future needs, in situ conservation of agrobiodiversity is much preferable for crop plants and their wild relatives, but given the precarious continued existence of unaltered aboriginal wild populations of Cannabis in Asia, preservation in seed banks is an immediate priority. Hopefully the unambiguous names provided may help prevent extinction of these taxa.'
'The sustainability requirements of the new law are among the strictest in the country, according to Sam Milton, a consultant for Climate Resources Group, which helps businesses pursue sustainable practices.
“It definitely puts Illinois at or near the top in terms of state policies for energy and environmental performance for cultivation facilities,” Milton told the Belleville News-Democrat.'
'I would not have every man nor every part of a man cultivated, any more than I would have every acre of earth cultivated: part will be tillage but the greater part will be meadow and forest, not only serving an immediate use, but preparing a mold against a distant future by the annual decay of the vegetation which it supports.' - Walking, Henry D Thoreau, Selected Writings on Nature and Liberty.
'In the Western world visionaries and mystics are a good deal less common than they used to be. There are two principal reasons for this state of affairs - a philosophical reason and a chemical reason. In the currently fashionable picture of the universe there is no place for valid transcendental experience. Consequently those who have had what they regard as valid transcendental experiences are looked upon with suspicion, as being either lunatics or swindlers. To be a mystic or a visionary is no longer credible.
But it is not only our mental climate that is unfavourable to the visionary and the mystic, it is also our chemical environment - an environment profoundly different from that in which our forefathers passed their lives.'- Heaven and Hell, Aldous Huxley, 1956
'There is little industry-wide consensus on cultivation best practice. Some outdoor growers might divert streams to water crops, whereas others pursue dry farming, which uses no irrigation. Indoors, growers sometimes choose cooler, light-emitting diode (LED) lights to substantially decrease water use. Meanwhile, others simply expand small, energy-intense facilities into larger operations. “There is a wide range of energy efficiency,” Smith says. “Outdoor crops planted from seeds might have a zero footprint, while old-style indoor cultivation can be 500 times more energy intensive.”'
'CannaSafe also tested 10 of the unregulated cartridges for pesticides. All 10 tested positive.
The products all contained myclobutanil, a fungicide that can transform into hydrogen cyanide when burned.'
But it is not only our mental climate that is unfavourable to the visionary and the mystic, it is also our chemical environment - an environment profoundly different from that in which our forefathers passed their lives.'- Heaven and Hell, Aldous Huxley, 1956
'There is little industry-wide consensus on cultivation best practice. Some outdoor growers might divert streams to water crops, whereas others pursue dry farming, which uses no irrigation. Indoors, growers sometimes choose cooler, light-emitting diode (LED) lights to substantially decrease water use. Meanwhile, others simply expand small, energy-intense facilities into larger operations. “There is a wide range of energy efficiency,” Smith says. “Outdoor crops planted from seeds might have a zero footprint, while old-style indoor cultivation can be 500 times more energy intensive.”'
'CannaSafe also tested 10 of the unregulated cartridges for pesticides. All 10 tested positive.
The products all contained myclobutanil, a fungicide that can transform into hydrogen cyanide when burned.'
'Unfortunately for all of us, opportunities for this sort of thing to happen are legion. A few years ago a team of Food and Drug Administration scientists discovered that when malathion and certain other organic phosphates are administered simultaneously a massive poisoning results - up to 50 times as severe as would be predicted on the basis of adding the toxicities of the two. In other words, 1/100 of the lethal dose of each compound may be fatal when the two are combined.
The discovery led to the testing of other combinations. It is now known that many pairs of organic phosphate insecticides are highly dangerous, the toxicity being stepped up or 'potentiated' through the combined action. Potentiation seems to take place when one compound destroys the liver enzyme responsible for detoxifying the other. The two need not be given simultaneously. The hazard exists not only for the man who must spray this week with one insecticide and the next week with another; it exists also for the consumer of sprayed products. The common salad bowl may easily present a combination of organic phosphate insecticides. Residues well within the legally permissible limits may interact.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'They are the latest generation of bioplastics, which are plastic materials produced from renewable sources such as agricultural by-products, straw, wood chips, sawdust and recycled food waste -- and now hemp.
Hemp seems to satisfy some plant-based plastics researchers looking for alternatives to plastic waste that has filled landfills and oceans.'
So we contaminate our environment, food and water with dangerous man-made chemicals in the pursuit of quick money. These chemicals cause cancers in our bodies. To treat these cancers we make dangerous synthetic drugs, in the pursuit of quick money, that not only fail to treat the cancers, but also result in a collapse of most other body systems. This leads to a weakening and collapse of humans on increasingly larger scales as time goes by. But we do nothing to stop the contamination and weakening of our bodies that evolved over hundreds of millions of years and the contamination of our environment, food and water. Instead we continue searching for more powerful man made chemicals, to make more money faster, in the name of medicine for our environment, bodies and minds believing that we are masters of nature or, if not that, smarter than nature, whom we can fool like our gullible fellow men...but nature is not looking to make more money faster..she only deals in life and death.
The discovery led to the testing of other combinations. It is now known that many pairs of organic phosphate insecticides are highly dangerous, the toxicity being stepped up or 'potentiated' through the combined action. Potentiation seems to take place when one compound destroys the liver enzyme responsible for detoxifying the other. The two need not be given simultaneously. The hazard exists not only for the man who must spray this week with one insecticide and the next week with another; it exists also for the consumer of sprayed products. The common salad bowl may easily present a combination of organic phosphate insecticides. Residues well within the legally permissible limits may interact.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'They are the latest generation of bioplastics, which are plastic materials produced from renewable sources such as agricultural by-products, straw, wood chips, sawdust and recycled food waste -- and now hemp.
Hemp seems to satisfy some plant-based plastics researchers looking for alternatives to plastic waste that has filled landfills and oceans.'
So we contaminate our environment, food and water with dangerous man-made chemicals in the pursuit of quick money. These chemicals cause cancers in our bodies. To treat these cancers we make dangerous synthetic drugs, in the pursuit of quick money, that not only fail to treat the cancers, but also result in a collapse of most other body systems. This leads to a weakening and collapse of humans on increasingly larger scales as time goes by. But we do nothing to stop the contamination and weakening of our bodies that evolved over hundreds of millions of years and the contamination of our environment, food and water. Instead we continue searching for more powerful man made chemicals, to make more money faster, in the name of medicine for our environment, bodies and minds believing that we are masters of nature or, if not that, smarter than nature, whom we can fool like our gullible fellow men...but nature is not looking to make more money faster..she only deals in life and death.
'Let us learn the meaning of economy. Economy is a high, humane office, a sacrament, when its aim is grand; when it is the prudence of simple tastes, when it is practised for freedom, or love, or devotion. Much of the economy which we see in houses is of a base origin, and is best kept out of sight. Parched corn eaten today, that I may have roast fowl to my dinner Sunday, is a baseness; but parched corn and a house with one apartment, that I may be free of all perturbations, that I may be serene and docile to what the mind shall speak, and girt and road-ready for the lowest mission of knowledge or good-will, is frugality for gods and heroes.' - Man the Reformer, Emerson, The Basic Writings of America's Sage..
Hey junkie, this dope is not against you. Of course he believes that his dope is a much better intoxicant, more versatile medicine and more useful to the planet than your junk but that doesn't mean he intends to ban your junk in retribution for you helping to get his dope banned. What he does want, however, is that you start growing your own plant at home like him. In this way, you source your junk directly from the plant instead of putting money in the pockets of chemists who increasingly make more and more toxic stuff that destroy you, me and the planet. Your money is making the chemist pay the government to arm itself and protect him while pushing you and me closer to death. Growing your own plant will give you organic healthy junk in the best possible way, directly from the plant, like how it used to be for thousands of years, making you sustainable and the planet sustainable..yes, you can go green too..don't remain snowblind..we need your eyes too, to steer the planet away from man-made chemical disaster...
'Among the rural folk of the western hills of Bajura, Bajhang, Rolpa, Rukum and Darchula, hemp collection is an important pastime. Shepherds spin the fibre into thread while grazing their sheep and cattle.
Cannabis plants grow to a height of 20 ft. After harvesting them, villagers shred the leaves and soak the stems in water for up to 20 days. When they are tender the bark is separated from the rest of the plant, smoked above a fire and boiled in ash water. Thin strips are then removed from the bark by hand.
"The older generation used to have holes in their thumbnails through which they passed the strips of fibre and wove them to make thread," says Prem Dahal, proprietor of Hemp House. Dahal has been in the hemp business for over 19 years and is one of few who still use Nepali hemp for his products, even after the emergence of Chinese hemp in the market'
'Thamel trader Prem Dahal is acknowledged by his peers as the pioneer of the hemp trade. He was inspired to take it up 28 years ago after travelling with shepherds in western Nepal and finding that their hardy mattresses were woven from cannabis fibre.
“Hemp fabric is stronger, more absorbent and has better insulation against heat and cold than cotton,” Dahal explains. “Hemp is environmentally friendly.”
Given that half the pesticide sprayed worldwide is in cotton plantations, hemp is a nature-friendly alternative fabric. The plant also prevents soil erosion on mountain slopes because of its thick deep root system, and the fabric can be made into at least 100 types of products. '
'Malathion, another of the organic phosphates, is almost as familiar to the public as DDT, being widely used by gardeners, in household insecticides, in mosquito spraying, and in such blanket attacks on insects as the spraying of nearly a million acres of Florida communities for the Mediterranean fruit fly. It is considered the least toxic of this group of chemicals and many people assume they may use it freely and without fear of harm. Commercial advertising encourages this comfortable attitude.
The alleged 'safety' of malathion rests on rather precarious ground, although - as often happens - this was not discovered until the chemical had been in use for several years. Malathion is 'safe' only because the mammalian liver, an organ with extraordinary protective powers, renders it relatively harmless. The detoxification is accomplished by one of the enzymes of the liver. If, however, something destroys this enzyme or interferes with its action, the person exposed to malathion receives the full force of the poison.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
The alleged 'safety' of malathion rests on rather precarious ground, although - as often happens - this was not discovered until the chemical had been in use for several years. Malathion is 'safe' only because the mammalian liver, an organ with extraordinary protective powers, renders it relatively harmless. The detoxification is accomplished by one of the enzymes of the liver. If, however, something destroys this enzyme or interferes with its action, the person exposed to malathion receives the full force of the poison.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'Aorist rods were devices used in a now happily abandoned form of energy production. When the hunt for new sources of energy had at one point got particularly frantic, one bright young chap suddenly spotted that one place which had never used up all its available energy was - the past. And with the sudden rush of blood to the head that such insights tend to induce, he invented a way of mining it that very same night, and within a year huge tracts of the past were being drained of all their energy and simply wasting away. Those who claimed that the past should be left unspoilt were accused of indulging in an extremely expensive form of sentimentality. The past provided a very cheap, plentiful, and clean source of energy, there could always be a few Natural Past Reserves set up if anyone wanted to pay for their upkeep, and as for the claim that draining the past impoverished the present, well maybe it did, slightly, but the effects were immeasurable and you really need to have a sense of proportion.
It was only when it was realized that the present really was being impoverished, and that the reason for it was that those selfish plundering wastrel bastards up in the future were doing exactly the same thing, that everyone realized that every single aorist rod, and the terrible secret of how they were made, would have to be utterly and for ever destroyed. They claimed it was for the sake of their grand-parents and grandchildren, but it was of course for the sake of their grandparents' grandchildren, and their grandchildren's grandparents.'
- Young Zaphod Plays It Safe, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
It was only when it was realized that the present really was being impoverished, and that the reason for it was that those selfish plundering wastrel bastards up in the future were doing exactly the same thing, that everyone realized that every single aorist rod, and the terrible secret of how they were made, would have to be utterly and for ever destroyed. They claimed it was for the sake of their grand-parents and grandchildren, but it was of course for the sake of their grandparents' grandchildren, and their grandchildren's grandparents.'
- Young Zaphod Plays It Safe, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
'Here is this vast, savage, howling mother of ours, Nature, lying all around, with such beauty, with such affection for her children, as the leopard; and yet we are so early weaned from her breast to society, to that culture which is exclusively an interaction of man on man - a sort of breeding in and in, which produces at most a merely English nobility, a civilization designed to have a speedy limit.' - Walking, Henry D Thoreau, Selected Writings on Nature and Liberty.
'Beauty rests on necessities. The line of beauty is the result of perfect economy. The cell of the bee is built at that angle which gives the most strength with the least wax; the bone or the quill of the bird gives the most alar strength with the least weight. "It is the purgation of superfluities," said Michelangelo. There is not a particle to spare in natural structure. There is compelling reason in the uses of the plant for every novelty of color or form; and our art saves material by the more skilful arrangement, and reaches beauty by taking every superfluous ounce spared from a wall, and keeping all its strength in the poetry of columns. In rhetoric, this art of omission is a chief secret of power, and, in general, it is proof of high culture to say the greatest matters in the simplest way.' - Beauty, Emerson, The Basic Writings of America's Sage
'Globally, outdoor cannabis cultivation continues to be more widespread geographically than is indoor cannabis cultivation. Overall, 88 countries reported outdoor cannabis cultivation, law enforcement activities linked to outdoor cannabis cultivation (eradication, seizures of cannabis plants, seizures of cannabis-producing sites) or trends related to outdoor cannabis cultivation over the period 2012–2018, while only 64 countries reported data for those activities as linked to indoor cultivation. Some countries reported both indoor and outdoor cannabis cultivation.' - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Drug Report 2020,
Afghanistan and Mexico source the heroin and morphine. Mexico, Thailand, Myanmar and China source the methamphetamine. The Middle East and Eastern Europe sources the amphetamine. The US consumes heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine. Europe consumes heroin, morphine, methamphetamine and amphetamine. Asia consumes heroin, morphine and methamphetamine. Australia consumes methamphetamine. The Middle East consumes heroin and amphetamine. West Asia consumes heroin and methamphetamine. All countries grow and consume cannabis. Opioids, methamphetamine and amphetamines kill the most in terms of drug deaths, cannabis kills none. Who are the leading opponents to cannabis legalization and leading enforcers of global anti-cannabis policy? The countries involved the most in heroin, morphine, amphetamines and methamphetamines. They put on a mask of concern about harms from drugs, produce, sell and consume the most dangerous synthetic drugs and vehemently oppose cannabis legalization worldwide while clandestinely feeding their habits and protecting their sources. They use arms and armies to protect and promote their synthetic drug habits, and drug money to fund and wage a war on cannabis everywhere, pushing man and planet ever closer to death on massive scales and away from the safe, healing cannabis herb...
Jul 10, 2020, 1:14 PM
"We don’t think this is something only we should do, but we are really hoping to start the conversation," she said. "We are really hoping to create a better connection between the cannabis industry and the environment in general."
'They are the latest generation of bioplastics, which are plastic materials produced from renewable sources such as agricultural by-products, straw, wood chips, sawdust and recycled food waste -- and now hemp.
Hemp seems to satisfy some plant-based plastics researchers looking for alternatives to plastic waste that has filled landfills and oceans.'
'Globally, outdoor cannabis cultivation continues to be more widespread geographically than is indoor cannabis cultivation. Overall, 88 countries reported outdoor cannabis cultivation, law enforcement activities linked to outdoor cannabis cultivation (eradication, seizures of cannabis plants, seizures of cannabis-producing sites) or trends related to outdoor cannabis cultivation over the period 2012–2018, while only 64 countries reported data for those activities as linked to indoor cultivation. Some countries reported both indoor and outdoor cannabis cultivation.' - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Drug Report 2020,
Afghanistan and Mexico source the heroin and morphine. Mexico, Thailand, Myanmar and China source the methamphetamine. The Middle East and Eastern Europe sources the amphetamine. The US consumes heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine. Europe consumes heroin, morphine, methamphetamine and amphetamine. Asia consumes heroin, morphine and methamphetamine. Australia consumes methamphetamine. The Middle East consumes heroin and amphetamine. West Asia consumes heroin and methamphetamine. All countries grow and consume cannabis. Opioids, methamphetamine and amphetamines kill the most in terms of drug deaths, cannabis kills none. Who are the leading opponents to cannabis legalization and leading enforcers of global anti-cannabis policy? The countries involved the most in heroin, morphine, amphetamines and methamphetamines. They put on a mask of concern about harms from drugs, produce, sell and consume the most dangerous synthetic drugs and vehemently oppose cannabis legalization worldwide while clandestinely feeding their habits and protecting their sources. They use arms and armies to protect and promote their synthetic drug habits, and drug money to fund and wage a war on cannabis everywhere, pushing man and planet ever closer to death on massive scales and away from the safe, healing cannabis herb...
Jul 10, 2020, 1:14 PM
"We don’t think this is something only we should do, but we are really hoping to start the conversation," she said. "We are really hoping to create a better connection between the cannabis industry and the environment in general."
'They are the latest generation of bioplastics, which are plastic materials produced from renewable sources such as agricultural by-products, straw, wood chips, sawdust and recycled food waste -- and now hemp.
Hemp seems to satisfy some plant-based plastics researchers looking for alternatives to plastic waste that has filled landfills and oceans.'
'Thus, through the circumstances of their lives, and the nature of our own wants, all these have been our allies in keeping the balance of nature tilted in our favor. Yet we have turned our artillery against our friends. The terrible danger is that we have grossly underestimated their value in keeping at bay a dark tide of enemies that, without their help, can overrun us.
The prospect of a general and permanent lowering of environmental resistance becomes grimly and increasingly real with each passing year as the number, variety, and destructiveness of insecticides grows. With the passing of time we may expect progressively more serious outbreaks of insects, both disease-carrying and crop-destroying species, in excess of anything we have ever known.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
The prospect of a general and permanent lowering of environmental resistance becomes grimly and increasingly real with each passing year as the number, variety, and destructiveness of insecticides grows. With the passing of time we may expect progressively more serious outbreaks of insects, both disease-carrying and crop-destroying species, in excess of anything we have ever known.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'Those who own large estates and fortunes, or who receive large incomes drawn from working people who go short even of necessities; and those who, like tradesmen, doctors, artists, clerks, scientists, cooks, writers, valets, and lawyers, live by serving those rich people like to believe that the advantages they enjoy result not from violence, but from an absolutely free and proper exchange of services. They like to believe that their advantages - far from being gained by beatings and murders such as took place in Orel and in many parts of Russia this summer, and that occur continually all over Europe and America - have no connexion with such violence. They like to believe that their privileges exist of themselves, and result from voluntary agreements among people, and that the violence enacted also exists of itself, and results from some general, higher judicial, political, or economic laws. They try not to see that they enjoy their advantages as a result of the very thing which forces the peasants who have tended the wood and are in great need of the timber to yield it up to a wealthy landowner, who took no part in tending it during its growth and is in no need of it - that is, the knowledge that if they do not give it up they will be flogged or killed.' - Leo Tolstoy - The Kingdom of God and Peace Essays
466. Occasionally the drug [ganja] is burnt as a disinfectant and used in lieu of carbolic acid...
CH. X. Effects - General Observations, Report Of The Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1893-94, https://digital.nls.uk/74464868
The environmental protection abilities of cannabis must not be disregarded anymore. As a sustainable plant that grows in even adverse conditions with limited water, the plant has tens of thousands of applications that can be used to replace non-biodegradable materials with biodegradable products. Plastics, construction, energy, automobile, pharmaceutical, medical, paper, pesticides, fertilizers are just some of the industries which cause havoc with the environment, not just with their end products, but also through their raw materials, production processes and waste discharges into the environment that remain there for nearly eternity. Not only for man, but also the entire food chain, cannabis is a sustainable option, providing the necessary nutrition for bee populations and birds that hugely contribute to pollination and sustenance of the food chain. These vital links in the chain have nearly collapsed due to man's indiscriminate actions. Cannabis has the potential to heal these wounds to nature and curie her of the fever of man's actions. This potential of the plant cannot be ignored anymore and all industries and government institutions must embrace the plant on a war footing to try and restore equilibrium to nature.
Mar 27, 2020, 10:48 PM
'The U.S. military and researchers at a Wisconsin university are discussing making hemp fiber to replace imported polyester and polymer in Army vehicles – a potential partnership that would return the state to the days it was the epicenter of fiber production during both World Wars.'
466. Occasionally the drug [ganja] is burnt as a disinfectant and used in lieu of carbolic acid...
CH. X. Effects - General Observations, Report Of The Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1893-94, https://digital.nls.uk/74464868
The environmental protection abilities of cannabis must not be disregarded anymore. As a sustainable plant that grows in even adverse conditions with limited water, the plant has tens of thousands of applications that can be used to replace non-biodegradable materials with biodegradable products. Plastics, construction, energy, automobile, pharmaceutical, medical, paper, pesticides, fertilizers are just some of the industries which cause havoc with the environment, not just with their end products, but also through their raw materials, production processes and waste discharges into the environment that remain there for nearly eternity. Not only for man, but also the entire food chain, cannabis is a sustainable option, providing the necessary nutrition for bee populations and birds that hugely contribute to pollination and sustenance of the food chain. These vital links in the chain have nearly collapsed due to man's indiscriminate actions. Cannabis has the potential to heal these wounds to nature and curie her of the fever of man's actions. This potential of the plant cannot be ignored anymore and all industries and government institutions must embrace the plant on a war footing to try and restore equilibrium to nature.
Mar 27, 2020, 10:48 PM
'The U.S. military and researchers at a Wisconsin university are discussing making hemp fiber to replace imported polyester and polymer in Army vehicles – a potential partnership that would return the state to the days it was the epicenter of fiber production during both World Wars.'
'Why does the spider mite appear to thrive on insecticides? Besides the obvious fact that it is relatively insensitive to them, there seems to be two other reasons. In nature it is kept in check by various predators such as ladybugs, a gall midge, predaceous mites and several pirate bugs, all of them extremely senstitive to insecticides. The third reason has to do with population pressure within the spider mite colonies. An undisturbed colony of mites is a densely settled community, huddled under a protective webbing for concealment from its enemies. When sprayed, the colonies disperse as the mites, irritated though not killed by the chemicals, scatter out in search of places where they will not be disturbed. In so doing they find a far greater abundance of space and food than was available in the former colonies. Their enemies are now dead so there is no need for the mites to spend their energy in secreting protective webbing. Instead, they pour all their energies into producing more mites. It is not uncommon for their egg production to be increased threefold - all through the beneficient effect of insecticides.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
Well there you go...you can even make the hand sanitizer with the ganja plant..and am sure you can make the other hot selling items of today too..masks, ventilators and protective clothing. So not only can you prevent the increase of Covid mortality by using ganja instead of prescription opioids and benzodiazepines, you can even make the necessary protective medical equipment..that too in an environmentally sustainable way instead of all the synthetic products that we are flooding the world with, further polluting the planet, reducing our immunity and making us all even more susceptible to viruses..
'The natural, plant-based hand sanitizer products, essential oils and hemp-derived products that will be developed through this licensing partnership will be co-branded as "Forest Remedies™, by Dr. Jane Goodall" and will provide consumers with affordable, sustainable and socially responsible products to support their health and wellness.'
Well there you go...you can even make the hand sanitizer with the ganja plant..and am sure you can make the other hot selling items of today too..masks, ventilators and protective clothing. So not only can you prevent the increase of Covid mortality by using ganja instead of prescription opioids and benzodiazepines, you can even make the necessary protective medical equipment..that too in an environmentally sustainable way instead of all the synthetic products that we are flooding the world with, further polluting the planet, reducing our immunity and making us all even more susceptible to viruses..
'The natural, plant-based hand sanitizer products, essential oils and hemp-derived products that will be developed through this licensing partnership will be co-branded as "Forest Remedies™, by Dr. Jane Goodall" and will provide consumers with affordable, sustainable and socially responsible products to support their health and wellness.'
'From the very simplest, lowest, and most worldly point of view it is already clear that it is madness to remain in a building which cannot sustain the weight of its roof. It is obvious that we must leave it. Indeed it is difficult to imagine a position more wretched than that in which the Christian world now is, with its nations armed one against the other, with the ever-growing taxes for the maintenance of its ever increasing armaments, with the growing hatred of the working classes for the rich, and with war hanging over us all like a sword of Damocles, threatening to fall at any moment and certain to do so sooner or later.
A revolution can hardly be more disastrous for the great mass of people than the existing order or rather disorder of our life, with is habitual sacrifices to unnatural toil, poverty, drunkenness, and debauchery, and with all the horrors of impending war, which will devour in a year more victims than all the revolutions of a century.' - Leo Tolstoy - The Kingdom of God and Peace Essays
A revolution can hardly be more disastrous for the great mass of people than the existing order or rather disorder of our life, with is habitual sacrifices to unnatural toil, poverty, drunkenness, and debauchery, and with all the horrors of impending war, which will devour in a year more victims than all the revolutions of a century.' - Leo Tolstoy - The Kingdom of God and Peace Essays
'The 'control of nature' is a phrase conceived in arrogance, born of the Neanderthal age of biology and philosophy, when it was supposed that nature exists for the convenience of man. The concepts and practices of applied entomology for the most part date from that Stone Age of science. It is our alarming misfortune that so primitive a science has armed itself with the most modern and terrible weapons, and that in turning them against the insects it has also turned them against the earth.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
Can startups look to re-startup with more hemp and cannabis based products and services so that we can address not just profits but sustainability as well?
Apr 30, 2020, 5:43 PM
'As the hemp industry develops and more resources become available for crop production, advocates of sustainable production say farmers have a choice: Hemp can be a crop that heals – or it can follow in the same footsteps of other commodities that have caused mass erosion, soil contamination and groundwater pollution.
In the spirit of Earth Day this month, Hemp Industry Daily talked with industry insiders about how hemp farmers can maintain the crop’s green reputation and function through responsible farming practices.'
Can startups look to re-startup with more hemp and cannabis based products and services so that we can address not just profits but sustainability as well?
Apr 30, 2020, 5:43 PM
'As the hemp industry develops and more resources become available for crop production, advocates of sustainable production say farmers have a choice: Hemp can be a crop that heals – or it can follow in the same footsteps of other commodities that have caused mass erosion, soil contamination and groundwater pollution.
In the spirit of Earth Day this month, Hemp Industry Daily talked with industry insiders about how hemp farmers can maintain the crop’s green reputation and function through responsible farming practices.'
'Where pesticides are involved, the chemicals that figure most prominently in the case histories are DDT, lindane, benzene hexachloride, the nitrophenols, the common moth crystal paradichlorobenzene, chlordane, and, of course, the solvents in which they are carried. As this physician emphasizes, pure exposure to a single chemical is the exception, rather than the rule. The commercial product usually contains combinations of several chemicals, suspended in a petroleum distillate plus some dispersing agent. The aromatic cyclic and unsaturated hydrocarbons of the vehicle may themselves be a factor in the damage done [to] the blood-forming organs. From the practical rather than the medical standpoint this distinction is of little importance, however, because these petroleum solvents are an inseparable part of most common spraying practices.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
Break the chain of government-petrochemicals-pharmaceuticals-arms to break the stranglehold on the earth, battle climate change and to move to a sustainable future. Boycott petrochemical based products. You will be amazed how pervasive they are. Replace them with biodegradable organic products. Boycott pharmaceutical products. Again you will be amazed how much they have control over you. Replace them with sustainable plant medicine. Increase government accountability. Ask governments to limit their expenditure on themselves to 30% of the budget and to cut their sizes to 30% of their current size everywhere. Look to move to a sustainable political party-less government model. Some suggestions are provided in the following article - https://ravingkoshy.blogspot.com/2018/05/political-revamp.html
A sense of proportion is essential to perceive reality. It helps to put things in perspective, and direct the right amounts of energy where required. Often, two factors cloud one's sense of proportion. One is laziness of the mind or complacency. As a result, one does not put in the necessary effort to understand a situation deeply. Two is panic, which clouds one's ability to get a correct sense of proportion. One may lead to the other. Laziness in understanding a situation deeply results in panic when things don't go as they planned. Both factors may be due to distraction of the mind with deep rooted addictions and unhealthy fixations on the pursuit of money or pleasure above all else. The manifestation of errors due to this lack of sense of proportion are evidenced as - targeting entire communities to curb a few alleged miscreants among them; blanket usage of pesticides that kill all life to try and eliminate a few alleged pests; locking down the entire world to prevent a few thousand deaths; prohibiting cannabis for billions to allegedly prevent a few thousand people from becoming excessive users; developing medicines that work for only a few while ignoring the majority; creating weapons that can destroy the world many times over to allegedly keep a few people quiet..
May 3, 2020, 10:27 PM
'EIHA [European Industrial Hemp Association] emphasizes in their press release that “industrial hemp constitutes a tangible and sustainable solution for high-quality food products, as well as environmentally-friendly non-food products, such as fabrics, bioplastics, cosmetics, and construction materials. The hemp sector with its versatile value chain contributes to the long-term growth of the economy and creates skilled employment, especially in rural areas.” Addressing the world’s climate change predicament, EIHA points out that one hectare of industrial hemp binds about 13.4 tons of CO2, which is comparable to the effectiveness of tropical rainforests. '
Break the chain of government-petrochemicals-pharmaceuticals-arms to break the stranglehold on the earth, battle climate change and to move to a sustainable future. Boycott petrochemical based products. You will be amazed how pervasive they are. Replace them with biodegradable organic products. Boycott pharmaceutical products. Again you will be amazed how much they have control over you. Replace them with sustainable plant medicine. Increase government accountability. Ask governments to limit their expenditure on themselves to 30% of the budget and to cut their sizes to 30% of their current size everywhere. Look to move to a sustainable political party-less government model. Some suggestions are provided in the following article - https://ravingkoshy.blogspot.com/2018/05/political-revamp.html
A sense of proportion is essential to perceive reality. It helps to put things in perspective, and direct the right amounts of energy where required. Often, two factors cloud one's sense of proportion. One is laziness of the mind or complacency. As a result, one does not put in the necessary effort to understand a situation deeply. Two is panic, which clouds one's ability to get a correct sense of proportion. One may lead to the other. Laziness in understanding a situation deeply results in panic when things don't go as they planned. Both factors may be due to distraction of the mind with deep rooted addictions and unhealthy fixations on the pursuit of money or pleasure above all else. The manifestation of errors due to this lack of sense of proportion are evidenced as - targeting entire communities to curb a few alleged miscreants among them; blanket usage of pesticides that kill all life to try and eliminate a few alleged pests; locking down the entire world to prevent a few thousand deaths; prohibiting cannabis for billions to allegedly prevent a few thousand people from becoming excessive users; developing medicines that work for only a few while ignoring the majority; creating weapons that can destroy the world many times over to allegedly keep a few people quiet..
May 3, 2020, 10:27 PM
'EIHA [European Industrial Hemp Association] emphasizes in their press release that “industrial hemp constitutes a tangible and sustainable solution for high-quality food products, as well as environmentally-friendly non-food products, such as fabrics, bioplastics, cosmetics, and construction materials. The hemp sector with its versatile value chain contributes to the long-term growth of the economy and creates skilled employment, especially in rural areas.” Addressing the world’s climate change predicament, EIHA points out that one hectare of industrial hemp binds about 13.4 tons of CO2, which is comparable to the effectiveness of tropical rainforests. '
'Measured by the standards established by Warburg, most pesticides meet the criterion of the perfect carcinogen too well for comfort. As we have seen in the preceding chapter, many of the chlorinated hydrocarbons, the phenols, and some herbicides interfere with oxidation and energy production within the cell. By this means they may be creating sleeping cancer cells, in which an irreversible malignancy will slumber undetected until finally - its cause long forgotten and even unsuspected - it flares into the open as recognizable cancer.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'Why hemp?
The nonwoven industry is in the spotlight right now because that’s the industry that’s producing personal protective equipment for all frontline healthcare workers.
The N95 mask would be considered a nonwoven product. But nonwoven products cover a vast gamut of applications – from cleaning wipes all the way through to sanitary products, makeup removers, and cosmetic face masks. It’s a huge industry.
And the vast majority of the fiber that is used as the raw base material is synthetic fiber. So you’re talking about fiber that is derived from petroleum-based sources.'
'Why hemp?
The nonwoven industry is in the spotlight right now because that’s the industry that’s producing personal protective equipment for all frontline healthcare workers.
The N95 mask would be considered a nonwoven product. But nonwoven products cover a vast gamut of applications – from cleaning wipes all the way through to sanitary products, makeup removers, and cosmetic face masks. It’s a huge industry.
And the vast majority of the fiber that is used as the raw base material is synthetic fiber. So you’re talking about fiber that is derived from petroleum-based sources.'
'By whatever names we dignify ourselves, in whatever apparel we attire ourselves, by whatever and before whatever priest we may be smeared with oil, however many millions we possess, however many special guards are stationed along our route, however many policemen guard our wealth, however many so-called miscreant-revolutionaries and anarchists we may execute, whatever exploits we may ourselves perform, whatever States we may found, whatever fortresses and towers we may erect - from the Tower of Babel to that of Eiffel - we are always all of us confronted by two inevitable conditions of life which destroy its whole meaning. There is first of all death, which may at any moment overtake any of us, and there is the transitoriness of all that we do and that is so quickly destroyed leaving no trace. Whatever we may do - found kingdoms, build palaces and monuments, compose poems and romances - everything is transitory, and soon passes leaving no trace. And therefore, however we may conceal it from ourselves, we cannot help seeing that the meaning of our life can be neither in our personal physical existence, subject to unavoidable sufferings and inevitable death, nor in any worldly institution or organization.
Whoever you may be who read these lines, consider your position and your duties - not the position of landowner, merchant, judge, emperor, president, minister, priest, or soldiers, temporarily attributed to you by men, nor those imaginary duties imposed on you by that position - but your real position in eternity as a creature who by Someone's will has been called out of unconsciousness after an eternity of nonexistence, to which by the same will you may at any moment be recalled. Think of your duties - not your imaginary duties as a landowner to your estate, as a merchant to your capital, as an emperor, minister, official to the State - but those real duties which follow from your real position as a being called to life and endowed with reason and love.' - Leo Tolstoy - The Kingdom of God and Peace Essays
Whoever you may be who read these lines, consider your position and your duties - not the position of landowner, merchant, judge, emperor, president, minister, priest, or soldiers, temporarily attributed to you by men, nor those imaginary duties imposed on you by that position - but your real position in eternity as a creature who by Someone's will has been called out of unconsciousness after an eternity of nonexistence, to which by the same will you may at any moment be recalled. Think of your duties - not your imaginary duties as a landowner to your estate, as a merchant to your capital, as an emperor, minister, official to the State - but those real duties which follow from your real position as a being called to life and endowed with reason and love.' - Leo Tolstoy - The Kingdom of God and Peace Essays
'For a long period of time there was much speculation and controversy about where the so-called 'missing matter' of the Universe had got to. All over the Galaxy the science departments of all the major universities were acquiring more and more elaborate equipment to probe and search the hearts of distant galaxies, and then the very centre and the very edges of the whole Universe, but when eventually it was tracked down it turned out in fact to be all the stuff which the equipment had been packed in.'
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
A path to sustainability in the construction sector....
'"Farmers can grow hemp locally. Lime is everywhere, water's everywhere. This building material can boost the local economy and have a smaller [carbon] footprint," Markgraaff said.
Chipped hemp bark, lime binder and water are mixed together to make hempcrete. The material dries to a strong, stone-like substance that is fireproof, mold-proof and insect-proof, researchers at New York's Parsons School of Design's Healthy Materials Lab said.
The hemp plant's cellulose can absorb large amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide while growing. When made into hempcrete, 9- to 12-inch-thick walls also are breathable and temperature controlling, unlike air-tight traditional building materials that trap off-gases from petroleum-based products, paints and solvents, Ruth said.'
'Hemp is an attractive alternative to cotton due to its comparably low-resource cultivation. It takes about 2,600 gallons of water to produce 1 kilogram of cotton—or a pair of jeans and a shirt—compared to just 80 gallons to 130 gallons for the same amount of hemp.
According to a report by the Stockholm Environment Institute commissioned by the BioRegional Development Group and Worldwide Fund for Nature – Cymru, industrial hemp is “low maintenance.” Hemp also has a short grow cycle, about 110 days to cotton’s 150-day growing season. As there are more calls for organic agriculture, hemp also boasts the benefit of being naturally pest-free and therefore pesticide-free.'
What is the environmental cost of all the synthetic, non-biodegradable, petrochemical based masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, other PPE and disinfectants that has been produced and flooded the earth with in the last few months?
May 30, 2020, 10:03 AM
'European wastewater analysis confirms the patterns of use of amphetamines reported in household survey data, which point to an overall prevalence of amphetamine use in Europe that is higher than that of methamphetamine, as methamphetamine use is predominant in only a few countries. Wastewater analyses, conducted in 140 cities in 33 countries across Europe, suggest that the quantity of amphetamine consumed per capita over the period 2011–2019 was 1.7 times larger in 2019. In most of the cities included in the analysis, amphetamine was the most consumed substance of the amphetamines group in 2019 (or the latest year available)' - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Drug Report 2020, https://wdr.unodc.org/wdr2020/field/WDR20_Booklet_2.pdf
'By contrast, wastewater analysis in Australia shows that increasing amounts of methamphetamine are consumed each year in the country, from an estimated average of 8.4 tons in 2016/17 to 11.5 tons in 2018/19.66 The wastewater analysis conducted in 2019 was carried out at 22 sites in state capitals and 36 regional sites, and covered 57 per cent of the population and a wide range of catchment sizes. Overall, the average per capita consumption of methamphetamine was highest at regional sites: 1,500 mg per 1,000 population per day, compared with an average of 1250 mg per 1,000 population per day at state capital sites.67 The largest amounts of methamphetamine were consumed in New South Wales, followed by Victoria and Queensland' - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Drug Report 2020, https://wdr.unodc.org/wdr2020/field/WDR20_Booklet_2.pdf
'"Farmers can grow hemp locally. Lime is everywhere, water's everywhere. This building material can boost the local economy and have a smaller [carbon] footprint," Markgraaff said.
Chipped hemp bark, lime binder and water are mixed together to make hempcrete. The material dries to a strong, stone-like substance that is fireproof, mold-proof and insect-proof, researchers at New York's Parsons School of Design's Healthy Materials Lab said.
The hemp plant's cellulose can absorb large amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide while growing. When made into hempcrete, 9- to 12-inch-thick walls also are breathable and temperature controlling, unlike air-tight traditional building materials that trap off-gases from petroleum-based products, paints and solvents, Ruth said.'
'Hemp is an attractive alternative to cotton due to its comparably low-resource cultivation. It takes about 2,600 gallons of water to produce 1 kilogram of cotton—or a pair of jeans and a shirt—compared to just 80 gallons to 130 gallons for the same amount of hemp.
According to a report by the Stockholm Environment Institute commissioned by the BioRegional Development Group and Worldwide Fund for Nature – Cymru, industrial hemp is “low maintenance.” Hemp also has a short grow cycle, about 110 days to cotton’s 150-day growing season. As there are more calls for organic agriculture, hemp also boasts the benefit of being naturally pest-free and therefore pesticide-free.'
What is the environmental cost of all the synthetic, non-biodegradable, petrochemical based masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, other PPE and disinfectants that has been produced and flooded the earth with in the last few months?
May 30, 2020, 10:03 AM
'European wastewater analysis confirms the patterns of use of amphetamines reported in household survey data, which point to an overall prevalence of amphetamine use in Europe that is higher than that of methamphetamine, as methamphetamine use is predominant in only a few countries. Wastewater analyses, conducted in 140 cities in 33 countries across Europe, suggest that the quantity of amphetamine consumed per capita over the period 2011–2019 was 1.7 times larger in 2019. In most of the cities included in the analysis, amphetamine was the most consumed substance of the amphetamines group in 2019 (or the latest year available)' - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Drug Report 2020, https://wdr.unodc.org/wdr2020/field/WDR20_Booklet_2.pdf
'By contrast, wastewater analysis in Australia shows that increasing amounts of methamphetamine are consumed each year in the country, from an estimated average of 8.4 tons in 2016/17 to 11.5 tons in 2018/19.66 The wastewater analysis conducted in 2019 was carried out at 22 sites in state capitals and 36 regional sites, and covered 57 per cent of the population and a wide range of catchment sizes. Overall, the average per capita consumption of methamphetamine was highest at regional sites: 1,500 mg per 1,000 population per day, compared with an average of 1250 mg per 1,000 population per day at state capital sites.67 The largest amounts of methamphetamine were consumed in New South Wales, followed by Victoria and Queensland' - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Drug Report 2020, https://wdr.unodc.org/wdr2020/field/WDR20_Booklet_2.pdf
'If people tell you that all this is necessary for the maintenance of the existing order of life and that this social order, with its destitution, hunger, prisons, executions, armies and wars, is necessary for society, that still more miseries will ensue were that organization infringed; all that is said only by those who profit by such an organization. Those who suffer from it - and they are ten times as numerous - all think and say the contrary. And in the depth of your soul you yourself know it is untrue, you know that the existing organization of life has outlived its time and must inevitably be reconstructed on new principles, and that therefore there is no need to sacrifice all human feeling to maintain it.' - Leo Tolstoy - The Kingdom of God and Peace Essays
If India was really concerned about self-sustainability and moving away from economic dependency on China, one of the obvious things to do would be to cut down on the imports of Active Pharmaceutical Intermediaries (APIs) and fertilizers from China. India imports 68% of its APIs from China and 57% of its fertilizers, forming the top two imports, according to today's DH. Legalizing cannabis for recreational, medical, agricultural and industrial use would go a long way in reducing these two dependencies. But then the Indian pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries are the ones who need these imports. They are also, most likely, the largest funders of our politicians. So will cannabis be legalized? Not likely. Instead, our politicians will try to build roads through eco-sensitive regions to import pharma drugs and fertilizers. They will set up border brawls, ban social media platforms that enable free speech, and import arms from other petrochemical nations to put on a display. The petrochemical, pharmaceutical and arms industries will fuel the politician's addiction for money and the politician will protect them. Acknowledging that cannabis can reduce dependencies and increase sustainability, without harming the people and nature is something these entities are fearful of...
Jul 9, 2020, 4:30 PM
'If the bill is passed and assented by the President, cannabis plantation will generate income far more than oil as cannabis now has various benefits and value chain in pharmaceutical industries for drugs and cosmetic manufacturing as well as other research purposes for institutions, saying by so doing it will create employment for the teeming youths in Nigeria.'
'To put it plainly, hemp is a bioaccumulator. It’s really good at absorbing heavy metals and can absorb a vast range of compounds from the soil – including radioactive elements, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, explosives and fuel.
These bioaccumulative properties are one of hemp’s superepowers. But they’re also a major hindrance to the industry.
Hemp is often used for phytoremediation, which is essentially nature’s way of vacuuming heavy metals and other toxins out of the soil. Hemp cleans up the mess left behind from industrial waste and poor farming practices, and it does so in three ways.'
If India was really concerned about self-sustainability and moving away from economic dependency on China, one of the obvious things to do would be to cut down on the imports of Active Pharmaceutical Intermediaries (APIs) and fertilizers from China. India imports 68% of its APIs from China and 57% of its fertilizers, forming the top two imports, according to today's DH. Legalizing cannabis for recreational, medical, agricultural and industrial use would go a long way in reducing these two dependencies. But then the Indian pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries are the ones who need these imports. They are also, most likely, the largest funders of our politicians. So will cannabis be legalized? Not likely. Instead, our politicians will try to build roads through eco-sensitive regions to import pharma drugs and fertilizers. They will set up border brawls, ban social media platforms that enable free speech, and import arms from other petrochemical nations to put on a display. The petrochemical, pharmaceutical and arms industries will fuel the politician's addiction for money and the politician will protect them. Acknowledging that cannabis can reduce dependencies and increase sustainability, without harming the people and nature is something these entities are fearful of...
Jul 9, 2020, 4:30 PM
'If the bill is passed and assented by the President, cannabis plantation will generate income far more than oil as cannabis now has various benefits and value chain in pharmaceutical industries for drugs and cosmetic manufacturing as well as other research purposes for institutions, saying by so doing it will create employment for the teeming youths in Nigeria.'
'To put it plainly, hemp is a bioaccumulator. It’s really good at absorbing heavy metals and can absorb a vast range of compounds from the soil – including radioactive elements, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, explosives and fuel.
These bioaccumulative properties are one of hemp’s superepowers. But they’re also a major hindrance to the industry.
Hemp is often used for phytoremediation, which is essentially nature’s way of vacuuming heavy metals and other toxins out of the soil. Hemp cleans up the mess left behind from industrial waste and poor farming practices, and it does so in three ways.'
'As yet insufficient time has elapsed to reveal the full effect of the new chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides and of the modern herbicides. Most malignancies develop so slowly that they may require a considerable segment of the victim's life to reach the stage of showing clinical symptoms. In the early 1920s women who painted luminous figures on watch dials swallowed minute amounts of radium by touching the brushes to their lips; in some of these women bone cancers developed after a lapse of 15 or more years. A period of 15 to 30 years or even more has been demonstrated for some cancers caused by occupational exposures to chemical carcinogens.
In contrast to these industrial exposures to various carcinogens the first exposures to DDT date from about 1942 for military personnel and from about 1945 for civilians, and it was not until the early fifties that a wide variety of pesticidal chemicals came into use. The full maturing of whatever seeds of malignancy have been sown by these chemicals is yet to come.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'Results of the experiment indicated that the two cannabinoid-infused mouthwashes significantly inhibited the growth of bacteria—on par with the chlorhexidine. The two over-the-counter mouthwashes, meanwhile, had little to no detectable effect.
“Cannabinoids (CBD / CBG) infused mouthwashes together with other natural key ingredients shows promising bactericidal activity in vitro against total-culturable aerobic bacterial content in dental plaque,” the study says, “with efficiency equivalent to or better than that of the gold standard (0.2% chlorhexidine).”'
'Here we describe stable isotope based models using hydrogen and carbon isotope ratios to predict geographic region-of-origin and growth environment for marijuana, with the intent of applying these models to analyses of marijuana trafficking in the USA. The models were developed on the basis of eradication specimens and border specimens seized throughout the USA. We tested reliability of the geographic region-of-origin and growth environment models with a “blind” set of 60 marijuana eradication specimens obtained from counties throughout the USA. The two geographic region-of-origin model predictions were 60–67% reliable and cultivation environment model predictions were 86% accurate for the blind specimens. We demonstrate here that stable isotope ratio analysis of marijuana seizures can significantly improve our understanding of marijuana distribution networks and it is for that purpose that these models were developed.'
'“It is hardly a surprise that those who elect to clandestinely cultivate cannabis on federal lands engage in practices that provide greater potential risks to both the environment and to the end product itself,” Paul Armentano, deputy director for the advocacy group NORML, told Marijuana Moment. “By contrast, a legal market provides regulatory oversight and demands that those engaged in these activities be licensed and utilize best practices.”
“While legalization itself will likely not entirely eliminate the illicit market, just as, for instance, broader alcohol legalization has not eliminated moonshining in its entirety,” Armentano added, “the reality is that it will continue to severely curtail these activities and the involvement of criminal entrepreneurs.”'
'Results and conclusion: Through a detailed analysis of the available resources about the origins of C. sativa we found that its use by ancient civilizations as a source of food and textile fibers dates back over 10,000 years, while its therapeutic applications have been improved over the centuries, from the ancient East medicine of the 2nd and 1st millennium B.C. to the more recent introduction in the Western world after the 1st century A.D. In the 20th and 21th centuries, Cannabis and its derivatives have been considered as a menace and banned throughout the world, but nowadays they are still the most widely consumed illicit drugs all over the world. Its legalization in some jurisdictions has been accompanied by new lines of research to investigate its possible applications for medical and therapeutic purposes.'
In contrast to these industrial exposures to various carcinogens the first exposures to DDT date from about 1942 for military personnel and from about 1945 for civilians, and it was not until the early fifties that a wide variety of pesticidal chemicals came into use. The full maturing of whatever seeds of malignancy have been sown by these chemicals is yet to come.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'Results of the experiment indicated that the two cannabinoid-infused mouthwashes significantly inhibited the growth of bacteria—on par with the chlorhexidine. The two over-the-counter mouthwashes, meanwhile, had little to no detectable effect.
“Cannabinoids (CBD / CBG) infused mouthwashes together with other natural key ingredients shows promising bactericidal activity in vitro against total-culturable aerobic bacterial content in dental plaque,” the study says, “with efficiency equivalent to or better than that of the gold standard (0.2% chlorhexidine).”'
'Here we describe stable isotope based models using hydrogen and carbon isotope ratios to predict geographic region-of-origin and growth environment for marijuana, with the intent of applying these models to analyses of marijuana trafficking in the USA. The models were developed on the basis of eradication specimens and border specimens seized throughout the USA. We tested reliability of the geographic region-of-origin and growth environment models with a “blind” set of 60 marijuana eradication specimens obtained from counties throughout the USA. The two geographic region-of-origin model predictions were 60–67% reliable and cultivation environment model predictions were 86% accurate for the blind specimens. We demonstrate here that stable isotope ratio analysis of marijuana seizures can significantly improve our understanding of marijuana distribution networks and it is for that purpose that these models were developed.'
'“It is hardly a surprise that those who elect to clandestinely cultivate cannabis on federal lands engage in practices that provide greater potential risks to both the environment and to the end product itself,” Paul Armentano, deputy director for the advocacy group NORML, told Marijuana Moment. “By contrast, a legal market provides regulatory oversight and demands that those engaged in these activities be licensed and utilize best practices.”
“While legalization itself will likely not entirely eliminate the illicit market, just as, for instance, broader alcohol legalization has not eliminated moonshining in its entirety,” Armentano added, “the reality is that it will continue to severely curtail these activities and the involvement of criminal entrepreneurs.”'
'Results and conclusion: Through a detailed analysis of the available resources about the origins of C. sativa we found that its use by ancient civilizations as a source of food and textile fibers dates back over 10,000 years, while its therapeutic applications have been improved over the centuries, from the ancient East medicine of the 2nd and 1st millennium B.C. to the more recent introduction in the Western world after the 1st century A.D. In the 20th and 21th centuries, Cannabis and its derivatives have been considered as a menace and banned throughout the world, but nowadays they are still the most widely consumed illicit drugs all over the world. Its legalization in some jurisdictions has been accompanied by new lines of research to investigate its possible applications for medical and therapeutic purposes.'
'The major features of cellular organization, including, for instance, mitosis, must be much older than 500 million years old - more nearly 1000 million,' wrote Geroge Gaylord Simpson and his colleagues Pittendrigh and Tiffany in their broadly encompassing book entitled Life. 'In this sense the world of life, which is surely fragile and complex, is incredibly durable through time - more durable than mountains. This durability is wholly dependent on the almost incredible accuracy with which the inherited information is copied from generation to generation.'
But in all the thousand million years envisioned by these authors no threat has struck so directly and so forcefully at that 'incredible accuracy' as the mid-20th century threat of man-made radiation and man-made and man-disseminated chemicals. Sir Macfarlane Burnet, a distinguished Australian physician and a Nobel Prize winner, considers it 'one of the most significant medical features' of our time that, 'as a by-product of more and more powerful therapeutic procedures and the production of chemical substances outside of biological experiences, the normal protective barriers that kept mutagenic agents from the internal organs have been more and more frequently penetrated.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
But in all the thousand million years envisioned by these authors no threat has struck so directly and so forcefully at that 'incredible accuracy' as the mid-20th century threat of man-made radiation and man-made and man-disseminated chemicals. Sir Macfarlane Burnet, a distinguished Australian physician and a Nobel Prize winner, considers it 'one of the most significant medical features' of our time that, 'as a by-product of more and more powerful therapeutic procedures and the production of chemical substances outside of biological experiences, the normal protective barriers that kept mutagenic agents from the internal organs have been more and more frequently penetrated.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'In the late 1990s, some 230 psychoactive substances were under international control, of which a handful dominated the global drug markets, most notably cannabis, cocaine, opium, heroin, amphetamines and “ecstasy”. Two decades later, the situation has changed, as there are now far more substances on the market. A number of synthetic NPS (i.e. psychoactive substances that mimic the properties of substances already under international control) emerged on the drug markets in the past decade, including synthetic cannabinoids, cathinones, phenethylamines, piperazines and various fentanyl analogues, resulting in a new wave of scheduling of such substances at the international level, with the total number of substances under international control rising from 234 in 2014 to 282 in 2018. At the same time, the number of NPS rose from 166 substances over the period 2005–2009 to 950 substances by the end of 2019. Worldwide, in recent years authorities have identified more than three times as many NPS as there are psychoactive substances under international control' - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Drug Report 2020, https://wdr.unodc.org/wdr2020/field/WDR20_BOOKLET_4.pdf
''The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.'
Major heatwaves started to coincide with almost magical precision, with major failures of the Breathe-O-Smart systems. To begin with this merely caused simmering resentment and only a few deaths from asphyxiation.
The real horror erupted on the day that three events happened simultaneously. The first event was that Breathe-O-Smart Inc. issued a statement to the effect that best results were achieved by using their systems in temperate climates.
The second event was the breakdown of a Breathe-O-Smart system on a particularly hot and humid day with the resulting evacuation of many hundreds of office staff into the street where they met the third event, which was a rampaging mob of long distance telephone operators who had got so twisted with having to say, all day and every day, 'Thank you for using BS&S,' to every single idiot who picked up a phone that they had finally taken to the streets with trash cans, megaphones and rifles.'
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
Major heatwaves started to coincide with almost magical precision, with major failures of the Breathe-O-Smart systems. To begin with this merely caused simmering resentment and only a few deaths from asphyxiation.
The real horror erupted on the day that three events happened simultaneously. The first event was that Breathe-O-Smart Inc. issued a statement to the effect that best results were achieved by using their systems in temperate climates.
The second event was the breakdown of a Breathe-O-Smart system on a particularly hot and humid day with the resulting evacuation of many hundreds of office staff into the street where they met the third event, which was a rampaging mob of long distance telephone operators who had got so twisted with having to say, all day and every day, 'Thank you for using BS&S,' to every single idiot who picked up a phone that they had finally taken to the streets with trash cans, megaphones and rifles.'
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
'Bees need pollen to feed their young, and during the trap survey in
August 2016, there weren’t a lot of other flowers blooming. Hardly
anything is known about the nutritional qualities of hemp pollen for
larval bees. Yet, commercial hemp plots may end up as rare food sources
for pollinators in stressful times, O’Brien said. Honeybee health has
faltered in recent years, and conservationists also worry about the
fates of the many, less-studied wild bees. O’Brien urged crop scientists
now developing the pest fighting strategies for outdoor hemp to be
mindful of bee health.'
Even the bees love it just like man and other animals...
'Dioecious and wind-pollinated, staminate hemp plants exhibit mass pollen shedding. At this point in the season many crops have completed bloom leading to a dearth of nutritional resources for pollinators. Thus, hemp becomes a valuable pollen source for foraging bees, giving it the potential to have a strong ecological value. We describe the diversity and abundance of bees in flowering hemp. We recovered 23 unique bee genera and a diverse number of other insects in hemp fields. Apis mellifera (38%), Melissodes (25%), Peponapis (16%) and Bombus (5%) accounted for over 80% of the total bee abundance in our samples.'
'Though not widely used today, hemp bioplastics have been around for nearly as long as plastic itself. What makes hemp a particularly good source for such applications is that it is biodegradable, uses fewer resources to cultivate, and contains cellulose concentrations (65%-70%) on par with some of the leading sources for plastic.
Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford was so impressed with hemp bioplastics that he relied on it to design a hemp-based car in 1941 (though it never went into production), when he publicly pondered “why use up the forests… if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?”
Nearly a century later, entrepreneurs and investors are again heeding Ford’s interests. Auto manufacturers have begun designing cars with bodies fashioned from hemp-composite materials, luxury automaker Porsche being the most recent example. Other companies, such as recent Sicilian entrant Kanesis, are producing a 3D-printer filament made entirely from hemp-based- plastics.'
'"The industrial cannabis fiber that is used in composite making absorbs radiation," he said, adding the scanner also disinfects luggage during the scanning period.
"The x-ray scanner was patented in 144 countries," he added.
Standard x-ray scanners emit very low-dose radiation, according to the British Institute of Radiology.
The firm is also working on a bullet-proof vest manufactured with cannabis composite, said Gokcimen.
He said the vests are lighter, cheaper and 20 times more durable than standard bullet-proof vests.'
Even the bees love it just like man and other animals...
'Dioecious and wind-pollinated, staminate hemp plants exhibit mass pollen shedding. At this point in the season many crops have completed bloom leading to a dearth of nutritional resources for pollinators. Thus, hemp becomes a valuable pollen source for foraging bees, giving it the potential to have a strong ecological value. We describe the diversity and abundance of bees in flowering hemp. We recovered 23 unique bee genera and a diverse number of other insects in hemp fields. Apis mellifera (38%), Melissodes (25%), Peponapis (16%) and Bombus (5%) accounted for over 80% of the total bee abundance in our samples.'
'Though not widely used today, hemp bioplastics have been around for nearly as long as plastic itself. What makes hemp a particularly good source for such applications is that it is biodegradable, uses fewer resources to cultivate, and contains cellulose concentrations (65%-70%) on par with some of the leading sources for plastic.
Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford was so impressed with hemp bioplastics that he relied on it to design a hemp-based car in 1941 (though it never went into production), when he publicly pondered “why use up the forests… if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?”
Nearly a century later, entrepreneurs and investors are again heeding Ford’s interests. Auto manufacturers have begun designing cars with bodies fashioned from hemp-composite materials, luxury automaker Porsche being the most recent example. Other companies, such as recent Sicilian entrant Kanesis, are producing a 3D-printer filament made entirely from hemp-based- plastics.'
'"The industrial cannabis fiber that is used in composite making absorbs radiation," he said, adding the scanner also disinfects luggage during the scanning period.
"The x-ray scanner was patented in 144 countries," he added.
Standard x-ray scanners emit very low-dose radiation, according to the British Institute of Radiology.
The firm is also working on a bullet-proof vest manufactured with cannabis composite, said Gokcimen.
He said the vests are lighter, cheaper and 20 times more durable than standard bullet-proof vests.'
'We know that even single exposures to these chemicals, if the amount is large enough, can precipitate acute poisoning. But this is not the major problem. The sudden illness or death of farmers, spraymen, pilots, and others exposed to appreciable quantities of pesticides are tragic and should not occur. For the population as a whole, we must be more concerned with the delayed effects of absorbing small amounts of pesticides that invisibly contaminate our world.
Responsible public health officials have pointed out that the biological effects of chemicals are cumulative over long periods of time, and that the hazard to the individual may depend on the sum of the exposures recieved throughout his lifetime. For these very reasons the danger is easily ignored. It is human nature to shrug off what may seem to us a vague threat of future disaster. 'Men are naturally most impressed by disease which have obvious manifestations.' says a wise physician, Dr. Rene Dubos, 'yet some of their worst enemies creep on them unobtrusively.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'Hemp is an incredibly useful substance. From textiles to soap, hemp and its derivatives can be used as substitutes for various household products. Yet, beyond everyday items, there are myriad uses for hemp that one can barely imagine. Here are three particularly remarkable uses for hemp:'
'The study could prove helpful as ecologists attempt to address declining bee populations. The insects “continue to face debilitating challenges due to a number of different stressors,” the researchers wrote, but chief among them is the overall health of their respective habitats.
Finding a suitable pollinating crop to improve their habitats is, therefore, critical to the lives of bees and the ecosystems they occupy. Hemp “can thus be an ecologically valuable crop whose flowers are attractive to managed honey bees and a wide range of wild bees,” the researchers concluded.
“In addition, access to crucial phytochemicals through pollen and nectar from diverse plant sources is important for improved survival and pathogen tolerance in honey bees,” the team wrote. “Further studies analyzing the nutritive value of hemp pollen, would provide strong evidence in support of the ecological benefits.”'
'Living soil is often thought of as planting material that centers on compost and has an active microbiology and biodiversity, which can include worms and their castings, protozoa, healthy bacteria, amoebas, kelp extracts and even glacial rock dust.
Cultivators who create a biodiverse growing media don’t need to rely on fertilizers because microbes eat and digest compounds that create bioavailable fertilizers.
As a result, those growers also report larger yields and better terpenes.'
Responsible public health officials have pointed out that the biological effects of chemicals are cumulative over long periods of time, and that the hazard to the individual may depend on the sum of the exposures recieved throughout his lifetime. For these very reasons the danger is easily ignored. It is human nature to shrug off what may seem to us a vague threat of future disaster. 'Men are naturally most impressed by disease which have obvious manifestations.' says a wise physician, Dr. Rene Dubos, 'yet some of their worst enemies creep on them unobtrusively.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'Hemp is an incredibly useful substance. From textiles to soap, hemp and its derivatives can be used as substitutes for various household products. Yet, beyond everyday items, there are myriad uses for hemp that one can barely imagine. Here are three particularly remarkable uses for hemp:'
'The study could prove helpful as ecologists attempt to address declining bee populations. The insects “continue to face debilitating challenges due to a number of different stressors,” the researchers wrote, but chief among them is the overall health of their respective habitats.
Finding a suitable pollinating crop to improve their habitats is, therefore, critical to the lives of bees and the ecosystems they occupy. Hemp “can thus be an ecologically valuable crop whose flowers are attractive to managed honey bees and a wide range of wild bees,” the researchers concluded.
“In addition, access to crucial phytochemicals through pollen and nectar from diverse plant sources is important for improved survival and pathogen tolerance in honey bees,” the team wrote. “Further studies analyzing the nutritive value of hemp pollen, would provide strong evidence in support of the ecological benefits.”'
'Living soil is often thought of as planting material that centers on compost and has an active microbiology and biodiversity, which can include worms and their castings, protozoa, healthy bacteria, amoebas, kelp extracts and even glacial rock dust.
Cultivators who create a biodiverse growing media don’t need to rely on fertilizers because microbes eat and digest compounds that create bioavailable fertilizers.
As a result, those growers also report larger yields and better terpenes.'
'This system, however - deliberately poisoning our food, then policing the result - is too reminiscent of Lewis Carroll's White Knight who thought of 'a plan to dye one's whiskers green, and always use so large a fan that they could not be seen.' The ultimate answer is to use less toxic chemicals so that the public hazard from their misuse is greatly reduced.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'“We partnered with fiber technology specialists to create a 'cottonization’ process that softens the fiber — using very little energy or chemical processing — to make it look, and more importantly feel, almost indistinguishable from cotton,” reads an announcement from Levi’s.
Industrial hemp is often touted as a sustainable material that can be used to make everything from textiles to buildings to cars. Advocates hail hemp’s host of environmental benefits: It can capture carbon from the air and can also can decontaminate polluted soils. Meanwhile, it also requires a lot less water to grow compared to cotton.'
'It's a good look—for you and the planet. We've teamed up w/ @outerknown_live to bring you the first sustainable @LEVIS collection featuring hemp that's as comfortable as cotton.'
Most of the problems mentioned here seem to be as a result of over regulation and not treating the plant just like any other normal plant....
Solution need not be only engineering based, but can also be socially based where drug users shift to natural recreational drugs like marijuana which do not have the damaging effects that cocaine or pharmaceutical drugs or opioids have on the environment...
'Snow, who has studied the effect of drugs and other pollutants on aquatic life before, does hope research like Capaldo’s catches enough attention that people start thinking more about the consequences of things. But according to him, the solution might more likely come from engineering.'
'From a broader perspective, cannabis can be produced sustainably, and its many uses could help us to preserve the biosphere we all need to survive, relieving anxiety worldwide.'
'Joni Lane, LEED Green Associate, is a recent graduate of Boston Architectural College with a Masters in Sustainable Design Studies. She is passionate about creating valuable, sustainable and regenerative solutions by which humans can continue to live without threatening to render our planet uninhabitable. She believes great design has the power to change the world and has decided to focus her energy on healing our built environment with bio-based materials, specifically Hempcrete. Focusing on addressing indoor contaminants and their effect on our health, She strives to advance education and awareness of this very important public health issue to promote safe and healthy buildings.'
'“We partnered with fiber technology specialists to create a 'cottonization’ process that softens the fiber — using very little energy or chemical processing — to make it look, and more importantly feel, almost indistinguishable from cotton,” reads an announcement from Levi’s.
Industrial hemp is often touted as a sustainable material that can be used to make everything from textiles to buildings to cars. Advocates hail hemp’s host of environmental benefits: It can capture carbon from the air and can also can decontaminate polluted soils. Meanwhile, it also requires a lot less water to grow compared to cotton.'
'It's a good look—for you and the planet. We've teamed up w/ @outerknown_live to bring you the first sustainable @LEVIS collection featuring hemp that's as comfortable as cotton.'
Most of the problems mentioned here seem to be as a result of over regulation and not treating the plant just like any other normal plant....
Solution need not be only engineering based, but can also be socially based where drug users shift to natural recreational drugs like marijuana which do not have the damaging effects that cocaine or pharmaceutical drugs or opioids have on the environment...
'Snow, who has studied the effect of drugs and other pollutants on aquatic life before, does hope research like Capaldo’s catches enough attention that people start thinking more about the consequences of things. But according to him, the solution might more likely come from engineering.'
'From a broader perspective, cannabis can be produced sustainably, and its many uses could help us to preserve the biosphere we all need to survive, relieving anxiety worldwide.'
'Joni Lane, LEED Green Associate, is a recent graduate of Boston Architectural College with a Masters in Sustainable Design Studies. She is passionate about creating valuable, sustainable and regenerative solutions by which humans can continue to live without threatening to render our planet uninhabitable. She believes great design has the power to change the world and has decided to focus her energy on healing our built environment with bio-based materials, specifically Hempcrete. Focusing on addressing indoor contaminants and their effect on our health, She strives to advance education and awareness of this very important public health issue to promote safe and healthy buildings.'
'In short the Department of Agriculture embarked on its program without even elementary investigation of what was already known about the chemical to be used - or if it investigated, it ignored the findings. It must also have failed to do the preliminary research to discover the minimum amount of the chemical that would accomplish its purpose. After three years of heavy dosages, it abruptly reduced the rate of application of heptachlor from 2 pounds to 1 and 1/4 pounds per acre in 1959; later on to 1/2 pound per acre, applied in two treatments of 1/4 pound each, 3 to 6 months apart. An official of the Department explained that 'an aggressive methods improvement program' showed the lower rate to be effective. Had this information been acquired before the program was launched, a vast amount of damage could have been avoided and the taxpayers could have been saved a great deal of money.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'Dan shines a light on the dark and dirty traditions of cannabis cultivation and argues that a sun-grown future is the only sustainable pathway for a burgeoning new industry.
Dan Sutton believes that natural, sun-grown cultivation methods can enable a brighter future. In 2012, he took notice of the changing Canadian legislation around regulated cannabis, and began building a team of leading agricultural scientists. Together, they designed, built, and now operate a facility that produces the plant legally, distributing it through a subscription service for medicinal purposes. The entire operation is subject to intense regulation, and it is Dan’s business to know a lot about his product. The massive scope of cannabis cultivation today is a reality, legal or not. The world’s most profitable cash crop is being grown en masse in every state, province, and metropolitan city in North America. It is a decentralized, cellular, and multi-billion dollar black-market economy. A legal cannabis-cultivation industry with the potential to displace the dark market is emerging, and Dan believes it needs to leave the archaic bunker grow-op behind.'
Supplement your beer with cannabis for a greener carbon footprint...
CannaBit from New Frontier Data. Doesn't include energy cost of disposal for beer six-packs I assume..
- In terms of energy consumption per unit, roughly 1.2 kilowatt hours (kwH) of energy is required to produce 1 gram of cannabis, versus 0.2 KwH to produce 1 (12-oz.) bottle of beer.
- At those rates, the energy required to produce 1 gram of cannabis is equal to that required for a six-pack of beer.
- In 2017, 11.6 billion six-packs of beer were sold in the U.S., versus an estimated 7.33 billion grams of cannabis.
- In 2018, total grams of cannabis sold in the U.S. are projected to reach 7,710,286,220 (an increase of 5.2% from 2017).
'The startup is investing in the R&D of hempcrete that can be used as a standalone walling material, rivalling autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC), concrete masonry units, and fly-ash brick.
Apart from having all the desirable properties of its rivals such as light weight, thermal efficiency, and low cost, it also benefits from its carbon-negativity. The startup is supported by Bombay Hemp Company (BOHECO), which is supplying hemp for research at a subsidised rate.'
'Dan shines a light on the dark and dirty traditions of cannabis cultivation and argues that a sun-grown future is the only sustainable pathway for a burgeoning new industry.
Dan Sutton believes that natural, sun-grown cultivation methods can enable a brighter future. In 2012, he took notice of the changing Canadian legislation around regulated cannabis, and began building a team of leading agricultural scientists. Together, they designed, built, and now operate a facility that produces the plant legally, distributing it through a subscription service for medicinal purposes. The entire operation is subject to intense regulation, and it is Dan’s business to know a lot about his product. The massive scope of cannabis cultivation today is a reality, legal or not. The world’s most profitable cash crop is being grown en masse in every state, province, and metropolitan city in North America. It is a decentralized, cellular, and multi-billion dollar black-market economy. A legal cannabis-cultivation industry with the potential to displace the dark market is emerging, and Dan believes it needs to leave the archaic bunker grow-op behind.'
Supplement your beer with cannabis for a greener carbon footprint...
CannaBit from New Frontier Data. Doesn't include energy cost of disposal for beer six-packs I assume..
- In terms of energy consumption per unit, roughly 1.2 kilowatt hours (kwH) of energy is required to produce 1 gram of cannabis, versus 0.2 KwH to produce 1 (12-oz.) bottle of beer.
- At those rates, the energy required to produce 1 gram of cannabis is equal to that required for a six-pack of beer.
- In 2017, 11.6 billion six-packs of beer were sold in the U.S., versus an estimated 7.33 billion grams of cannabis.
- In 2018, total grams of cannabis sold in the U.S. are projected to reach 7,710,286,220 (an increase of 5.2% from 2017).
'The startup is investing in the R&D of hempcrete that can be used as a standalone walling material, rivalling autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC), concrete masonry units, and fly-ash brick.
Apart from having all the desirable properties of its rivals such as light weight, thermal efficiency, and low cost, it also benefits from its carbon-negativity. The startup is supported by Bombay Hemp Company (BOHECO), which is supplying hemp for research at a subsidised rate.'
'The deep roar of the ocean.
The break of waves on shores further than thought can find.
The silent thunders of the deep.
And from among it, voices calling, and yet not voices, humming trillings, wordlings, the half-articulated songs of thought.
Greetings, waves of greetings, sliding back into the inarticulate, words breaking together.
A crash of sorrow on the shores of the Earth.
Waves of joy on - where? A world indescribably found, indescribably arrived at, indescribably wet, a song of water.
A fugue of voices now, clamouring for explanations, of a disaster unavertable, a world to be destroyed, a surge of helplessness, a spasm of despair, a dying fall, again the break of the words.
And then the fling of hope, the finding of a shadow Earth in the implications of enfolded time, submerged dimensions, the pull of parallels, the deep pull, the spin of will, the hurl and split of it, the flight. A new Earth pulled into replacement, the dolphins gone.
Then stunningly a single voice, quite clear.
'This bowl was brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell.'
And then the sound of long, heavy, perfectly grey bodies rolling away into an unknown fathomless deep, quietly giggling.'
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
The break of waves on shores further than thought can find.
The silent thunders of the deep.
And from among it, voices calling, and yet not voices, humming trillings, wordlings, the half-articulated songs of thought.
Greetings, waves of greetings, sliding back into the inarticulate, words breaking together.
A crash of sorrow on the shores of the Earth.
Waves of joy on - where? A world indescribably found, indescribably arrived at, indescribably wet, a song of water.
A fugue of voices now, clamouring for explanations, of a disaster unavertable, a world to be destroyed, a surge of helplessness, a spasm of despair, a dying fall, again the break of the words.
And then the fling of hope, the finding of a shadow Earth in the implications of enfolded time, submerged dimensions, the pull of parallels, the deep pull, the spin of will, the hurl and split of it, the flight. A new Earth pulled into replacement, the dolphins gone.
Then stunningly a single voice, quite clear.
'This bowl was brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell.'
And then the sound of long, heavy, perfectly grey bodies rolling away into an unknown fathomless deep, quietly giggling.'
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
'The fisheries of fresh and salt water are a resource of great importance, involving the interests and the welfare of a very large number of people. That they are now seriously threatened by the chemicals entering our waters can no longer be doubted. If we could divert to constructive research even a small fraction of the money spent each year on the development of even more toxic sprays, we could find ways to use less dangerous materials and to keep poisons out of our waterways. When will the public become sufficiently aware of the facts to demand such action? - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'Branson suggested that rather than expanding current dairy operations, New Zealand should look to cannabis farming as an alternative, saying that it would have a smaller environmental impact.
"I think that would be wonderful, because obviously, the amount of dairy cows that New Zealand has is damaging the rivers; if you could put some of that land over into growing cannabis, [it] would be just as profitable for them, if not more profitable," Branson told Newshub'
'The pressures of climate change, natural resource scarcity and environmental pollution have fuelled interest in bio-economically sustainable agronomy that requires effective use of scarcely available resources. A range of focused studies have indicated that hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) may be a suitable crop for the bio-economy. Hemp is a high-yielding multi-purpose crop that requires low inputs and has a positive impact on the environment. Its stems contain high-quality cellulose; high added-value compounds can be recovered from the female inflorescence and from threshing residues after harvesting the seeds, that contain healthy oil. Although once an important crop to produce raw materials for textiles and ropes, hemp acreage declined in the last century and was displaced largely by cotton and synthetic fibers. Consequently, little attention has been paid to understanding the physiological basis of the high resource-use efficiency of hemp'
'On an acre of land, ihemp (industrial hemp) crop will generate 2/3 times more fibre than a crop of cotton. iHemp fibre is stronger and softer as compared to cotton and will last much longer. Cotton requires a moderate climate and lots of water to grow, on the other hand, ihemp can even endure frost and would flourish with only moderate amounts of water. Moreover, the ihemp crop needs no pesticides or herbicides, it can sustain well with a moderate amount of fertilizer'
To use words like tainted and notorious for some variations of a plant species while calling other variations of the same plant acceptable depending on how high you get is highly absurd. We are talking about a plant here..legalize all its variations and stop this hair-splitting...
'The taint of association with marijuana was all to familiar to hemp entrepreneurs like David Brickman whose store Hemp It Up on Park Avenue in Rochester sold products like paper made from hemp pulp, hemp fabric woven into products like hats, bags, or t-shirts, as well as CBD products like oils, lotions and vape solution.'
'Branson suggested that rather than expanding current dairy operations, New Zealand should look to cannabis farming as an alternative, saying that it would have a smaller environmental impact.
"I think that would be wonderful, because obviously, the amount of dairy cows that New Zealand has is damaging the rivers; if you could put some of that land over into growing cannabis, [it] would be just as profitable for them, if not more profitable," Branson told Newshub'
'The pressures of climate change, natural resource scarcity and environmental pollution have fuelled interest in bio-economically sustainable agronomy that requires effective use of scarcely available resources. A range of focused studies have indicated that hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) may be a suitable crop for the bio-economy. Hemp is a high-yielding multi-purpose crop that requires low inputs and has a positive impact on the environment. Its stems contain high-quality cellulose; high added-value compounds can be recovered from the female inflorescence and from threshing residues after harvesting the seeds, that contain healthy oil. Although once an important crop to produce raw materials for textiles and ropes, hemp acreage declined in the last century and was displaced largely by cotton and synthetic fibers. Consequently, little attention has been paid to understanding the physiological basis of the high resource-use efficiency of hemp'
'On an acre of land, ihemp (industrial hemp) crop will generate 2/3 times more fibre than a crop of cotton. iHemp fibre is stronger and softer as compared to cotton and will last much longer. Cotton requires a moderate climate and lots of water to grow, on the other hand, ihemp can even endure frost and would flourish with only moderate amounts of water. Moreover, the ihemp crop needs no pesticides or herbicides, it can sustain well with a moderate amount of fertilizer'
To use words like tainted and notorious for some variations of a plant species while calling other variations of the same plant acceptable depending on how high you get is highly absurd. We are talking about a plant here..legalize all its variations and stop this hair-splitting...
'The taint of association with marijuana was all to familiar to hemp entrepreneurs like David Brickman whose store Hemp It Up on Park Avenue in Rochester sold products like paper made from hemp pulp, hemp fabric woven into products like hats, bags, or t-shirts, as well as CBD products like oils, lotions and vape solution.'
'In each of these situations one turns away to ponder the question: Who has made the decision that sets in motion these chains of poisonings, this ever-widening wave of death that spreads out, like ripples when a pebble is dropped into a still pond? Who has placed in one pan of the scales the leaves that might have been eaten by the beetles and in the other the pitiful heaps of many-hued feathers, the lifeless remains of the birds that fell before the unselective bludgeon of insecticidal poisons? Who has decided - who has the right to decide - for the countless legions of people who were not consulted that the supreme value is a world without insects, even though it be also a sterile world ungraced by the curving wing of a bird in flight? The decision is that of the authoritarian temporarily entrusted with power; he has made it during a period of inattention by millions to whom beauty and the ordered world of nature still have a meaning that is deep and imperative.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'A car made mostly of heated, treated and molded hemp, says Crosky, could simply be buried at its life end and then consumed naturally by bacteria.'
'The Declaration of Independence was drafted on paper made from it. Henry Ford built car parts with it. George Washington grew it. Now, as more farmers are allowed to harvest this multi-purpose plant, hemp might see a new heyday—in homes.
Its oil and fiber can be used to make thousands of products including textiles, health foods, and Mercedes-Benz door panels
“There’s so much potential,” Steenstra says, pointing to Clarkson University research that found hemp can also be used to make ultrafast supercapacitors that—like batteries—store and release energy.'
'The findings could nevertheless help inform a “novel approach for controlling blood-sucking mosquitoes and sand flies,” the study authors concluded. “Attractive toxic sugar baits” are already used to contain infected sand flies; adding a cannabis extract to the solution could plausibly make it even more effective, reducing overall exposure to disease.'
'A car made mostly of heated, treated and molded hemp, says Crosky, could simply be buried at its life end and then consumed naturally by bacteria.'
'The Declaration of Independence was drafted on paper made from it. Henry Ford built car parts with it. George Washington grew it. Now, as more farmers are allowed to harvest this multi-purpose plant, hemp might see a new heyday—in homes.
Its oil and fiber can be used to make thousands of products including textiles, health foods, and Mercedes-Benz door panels
“There’s so much potential,” Steenstra says, pointing to Clarkson University research that found hemp can also be used to make ultrafast supercapacitors that—like batteries—store and release energy.'
'The findings could nevertheless help inform a “novel approach for controlling blood-sucking mosquitoes and sand flies,” the study authors concluded. “Attractive toxic sugar baits” are already used to contain infected sand flies; adding a cannabis extract to the solution could plausibly make it even more effective, reducing overall exposure to disease.'
'These insecticides are not selective poisons; they do not single out the one species of which we desire to be rid. Each of them is used for the simple reason that it is a deadly poison. It therefore poisons all life with which it comes in contact: the cat beloved of some family, the farmer's cattle, the rabbit in the field, and the horned lark out of the sky. These creatures are innocent of any harm to man. Indeed by their very existence they and their fellows make his life more pleasant. Yet he rewards them with a death that is not only sudden but horrible.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'But while hempcrete is a natural alternative to fossil-based concrete, the most common method for pulping the crop to use its fibers is wasteful, according to a summary of the study. The so-called Kraft pulping process—which involves treating hemps stalks with hot water, sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide to separate the fibers—produces seven tons of toxic waste for every ton of pulp extracted, it says.
With that in mind, the EPA grant will go toward the development of hempcrete using a more sustainable pulping process. Researchers will use co-solvent enhanced lignocellulosic fractionation technology “to allow for much cleaner and faster pulping of hemp fibers without the production of [toxic waste].”'
Legalize the ganja, save the snake...
'Rom Whitaker, Trustee, Centre for Herpetology/Madras Crocodile Bank, criticises the very idea saying that getting high due to snake bites are rumours, idiotic and bogus claims. He cautions youngsters saying, “A bite from a venomous snake will cause pain, debilitation or even death, but it will not make you high”. An official of the Guindy Snake Park too corroborates this.'
I don't think that ganja cultivation per se is a threat to wildlife if grown organically. It is because it is considered illegal that it has a criminal edge to it, draws the wrong kind of interest and pushes cultivation into the forests..if legalized, it can become a sustainable form of livelihood for forest dwelling communities, helping them to survive and aid in the overall conservation activities..
'A senior official of the Forest Department whom The Hindu spoke to on Sunday said that only a multi-tier security system including use of drones can protect the tiger reserves in the State from poaching, ganja cultivation, and other threats to the wildlife.'
Yes to marijuana and no to weapons and illegal wildlife trade...
'After five minutes in the room, which was filled with packets of cannabis, MDMA and cocaine, the royal joked: 'We had better get out before we have a drugs test!''
'The water agency’s cannabis-enforcement mission lines up well with local law enforcement and district attorneys. Environmental damage remains one of several crimes that can make marijuana cultivation a felony under the state’s new, more permissive cannabis laws.'
'But while hempcrete is a natural alternative to fossil-based concrete, the most common method for pulping the crop to use its fibers is wasteful, according to a summary of the study. The so-called Kraft pulping process—which involves treating hemps stalks with hot water, sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide to separate the fibers—produces seven tons of toxic waste for every ton of pulp extracted, it says.
With that in mind, the EPA grant will go toward the development of hempcrete using a more sustainable pulping process. Researchers will use co-solvent enhanced lignocellulosic fractionation technology “to allow for much cleaner and faster pulping of hemp fibers without the production of [toxic waste].”'
Legalize the ganja, save the snake...
'Rom Whitaker, Trustee, Centre for Herpetology/Madras Crocodile Bank, criticises the very idea saying that getting high due to snake bites are rumours, idiotic and bogus claims. He cautions youngsters saying, “A bite from a venomous snake will cause pain, debilitation or even death, but it will not make you high”. An official of the Guindy Snake Park too corroborates this.'
I don't think that ganja cultivation per se is a threat to wildlife if grown organically. It is because it is considered illegal that it has a criminal edge to it, draws the wrong kind of interest and pushes cultivation into the forests..if legalized, it can become a sustainable form of livelihood for forest dwelling communities, helping them to survive and aid in the overall conservation activities..
'A senior official of the Forest Department whom The Hindu spoke to on Sunday said that only a multi-tier security system including use of drones can protect the tiger reserves in the State from poaching, ganja cultivation, and other threats to the wildlife.'
Yes to marijuana and no to weapons and illegal wildlife trade...
'After five minutes in the room, which was filled with packets of cannabis, MDMA and cocaine, the royal joked: 'We had better get out before we have a drugs test!''
'The water agency’s cannabis-enforcement mission lines up well with local law enforcement and district attorneys. Environmental damage remains one of several crimes that can make marijuana cultivation a felony under the state’s new, more permissive cannabis laws.'
'As ground and surface waters are contaminated with pesticides and other chemicals, there is danger that not only poisonous but also cancer-producing substances are being introduced into public water supplies. Dr. W. C. Hueper of the National Cancer Institute has warned that 'the danger of cancer hazards from the consumption of contaminated drinking water will grow considerably within the foreseeable future.' And indeed a study made in Holland in the early 1950s provides support for the view that polluted waterways may carry a cancer hazard. Cities recieving their drinking water from rivers had a higher death rate from cancer than did those whose water came from sources presumably less susceptible to pollution such as wells.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'"When you have thousands of unpermitted grows and only a handful of biologists that regulate that for multiple counties, we're deeply concerned that there aren't sufficient conservation protective measures in place," Gabriel said in the statement. "If no one is investigating the level at which private marijuana cultivators are placing chemicals out there, the fragmented forest landscapes created by these sites can serve as source points of exposure for owls and other wildlife."'
Cannabis cultivation needs to at some point stabilize with outdoor cultivation as the norm as much as possible. The desire to make a quick buck will burn a hole in the planet through this industry as well like all the others if we don't slow down and go natural as much as possible. One of the most important things that cannabis is about is slowing down the burn rate of the planet
'Because cannabis cultivation energy use is so high — roughly 10 times that of a typical office building, according to a study last year — even covering an entire growing facility roof with solar panels would likely offset no more than 20 percent of total electricity consumption.
Campbell said this level could be increased by combining solar with battery storage and co-generation plants in a microgrid.'
'"When you have thousands of unpermitted grows and only a handful of biologists that regulate that for multiple counties, we're deeply concerned that there aren't sufficient conservation protective measures in place," Gabriel said in the statement. "If no one is investigating the level at which private marijuana cultivators are placing chemicals out there, the fragmented forest landscapes created by these sites can serve as source points of exposure for owls and other wildlife."'
Cannabis cultivation needs to at some point stabilize with outdoor cultivation as the norm as much as possible. The desire to make a quick buck will burn a hole in the planet through this industry as well like all the others if we don't slow down and go natural as much as possible. One of the most important things that cannabis is about is slowing down the burn rate of the planet
'Because cannabis cultivation energy use is so high — roughly 10 times that of a typical office building, according to a study last year — even covering an entire growing facility roof with solar panels would likely offset no more than 20 percent of total electricity consumption.
Campbell said this level could be increased by combining solar with battery storage and co-generation plants in a microgrid.'
'The Universe - some information to help you live in it.
1 Area: Infinite
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy offers this definition of the word 'Infinite'.
Infinite: Bigger than the biggest thing ever and then some. Much bigger than that , in fact, really amazingly immense, a totally stunning size, real 'wow, that's big' time. Infinity is just so big that by comparison bigness itself looks really titchy. Gigantic multiplied by colossal multiplied by staggeringly huge is the sort of concept we're trying to get across here.
2 Imports: None.
It is impossible to import things into an infinite area, there being no outside to import things in from.
3 Exports: None.
See Imports.
4 Population: None
It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.
5. Monetary Units: None
In fact there are three freely convertible currencies in the Galaxy, but none of them count. The Altairian dollar has recently collapsed, the Flainian Pobble Bead is only exchangeable for other Flainian Pobble Beads, and the Triganic Pu has its own very special problems. Its exchange rate of eight Ningis to one Pu is simple enough, but since a Ningi is a triangular rubber coin six thousand miles long along each side, no one has ever collected enough to own one Pu. Ningis are not negotiable currency, because the Galactibanks refuse to deal in fiddling small change. From this basic premise it is very simple to prove that the Galactibanks are also the product of a deranged imagination.'
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
'To protect the state’s water resources, marihuana growing and processing operations may be subject to Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) reporting and permitting requirements. The following provides guidance on those requirements as may be applicable to marihuana cultivation and processing operations. Please note, while this list covers most state programs designed to protect water quality, other federal, state, and local regulations or programs may apply.'
'There is still very limited awareness of the nature of the threat. This is an era of specialists, each of whom sees his own problem and is unaware or intolerant of the larger frame into which it fits. It is also an era dominated by industry, in which the right to make a dollar at whatever cost is seldom challenged. When the public protests, confronted with some obvious evidence of damaging results of pesticide applications, it is fed little tranquilizing pills of half truth. We urgently need an end to these false assurances, to the sugar coating of unpalatable facts. It is the public that is being asked to assume the risks that the insect controllers calculate. The public must decide whether it wishes to continue on the present road, and it can only do so when it is in full possesion of the facts. In the words of Jean Rostand, 'The obligation to endure gives us the right to know.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
More energy input, more plant output...maybe better for big business and quick bucks in the short term..but may not be so for the plant and the planet in the long term...24 hour artificial lighting takes up a lot of energy...personally I would rather grow at my natural pace and live my normal life span than be fast tracked with some artificial inputs to reach adulthood at 1/3rd the time...the plant may probably feel the same way too...and if it doesn't like being fast tracked it may express its displeasure when you consume it...maybe?
'While outdoor grows abound in California’s adult-use market, the state’s supply of recreational cannabis is dominated by indoor and greenhouse producers in Santa Barbara and Humboldt counties.
According to licensing data released by the California Department of Food and Agriculture, 1,192 of the 2,906 recreational cultivation licenses issued throughout the state – or 41% – were for outdoor grows.
However, more than 80% of the state’s current estimated annual adult-use production capacity comes from indoor or greenhouse cultivation operations. (Unlike greenhouses – which use natural sunlight – indoor grows rely exclusively on artificial lighting.)'
There is a kind of madness in the way the plant is currently being grown. Growing indoors when the plant was illegal to avoid detection may have started the trend, but to still continue to grow the plant under lights is basically just being greedy, impatient and wanting instant gratification. That's the opposite of everything the plant stands for. Any crop grown in this fashion for that matter will be totally unsustainable in terms of energy needs. Imagine growing your fruits and vegetables under 24 hour lights just because you want to fast forward its life cycle. Grow the plant slow, grow it under natural conditions as much as possible, then the prices will not crash and the environment will not get damaged.
'The energy demands start with lights that make a grow operations 70 times more energy intensive than a commercial office building. On average, lighting is about 38 percent of the energy demand, according to Denver’s environmental health department.'
'The following represents the opinion of the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) regarding the criteria for pesticides that may be used for the production of marijuana (as defined in RCW 69.50.101) in Washington.'
The same probably cannot be said of a vast number of occupations in the world today...
'Endotoxin area air sample concentrations ranged from below the limit of detection to 15 endotoxin units per cubic meter (EU/m3). Endotoxin breathing zone measurements (2.8–37EU/m3) were below the Dutch Expert Committee on Occupational Safety occupational exposure limit of 90/m3. During confidential medical interviews, no adverse health effects were reported by workers while harvesting or processing cannabis. '
More energy input, more plant output...maybe better for big business and quick bucks in the short term..but may not be so for the plant and the planet in the long term...24 hour artificial lighting takes up a lot of energy...personally I would rather grow at my natural pace and live my normal life span than be fast tracked with some artificial inputs to reach adulthood at 1/3rd the time...the plant may probably feel the same way too...and if it doesn't like being fast tracked it may express its displeasure when you consume it...maybe?
'While outdoor grows abound in California’s adult-use market, the state’s supply of recreational cannabis is dominated by indoor and greenhouse producers in Santa Barbara and Humboldt counties.
According to licensing data released by the California Department of Food and Agriculture, 1,192 of the 2,906 recreational cultivation licenses issued throughout the state – or 41% – were for outdoor grows.
However, more than 80% of the state’s current estimated annual adult-use production capacity comes from indoor or greenhouse cultivation operations. (Unlike greenhouses – which use natural sunlight – indoor grows rely exclusively on artificial lighting.)'
There is a kind of madness in the way the plant is currently being grown. Growing indoors when the plant was illegal to avoid detection may have started the trend, but to still continue to grow the plant under lights is basically just being greedy, impatient and wanting instant gratification. That's the opposite of everything the plant stands for. Any crop grown in this fashion for that matter will be totally unsustainable in terms of energy needs. Imagine growing your fruits and vegetables under 24 hour lights just because you want to fast forward its life cycle. Grow the plant slow, grow it under natural conditions as much as possible, then the prices will not crash and the environment will not get damaged.
'The energy demands start with lights that make a grow operations 70 times more energy intensive than a commercial office building. On average, lighting is about 38 percent of the energy demand, according to Denver’s environmental health department.'
'The following represents the opinion of the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) regarding the criteria for pesticides that may be used for the production of marijuana (as defined in RCW 69.50.101) in Washington.'
The same probably cannot be said of a vast number of occupations in the world today...
'Endotoxin area air sample concentrations ranged from below the limit of detection to 15 endotoxin units per cubic meter (EU/m3). Endotoxin breathing zone measurements (2.8–37EU/m3) were below the Dutch Expert Committee on Occupational Safety occupational exposure limit of 90/m3. During confidential medical interviews, no adverse health effects were reported by workers while harvesting or processing cannabis. '
'To Albert Schweitzer who said 'Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. He will end by destroying the earth.'
'I am pessimistic about the human race because it is too ingenious for its own good. Our approach to nature is to beat it into submission. We would stand a better chance of survival if we accommodated ourselves to this planet and viewed it appreciatively instead of skeptically and dictatorially. E.B White.'
- Dedications in Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
'Washington state regulators are discussing changes to the recreational marijuana program, including implementing mandatory pesticide testing in the near future.'
'Moreover, experts told Marijuana Business Magazine that investing in environmental improvements and efficiencies – even beyond those required by law – might mean the difference between success and failure in these days of razor-thin wholesale margins among growers.'
'The most concerning are transportation/traffic and greenhouse gas emissions, because the commercial cannabis industry is forcing and constraining a multibillion-dollar industry on California’s roadways. All cannabis is moved on the roadways by cars and light-duty trucks.
From distribution to delivery services, that’s certainly a potentially significant impact especially in light of California’s known traffic and emissions issues.'
'I am pessimistic about the human race because it is too ingenious for its own good. Our approach to nature is to beat it into submission. We would stand a better chance of survival if we accommodated ourselves to this planet and viewed it appreciatively instead of skeptically and dictatorially. E.B White.'
- Dedications in Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
'Washington state regulators are discussing changes to the recreational marijuana program, including implementing mandatory pesticide testing in the near future.'
'Moreover, experts told Marijuana Business Magazine that investing in environmental improvements and efficiencies – even beyond those required by law – might mean the difference between success and failure in these days of razor-thin wholesale margins among growers.'
'The most concerning are transportation/traffic and greenhouse gas emissions, because the commercial cannabis industry is forcing and constraining a multibillion-dollar industry on California’s roadways. All cannabis is moved on the roadways by cars and light-duty trucks.
From distribution to delivery services, that’s certainly a potentially significant impact especially in light of California’s known traffic and emissions issues.'
'Dr. Briejer says:
It is more than clear that we are traveling a dangerous road....We are going to have to do some very energetic research on other control measures, measures that will have to be biological, not chemical. Our aim should be to guide natural processes as cautiously as possible in the desired direction rather than to use brute force...
We need a more high-minded orientation and a deeper insight, which I miss in many researchers. Life is a miracle beyond our comprehension, and we should reverence it even where we have to struggle against it...The resort to weapons such as insecticides to control it is a proof of insufficient knowledge and of an incapacity so to guide the processes of nature that brute force becomes unnecessary. Humbleness is in order; there is no excuse for scientific conceit here.'- Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
Contaminated soil, water and the greed for more profits appears to be affecting the marijuana industry in similar ways to other agriculture based industries creating a market for organic pot at a premium. Grow your own is probably the best option in a world where profits at any cost is the norm and adequate measures of quality are not yet fully in place...
Grow your cannabis outdoors in natural sunlight if you live in places with sufficient sunlight..it's better...
Weekly CannaBit from New Frontier Data:
- Indoor cultivators use 18 times more energy to produce one gram of cannabis than outdoor cultivators use (kWh/gram)
- Lighting demand for indoor cannabis cultivation operations is 70 times more energy intensive than commercial office buildings
- While outdoor may produce more grams per kWh of energy, indoor cultivation produces more grams per square foot
- Indoor cultivation produces nearly 25 times more carbon (lbs CO2/gram) than outdoor cultivation
Legalizing at the federal level, working towards legalization at the global level, creating a supportive environment for legal growers and bringing down the overall price of the plant to minimum levels will help to prevent fast forward growth using artificial lighting, prevent usage of pesticides, prevent out of state diversion and out of country diversion, prevent illegal grows, etc. which are the results of lifting of decades of prohibition and the huge demand that this has created.
'But we didn't have 80,000 illegal plants in the forest before 2012. We didn't have carbofuran found in streams on the Western Slope of Colorado before legalization, we didn't have massive out-of-state diversion. It'd be impossible to prove exact causation, but it's something you have to look at chronologically.'
'Agencies concerned with vector-borne disease are at present coping with their problems by switching from one insecticide to another as resistance develops. But this cannot go on indefinitely, despite the ingenuity of the chemists in supplying new materials. Dr. Brown has pointed out that we are traveling 'a one-way street. No one knows how long the street is. If the dead end is reached before control of disease-carrying insects is achieved, our situation will indeed be critical.
With insects that infest crops the story is the same.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
Legalize marijuana so that tribal communities can cultivate and sell the crop and its related products as a sustainable form of livelihood...
'Beat policemen will work in tandem with clan leaders and womenfolk to reduce the availability and use of illicit spirit, hooch, drugs (marijuana and pain medication often used as a substitute for narcotics) in tribal areas.'
'Recent studies summarized in this review confirm that some molecules are poorly removed in STPs, which might therefore be considered an important point source of contamination. Most wastewater biological treatments do not completely remove these compounds, which flow into surface waters and eventually into ground waters.
Most of these residues still have potent pharmacological activities, and their presence in the aquatic environment may have potential implications for human health and wildlife. Even if environmental concentrations are low, these risks for human health and the environment cannot be excluded. Morphine, cocaine, methamphetamine, MDA and ecstasy all have strong activities, and their presence as complex mixtures in surface waters—together with residues of many therapeutic drugs—may lead to unforeseeable pharmacological interactions, with toxic effects on aquatic organisms. Drug residues might in fact have biological effects even at low environmental concentrations, as recently reported for mixtures of therapeutic pharmaceuticals (Pomati et al. 2006, 2007).'
'The illegal grows, where the highly toxic pesticide Carbofuran is prevalent, pose an increasing threat to water, wildlife and ultimately people, officials said. Researcher Mourad Gabriel told The Associated Press that he and his colleagues found the chemical at 72 percent of grow sites last year, up from 15 percent in 2012.'
Legalized organic farming is as important for cannabis cultivation as it is for any other crop to prevent secondary poisoning of wildlife from pesticides. The articles speaks of some interesting potential human benefits from marijuana as displayed by dusky-footed woodrats in their nesting behaviour - natural larvicides and repellents against mosquitoes, fleas and other insects ..
'In addition, dusky-footed woodrats incorporate plants with high monoterpene content, such as California bay (Umbellularia californica), into their nests, with evidence that these plants act as larvicides and repellants against fleas. Cannabis contains similar monoterpenes and can also act as a larvicide against mosquito and other insect larvae; anecdotal observations indicate that woodrats incorporate marijuana stalks into their nests.'
With insects that infest crops the story is the same.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
Legalize marijuana so that tribal communities can cultivate and sell the crop and its related products as a sustainable form of livelihood...
'Beat policemen will work in tandem with clan leaders and womenfolk to reduce the availability and use of illicit spirit, hooch, drugs (marijuana and pain medication often used as a substitute for narcotics) in tribal areas.'
'Recent studies summarized in this review confirm that some molecules are poorly removed in STPs, which might therefore be considered an important point source of contamination. Most wastewater biological treatments do not completely remove these compounds, which flow into surface waters and eventually into ground waters.
Most of these residues still have potent pharmacological activities, and their presence in the aquatic environment may have potential implications for human health and wildlife. Even if environmental concentrations are low, these risks for human health and the environment cannot be excluded. Morphine, cocaine, methamphetamine, MDA and ecstasy all have strong activities, and their presence as complex mixtures in surface waters—together with residues of many therapeutic drugs—may lead to unforeseeable pharmacological interactions, with toxic effects on aquatic organisms. Drug residues might in fact have biological effects even at low environmental concentrations, as recently reported for mixtures of therapeutic pharmaceuticals (Pomati et al. 2006, 2007).'
'The illegal grows, where the highly toxic pesticide Carbofuran is prevalent, pose an increasing threat to water, wildlife and ultimately people, officials said. Researcher Mourad Gabriel told The Associated Press that he and his colleagues found the chemical at 72 percent of grow sites last year, up from 15 percent in 2012.'
Legalized organic farming is as important for cannabis cultivation as it is for any other crop to prevent secondary poisoning of wildlife from pesticides. The articles speaks of some interesting potential human benefits from marijuana as displayed by dusky-footed woodrats in their nesting behaviour - natural larvicides and repellents against mosquitoes, fleas and other insects ..
'In addition, dusky-footed woodrats incorporate plants with high monoterpene content, such as California bay (Umbellularia californica), into their nests, with evidence that these plants act as larvicides and repellants against fleas. Cannabis contains similar monoterpenes and can also act as a larvicide against mosquito and other insect larvae; anecdotal observations indicate that woodrats incorporate marijuana stalks into their nests.'
'But it was the advent of DDT, and all its many relatives that ushered in the true Age of Resistance. It need have surprised no one with even the simplest knowledge of insects or of the dynamics of animal populations that within a matter of a very few years an ugly and dangerous problem had clearly defined itself. Yet awareness of the fact that insects possess an effective counterweapon to aggressive chemical attack seems to have dawned slowly. Only those concerned with disease-carrying insects seem by now to have been thoroughly aroused to the alarming nature of the situation; the agriculturists still for the most part blightly put their faith in the development of new and even more toxic chemicals, although the present difficulties have been born of just such specious reasoning.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'In the forests of Virunga National Park, a forager is searching for his hidden marijuana plants. The Pygmy indigenous communities of the Congo have harvested marijuana for as long as they can remember, but since being removed from the land to make way for the park in 1952, they have resorted to sneaking into the protected area to gather the plants. The journey is risky, and some are arrested by soldiers who patrol the village for the illegal drug.'
'In the forests of Virunga National Park, a forager is searching for his hidden marijuana plants. The Pygmy indigenous communities of the Congo have harvested marijuana for as long as they can remember, but since being removed from the land to make way for the park in 1952, they have resorted to sneaking into the protected area to gather the plants. The journey is risky, and some are arrested by soldiers who patrol the village for the illegal drug.'
'It is an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem. For instance, on the planet Earth, man has always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel, New York, wars and so on - whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man - for precisely the same reasons.
Curiously enough, the dolphins had long known of the impending destruction of the planet Earth and had made many attempts to alert mankind to the danger; but most of their communications were misinterpreted as amusing attempts to punch footballs or whistle for titbits, so they eventually gave up and left the Earth by their own means shortly before the Vogons arrived.
The last ever dolphin message was misinterpreted as a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to do a double-backwards somersault through a hoop whilst whistling the 'Star Spangled Banner', but in fact the message was this: So long, and thanks for all the fish.
In fact there was only one species on the planet more intelligent than dolphins, and they spent a lot of their time in behavioural research laboratories running round inside wheels and conducting frighteningly elegant and subtle experiments on man. The fact that once again man completely misinterpreted this relationship was entirely according to these creatures' plans.'
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
'The legalization of cannabis also means that rural farmers like Darwish are no longer required to hide out in the mountains in order to cultivate their crops. Not having to conceal their grows means less fragmentation of forested land, as well as increased accountability regarding the production of the final product. And outdoor cultivation slashes energy needs by eliminating the need for lighting.'
'Hempcrete panels are used as insulating infill of walls, roof, and under-floor offering great thermal and acoustic performance. Concerns in long-term performance of the plant in construction such as biological degradation, infestation, moisture, structural degradation, or fire "are solved with the presence of hydrated lime," says Brenner. Among the many benefits of building with hemp, he highlights "carbon-negative, non-toxic, fire-resistant, and mold-resistant.” It provides natural insulation, and it makes for a healthy and safe building site. When a building is demolished, the hempcrete can be recycled and reused in a new building.'
'Hempcrete panels are used as insulating infill of walls, roof, and under-floor offering great thermal and acoustic performance. Concerns in long-term performance of the plant in construction such as biological degradation, infestation, moisture, structural degradation, or fire "are solved with the presence of hydrated lime," says Brenner. Among the many benefits of building with hemp, he highlights "carbon-negative, non-toxic, fire-resistant, and mold-resistant.” It provides natural insulation, and it makes for a healthy and safe building site. When a building is demolished, the hempcrete can be recycled and reused in a new building.'
'Over the past decade these problems have cast long shadows, but we have been slow to recognize them. Most of those best fitted to develop natural controls and assist in putting them into effect have been too busy laboring in the exciting vineyards of chemical control. It was reported in 1950 that only 2 per cent of all the economic entomologists in the country were then working in the field of biological controls. A substantial number of the remaining 98 per cent were engaged in research on chemical insecticides.
Why should this be? The major chemical companies are pouring money into the universities to support research on insecticides. This creates attractive fellowships for graduate students and attractive staff positions. Biological control studies, on the other hand, are never so endowed - for the simple reason that they do not promise anyone the fortunes that are to be made in the chemical industry. These are left to state and federal agencies, where the salaries paid are far less.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'While the cannabis industry at large is not a major consumer of energy relative to high-user industries such as the automotive, steel, or medical-care industries, its energy use is significant, and important to its consumers. Legal cannabis cultivation in the U.S. consumes slightly more energy than that of all the Starbucks locations in the nation, but less than what it would take to run every electric car in the country, and an approximately equivalent amount to run 92,500 households for a year. Given that energy consumption is expected to increase 162% from 2017 to 2022, understanding consumption data becomes a vital bit of operational intelligence.'
More energy input, more plant output...maybe better for big business and quick bucks in the short term..but may not be so for the plant and the planet in the long term...24 hour artificial lighting takes up a lot of energy...personally I would rather grow at my natural pace and live my normal life span than be fast tracked with some artificial inputs to reach adulthood at 1/3rd the time...the plant may probably feel the same way too...and if it doesn't like being fast tracked it may express its displeasure when you consume it...maybe?
'While outdoor grows abound in California’s adult-use market, the state’s supply of recreational cannabis is dominated by indoor and greenhouse producers in Santa Barbara and Humboldt counties.
According to licensing data released by the California Department of Food and Agriculture, 1,192 of the 2,906 recreational cultivation licenses issued throughout the state – or 41% – were for outdoor grows.
However, more than 80% of the state’s current estimated annual adult-use production capacity comes from indoor or greenhouse cultivation operations. (Unlike greenhouses – which use natural sunlight – indoor grows rely exclusively on artificial lighting.)'
'Today we find our world filled with cancer-producing agents. An attack on cancer that is concentrated wholly or even largely on therapeutic measures (even assuming a 'cure' could be found) in Dr. Heuper's opinion will fail because it leaves untouched the great reservoirs of carcinogenic agents which would continue to claim new victims faster than the as yet 'elusive' cure could allay the disease.
Why have we been so slow to adopt this common-sense approach to the cancer problem? Probably 'the goal of curing victims of cancer is more exciting, more tangible, more glamourous and rewarding than prevention,' says Dr. Heuper. Yet to prevent cancer from ever being formed is 'definitely more humane' and can be 'much more effective than cancer cures'. Dr. Heuper has little patience with the wishful thinking that promises 'a magic pill that we shall take every morning before breakfast' as protection against cancer. Part of the public trust in such an eventual outcome results from the misconception that cancer is a single, though mysterious disease, with a single cause and, hopefully, a single cure. This of course is far from the known truth. Just as environmental cancers are induced by a wide variety of chemical and physical agents, so the malignant condition itself is manifested in many different and biologically distinct ways.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
Why have we been so slow to adopt this common-sense approach to the cancer problem? Probably 'the goal of curing victims of cancer is more exciting, more tangible, more glamourous and rewarding than prevention,' says Dr. Heuper. Yet to prevent cancer from ever being formed is 'definitely more humane' and can be 'much more effective than cancer cures'. Dr. Heuper has little patience with the wishful thinking that promises 'a magic pill that we shall take every morning before breakfast' as protection against cancer. Part of the public trust in such an eventual outcome results from the misconception that cancer is a single, though mysterious disease, with a single cause and, hopefully, a single cure. This of course is far from the known truth. Just as environmental cancers are induced by a wide variety of chemical and physical agents, so the malignant condition itself is manifested in many different and biologically distinct ways.' - Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962
'There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened'
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
There is another theory which states that this has already happened'
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Complete Trilogy of Five, Douglas Adams
To me the ganja plant sometimes appears to be the tiger's equivalent in the plant kingdom, an iconic creation of nature, hunted and destroyed by the ignorant, the extinction of which will be a definite signal of the end of man and life as we know it on this planet...
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